Words Have Power…Gospel of John

It’s amazing sighed Amo, the old gitter is being helped onto the toilet, he can hardly walk, but it doesn’t matter so long as he gets there, least he can sit normally, word power he says, how words can shock us or inspire us, frighten us, warm our hearts, constrict us, start a fire in us, simple words. The ears are always open to words, we are programmed to hear them. so long as we are allowed, that’s why there are those that restrict us, words, we don’t want that said, it will only upset our plans, the big reputation at risk, afraid to hear them, and what others might think, the framing of words, an art form. What do you mean Amo, asks the nurse, while helping him clean his ass. Words he sighs, it’s how we understand the world, we can’t do without them, how else can we communicate.

Solomon sighed, the way reputation is guarded, how voices are silenced, words usually. The only reputation worth having was one of the Spirit, the Spirit that enlightens, not the Spirit that darkens, words again, how we use them. The first words in the ancient scriptures, the word became alive, and the world was created, by Great Spirit, the light, word power again.

Those checking their bank accounts ought to do a check on their Spiritual well being, the words they use, the sentiment in the heart, were they merciful, did they try to achieve at any cost, did they undermine love in order to get what they wanted, did they blame others for their own lacking, a few words he sighed would sort it all out, word power again, same as a good prayer, amen.

Agent Stretch takes the stand….

The courtroom quietens, as if a hypnotic concoction caught them off guard. Counsel for the state, the chain of evidence, was there an effort to take a more private route agent stretch…Stretch looks for help from his lawyers bench, what am I supposed to say to that. Innocent Des poses the question, you claim he asked you for details of everything, and that when you offered him something, it was usually some sort of bribe, free drinks and such, is that right stretch. Drinks smiles stretch, he recalls the moment, be upright, Okay, he was a controlling influence in many lives, I’ve had enough says stretch, counsel sighs, would you like to take a sip of water, it looks like you’ve a great admission to make, the clear the chest moment. Counsel looks kindly at the jury, as if to say, we’re giving him a chance to clear the deck.

Aha, so what happened when you got back, everything, every detail, the dates even, it wasn’t until later I figured out what he was up to, he was building up a profile, when your in it, and your confidence is low, its easy to be fooled by those that have access to your personal STUFF, AND HOLD IT STRETCH, counsel is on his feet, quickly, I want to divert you agent stretch, did he ever discuss his personal stuff with you, or offer you anything in return for your silence and assistance. I didn’t assist, i was tricked, he is good at that. Counsel smiles to himself, its a gentle take down on his side, the false walls that were erected will reveal the real person.

So that journey to that place by the sea, we’ll not mention what people do at that time of evening in such places, our imagination might get lost in the fantasy, but this is not fantasy stretch, I hope you understand the seriousness of these times, Stretch swallows sharply, fingers at the shirt collar, loosening it. I do he says. Well did you ever discuss taking a more secure route, like what asks Stretch, lack of camera’s agent stretch, routes that are hard to follow, where the link is lost as such. No comment from stretch.

Over dinner later that evening, Counsel Des smiles, a good days work,amen.

Solomon on motives, God Most High checks them out, why we do what we do, its written about, wisdom says, amen. Those that have patience, think how fortunate not to rush to judgement, apart from Judging yourself, amen. There are moments of great salvation, through the righteous actions of those, who may have thought themselves, unworthy, amen.

One Point Three Million….

That’s a lot of kidneys, eyes, livers, stomachs, thigh bones, where did they put it all, and what religion did they follow anyway!. Well, we are all influenced as they say. The pastor leading the group of children through the tour of the Death Camp, hesitated, he didn’t have an answer to the young girls question. Could he say for sure, they were ours, or was it their’s. Solomon was reflecting on the power of forgiveness, and wondered if any lessons had been learned. There were still those within the church, trying to stifle argument and learning, their ways embedded in the past. He imagined the thoughts in all the young heads, wondering if they joined the dots; What they were looking at was, the remains of extremism mixed with religious fundamentalism gone awry, aided by the growth of new technology.

