Pill or injection…

The car maintenance class, the youths are looking at the vehicle they used to steal, the teacher is a former car driver, racing car driver, he has a tale to tell them, his reputation of old, was wild boy, who lived for the girls and the attention, so the papers said, then he found himself, one morning he wakes after a dark night of dreaming, he was asking, how did i get here, in a bed, unable to move, was that the paralyzing dream, he wasn’t waking with a smile, the next day he is in the Monaco grand Prix, he is leading as they enter the final lap, he is waving to the spectators, taking the triumph, what could be better, the car suddenly comes to a halt, he looks at the gas indicator, its the old days, fuel in the tank, what, what could it be, he gets out to push the car, he is yards from the finish line, just another, then his main competitor romps past, and takes the trophy instead, would you believe it, it was the injectors that were blocked, amen. The class all listen, clean energy, the veins in your body, how fine the needle, the dirty concoction. The class are cleaning the engine parts, how the smallest details matter.

The Easter week, the signs, what has been your path. There is talk of Jesus Christ, real signs, papal rethinks, new ways of describing ourselves, its like a genie has escaped, why we are what we were, how we change, the little matter of secure thinking, not thinking of others, the freedom to express oneself, the world, how to communicate cleanly. Easter, the fuel injector, How fine the spray, it asks us of ourselves, conditions, the migraine sufferers, each point an angry burst, have more than one, sleep agony, more drama, each notional thought a pain, the constant push into the mind, relief, stress, ah who will be your rescue, even Jesus tells us to give the recovering person some food, feed them he often says, the body has needs as well. Easter, they count the wounds on the body as if they are coroners, the marks, used in story to identify with the great story. Easter, the fine points of Harvest, this was a pass over festival, the escape from Egypt, or the rescue, then the walk in the desert, the people were gathering, coming from all areas, the talk was trade, business doing well, the need for accommodation, food, peace among the more rebellious Jews, meetings with the Sanhedrin, people all prepared, resources, table settings, relatives from the country, it’s gung ho, its Christmas in Spring time.

The old anxiety, this man they call Jesus, he’s got the ear of the common folk, many are listening to him, he breaks the rules, eats what he likes, and the elements, they heed him, what if, is he another form of spirit, and he claims kinship with God Almighty, and disturbs the take on the door when he is about, a danger to our relationship with Rome, what if he ignites trouble, with all the people about, there is tension in the air, this is the diatribe they speak, having planned to do away with him, it sounds convincing, many are taken in, it makes complete sense, and our status among our brethren is not put at risk, even if in private we have doubts.

Late, near darkness, remote place, the trial begins An injection of faith, is all you need, the mustard seed, did any of this make you think, the human way gets in the way, our material doubts, who doesn’t get anxious, but when its so easily taken from you, or where there are so many whom you think will, its easy to act in a certain way.

So Francis is taking it easy, not in a hurry, reads some old stories going back 200 or three hundred years, nothing that can get clouded in today speak, clears the mind, gets to the humanness of the times, simple, those with too much perish in ways, there are so many willing to take them on, having less to worry about, was like a conscience that runs on clean energy. Not having to come up with a meaning, until you have read the book, you read on, getting a better meaning of what you already read, like a new revelation a week later, oh, well if i knew then, what would I have thought then, but being human, you forget that as nonsense, knowing it will change your entire reflection, or you loose grip with your inner bias’s. And this corundum, is like when you inject, the Gospels of Jesus, into your relationship with the Almighty, it improves and deepens the meaning, amen.

No Titles

The play write, think of Sam Beckett. The man had his way, that few at first understood. Michael Gambon, the actor, how all the greats were in reverence of Sam. Beckett, a glorious humanitarian, goes to the assistance of many causes. He doesn’t seek glory for himself, he wants his words heard, in fact, he never attended one of his own creations, a remarkable compliment to his ego. He let them think it for themselves, as the name of the great play says stoutly, waiting for Godot. Based in Dublin, a lot of history has emerged from that great city. Handel’s Messiah gets its first airing, Michael Collins defeats the great empire, Irish man and women, travel out into the world, laying the foundations of many emerging nations. There are monuments to them, all across the world. Solomon sighs, the wexford experience, Commodore Barry, who became the head of the Argentinian navy. A lot of global history, started in the hearts of many Irish Men and women, a legacy to be joyful of.

