Doctor B

Those that work of others, the health of their family members. They need prayers too. How can the Spirit continue to deliver, it needs respite too. Solomon encounters a dream, its vivid, its a reminder of times past. The need to think of others, how do we make our petitions, what sort of mind do you need. Solomon had personal friends of the little league too, who helped him enormously. He was reminding himself, not to forget them. They have angels on the case, relax.

AS for those who make good strategic decisions to help younger family members, you are wise to be able to think like that, cheers, amen. Where does the stair take you. Solomon sighs, all those sighs later, must have kept the world alive at times, amen.

No Titles

The play write, think of Sam Beckett. The man had his way, that few at first understood. Michael Gambon, the actor, how all the greats were in reverence of Sam. Beckett, a glorious humanitarian, goes to the assistance of many causes. He doesn’t seek glory for himself, he wants his words heard, in fact, he never attended one of his own creations, a remarkable compliment to his ego. He let them think it for themselves, as the name of the great play says stoutly, waiting for Godot. Based in Dublin, a lot of history has emerged from that great city. Handel’s Messiah gets its first airing, Michael Collins defeats the great empire, Irish man and women, travel out into the world, laying the foundations of many emerging nations. There are monuments to them, all across the world. Solomon sighs, the wexford experience, Commodore Barry, who became the head of the Argentinian navy. A lot of global history, started in the hearts of many Irish Men and women, a legacy to be joyful of.

Solomon sighed, be careful when you are riding high in the charts. Stay alert, there have been many betrayals, never stop the creative process, its a gift, that like the Spirit itself, it has to be supported, not suppressed. Sometimes, the problems in other places, are deliberately linked to places, that support the Holy Spirit, be watchful, where does the thinking of a large culture or country mix easily with a smaller one. Ask the Indians of old, they fought to keep the water clean, they fought to keep the spirit wholesome, they wanted to trust the white-man, history shows their fate.These days the tomahawk has been replaced by the casino, amen.

Solomon looked years ago as those from afar reached the green shores. There was a confidence missing. Political leaders looked to other shores when it came to meaningful change, and did what they were told at times, in the hope of economic freedom. Later, the new Irish see their position in the world, see what our creative efforts can do, and how the struggle, while painful at times, thought them to think outside the box.

Solomon smiled, he reads the words of Michael D, a really great president, poet and socialist. Those dark days of 2008, the nation is forecast ed to enter into a great depression. Solomon was on his Paris tour. The change was not unexpected, but a wall of petitions had been prepared in advance, it was easy to see what was happening. Plunge the nation into despair and take it over, the flower of the EU experience. Imagine the anxiety he smiled, those storms that never arrived, a wry warning, get too close hear, and expect what!, they have been on the retreat since, amen.

Cheers. And now, the EU model is looked at, as a sanctuary to so many, amen. Well done. Across the world, how can we do the same, it works, amen.

Mrs Carey, her casebook, so many excursions to the aid of others. The memory of all those cakes, buns, welcomes, what made her so dutiful. Many ask, how she did it, where did she get the energy. She rested a lot when she could, was busy when on her feet, and she moved about, rarely stood for too long, protected her legs, and ate well. But her secret, her Father was always on her shoulders, amen. As for Miss Dooley her personal friend, and a second mother, still a mystery, amen.

The Great Threat

It was a dark evening, a man of substance wears a very sad expression. Solomon wondered, who made the threat against him, or threatened to destroy all he worked for. The energy, a form of darkness, Solomon set out to catch them, laid down a plan, which he discussed in the safety of space. The Spirit arrived, this is a Holy War, the mind gamers are going to catch the eternal spirit, their games are going to come to a halt. Faced with the divine threat, they wont be able to hide behind the darkness they generated, amen.

The great struggle begins. Many will be fooled by those in the highest of places. This is written, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So the story begins to happen, the advice of the fisherman, learn how to catch them, Solomon was patient.

Years later, there is hope again, and those that tried to reduce his wine excursions, how foolish of them, amen.

Francis asks for Help

The call is made, there are decisions to make, new appointments, the seat has to be filled, what is the next step in the process. Solomon sighed, the rules, think outside of the box. The people of God are among the flocks, and the people of God, are family as Jesus says, and the meaning of family, goes beyond the normal meaning of the word. So Pope Francis has to make the flock aware. There are new meanings coming into the world, and that demands, a reaching out, a more mature outlook. In the beginning it was milk, now comes the fiber, the teaching that holds it all together. The main bodies of belief, all agree, that the teaching of Jesus is paramount, they all agree on a return, some are active in the preparation. As said, the gospel of Jesus will be told to the world, and Jesus also says, that, those doing the teaching or encouraging, will not always be from your group, the story is told when the early apostles come home rejoicing, then add, there were others doing it too who were not from our group, Jesus tells them to focus on what they are doing, and not to be disparaging of those leading the flock to the Father, amen, it’s written in the holy books. Meanwhile, there are places, where many from different groups are meeting to worship the One True God, can it be explained any simpler. even Better, the notion of the gentile and the vineyard says it even clearer. Don’t be too sure of yourself, its a constant struggle, amen.