Maybe if there had been more women in the upper hierarchy of the church, more compassion would exist, something the victims would never be able to find out. Solomon saw efforts to direct his thoughts, that were man made. Regardless, what had to be said, would be said, amen. In the papers, the media was hawking stories of those with influence, who had gone astray. If you were poor they didn’t intervene, unless you did something so gross, that it would be of interest to a large audience. Six million in the furnaces, 50 million overall, trying to hang individuals, seemed out of sync, amen.


When you encounter the Holy Spirit, there is no hiding place. Solomon sighed, time to admit the mistakes and hopefully learn.

The Emperor

There are no problems. Behind the wall, amid the security, servants on demand, sycophants in the circle, all afraid to say it straight, too comfortable in their world, the crumbs from the table, sustaining them all, The King fakes a smile, he knows they all fear him.

Solomon was reminded of Daniel, the Prophet in times of old, the only one who could interpret the Kings dreams. It was the story of many fairy tales, all is well in Denmark she said, then a little child stands up, and said, can’t you see what is going on!.

Fear, or what, Solomon read a story, a true history, not a propaganda exercise, it told of many truths; truths that others in the past tried to tell, but were afraid of, or when they did, suffered the wrath of the sycophants. That which is hidden will be revealed, the worlds of Old.

Being a day of remembrance for those who died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, a horror that should never be forgotten, it being part of the History of the Human race; It was important to remind ourselves, of the lesson, how minds become twisted, how emotions are interfered with, and how a perfect storm can erupt from a combination of circumstances, whether the emperor likes it, or not.

The machines of war, made possible what happened, same as the nuclear devices, that some nations use as threats, amen.


All that grey matter, what is inside it, how do you store it, what does it entail, does it encourage you to be a good Samaritan, help you think of others, does it fill you with fear, there is a bang outside, we assume the worst, we see a head scarf, the face covered up, we feel strange, what is hidden frightens us. Jesus spoke the words of Life, light that fills you inside, not the dread, the dread we worry about. Imagine it, it was said all those years ago, still holds true, and there are changes in the atmosphere, as if our worries are being lifted from us, as we realize, there is a God Most High, and demons are afraid of the Spiritual power that springs from HIM. Now the bullies are in shock instead.

Little wonder sighed Solomon, when our heads are filled with all sorts of wants, we forget the One want that overcomes all our worries, amen.

Money Makers ….

Hear the saying, money makers never tire, they have boundless energy, all addicts do. Till the money runs out, or the drug runs dry, then it’s bedlam. Solomon was thinking of some nasty folks, who undermine the well being of all for a few bucks. How foolish he sighed, when there are signs of Godly intervention all around, how they shrivel inside knowing that Love, real love, is the only currency of interest to God. There are limits on what we need, there are limits on desire, sad for those with egos bigger than Mount Everest, what is in store for them, Only God Knows. 24 trillion off shore and mounting, they say all volcanoes burst, same as the waistline after too many feasts, amen.

Consumer Confidence

Cookies, habits, traits, how you respond in a crisis, your desires and needs, the basics that you have to have, how you respond to stimuli, and I am your consumer helper, I’ll get you what you want, and there are some of us, who will even get you a ticket to Heaven, well, you will enjoy the process, the results though, they can’t verify.

Solomon sighed, there was so much data mining going on; fine if it was a washing machine you are looking for, fine if it’s a mortgage, fine if it’s a boutique dress, a pair of shoes, a new hair do, we don’t mind; but when it comes to Spiritual well being, there are many frauds out there, and in times of change, they appear out of nowhere; those who will promise to transform your lives. As Jesus warned of frauds all those years ago, it was prudent to be aware of those words today.

Many people are fished everyday online; what happens when it’s done on a Spiritual level. Solomon encountered Great Spirit; If there is no joy, and you are left feeling down, those doing the Spiritual lifting, have little of the Spirit in them. As said, when the Spirit comes, you are directed to all that is life giving, no tricks or spying necessary, amen.

