
angry, angry, she teaches herself, the bottle will cure these feelings, she fills the glass, no longer mixes it, the first taste will intoxicate her, by the third she will be a raving demon, and she will hate herself, justice, the feelings she had an hour before ,a total waste. She sobers up, wakes the next morning, hung over, but used to it, no more than an ache, same as a woman who is used to a regular beating, the pain is the easy part. Anger, she can’t forgive herself. The next relationship, she tells herself she will be different, she will take advantage of him, getting even, justice she sighs, while she reaches for the bottle, later that morning.

Solomon sighed, the circles we make for ourselves, going nowhere but planning as if we will live forever, seeking justice. Jesus had a far simpler way when it came to dealing with anger, forgive them, you are only going to do yourself harm, no one else. The Father sorts it all out in the end. So many are drawn to causes they have no part of, filling the space inside, trying to feel good about them self, busy. Extreme organisations already know this, why do they target those who are easily upset, why, it’s easy to fulfill the hatred these lost souls have. Demons are expert at this, the way they argue even.

Do yourself justice of the real kind, replace your hatred with love, amen.

Disconnect, Invest in Yourself to Illuminate Others

Create the Space within, clean the decks, you are going to be going through many changes, the signs are everywhere, divine help is arriving and great revelations are on the way.

Is that one way to explain the last ten years. Solomon was shaving himself, before he sets off for the bar. Who will believe it, you won’t have to worry about that, let them wonder he sighs, he admires his face in the mirror, older but wise. Yeah, once they get used to divine stuff, they wont be able to think of anything else, amen, Time for A Guinness, amen.

The Cover Up

The western town, the bar, the dancing girls, Vietnam the war, the rest and recreation, the Thai Women, the brothels set up during war times, the changing worlds, the long dress, the mini dress, the newspaper the tabloid, the magazine the picture house, the great artists, the desire for image, the need to fill the conscience, the beauty of a flower, the shake of a bee, the need to recreate, the smells and the expression, the blush on the face, the change of color, the sensations on the skin, so many life giving experiences, as made by a Great God, can you explain a butterfly yet, the lewdness of the roman rulers, the abuse of the believers, the savage nature, the control of others, then the freedom that Jesus prayed.

Deeds are who you are, it never was about the human body, just respect it, and intimacy, it’s great and wonderful when in love. Have we forgot, the making of love, is it the need to fill a vacuum, or a fix, something your addicted to. He heard it explained by a friend of his: she was speaking about her husband, he’s like an addict till he gets it. Solomon sighed, when Spirits melt into one, magic happens, and space for a new spirit is created, from the love created. Many had a weird way in their heads, and how Spirit is created, and how Spirit is passed on. Bees prefer the wild flowers, organic, so does mother nature, the minder of our Environment. And Religions and some preachers got too excited when they saw their own followers reacting with intense interest to their church’s teachings on intimacy, the sexual conversations the followers heard, possibly the only ones of that sort they ever heard. Well, having children between couples was considered normal once and an activity you engaged in, and one you are supposed to enjoy, your fitted out for it. isn’t the butterfly, and every species supposed to dance and thrill the other half of the species. There was a lot that needed to be simplified. The amount of mental sickness and harm passed on by some religious teachings, needed to be monitored quickly, and revised, amen.

Moments from the journey in Kindle. — Poems, stories, paintings and more by Sharmishtha Basu

Moments from the journey This book contains a set of poems about God, human beings and their ways. We all know it is almost impossible to analyze poems you have to read them, feel them. So all I can say it contains a set of poems about human world in different colours-love, envy, pain, spiritualism […]

Moments from the journey in Kindle. — Poems, stories, paintings and more by Sharmishtha Basu

re blogged…

What’s The Thrill

Do you get a thrill when you see the blood splatter the wall, what  next, is the torn dress a turn on, is the look of fear in her honey blond eyes an aphrodisiac, a blood thirst, the ripped blouse, the appearance of her breast, you want to see more, is this why they write it, the thrill, do we need to fill the mind, are some things meant not to be said, the expression in her eyes, the spittle on the cheek, the tongue licking the blood from the lip, is it a turn on, how images fill the head, the imagination, why do we want to fill the heads this way, is there something else?