Solomon sighed, be careful when you are riding high in the charts. Stay alert, there have been many betrayals, never stop the creative process, its a gift, that like the Spirit itself, it has to be supported, not suppressed. Sometimes, the problems in other places, are deliberately linked to places, that support the Holy Spirit, be watchful, where does the thinking of a large culture or country mix easily with a smaller one. Ask the Indians of old, they fought to keep the water clean, they fought to keep the spirit wholesome, they wanted to trust the white-man, history shows their fate.These days the tomahawk has been replaced by the casino, amen.

Solomon looked years ago as those from afar reached the green shores. There was a confidence missing. Political leaders looked to other shores when it came to meaningful change, and did what they were told at times, in the hope of economic freedom. Later, the new Irish see their position in the world, see what our creative efforts can do, and how the struggle, while painful at times, thought them to think outside the box.

Solomon smiled, he reads the words of Michael D, a really great president, poet and socialist. Those dark days of 2008, the nation is forecast ed to enter into a great depression. Solomon was on his Paris tour. The change was not unexpected, but a wall of petitions had been prepared in advance, it was easy to see what was happening. Plunge the nation into despair and take it over, the flower of the EU experience. Imagine the anxiety he smiled, those storms that never arrived, a wry warning, get too close hear, and expect what!, they have been on the retreat since, amen.

Cheers. And now, the EU model is looked at, as a sanctuary to so many, amen. Well done. Across the world, how can we do the same, it works, amen.

Mrs Carey, her casebook, so many excursions to the aid of others. The memory of all those cakes, buns, welcomes, what made her so dutiful. Many ask, how she did it, where did she get the energy. She rested a lot when she could, was busy when on her feet, and she moved about, rarely stood for too long, protected her legs, and ate well. But her secret, her Father was always on her shoulders, amen. As for Miss Dooley her personal friend, and a second mother, still a mystery, amen.

Our Gerry Thinks this!

Britney, your new golf teacher has arrived…

Its not the ulcer question it’s the Ulster Question. Martin laughs, paper in hands, he is looking for a laugh, ease the tension, they called them the chuckle brothers, how peace happens, they were not looking for personal glory either, unlike many, who try to attach themselves to the efforts of others. adding the virtues to the list, I was associated with that,same could be said of the membrane tissue, or the paper we use to clean up, attached, and, lets say, the issue is one that needs understanding, time, then healing, then the new, it wasn’t an overnight in the desert, it was a little longer than that!.

Augusta Amateurs, the options, the tantalizing hopes, more choices, can we expand on it, the openings, the color issues, where is the butler, what did jack Benny say, Rochester, where are my ball shearers, we got new animals Mr Jack, you could say they have being, overstaying, they not pay the rent, lets not go there Rochester, the audience laughs.

Inside job, the stories, the habits that catch on, Jesus on the teaching of the law, Milk, at the start, fiber as it grows.

Leading Lady

I can order what I want, I can do more than Donald, I have more faith, I can order my pleasure at my time, when I want, i will make American great, I will do all this, under levels of medication unseen or unheard of, I’ll tell you how important these meds are, and when I get my like button on a certain number, I’ll be elected onto the board of any social media company, is that the sort of success you want?….

they listen to her recruitment call, success international, there is a spaceship heading for a distant planet, it’s leaving soon, her former associates hope she is booked, they heard the same gibberish for the last few years, same TV approach, same bombardment, same hassle for children, same hassle for women, same outrage repeated, and all those supporters, do they think that sort of ear noise is going to get them places, Jesus shakes his head, let someone else deal with them.

The climate is old news, the places are the same, the warnings the same, it was just the zealot supporters, they had their own plans. So they tag along, they were drunk of what they thought was freedom, now, well, every six months the forecast is changed, later, the prayer ladies who were duped, did they believe it too, meanwhile there are those that argue for the changes, it will cost of course, the curse of all those dollars, we have to give them away, what return is this, they were planing for future generations, that’s the saying, the future didn’t include the environment, well they were never that exposed, or could avoid it when they needed it, leading the world where, The leading lady continues to rant, she will run them ragged, will not stop, manic or nefarious, it doesn’t matter, they will drive them nuts, this woman makes the claim, and because she has those sort of friends, they will listen to her, amen.

