The Access Code

The heart that loved was the access code, there was no other means, it was that simple, just as said 2,000 years earlier, and it was where Holy Spirit dwell ed, in the invisible soul, as invisible as soul, unless you were aware of how it manifested itself. The movement of nature, who could control love, it was very similar. We imitated life around us, our spirits, some had it strong, and more didn’t, most of it greedy, amen. It all started in the heart, and the prejudice.

There are no divisions, just man made regulations, as spoken, 2,000 years ago, amen.IMG_5757


Gay Bums and Ass’s

A bum or an ass, the corruption of language, the double meaning, it was about the context, the timing changed the meaning, over a cloud, upon a cloud, under a cloud, the meaning of sky, who could understand it, only those supposed to understand it, amen.

Betrayed with a kiss, saved by a kiss, it was all very strange. Was there someone watching, how we rush to judge, prepared to react, how fickle the mind, how weak the heart, it ran hand in hand.  It was easy to assault the senses, particularly if wound up emotionally.

There were those who read minds, understood our ways, could plan our reactions, fallen angels some of them, others too. Solomon ignored routine for good reason. It wasn’t accidental. Twin worlds, two halves to every life, male and female, which one dominates, decided everything. Finding balance, never easy, especially when pushed.


I’m For The Birds

Baby bird sits quietly in the tree,

waiting patiently the way a baby bird be’s,

starts to smile when he see mammy in the sky,

coming home with dinner just for little old me,

wont be long before he fills his little tummy,

and the next day mammy goes out does it all again,

she don’t get distracted or lose focus,

she’s a mother and that’s her responsibility,

dad bird comes smelling of beer and sweet perfume,

mammy stares over  doesn’t have to wonder where he’s been,

of course that only happens to the human type,

animals birds fish and others of the species don’t have this problem,

next time you are called animal assume it a compliment,

it’s not the birds bees fish or anything of the animal world,

that has been raiding their own environment,

with the view to exploitation and profiting from it,

I’m for the birds,

just a thought on a Monday .Featured Image -- 1110228067Featured Image -- 1110227877patrick the oldest and largest living wombat (2)che2IMG_5757IMG_5222IMG_5507

Solomon Remembers

Not to be forgotten, love was never forgotten, never, acts of love, never forgotten, everyone was capable, it’s compassion, hopefully it still existed, he wondered though, the days passed, he was learning, those who aided him, needed more help, he hoped they’d be looked after, it was important to him, he was sending a reminder, don’t forget him, the little one with the sparkling eyes, left an impression, it was a fatherly thing, someone with a shining heart, not many around, being Sunday it was a reminder, the adventures they shared, brought out the sun every single time, every single time, the world needed that love to shine, the religious minded, too much into control, fact of the matter, curtailed that joy so easily, diminished the spirit regularly, something he saw too often. If we forget love, what is there to remember, misery, amen? Guilt was a profession in itself, encouraged widely. Solomon was putting in writing, more needed to be done, stuff he needed, was slowly been seen too, too slow, so much damage done, so much that could have been avoided too, where were the believers, faith is a lonely place, that few ever reach he supposed, amen.IMG_5757ghandhi

No Ex’s

what you mean,

no “x”s,

no excess’s,


Not that,

No excuses buddy!,

excuses for what!,

letting the children down,

24 trillion off shore,

pass me the driver,

caddy looks at him odd,

God Opens his shoulders,


find the balls,

and fast,

no excuses,

amenSupport 2i_inspirational_quotes_018_4f730d2c462b3Copy of IMG_2498IMG_5757Featured Image -- 1110227448