Shopping Therapy

Spend, she floats into the shop, sleek looking, distract me she is saying, well, the line of skirts, multi colored, she doesn’t need to try them on, waif looking, size should not be an issue, boots next, colors, the bra shop, what is this, she picks it up, her phone rings.

He is in the lingerie shop, wondering what he wants to see her in. Yes she says. He has an app that follows her everywhere. He can get another to intercept her movements, he desires to own her, well, he has stability issues. He tries to sound knowing. What sort of cup are you, tea or coffee she says in a flurry, I’ll be at the cafe in five minutes, does not wait for him to finish with what he is talking about.

I’ll give it a break. The alarm goes off as she rushes from the shop, Miss Miss, a voice behind her calls, but she is too lost in the moment to think, an arm reaches out, pulls her up. Can you escort me back to the store Ma’am. The guard is polite, its possibly a misunderstanding.So what sort of cup would you like with that sir. The accountant holds up the flimsy material, the price is his great anxiety, not that the price matters, it’s the outrage, paying for this flimsy material, not enough for a pair of socks.

I’ll ring my lawyer she says. I can’t believe it. He hands over the credit card, there might be a way to get it tax deductible, he is not sure, but he has a few dodgy friends and the world is opening up. He answers her call. ARRESTED, HE PANICS, is this me she is talking about, he says, were you in an accident, no she says, my pants is fine.

Double up, dougal wakes from a dream. Mrs Doyle is beside him, dougal has been twisting and turning. Dougsy, what is up dear she says, nudging closer. Dougsy makes a smile. You better than a cup of tea. She looks at him sternly, did you say, better than a cup of tea> Dougsy smiles. There is something else going on.

The phone rang, she said arrested, i was thinking of the scheme. The accountant is talking to his close accomplice, a pal from the long past, they have shared interests. Imagine what it was like, arrested, imagine. So his friend says to him, after all that planning, those planted friends, I put a lot of effort into this. I know I know, the accountant is losing the calm. The underwear is forgotten, arrested, the word paralyses him.

The phone rings, she lifts the receiver. Aha, aha, a long pause, aha, aha, another pause. Aha. She puts the phone down. The novel is on the screen, her boss is away for the week, there is time to put words down, where am I going with this. Dougsy, where is father Ted in all this.

Solomon smiled, what is space, amen.

Interfere with The Spirit Flow?

Your chances are nil if this is your attitude, amen. Who, or why, Jesus poses the question, who had time for a divine relationship, would there be any true faith left at the time of the great return, does anyone understand it. In the Islamic code, there will be a booklet, explanations of Jesus, written to clear the clogged path, simplify. First time out, the believer is not able to reach the divine heights. Spirit is being lost, the promise of the Messiah, where is he, then the upstart in their opinion, arrives, even if many Jews believed in Him, but were not encouraged to believe.

The second coming, can be expressed in many ways. A new understanding is the leaving of one opinion, then the take up, of another, a wider way of explaining things, same as the garden, you only miss the bees when they are gone, what were they there for, the insect the swallow swoops upon, gobbling the food, the layers of edibles, all with a purpose. The boy and the monastery, the great light, miracles too, the staggering number of signs, impossible to ignore, and the words written live, while so called believers wonder, is this true.

The inside heart, finds the space, there is no fear in this company, the soul relaxes, then connects to the other souls. What are you thinking, its nice to rest from the material worries, that anxiety that comes and goes, has no place here, they are with us all the time. Jesus on the pharisee’s, look, he drinks and cavorts with undesirables, His reply, enjoy while the honored guest is about, what will it be like when He is gone, a return to the famine of what?.

Jesus has harsh words, harsh, on those that dampen the well being of spirit, so fragile it is. No place to lay down, no rest, the Spirit is spoken of as Eternal, lasting, the forever kind, that unites the soul to the Almighty. Why are some allowed to interfere in this ascending process, or what is their faith, did they have any at all?. Jesus tells the parable on it too, its there in the holy books, a read of them, should help quieten your anxieties, amen.