Nice Sentiment

When the news comes from way off, like the smoke signals of old, well, there were not a lot hitch hikers around in the old west, chances were you didn’t last, so the smoke is seen, the message is read, the chief is on his way, you will be having visitors for dinner. She looks at the sky, he is thinking of me, the light. To be encouraged, thought of, given space, the five minutes you need to catch a moment, not a long preparation of such extravagance, every detail counted, the guests given names, the cutlery five settings, an ulcer by the time you finish, then the big sigh, we survived that. Survived what, the lady in the office who is avoiding the snide comments, the little bites, the collective thought, it’s just a little fun, they might send us a nice teacher instead, as if.

The Space is now alight with God’s Holy Power, yes, the Moses moment, land ahoy stuff, we are saved, they will not have to go far to get sorted, the reply is fast and the results show up real fast, that’s the nice sentiment, we are in a new world.

The Golf at Lahinch has opened up, so Solomon imagines, those doing the stress jobs are finally being recognized in practical ways. This, we will do it for you sometime in the future, what, the future has arrived, no need to wait for Godot, cheeks are on the beach, the weather is getting better, the clean sea is getting cleaner everyday, the human waste stuff is now being used for energy purposes, and children are learning what it’s like to live in the new world, a nice sentiment, amen.

Goat Juice Rambling Ducks

All the treasures of the world, the plants put on the earth, for heavenly reasons, not man’s. The argument, this is not for use as this, the nature of that cure, what eases the breathing, what are the natural chemicals, what is sugar, the faith of the Kings until they encouraged Daniel to be a member of their court, the answers he could provide, the tricks that were used, the effort to hold onto earthly power.

Daddy duck is leading the appointed, on a walk of nature, they heard of the new Taylor book, rumor of course, but the goat juice special, what sort of science is this, imagine the confusion, the dutch tulip investment scheme, 1700 or thereabouts, the world goes nuts for tulips, well, it happened, so Daddy duck is off seeking the goat juice cure. The rambling duck, taking to the grass, space, a waddle in a pond, the picnic basket, the pope smiling, we can afford to get lost in thought, no need to be a power concentrated person, they usually are weird to begin with, try bending the thoughts in the mind, there are those who have this ability, what is the ingredient, throw in a mixture of thoughts, add a source of trouble, mix up some emotional connection to the past, and start to play with the minds, amen.

It’s all legal, no one can get caught, they can’t find your prints, even though your stealing from the inside, and getting awards for it, some might call it a good book, some might call it the need to be heard, some call it corralling, the rambling ducks out for the day, the ladies inside getting a break for an afternoon, the mind is all a fret, the news, what’s this, then the signs appear, what is this, the invitation list didn’t mention eternity and what is out there, we walked into it you mean.

Daddy duck read the news story, the exciting goat juice shower, his bunch are looking at the fountain, it’s only water Daddy Duck says, who believes all that rubbish anyway, so the ask, why did you bring us here, exercise he says, amen.

Born to an addiction

It’s not as bad as it seems, and is easily overcome. He cries a lot, what can we do, she looks at him, he loves her, does not know what to do. He is emotional too, the fears, he has been there, is trying to get her through the mess. I’ll do something for you. Where do you go for help, he is afraid if he is honest, they’ll arrest him, take the child too, leave them in a worse state, however, he has to do something.

There is a report, angels are arriving, God’s helpers are all about. It’s time to get on your knees he tells himself. I’ll ask in the holy name. The temple is silent. A prayer, please help me, I’m recovering too, I’ve done bad things, it was hard growing up. While at prayer, a another walks in, goes to the front. That fellow he says. His prayer, he tells the almighty of all the great things he does. Meaning the addict in recovery pours out his heart.

Jesus and the parable sets it out clearly, who is more honest before God. the one who admits his failings or the one who speaks of all he does good, without admitting his failings. Jesus states it clearly, the honest one. The prayer that makes it to the inner chamber, amen.