If that’s a thrill, imagine the feeling

When This Happens

Are you ready?

when you see the Real Spirit flying high around you, you realise you have a heavenly arsenal of the nuclear type at your finger tips, what thrill would you prefer, the quick fix or the eternal good feeling, the power that demons dread, and you have a mother load, and it’s as simple as writing it, you soon forget the beating, the harm, the real thing, the news the world wants to hear, the only news the demons dread, as Leonard says, there is no cure for this, how beautiful is that, something worth waiting for, and it’s real,

Spirit Resurrected,


The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Rehab For Stress — The Good Vibes Only Roadshow

Just a thought for the day… As I’ve been creating my blog posts, the thought of creating a “rehab for stress” swirled around in my mind. When stress takes over our lives, “some” dive into drugs and alcohol to cope. Rehab for drugs and alcohol have been very popular due to the increase in life […]

The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Rehab For Stress — The Good Vibes Only Roadshow

The Children Ring the Bells

Not so dumb anymore, the children are saying what the adults are up to, the trees are talking to each other, the oak says to the birch, there is help out there, here that young girl, from Sweden, I thought they sing over there says the birch, the oak shakes his ears, you been listening to too much AbbA, aren’t we supposed to listen says the small birch, the oak nods, there is a breeze. His home is a home for many friends, problem is someone wants a new set of furniture. every time he hears a chainsaw, it’s the same fear a human fears, when they hear the door open in the middle of the night, when you are expecting no one, you shrivel with fear. The oak has had a few close calls, he remembers the tree hugers, the good humans who formed a ring of safety around him the day the chainsaw men arrived. Not all humans are bent on destruction. They have an addiction for money, and are willing to do anything to get it, the worst addiction in the world, dumb, they can print that stuff they call money.

Oak smiles, birch leans over, what are you smiling at, oak looks down on birch, have you not been listening, birch is too immersed in himself to notice, he is as fearful as a cow on the way to the killing shed, it’s going to happen soon, one way or the other, death, oak is just trying to cheer him up. Help is on the way, I can hear voices says Oak, birch stiffens his leaves, you are hallucinating again. Damn says Oak, did you not read the news, the children of the world are getting real upset, they won’t let their parents get away with it no more, inaction. Remember the name, Greta Thunberg, she will encourage thousands, millions even, and when the children scream, the Heavenly Father listens, they haven’t let him down, the message will get heard, it’s how you get a reputation where it matters, you get trusted. Sure says Birch, his tension beginning to ease.

Solomon sighed, the wisdom of God will be shown through children, and they will make fools of the so called wise. Its’ an important issue, in a world that sells cynicism and hate, the death of the Child within, as if the demons thought they could get away with it, not in a thousand years, amen. He thinks of his sisters and brothers, he tried to show them, that asking the father for help had a very large meaning, but growing up, they forgot the lessons of old. Maybe now, they will get to understand, thanks to Greta Thunberg, and many like her.

Little Brother

What are you doing, I’m talking to you, the small child ignores his senior, continues with the virtual game, it keeps the mind occupied, what difference does it make he thinks, an extra half hour on the machine, he punches the buttons, it’s exciting, ignores the older person. Child is dismayed, watched a documentary recently, the failure of the adult population and now the existence of the world is endangered, enjoy it while you can, he has heard all the feel good blurb, one life, do what you can, chase the power and the cash, and the thrill if you can, everybody else is at it, Doesn’t God understand, the child is engaged in mind, the game continues, heard some leaders on TV, the game is all that matters, well, he picks up on the propaganda, can fool his mother his teachers, just about everyone, what are you looking at Big Brother, I’m doing what you have all been doing all these years, looking after yourselves, he looks at his older brother with contempt.

The Bishop makes an appeal in church, the environment, the little boy listens, wishes that the bishop was more exciting, and said something he’d hadn’t already heard. They preach from comfortable positions, you are not fooling anyone. as for the Treatment of women, this child has heard from his grannies conversations with friends, he is a bit of an eavesdropper, all children are, the desire to learn burns inside them. Voting rights only arrived in the last hundred years, and they burned women for having ideas, the little boy listened to those stories, didn’t like what they did to women, he loves his mother, and now they call themselves his mothers friends. does not like his mother portrayed as a sexual object either.

Solomon smiled, the wisdom of God and the foolishness of men, they haven’t a clue. Leaders rise up, and make fools of the usual candidates, Donald Trump comes to mind, every vice of the human race, seemingly, his brand is bumped into cyber space, and the sound byte gets him elected, the elongated strategies of the solid candidates ignored, same as the child and his little brother, why should you listen to more of the same, when in the past they let everyone down, the child is no fool, and no one fools God. Well, playing games with climate change fools no one ,a case of a boy called wolf, amen. Power, money is control, watch them come, watch the forests burn, really…

And you want to send example to your children, they usually imitate you.


18 April 2019 NICK CAVE and his BAD SEEDS released their eighth LP LET LOVE IN today 25 years ago, on 18 April 1994.. One of their most affecting works ever, where doom and passion go hand in hand. A truly puzzling album that leaves you behind with mixed emotions. Weirdly enough it wasn’t really […]