And to add power to the words, eternal power, more signs are sent, to fully protect the new voices. The old has taken such a hold, old being, the bias so many have to deal with. The prophet sighs, the promise of deliverance, its not a half promise, in other words, what are you doing to help the flow. The prophet whose being writing the story of restoration in terms of the fall out from the hearts of many, who lost faith, and now are re-seeking it, a real relationship with the words of Jesus, has many reasons to rewrite the meanings, as there are many who have come to the faith expressed by Jesus, from the different quarters of the earth. So when you are given the last quarter, and told to trust in Him alone, and its another prayer answered, same as the cloud, you need to listen, amen.

In space, what happens, where does the spirit go, why the secrecy, what is this power, what does it mean, can you live in a space that is Spirit safe, what if, the spirit gives access, it helps prayers, those that have believed, naive some say, the same sort pray when in trouble, all that naivety suddenly disappears, when there is no where else to look, then they are glad to be naive, Sully at the controls, who will save us now, the heads forward, deep sobs, is this the end, concrete all sides, water, where can we land, and it happens twice in the space of a year, thank Jesus they all saying, amen, if we ever get through this, amen.

Solomon was re arranging the thought process. There were those who mined the gap, the space, could almost jump from spirit to spirit, like vultures waiting their turn. So he came up with a plan, the signs have appeared, no doubts on that, just remind those attempting access to your spirit, the name is Jesus Christ, and the wonders of the Almighty are everywhere, have no worries, amen.


A number, a dance, a memory, a time to marry, age minimum, are you able to give birth, are you ready, the need to mature, it takes time, not everyone bursts on the scene, there are the rare ones, dynamic from the start, a whirlwind, she means change, that is Sinead.

Mother Nature, her heart a little slower, a gift moves up, the tributes flow, a reminder, times were sometimes tough, the nod to authority, who was behind them, what were they all afraid of, shut up and sing, you have been given talent, she sits up and thinks, I’m here to make my difference, well, if this is true, heartfelt, real, why are they so unforgiving she must have thought, it was only truth I was after, and as for difficult, I wasn’t interested in being a groupie, I prefer my singing voice not my looks, sorry for saying it clear, and the media that is so invasive, the ease of bullying and theft, who could be all right looking into a small box most of their days, and even then, with all the help, your still in the dark, is this a friend or another one of those, the trolls, paid to cause harm, no one will recall them, same way, well, lets keep the memory strong, the voice so recognizable, it would remind one of Jesus and the Pharisee’s, so you can read the weather and stuff, but you can’t read the signs, what’s wrong with you, the Great One asks.

Solomon sighed, the numbers add up, the times are all changing, voices we will hear for all time, the lilt of that voice, trembling emotion, she didn’t play the paparazzi, made clear, her uncontested annoyance, at the intrusion of some interests in the lives of everybody, well, if the example was sturdy, what was there to be anxious about. Amen. Solomon adds, and the strange thing, the effort to harm the Spirit, to harm the spirit, the eternal gift, made Solomon wonder, what side they played for, amen. Well if they sanctioned the space, they authorized the conduct of some, amen.

The Boy The Cloud The Outcome

What, her support was cut off, the words that soothed, whom, quick, I want an answer and fast. They look at the ground, if there was a big hole, they’d all jump into it. The boy, the next report, the start so full, the light, Nivard’s Joy, the heavenly light, the great wonder, so what happened to that, He asks. Well, if the hole was any bigger!. And you left him vulnerable too, after signs so plentiful too, what, They study the ground as if Jesus has a new lesson for them.

It sounds like you had them imprisoned and now you must account. The scales are weighed. The new Soul, on the return journey, it’s exploits explained, what happened, who was this, the great promise, what else, all that happened in the time of the soul, for examination, and a brighter world, amen.

Uriel tells Esdras, the story of the Soul, the welcome, the stages, the joyful ending and the new beginning. The angel goes to great length to satisfy the anxieties of the prophet, 3,000 or so years later, much that is written then, makes itself known, amen. Listen if you can, amen.