He gets back home, the place is quite, there is a smile on her face. Where is baby he asks, anxious, has she done something. She smiles, our friend came to help, she will look after her for a few days, she has experience, your mother or someone else. Our friend.

The notion of selling the means of addiction to the most vulnerable, Solomon asks, the old preacher from Tipperary of course, put in the request. He see’s the man with a smile on his face, as if it was a case, why didn’t you ask sooner. The intervention continues, a new understanding emerges too, amen.

Those that try to shame others with blackmail and threats, how will they fare before the almighty he asks. The sun emerges, you got the nod, prayer granted of course. amen.

Your not supposed to be God, your supposed to represent him!. He looks at the mirror, I am.. the word does not come out. I can do what I ..the voice stalls, the warning in the voice. They are my men, I’ll do what.. The Spirit from above will decide..what, Luciani, the man who should have been pope. He trembles inside, is this the proverbial warning. I’ll call the other, the one who is supplying me, he will know what to do…..

I thought you had the answers, what am I supposed to do, I have to put forward a name, you said you’d give it to me. The line, a long pause, as if he is trying to catch a thought. Well, the pause…pause, pause.. are you still there, the line hangs up, goes dead.

anxiety on the face, what is wrong with him?

In other places, the assembly continues, the powder, legally produced. A new mind has entered the equation. The inspectors are here, the plant manager cries, what. Across the world, the new thinking is put in place. The agents of the Almighty are smiling inside, they scene, like an Inspection during the times of Oscar, he will protect us, amen.


it’s our time, the children think, our time, another voice, our world, what do we want in it. The freedom from violence, no one taking advantage of us emotionally, the baby looks over, and says, no adults trying to take control of our minds, that’s so blinding says another. The angel in the company, a newly arrived soul listens, the crevices that need to be guarded against, too much of this mind stuff, that’s a complete no no, such schemers, not always friendly, the role they play, trouble.

Really, the actions that lead to happiness, the class of offenders against the Spirit, are being given a lesson in amending, the tasks are set out on a board, some of it fairly obvious, the other stuff, the place where you don’t want to go. Hospital visits, what’s that got to do with offending asks a notorious offender. Those that became sick because of your dealings.

They all get the point, the intentional harm they caused, it’s not a subject they want to sink into, really. if only we knew in advance?

The children walk the street free of those attempting to preoccupy them in short term release from issues, using the vices to wipe the mind, temporary that’s all, it’s not that filling, really.

Can one person make the difference, the name that attracts, and reminds, Jesus, amen.

Advertising and the Prophets

No, it’s not the name of a band, trillion, a number, the expectancy, advertising and the prophets, the reason, why did we have Holy Messengers in the past, why were certain people em bowed with spiritual power, why was it necessary, the advertising and the prophets concept. The two young people are talking outside a cafe, they are interested in the U.S. elections, the bible and the babble, their confusion apparent, neither of them sure of their own sexuality, so they have a common interest, same as those who have encountered terror in their lives, the connection, advertising and the prophets, who said it was necessary to get back shopping after the 9/11 tragedy, why were consumers thwarted in their normal routines, why do the nations over react when a person of renown passes away, is it not perfectly simple, the same reason, stress is the most common cause of illness and disease, and with knowledge, we know, that there are those that intentionally make others ill.

The ticker tape is on the up, the seats at the desk, checking their retirement bundles, over joyed, the ride is getting higher, they imagine their dreams, their fantasies come through, those things they could never imagine, their heads all over the place, like a hungry child in a sweet shop, what else is there to try, advertising and the prophets, that’s the issue, it gets in the way of consumption, lack of inner well being, leaves you needy, and there are those that exploit it willingly, and well, the more there are involved, the more secure the feeling, the gathering of polar bears on the block of ice, cheering on, while the ice beneath them melts, the feeling does not last, but try telling the polar bears out of their heads on all sorts of excess, and if the bears have demons in them anyway, it’s the same as those that care nothing about anyone, but have sufficient resources to buy everyone off, have you done this yet, the story written, why was there the picture of Jesus and the Sacred Heart on display in most houses a long time ago, it’s because advertising works, reminders, even if those doing the spiritual guidance in those times, were acting in the opposite way, a segment of them, who were barred from revelation on account of dreamed up laws, some for the best of reasons, but abused the way a lawyer seeks legal ways to thwart the law, while doing what the lawyer does, advise the individual not the population, or in the case of the selfish individual, helping themselves.

