without friends

where will it lead us, a world without friends, how empty it feels. Alone in the apartment, nowhere to hide the emotions, alone with oneself, is there anyone I can trust.  What does the world mean to me; is it a dead end, or is there something more.

Solomon sighed; It was the start of the Easter festival, the world was closed, then it was that way for years, until the great hope came along; there was talk of the Messiah, the One who would change it all. Recall the ancient words, you have a great destiny, it’s just a question of believing, in that which lasts for ever, true love.

Love, wanting the best for others.

Victory comes AFTER the resurrection — In My Father’s House…re blog


What were the people expecting when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and they threw down their clothes and palm branches shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” They were clearly expecting Him to come and crush the Roman Empire and liberate them from its oppression. But they were wrong. And only a few […]

via Victory comes AFTER the resurrection — In My Father’s House

“Advice for Countries, Advanced, Developing and Falling: A Call and Response” – Poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo — Three Worlds One Vision.. re blog


2019 United States Poet Laureate Joy Harjo Photo Credit: Joy Harjo Official Website (Photo by Shawn Miller) My Poetry Corner April 2020 features the poem “Advice for Countries, Advanced, Developing and Falling: A Call and Response” from the poetry collection An American Sunrise: Poems by Joy Harjo, Poet Laureate of the United States. (Note: […]

via “Advice for Countries, Advanced, Developing and Falling: A Call and Response” – Poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo — Three Worlds One Vision

Virus firing squad

Did you turn away, the machine guns, the lives you wiped away, the booze they filled you with, to ease the way, the men in the spitfires, who knew their chances were slim, the early apostles, their friends on the cross, their fears our doubts, the men who stood in the trenches, over the top they went, no insurance, just the hope of a better world. as for Joan of arc, and millions like her, silenced into fear, do we really understand sacrifice, or is it the way we treasure our own lives. How many are living in dictatorships this night, how many women are in fear of their lives, how many wish for food, their only thought.

Solomon sighed; the human race has a long way to go, amen.

25 trillion off shore

and even more in other places. What is the problem; they can print money all day and night. The economist screams, what about us. Solomon sighed, exactly, they think of themselves, have they not noticed, a new world is being prepared. The heads crease, they have a huge headache; the world has changed overnight; and no cure in sight, well not for the sort of greed they encouraged. They have conscience, so you hope, well, their day has dawned, the rest of us have had enough. Davos and all those groups, their smart theory out the door; all the experts sacked. This is going to cost us a fortune.

Solomon sighed; they all said they believed in the Higher God, amen

Ascension Timeline Meditation For Global Healing💖 — Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary


This is Now our chance to send healing into the World.. Your thoughts NOW are So, important. Let Go of Fear, And Send out your Love The Times for this Mass Meditation can be found on the link in my previous post Ancient Wisdom~ In Gratitude I shall be setting my alarm early as the […]

via Ascension Timeline Meditation For Global Healing💖 — Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Papal revelation

World in crisis, too many secrets in the archives, don’t they believe in God, well, if they do, what is their problem. How many dictators did they support, what harm did they cause; well there is no hiding from God. Solomon sighed; it was time they revealed all their misdeeds, and how they intervened in conflicts, well, in a crisis, what was there to hide. The Holy Spirit lived in love,  not in fear, so why not open the archives, now.

So many secrets; in this time of re birth, wasn’t it time to tell the full story, amen.

The Virus

Women having difficulty in birth, the number one in six. Children stressed, bullying a daily event, off shore havens stealing from the needy, and worse, a world loaded with pornography; how can God’s Spirit live with all that. So you believe, so you say, is it words you repeat, or is it something real, amen.