They pass Dante’s canyon. A lot of vultures have gathered, circling, when it’s safe they fly in, seize a little, and then flyaway as quick, until the next. Jesus and his followers, amen. Think of the living words, the Living God, amen.

Boutique Religion

How does it fit in. what, the voices in the head, the heavenly spirit points to the help, it’s usually you, its inside you, other voices, they might appear different, they have their goals, they want to find rest, will you turn down the TV. That noise, the voice at night, can it be changed, the cloud is asked for, it arrives, the changes expected arrive thereafter, done, she raises her voice, is that the role of the artist, didn’t the Almighty promise us in the book, and what is a new book, is it more of the same, the pharisee’s had issues, same as today, those that try to lead, they run out of old stuff, they start to eat themselves, more rules, more efforts to widen their control, we’ll support, the singer meanwhile, has heard all this before, she won’t hear of it, decides to inform the world, this must change, and it begins to happen, because voices were heard.

The dark spirit does not like being interrupted, there is no break in the contacts, the charge stays on, this will wear me out, the holy names, how can this be closed off, another song appears, she is even more popular, what, she opens her mouth, they listen, we open our mouths and we are accused, what balance is this.

Solomon sighed, the day of remembrances, a sign, the signs, changes, more signs, the changes, the Spirit set free, as if to say, you joined the seagulls, lots of travel up there, what will you see, the birds that last the journey, cross the oceans, from the toe of Africa, the butterfly migration, the swift, salmon and their renewal methods, what stream are you from, i can even tell you the shade of the water, is this possible, the rain on the journey, simply stops, there is a mission to accomplish, boo to the signs, we don’t need it, the machine will get us through, miracles, are you the part time believer, well, the point is like a song, once you hear it, your taken somewhere else.

Meanwhile, at the side of the trawler, a lone seagull waits, the boat is about to land. A new experience, so it feels, how long will i be able to do this. Go on squawks another visitor, get yourself a fish, quick quick, I used to sound a lot better with a mike, the memory lasts, what would or could have been, did they need to let us know, show us even, why they trap so many in places, while holding back the keys, the seagull spots a creature under the water, more interesting, and exercise too, the worm is soon history, well, it was a mature worm, amen.

Treasure Box

The boy wanders the path, the tree branch in its hand, wiping the ground, sweeping, the pool below, clean space, where lessons are learned. There is no host of desire trying to overcome the Spirit, let love disguise that, the heart is filled, the thoughts will keep the memory clean, until a refill is required. The journey home, the decision made, the big billboard, what is that, she looks again, strange, who’d be impressed with a cloud, then again, she made a decision, then she thinks, that cloud, what if i meet the sender, what will they make of me, I better look after myself, well, what are the options, amen.

Deliberate thought, infecting the mind, trying to gain a foothold, the meaning of bad company. Your clinging to life, trying to have your point, the assets of the world, they don’t have much of spirit, the owner does, you have to be this way, look, see what we have to support, is all of that Adam’s error, you shrink back, where did I come from, a safe escape, you find the old words, someone prompted you, was it that cloud, amen.


The bags are stuffed, the face is all sweat, the panic, get out of here quick, what if they find out., another sheaf of papers hit the fire, the fire erupts, hurry another says one eye on the gold bullion stored in the chest, can’t we take it with us. The revelation came to pass, the news, we have to leave no evidence. A young soldier enters the room, the usual formality ignored, the sight before the young man, has never seen such disorganization, is used to being ordered. The end of the war, the details are ignored.

You dwell too much, there is so much in there, over thinking is as bad as doing nothing at all, and many times it’s time you need, your heart is beating, your heart is yearning, the hunger is there but there is nothing to nourish it with, remember child, woman, man, boy, you are not alone. The medicine chest, she is about to reach in, stops. i can get through this.

What, his glasses slide down his nose, did he hear correctly. He looks at the patient record in front of him. He is a big fan of John Grisham and Lady Gaga, but he has never heard of that request before. Well he says after a pause. Her eyes are droopy, baby pout on her lips, she isn’t feeling great, he wants to help, he is a doctor after all. Who will be next through the door?.

