Beat Me Up Scotty

The first blow sends her into shock, she has never seen him this way. The expression on her face shocks him, she has never seen her that way either. She feels her face, rubs the cheek, feels for anything broken. His adrenaline gets a hit, he is shocked at it. I’ll never do that again he swears. They embrace, he rubs her face, she is afraid, it will never happen again babe. The trust she has, is shaken, but she forgives him, it wont happen again. He’s a record of doing it. He knows how women cowl, give in and blame themselves. Love is a very potent form of dependency for those who already feel vulnerable.

Blood on her face, he is getting high on it, the kick to the ribs, her arms go defensive, he is getting excited she is worried about the kids, doesn’t want the neighbors to find out either. It’s repeated every few months, the doctor ignores the bruises, her friends had stopped calling round, just when she needs them, she is all alone. Blames herself, Stop. The angels were in the room watching, sends the helpers. Artists write songs, authors put words on it, social services call to the house. Dudes, didn’t you know there is a God!. Solomon was not in doubt, he had seen so much, it was enlightening. In a moment God could turn everyone into babbling fools, as sure as he allowed those with his Spirit to perform miracles, amen.

Being Yourself

She sits on the couch, like a child, no reverence for social games, she is a child. The important people watch and smile, pay no attention to her, she is being normal, acting as a child. Enter the socially correct, the watchers from afar, what is she doing, this is an adult meeting, she is only a child, but it’s her home. Being yourself, how rare is that in the world. Solomon was after reading an article, yes, It was about the “Donald” again. His loyal assistant sits on the couch, knees up, in the presidential office. Solomon recalled a time, many years before, JFK and the picture of his children, playing in the same office, a family man. It was no secret, but being yourself in a world of political correctness was not easy, caring more what other people think of you than you thought yourself of yourself. Pathological liars came to mind, the socially deceptive, con men, fraudsters, ponzi schemers too. If more of us were ourselves rather than strangers,what a difference it would be.

No one made a fool out of God, but they made fools out of others regularly. Having encountered many inspiring events, a visit from the Holy Spirit, clouds, and more, Solomon knew that God Most High was oh so real, not the imaginary character or myth, many alluded to. The same morning he read the article of the discovery of the the remains of old Babylonian palace, unearthed, when the Iraqi forces retook a town. It brought to life, the old bible tale of the Assyrians, as mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. It was never a better time to be yourself. Everyone seeks truth in a world where corrupt news flourishes.

The Prophet

He sat for days, waited till his mind was free of the influence, the matter that was floating in his life, and all the lives within his compass, wait, then the light came, from a very distant land, a vision,

green, it was a cup of wisdom, and filled Him with enlightenment, then he headed away and said, the world is going green, amen.

Panic Attacks

can’t sleep, can’t think, I’m going to drown, i can’t eat, no buzz from the TV, the soaps no longer is attractive, can’t concentrate, chaos, it sounds like the morning of the super bowl, and your the quarter back, well it isn’t, the old guard have realized it’s no longer the same, and in some ways we have Donald Trump to thank, and the series of extreme thinkers, the political far right, they have wakened to world, and the heart is rising again in the strangest of places, amen. Okay, lets admit it, we don’t want the neat cappuccino set explain the world to us, and those who have their style guru advising them what to wear every morning, do we! Building their own Kingdoms while complaining about the current status of the competition, is in no ones interest only theirs. Ordinary people have come to realize they can have a say in matters after all, and isn’t that empowerment, as all the new age guru’s say. Perhaps you could be in Love, that’s another matter.

Solomon was after reading a story, and it reminded him of our need for Love and how easy it is to try to control it. In a nutshell, if you put the Love of God ahead of your own love, you have a perfect outcome. I’m seeing someone else she says, he hits a deep depression, rage anger sexual jealousy, I’ve lost her, I’ll get even, must ring the friends, warn them, panic attack, hot breath, deep chest movements, bitch, she is smiling as she says it too. Who is he, God she smiles, he suddenly relaxes, who can compete with that, no one, panic attack over, amen.