What was that story…

Saul, what, the teacher who lost the plot and started a crack industry almost, and got awards for it too. Crystal meth, what a joke, you cook the stuff, years later, you have an epidemic of it in the USA, and they say that stories inspire, what are you trying to encourage, amen. Jesus talks of the useless words you use, (parable of the talents) he might have added, the skills that you abuse, and to call it entertainment, amen. How the chemical industry with the use of spy agencies, created so much harm in their experimentation. Trying to keep soldiers alert all night long, testing the battle field conditions on human beings who have no idea of what is happening, will there be a therapy zone in the new world, seems like a lot of them will be taking the course.

Treasure Box

Why blame the individual, when they are instructed from the TV. Some forms of TV are not that enhancing. With so many disillusioned folks out there, its ways to relax they need and stimulate, that are natural, is what they require. As for what grows naturally, Jesus tells us, that it was all planted by the Holy One, for proper use. Those who visit space don’t have time to put on a pot of spuds, they are in space, thousands of miles away from harming others. What science teaches you, the ways to better health and great discoveries. Think of the last sixty years, the wars that were unnecessary, the realization, that wars can be very rewarding, the build up of military resources, and then later, the anxiety of those, that have to police these dangerous tools, that have the power to do us all in. Would it not be better, if the dump spots of all that radiation stuff was known, or why the fish in the sea, move to other places, like the fox using the city restaurant after dark, we do need to watch Mother nature to seed how she is feeling, as Uriel says to Esdras, amen.

Solomon smiles, the signs are clear, they wont be doing too much of the wrong sort of cooking as they say, well, the almighty can humble anyone at the given time, so don’t pretend to be ignorant of the divine help that is coming into the world, it was written a long time ago, amen.

Who would use your name…

Well if your making a currant cake, you use currants. Its very simple. Solomon recalls the old school friend. She had a taste in men. Well, she was very choosy. And who accompanied her on her pursuits, only Miss Dooley. We’ll have another drink here. The number of times they circled the town, while she looked for a mate. Solomon is reminded of the other, strange academics, some with a history of violence towards women, amen. They are not always what they seem, amen. Getting close to your students, the marks man, well, how many were on the couch, hoping to be seduced in order to gain, an advantage over the others. It happened regularly. amen.

Years later, the news stories, and the explanation. How do you defend yourself, and when the academic or the one to be trusted is the one in the secure position, or worse, in a state of authority that imposes penalties, its easy to see how easy it is, to convince anyone. Who abuses their position of trust, Jesus has stern words for them, amen.

No one will believe you dear, what will they say, my opinion, look, guess what I can do. He looks at the screen, what will we add to your CV then. She signs the form, amen.

Old Man Heals

The visit to Saint Mary’s, old amo is eating again, there is life. The feed was a syrup mixture, gruel of a kind, the slow down, they are not thinking life, even if he is always telling them, be prepared, it’s the living God that he prays to, not the dead. The usual look of the visitor does not apply, this is life he is experiencing, he starts to ask questions, and while he is read to, eyes closed, he is as sharp as a razor when asked to explain a word, the mind in order, the soul is working, He is encountering the Holy Spirit, and while he has these moments of alertness, he does not notice death or think about it. Jesus asks us to believe before the miracle happens, and that’s a paradox to some, why not believe after as some would like to think, while the prophet says, well if you didn’t believe before, what was your faith anyway, amen. Jesus tells us the story in so many ways. And this is available to anyone who picks up the holy Gospels, they describe, in a variety of ways, how to deal with the Spirit, and why it’s vital, to have the acorn of faith, as the mustard seed parable tries to explain.

Solomon is on the bus home, to the sanctuary as he calls it. There is a lot of spiritual life here, the presence is felt,. It might not be the fast life, but then again, the journey is made of small details, the places you stop at, the friends you meet occasionally, the state of the hearts, going full throttle down the road, you miss those quaint little villages that have their own magic about them.

He reads the paper, Sophie is on the news again, will they ever get to the roots of the problem. Solomon thinks of Jim Riordan, the man who has been trying to solve the case. Solomon falls into a light sleep.

She was fleeing down the lane, she stops at the gate, was she trying to get into the field, was she grabbed by the ankle and pulled back in, where it all happened. The ankle movement, what would that point to. Solomon is trying to imagine the work load. The notion of an ankle bracelet, is there a clue in that.