The ship is taking in water, it’s a matter of time, the thoughts that go around, all those habits and stuff that you have taken on board, i.e., the mind is the ship, and the cargo is all the rubbish you have accumulated, your ability to be loving is being reduced, you have other things to be anxious about. 

At the bar she nurses a beer. The evening is in, her thoughts are those of a bird, a nest and a good next eating.

Don’t panic, strange events and unstable leaders and confused thinking is the order of day when it comes to the time of the greatest of all returns, The Holy Spirit and more. The prophet put it words to help the people of the day, to rouse them to act, before it was all too late. This is the story of the great awareness, amen.

It’s all timing. The cloud and the signs, what great wonders, and the heavenly truth, amen.

Dante’s Joy

The horse wins by half the track, the Dante, there is an immediate celebration, then where are we heading next, the connections clump around, the plan is no secret text, it’s the route, the derby next, when the greatest will be named. A distraction, I have you in words. The prophet of ancient times meets with the modern world, tries to reason out what it was like way back then, how the modern changes the view, have we moved forward, what are we learning. A fog of weather protects mother nature, her creatures flourish, they are safe in places, Dante reads the press, the effort going on, in his day it would have taken years, what is this modernism, some are full of gloom, Dante wants to check it for himself.

The children so much wiser, they are full of knowing glances, as if a secret power is instructing them, Dante sighs, they are not like how we were in old times. The evening rolls on, the scene dims, it’s evening time, the characters and the noise, he listens to the chat, Dante on reflection, what would it seem, what he wrote all those years ago, was it harsh. The women are not enslaved either, freer, it’s not that they are that way, chained up, but they express their points of view, remarkable, the changes in so short a time. He watches the well off nature, they have few signs of neglect, it’s not what the books wrote about, he watches it all.

The sound of the night, Dante at rest, his thoughts are out there, a flock of birds seems to agree, they chuckle at the wide thoughts, this connection, sentinels, are all the birds like this. You are bird like in the drama you leave behind, yesterday is yesterday, the past gets easily left behind.

Dante wakes refreshed, empty, the thoughts will decide today. He is at the restaurant, his coffee is waiting, she must have seen him on the street, cursory thanks. Everyday, they show up, they dress the tables, wait, and do it again, is this the way to unload the baggage, yesterday, gone. He wonders as the coffee disappears, this trauma many feel, could there be angst because of the changes overhead, surely that’s expected. He strolls on, taking in the atmosphere, the calm he enjoys, it’s not the extreme so many claim to exist, he stops, time to enjoy the moment, a coffee and a rest, he absorbs the notion, there is more to do, he is glad for it, there is more to come, for Dante’s joy.

The prophet sighs, the space inside, where heaven finds roots, the space in the eternal loving heart, the hope it omits, maybe it’s just more space, or how to deal with your anxieties without poisoning the world. The prophet imagines all the ways you can communicate, the methods and symbols, the meaning of established, in these times, they need to be inventive, he thinks of his little pals; the wonder of a football team, premier style, children having an insight, how it could transform the way they participate. She goes to the loo, the nose rub, its quick, she retakes her seat. Not long after, the same, it could be just a headache, whatever, the age tells of stop, if you go too far here, be careful he thought. So life tempts you, it won’t matter when you reach the end, it will be there, all before you. I suppose Dante got some joy, amen.

It was only a day, it’s going to pass. The baggage collector is worn out. You got too far, you get home safe, it works out. You get away with it again, the attack was no fatal, just a reminder to slow it down, relax. Life is a mountain range, the past you bring with you, its trouble looking back, going forward, well, your not going to repeat all that. You get chances, it works out. One night out, life is far more, amen.

Lobbyists Nightmares

What, all that false stuff, yes, your accountable, all those half truths too, hidden lies, think of Daniel the prophet, the false accusations of the then priests, what happened to them after, the commissions, so we got national security approval, what does that matter in the court of God, the spyware, you boasted about leading people into desperation, cruel tricks, the many many people of the almighty, calling out, they see the signs, we waited so long, why, why the wait, Uriel and Esdras, the voice of the righteous dead, it’s there, so your planning on ugly tricks, before you act, check the fate of those similar in the holy books, amen.