The way it works, the turn around, love is a front issue, the up front, honest enterprise, the reason I like you, not what I can expect from you, it’s the reason, our material worries often cloud our thinking, or the reason you have doubts, well, is it me you are liking. Advertising works, the movies tell this story, the blockbuster, the big return, the thrill, what happens when it disappoints, the use of other means to acquire success, and this is not about decent ordinary folks, but those who go to any source to achieve their goals, while telling themselves it’s just a thing or call it something, they take home from the experience, those cling on matters, that give space for other callers to find refuge. Jesus in fact tells us in story, this truth, advertising works.

Treasure Box

Solomon sighed, the day was a great day, the today is now, there is that feeling, the best is still possible, the feelings that peel anxiety from the thinking, like a great warm clean up, the time spent listening to music, the effort, timeless, as the future improves the more you put in. The days may have been difficult, but the outcome glorious, amen. To imagine, 2,000 years ago, they lead a man up the hill, they jeer and taunt, while the women mostly weep, their man gone up to the end those before him faced, but he is still remembered, and even more so, the words and wisdom’s are now the live giving force, that endures forever, despite the efforts of some, to use that reputation, amen.

I Am

Joe Biden, the new Leader of Israel, the Mexican hope, the deliverer of Hope, Pope Francis, The Russian President, I am, all these people, I am a Thought, she dances before the mirror, relaxed, a good nights sleep, ready to face the world, I can be anybody, the mantra she repeats, the newspaper on the side table, it slips to the ground, a page exposes itself, like, she sighs, i had a few of those nights too, but where is your head gone, the Icy Cap on the glacier is missing, and it appears to be getting worse, clear eyesight, she reads without lenses, what, am I in a day dream, she stops, the face before the mirror, I better do something about it, she decides to become Mother Nature instead. She changes her dress, something more restrained.

The notion enters her head. Green or blue, should have bought the other one, before the mirror, she thinks, The story goes like this. Mother Nature, the Spirit of God, the seven Spirits of God, Wisdom, the rescue plan, it’s a working model, the options, it all comes down to cost. Nuclear testing, what has been the cost to the environment, who has been heating up the oceans, where are the real hot spots, what nations are accountable, time to ask the difficult questions.

So who are those who poisoned the earth with their nuclear dreams, well, the experts say, and the cancer patient knows, that radiation is toxic, and destroys, so who are the countries that have tested their nuclear devices in the Sea of all places. What has been the cost. You can dump sewage and hope for the tide to take it away, you can travel to places, where certain matters are allowed, but no where else, but when the interest spreads, and the same intent reaches home, it’s usually a case of instant alarm, not some spin doctor pointing to a war zone, while trying to hide their own S…T?.

Do they ever ask the neighboring country what they think about, in war time scenarios. Or more pointedly, do they ask those with resources their advice, the same as a child will approach a parent, knowing they will be granted some request, do the honest people ever get asked their opinion, well, rarely, cause they are honest. So who Am I today, the sycophant, the opinion generator that tries to please, or just a person who offers truth, amen. Well Uncle did pay the bills, so we have to listen to him?… Mother Nature is surrounded by leaking toxic drums of nuclear waste, and swimming in it, the fish she used to see, are halved in number and size, and she needs a dramatic intervention, the children, all children, like to swim in the sea. So Who Am I?.

Solomon sighs, great wonders appear in the Sky, the divine intervention, in short, the proof everyone needs recalling, there is a Heaven, after all, relax. Let those with soul work to amend, get down to the task, and let God’s people enjoy the spectacle. The strange reversal of story, you don’t have to imagine it. Picture the Spielberg Movie, Schindler hosing down the cattle trucks, laden with people, no room to piss or shit, for days held in such atrocious conditions, beasts for the slaughter were treated better, while the oppressors looked on, laughing at his efforts, a waste of time to them, pitiable fellow..The ocean clean up continues, as does those who work on anxiety development, no shortage of opportunities, amen. The Month of November, the time to recall the souls…pray for the lost too..