The Demon Seige

Boaz and his demon seeds, infiltrating the minds of the righteous, dividing and causing havoc, undermining, causing resentment, regurgitating, harming, unsettling the new seeds, sowing doubts, Solomon had a dream, and it was the death of the Demon Heads, amen. There was a mass of the dark threat, the demonic sect, that had infiltrated the world, gained footholds into many lives. Solomon was thinking of Saint Patrick, the serpents, Solomon was thinking of Jesus, Solomon had a visit from the Holy Spirit, why not, as Leonard said, ask for more. Inside many

gave refuge to demons, even praised them. In the last four years, the plans to overcome all good was unraveling. It was a crucial time in the battle, the angels had the upper hand, but the demon Boaz and his supporters, still trying to undermine, no longer invisible .In the same way Jesus cast the demons into the herd of pigs, do the same he pleaded, to those who undermine Great Spirit. There was a storm, a fiery passionate storm, it was loud, across the world it was heard, it was the power of the Almighty God, letting them know, what was going to happen if they did not amend. In his peaceful sleep Solomon woke refreshed, i got it he thought. Those who sowed fear and doubt into the world, were going to have a change of mind, and many blessings were going to flow, amen.


Getting along, understand your neighbors, no real divisions, sounds like heaven, one side of the coin, the dispossessed, the vulnerable, the victims of their upbringing, the inability to escape family values, the interests the family share, failing politicians, and the right wing left wing extremism, busy burrowing into the psyche via the internet, and the fake news syndrome, those pushing agendas causing chaos, undermining, in the hope of unsettling everyone who does not share their views, the other side of the coin.

Solomon was talking with an Islamic professional, and in the course of the chat, Solomon was doing the talking, his Islamic friend says, this extremism, it’s been going on all across the world, have you not noticed. Both He and Solomon were believers, and he wondered, what was all the difference about. When examined, his friend was right, the stress caused by extreme Islam, the non loving version, had been a cancer across the Islamic world for quite some time, and the source of many wars,far away nations got involved in. Then there was the question of Jesus, recognized by all the main religions, the bridge between them all. Why had no one tried to build that bridge. Perhaps, it was time for this to happen. Allowing the extremists to dictate to the rest of us was tyranny. A common prayer was needed, amen.

Into the west, the situation was much the same. far right, extreme left hoping to take advantage of the so called change. Was it not a time for a reasoned debate on the prospect facing us all. Solomon was just saying it. There was a growing band of disenchanted souls, and they were not alone, and there are these extreme groups waiting to size them up. Dear Father in Heaven, keep an eye on their plans and turn them into babbling fools, amen.

A Moment of Bliss

Rare, in the company of rare beauty, Solomon was in recall mode, moments in time when life suspends itself, as when in the company of pure love, not often achieved in a world that values everything according to return cost and cash. It was a timely reminder, the difference between the Spiritual Feeling and the material, one would last forever, the material would fade and be forgotten till the next material high. He was contemplating on why more positive divine interventions don’t happen in control led spiritual gatherings, where those leading the parade assumed more prominence than they were entitled to. It drew him back to the words of Jesus, the wealthy taking the seats at the front, the needy to the rear. It was supposed to be the other way around. Pure love is that, the needs of others overtake your own.

In the confused world, there were too many chiefs among us, each declaring a better option, but the game going round in circles, the stranglehold of the elite choking off the supply of Spirit. He encountered the Holy Spirit in real time, and saw many magical things, wondered why those who taught the ways of Jesus were slow to practice his approach. There are moments of bliss waiting, why focus on guilt creation, the direct opposite to enlightenment, smile.

There were many in great need, positively in need, there was 25 trillion off shore, there was no lack of resources, that was the perpetual lie. Having encountered divine intervention, Solomon thought it wise, that the so called in the know folks wake up, and seriously fast. The image from the sky was one of many events he encountered. It all pointed to a world under divine judgement, amen. A moment of bliss for all true believers, the good Samaritans of the world, and word, amen.