Moses and the Burning Bush

Lightning, the sky lights up, from nowhere, a bolt of light descends from the Sky, air traffic control that was close, missed by inches, a loud crack, the terror and screams nearby, it could have hit us. Solomon listened to the news, he was burning the green at the time, then heard the news, could it be real, the earth was on fire,

fire it seems. If a healthy environment is our get out of jail card, then everyone on the planet was getting a reminder, and as in olden times, when God chose to use a burning bush to communicate with his Prophet, many thousands of years later, the same was happening again. There were those bent on the destruction of the living environment for real short term gain, as if we hadn’t enough palm oil already.

Yes, the various environments needed support; the creator could only do so much, our free will does the rest, choices. A student of the ancient texts and striving to get a clearer impression of what it all means, Solomon thought the timing of the burning bush was apt, given that some world Leaders were meeting together, and talk was of the burning bush, not that it was meant to appear on the agenda, but when fire rages, who can afford to ignore it. Imagine, they meet up, discuss, never once wondering, if the fate of the burning bush, was a clear message to them, well, leaders lead, they don’t build castles in the sky.

Thirty thousand feet, the engine wobbles, everyone on the jet trembles, former certainty wanes, could this happen to us as well, yes it could sighed Solomon. Stories such as Moses and the burning bush, are there to remind us, of the many ways God communicates with us; this is a living planet and it does not belong to you, amen.

Doubles Dear!

Anyone for tennis, it’s summer, might as well get some exercise, doubles dear, cheaper than the gym, and you are likely to see others, whoever you meet. Stretch the muscles, touch the feet, warm up, it’s not exactly Wimbledon, but you know friends who’ve been there, you promise yourself you’ll visit one year, just to tell the others, that you were there, where ever there is. So many people wear an exterior that bore no relationship to the real self, ask any good homicide detective, the number of psycho’s out there. They can literally smell your fear, cause they have felt it themselves. Like demons, they get to know your habits, can dialogue with you, your hobbies, and the stuff of general interest, in a nutshell, they are living double lives, waiting for opportunity to appear.

The flow of Spirit was an area of intense interest to Solomon, how it is interfered with, the gimmicks used by those of bad intent, hoping to drown or destroy it, in the souls that still had it, those who failed to give up. It was easy to fall in with the power of the day, tell yourself, there was nothing you can do, almost as if you are drowning, just accept it, don’t even try to prevent it. Across the world, there were those vested with Great Spirit, who dealt with the toing and froing of life, the good news and the bad, the opinions of friends, the veritable suitcase of truths, which ones do you choose or believe, or do you pretend. Soaking it up and forgetting it a few minutes later, sounded like good advice, there was no point giving room to gibberish inside yourself, unless it was a comedy you were watching.

He was talking with an old friend, Solomon, that is, be amazed with what Heart Love can do, it brings out the light, it’s that simple. The affirmation arrives again, and again, signs from the heavens, the world is changing, it’s time to be yourselves, the real you, not the doubles partner you pretend to be, amen.


Can’t fill the gap inside, it’s impossible, can’t, I am going to throw up, she is on her feet and moving, not too bad he smiles, geeing up her Spirits. She is seriously wobbly, will collapse at the first obstacle, he holds her arm, he is leading her to the toilet. Spittle at the edge of the mouth, her hair once lush, has thinned out, he waits outside the door, making gestures to himself, this too will pass. Alcohol addiction, what a curse. He listens while she washes up, readies the energy, she will require his time for a few days, in order to get over the worst of it. The nerves will settle, it’s just the encouragement she needs at the start.

The bathroom door opens, there is a smile on her face, the same smile you would imagine on a small baby, after taking it’s first steps, i did it I did it, you sure did he sighed, how easy was that, a little effort, a smile on a face. She makes it back to the bedroom, her glass of water is half full, she will want a refill. A loud sigh, she is between the covers, food he asks, she shakes her head, I will get you a glass of water instead. He leaves the room, ventures to the kitchen, takes a deep breath, slogans come to mind, he makes an effort to ignore them, refills the glass, heads back up the stairs. She is sleeping, day one over he sighs, while leaving the glass on the bedside locker.

With a little help from you friends sighed Solomon, and it’s easy to overcome, an addiction.