Leading Lady

I can order what I want, I can do more than Donald, I have more faith, I can order my pleasure at my time, when I want, i will make American great, I will do all this, under levels of medication unseen or unheard of, I’ll tell you how important these meds are, and when I get my like button on a certain number, I’ll be elected onto the board of any social media company, is that the sort of success you want?….

they listen to her recruitment call, success international, there is a spaceship heading for a distant planet, it’s leaving soon, her former associates hope she is booked, they heard the same gibberish for the last few years, same TV approach, same bombardment, same hassle for children, same hassle for women, same outrage repeated, and all those supporters, do they think that sort of ear noise is going to get them places, Jesus shakes his head, let someone else deal with them.

The climate is old news, the places are the same, the warnings the same, it was just the zealot supporters, they had their own plans. So they tag along, they were drunk of what they thought was freedom, now, well, every six months the forecast is changed, later, the prayer ladies who were duped, did they believe it too, meanwhile there are those that argue for the changes, it will cost of course, the curse of all those dollars, we have to give them away, what return is this, they were planing for future generations, that’s the saying, the future didn’t include the environment, well they were never that exposed, or could avoid it when they needed it, leading the world where, The leading lady continues to rant, she will run them ragged, will not stop, manic or nefarious, it doesn’t matter, they will drive them nuts, this woman makes the claim, and because she has those sort of friends, they will listen to her, amen.

Refilling the container…

Its hot, the soil dries up, no moisture, a desert, the throat aches, the water, a plane in the skies, lands in the desert, the occupants dependent on new thinking, if they are going to survive, the risk, listening to the young, what do they know, imagination that can do things differently, they are not trapped, they are free, new ideas, what if, so they haven’t heard about this or that, their education still ongoing, how could they be smart, we are the parents, its us who should know, well, that’s the rational thought, what, we ought to know, well, is there a statue anywhere, meanwhile the followers of this so called leader, who practice worship mania, it helps attract the girls, and everyone is looking for a way out, it’s easier to believe, and when he gets upset, he’s an outrage, well says the supporters, we are the ones who put him there, there by, we share responsibility for his mistakes, we gladly amplified the message, even the reasons not to believe in global warning, when in fact we knew already, well, he said this, they nodded, he dirties his shorts, so do we, how else do you measure the outcome, you surely don’t select the bits that suit you, do you, the container, who put all that stuff in there, where did it come from, the moon?.

The door to the next world, is there, are you not rushing to get in there, they all stop, that previous confidence is gone, can we verify this, it’s vital, our reputations are on the line, we signed up for this, voluntarily, we asked for it even?. The container, the inside you with all those thoughts you gather, the meanings, the soup of your existence, where do you clean it out, examine the contents, not after the crime but before you commit one hopefully. They gather in bunches, we have to explain all this, well we were given options and it was attractive, and..

Solomon sighs, the meaning of the container. The closet has to be opened, the contents fall out, a clean up, some sort of, the thoughts you acquired, wrong on that, we believed on that, another mistake, after awhile, the container is slim lined. How do you explain the meaning, the container is in need of filling, in short, the soul needs topping up, the holder is aware, of the need to tend to the issue, the stuff you acquire, the nods of agreement you should never have given, the accumulation. Today you go out, there are options, many will circulate among those they knew well, appearing to please, learning what, does the spirit get a boost, the child minder goes to the park, the child enjoys the spirit, freedom, the talk thereafter in the evening, the healthy afternoon, the container still filling up. What was the container, was it the cup of water you sip from, then later, when most of it is gone, you refill, out today and given away, more of it arrives, to refill the jar, in short, that’s your day, you do it again, and it is refilled, the Spirit in other words, the invisible, it is renewed daily, otherwise it gets lost in the haze of human living, stale in other words what you were told to learn, no place for it to rest, the parable of Jesus in other words, amen.