
Questions you want to ask but never got a chance to utter, there are so many, relax, he puts a  soothing arm on her shoulder, relax, you have all time time in the world, she smiles, she heard those words before, he nods,

“you like music?”

who doesn’t he sighs. He reflects on the time, it was a while back, early eighties, the peak musical years, inspiration was everywhere.

She is not wearing the heavy clothing or covered up, her face is radiant, she hardly recognizes herself in the reflection she makes in his eyes, is that me. It was the way she used to be, always happy, always content, until the years got older and she got wiser. There are lots of questions she wants to ask; what were you doing all those years, well, someone has to responsible, so everyone thinks.

Saint Peter comes into the interview room, he is carrying a tray, two glasses of Tea, Turkish style laughs Jesus, she takes one of the glass cups, sips delicately. Served by a man, that was not the way it was on earth. She wants to burst out the words, where were you, where were you, he hears her words before they are spoken, he nods in affirmation.

“I told them years ago, didn’t I make it clear, God is in all of you, you just had to believe!” I know I know she says, but she is still confused by the words, “in you”, what

did it actually mean, Jesus nods,

“The world we have is the world that is in the hearts of many, sadly what people want does not often include anything for anyone else, many times it’s just an after thought”

She is  confused, she has all the prayers in her memory, the procedures, she ate the right food, washed according to customs, did everything as prescribed by the law. Jesus sighs,

“It got lost in translation” he sighed.

Neda had a hundred questions she needed to ask, but it was a sunny afternoon, Jesus was looking out the window, he would get to her questions later, for now, she had eternity to look forward to.

Remember Neda

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Gun violence was in the news, the school children causing a riot, stirring up the temperature, putting themselves on the line, they can’t shoot children they thought. Neda, the young woman shot during the Iranian Revolution, it’s Easter, Solomon remembers.

The camera rolls while her life ebbs away, let the cameras’ roll, make my life count for something, she gasps reaching for air, knowing that very shortly she would be taking her last. Solomon imagines the last minutes of Jesus, the prisoners by his side asking questions, what sort of question would Neda have asked.

With her last few breaths, all she wants, is for the world to be aware of what is going on, the lives being stolen, the imprisonment of a nation, let the camera roll she says, then dies. So her spirit is taken up to Heaven, she meets old friends, deceased relatives, friends, then she spots Jesus, what would she say;

“they were not allowing us to live, enjoy beauty, it was as if these men were afraid of themselves” she says

“I know I know” he says with a smile on his face. he is glad she is there, there is a lot of explaining to do.

“It happened all over the place, they just enjoyed the control of women, that’s it!” he sighed, before adding;

“you give them a little power and they are soon addicted”

She rises her eyebrows, that’s it she thought, they were addicted to control right from the start.

Neda, young lady of the revolution, gave her life, made full use of it, amen.


Cold Hot Sweat

The shower, she washes the debris from her life, the daily grime, she has been at the front line most her life, doing what has to be done, then waits for the evening, and the hot sweat. A woman, a mother, a carer, a life giver, and what we do to support her, would give you a cold hot sweat. Did we really turn them into image idols, or was that an accident too?

Solomon recalled the cloud, and the supernatural he encountered. If he noticed it, what did Holy Spirit make of it

Ladies Ladies Ladies

Lads, lads, lads, I think you have all got it wrong for a very long time, and you might not even know it, it’s simple, it’s horses for courses, not everyone is the same, not everyone can bear children, not everyone can wield a sword, and Men and Women were always equals, not possessions, not seconds, something that needs to be made clear.

Scholars of all religions, put your hats on, don’t close your ears, listen, a great hardship has been done to the human heart, and to the lives if many billions, on account of the way women have been treated, and misled.


Healing Music

Is life too much, are you tired, have you had enough, can’t relax, is the world coming in on you, has the actions of the school children hit your mind, what they do to help the situation, the gun violence, how the media commentates, watches, while these young people stand up, is it not ironic, to think that it is always those who are at the cliff face, who act first.

So you want to do it better, you are looking for ways to help, you want to do your bit, your not sure, your the believer who wants to stand up, yet you don’t want to be noticed, inhibited, fearful, a first timer perhaps, well, a little ease of mind and healing will help you on the right path.

I was in a class for basic computers, I can conceive any number of services, online, but I too have to be humble, so I went back to the beginning, and listened, without bias. During a few free minutes, I came across the number, 432, it’s a part of my life, so i went to check it out, and this is what I found. Music.

I played it low during the class, it was an informal group, but the two hours passed unnoticed, and it was all calm. By the way, I am a  perpetual student as stated above, a maturing

one I hope. If you or anyone needs calm and healing, this is a good start, amen.


Baby’s First Smile~by rldubour — OUR POETRY CORNER…. a re blog

Baby’s First Smile There are many things in life that are so much worthwhile But nothing can compare to a baby’s first smile. This little helpless bundle you hold in your arms so tight. As they look into your eyes and smile, what a beautiful sight. Their purity and innocence is way beyond […]

via Baby’s First Smile~by rldubour — OUR POETRY CORNER

The Complainers

A busy day for the boss, going house to house, crowds wait, hearts full of hope. He had to want to help you, you had to want to be helped, it’s called faith. A busy few days, the news spreads, is this real, eventually, news reaches home, his home town. Locals shake their heads, can this be real, well, he never did it around here, did he!.

Solomon sighed, those who believe do, it was that simple, there was no other way, amen.


There are rules teacher, these are the rules, Jesus looked at the assembly of men, the women were at home. They’d gathered to enforce their rules; she was deemed an adulterer, her punishment, death by stoning. Their rules sighed Jesus, will they ever learn the power of forgiveness. The rabbi (Mullah, Priest, observer) puts on a solemn face, when explaining what her crime was. Jesus listens, nods his head, while scanning the crowd. The stoning is about to begin. Bundles of rocks have been gathered; the woman weeps while tied to a post, awaiting the first missile. Her crime, their shame.

The law that inflicts violence, from human to human is not of God, it is of man. Jesus steps into the arena, puts up his hand, knows all about the gathering, knows their failings, knows that the Spirit gives him the power to touch hearts. When he asks them to continue if they are clean themselves, they walk away, till all there is left is the woman. He then dismisses her, Go away woman and don’t do it again.

Violence, the threat, and those that have that power, the way that they use it. He goes to the gym, is big, flexes his muscles, lets them all know, he has power. She is the married woman, waiting. Her husband learned it from the way his own father treated his mother, assumes its normal, violence. No one opens their mouths or disagrees in this house. How many religions were like that; people afraid to speak up in case they offend the powerful ones. Solomon wondered if they understood that the violent mentality, was a habit passed on. Jesus is urging them to forgive others, was saying in affect, this is what you have to do, unless you want hatred to continue, amen.

If many of the religious minded were actual believers, and so called followers of Jesus, wasn’t it time they adapted his ways then?