A child is born, radiates wisdom, blessed, a vision come through, angel calls, declares the event, explains, visit from the Holy Spirit, he will become an instrument for God and for Love. Lost in translation all sorts of meanings are applied to the great mystery, the Birth of a Holy Man, the Spirit of God in human form, there are few distractions, just the current leadership of the religious, the roman landlords, and the meaning of what it is to be a demon. These are his main threats, and he is aware of it, he can read hearts. Small children sense good and evil, they have a knowing too. For whatever reason, all the main religions today, can’t agree on a definition of the experience, whatever, one thing JESUS says, ask in my name and you will be heard, just abide by the basics, be the good Samaritan, come to the aid of those in need.

Asked by his followers how to pray, his answer is simple, keep it simple, not too difficult, simple, no long winded this of that, just be simple, say it from the heart, and better than that, when three of you get together in Faith, and are believers, I’ll be there. and if you want to make a sacrifice, give up on the burning of animals and stuff, just Love as I do, amen. He is unpopular, business at the temple is being infringed ,sales of the sacrificial animals is in danger, income is going down, the locus standi of the religious leaders is threatened, as is there lifestyle. The more you have the more you have to share with those in need. Who can tolerate this, and forgive your enemies, leave it to the father. and how will you know I’m coming back, there will be a cloud, revelations, great change and chaos in the world. The trumpet will sound, and furthermore, according to Ezra, according to the angel, mother natures produce, us humans, more of us will be born with illness and we wont be as hardy as we used to be, nothing to get alarmed about .

Solomon was recalling the simplicity of Jesus, his ways, old scripture. 2,000 years later and a few years too, he was sharing what he knew. SOLOMON encountered the cloud, ENCOUNTERED AN ANGEL, encountered the Holy Spirit, encountered the circular cloud, and great blessings and miracles too, so had others. What is love he said, sharing and caring, and passing on the good news. REAL LOVE CAN’T BE FAKED, AMEN. PASS THE MESSAGE ON TODAY, THANK YOU.

Big Child

He’ll arrive, the child waits, prays regularly, says it in private, no one knows, his prayer. Solomon listened, he was a child too, of His Father, the trouble was, which the small child didn’t know, that those with talents, sold them for cash, to transform their own lives, others an after thought.

At school he concentrates, he’ll arrive, the promise. Day passes into weeks, the weeks become a semester, a year, the child still waits. Seeking comfort, anything to ease his anxiety, he dabbles in playing mind games, when that comfort leaves him, he dabbles with pills, the alcohol follows, the rest is history. The void had to be filled, not with empty promises, but with today. The changes going on globally, were just a reflection of what the Big Child had to endure, just as Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen sang about.

He sits in the corner, doesn’t talk, refuses to co-operate, won’t eat vegetables, he is making his complaint, amen to the Big Child.

Before matters worsened for all the big children, it was time those who hid the secrets of true wisdom,

and the many warnings given down through the ages, opened up. Solomon saw the Holy Spirit, the other gifts too, God Most High was not myth, and those in positions of authority were under the spotlight like never before, amen.


Was it for a good reason, the waiting room, in fifteen minutes, maybe longer, well, thirty minutes, in that time, Solomon read the international news, and you guessed it, Donald had grabbed the headlines, it was an explanation, of his success, the failure of the system, his opportunity. Across the world, the old guard was in chaos, and the elitist thought process that went with it. Being everything to everybody just did not work, it didn’t work 2,000 years ago, choices have to be made, and in many countries, they didn’t care where the change came from, so long as it was not more of the same. What next, there was anxiety in Europe, the assault on the new democracy, from many sources, all connected with extremism as we know it today, but it wasn’t extremism forty years ago. So much had been lost in a short time, the toys that became the way of life, the iPhone, the search engine, the computer games, and the race up the hill, it was undermining family life, and those at the bottom, were feeling the pinch, children, their

future, a world dominated by machines. It was all in the articles he was reading, and it affirmed what many knew already, the system had to change, there was too much of the me syndrome and little of the we version of events so many cradle in their ideals, but not anywhere else, what next!