Solomon arrives, the depot is empty. She brought him to a field, where there was, two large stones protecting the entrance to the large field. He squeezes through, imagine if you were being followed, and your body weight didn’t allow you to access the escape route. Imagine it. The lady was having her issues ,was she trying to explain something else. Did she run to the authorities to protect herself, anywhere there was no threat.

Days later Solomon is thinking. He always arrived where there was a great need. The Spirit on the ground, is that why there are some, those who are continually on the move, the need to find space, or the story of the dust, the teaching of Jesus. If the welcome is there, you stay. He thinks of Mrs Carey, the lady who was always prepared. The Waldorf salad, was a sitting dish when it came to making a salad. She was always teaching. Over the pages, there is a face and name he recognizes, a link to the past. The old man must have kept a diary. Yes, there are those who accept the word of authority the way a computer eats the information fed to it, it’s called living within the regulations. Fine for the most of times, but not always. Solomon continues with the think in. A car passes by, he smiles. the boy at the Monastery, the light from the Heavens, G-d’s intervention, what a recommendation to have, who will challenge that and get away with it, amen.

“who’d try to get through that”

Jim riordan sighs, the case still perplexes him, and the promise he made to her son, if only he said, amen.

no title

The Play (untitled)

opening part

The therapist is preparing for her arrival. There is a chemistry between them, he is thinking out loud.He moves around the office, is checking the position of the chairs, he moves them in and out, he is testing the position, moves them a little closer, then stands back, takes a look at them, moves around the stage.

Therapist noted by a P, the clients noted by a C, and third party, TP, makes asides to the audience.Other parts can be added.


we need to slow the thought process, your child needs head space of a CHILDISH kind, you want your children back don’t you

(alone on the stage)


are we too close (to the audience)

Satisfied, he sits in his chair, silent for a few seconds




WE need clean space to work clearly, the patient client relationship, she used to look at me with suspicion, now she wants to become a client, what are you supposed to think.

He holds up a book….

to the audience


a new page in the book of emotions…..

they are in their positions….the therapy in session


so what made you take up therapy then


who’d believe it, the story of the good Samaritan, we all have gifts, so the books say


You mean Jesus


Not a bad reputation to have


you are not being very helpful


You’ve heard of Mrs Carey, well!


what’s she got to do with all this


Coffee? (as an aside he adds, she asks too many questions)


no sugar (she is loud, he is out of view)


its when you are ready your at risk (he re enters the stage, two coffees)




its practice not a person (he is getting into his seat again)

practice, just keep that in mind okay

(she looks confused but is flirting slightly, as if to say, your ignoring me)


you look confused, sorry




parents, those that stick at it, it can’t have been easy for them


what’s that got to do with therapy


fine, okay, lets try some breathing exercises, I borrowed this from a book by the way


you don’t have a copy of it


(he ignores the comments)

breath in

He watches her yawn almost


head back, and shake your neck a bit, you have to loosen the muscles


Hold that for twenty seconds, then breathe out slowly (she does this, inhale exhale)


do it again, slower this time


your beginning to look an awful lot better, that strain you had is gone, I like to work in a relaxed fashion

He checks his watch, there is also a timer on the table, he smiles, there is a good time done


Jesus spent a lot of time in the company of women you know!.

TP at the side…

The doctor patient relationship works when they are comfortable , the more the doctor understands, makes it so much easier, it cuts out the cranks.


are you trying to convert me


in our previous meetings I made it clear to you, the Holy Presence has the power to cure, or point you in that direction


So i’m converted in your opinion


Look, ah, the time is nearly up, i’ll get more specific, before the next appointment I want you to practice the breathing exercise, morning and evening, and if you can write what you feel after, okay

A bell rings, he leaves her alone while appearing to let someone in


same time next week

TP aside …his first appointment…

Next appointment….

The Cowards

Not Noel, but those other sort, how are they now, with divine help all around. The voices that dried up like a river that has almost died, why would those, who have hopes of heaven, dare interfere with the Holy work, supported by great signs. amen.

Christy Dignam

Democracy in part has come to the USA.

Writers rejoice, the AI machine has been humbled, not that AI doesn’t have its uses. But when machines pretend to be human, in order to fool people, it makes you think. The creative sources, are creative, the writers turn back the McCarthy era, we have found our souls again. What would Leonard Cohen think, his democracy, a renewal of faith and trust in the Almighty. Yes it’s happening in places, and growing, now it needs the push in the great USA.

Leonard Cohen… Democracy

The cloud with this post is real, 100%. The One in whom the prophets place their trust, are celebrating in many places. Turn your heart of God, as Isaiah the Prophet says, the One whom Jesus points to, to announce his mission, amen.

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