Pawning the Thought Process.

Years later, the so called maestro is complaining. The oceans are warm, children want to grow up fast, the foundations are not so secure, there is strife in places, and those I used to set of fires, now they persue me, what is happening.

Across the divide Lazarus and Abraham are at water, the other prophets are there too. WE tried to teach you they say, amen.

What happened to the Lady..

Who stole the smile from her face, what changed inside her, was she misled from the start, or did she think too much of the space he gave, its the story of partnership, you are partners, what do partners share, the high and the low, what happens when we lose that empathy, or use drugs to dull our minds, what happens.

He is clever enough to know, too clever for some, dangerous if he takes a dislike, however, the light from Heaven, its taking the reputation away, and what will you be left with then, naked in the sight of God, who will defend you then. Jesus and the Prophets tells us, you will face that walk alone, no cheerleaders, your face to face, what will you feel like then, amen.

The face changes, the eyes bulge, the heat inside, the Holy Prophet sighs, think of David and Goliath, the Spirit from God is about, why worry about it, we all have our own to deal with, amen. It was only a moment, amen.

The writer is back in therapy, or advising others on how to deal with difficult decisions. Its a holy vocation, that’s his own reward, whatever the world thinks, it needs all the help from his sources, amen. She is attractive in heart, there is a child hidden within, and many others, who would like a shot at him, well, he’s not too interested to be interested, he leaves the Judging to the One who judges all, and if he was to, well lets say, be careful with your thoughts. Focus on taking the next bright step on the journey, don’t ask silly questions, results as Isaiah says will tell, amen.

The chair is set up, the camera’s are added. They feel they can get away with anything, but with divine intervention, their game is up. Now he says, getting anxious, every time he’s in therapy, at the work front, he is nervous, he is thinking of others, words that matter. Our writer has no such complications, he is no expert, he just delivers on change. She enters the small office, the bell had rung earlier, she is fixing herself, he can smell her perfume. Some species spend days getting to know each other, even after they decide to hook up, the human animal does not seem to have much need for this ritual, so the statistics state. As Esdras states, what you learn from Mother Nature.

So how was your week, her face brightens up. His voice is sincere, not charging or accusatory. She is the boss, he is the healer. In the confines of the space, it works. Breathing exercises, he starts her off with a slow set of exercises. The previous panic attacks she used to suffer have dissolved. Her headaches are a rare event, and she is sleeping better, and not taking medication, apart from the mild dose she takes to keep herself solid emotionally. The bell rings. Same time next week. As she puts on her jacket, she sighs, the shoulders get so tense, but that exercise of the spine, was so relieving.

In the waiting room, his next appointment is waiting, what will happen next.

Solomon had the story written, comfort for all close to him. Mrs Carey, Old Paddy, the postman, the freezing night, the numerous angels he met along the way, many of them, would you recognize one today, maybe, amen. And as a result of them and others ,why would he wonder, when he was taken hold of by the Almighty and made well, saved regularly, who’d be your chief suspect as they say, amen. And if the Eternal is working inside human hearts, what about those you encounter along the way and their intentions too, amen.

Stay safe, amen.

If he did the numbers, the chance of encountering the Holy Spirit must have seemed remote.

The Prophets

She needs therapy, has been under the control of demons, Solomon sends up the request, their world will have another issue to deal with, imagine that. Therapy, he wants to test the healing method, there is power in the hands, and there is even more power in the words. Contrast that with the writers of old, who try to point us, look up, the spirit will be under assault, and there will be those who are under assault from the start. Enter Victor Hugo. The line of writers and artists, what were they trying to teach us.

How the humble artist tries to pass on the vision or the places, where human minds need to fish, the hot spots, where the signal is strong. They were surprised by the signs in the sky but could not read them, they try to get the inside story, that requires contacts inside. There are those who have heavenly connections, the light of the Almighty on them, take care of who you treat badly, you never know who is watching, amen.

And if the pride of some are like the pharaoh’s of old ,why worry about them, we all know how that one ended, amen.

Colette is the young woman in poor circumstances, the child she loves, who will take care of her, what will become of her. She sends money for her child’s upkeep, so the story goes, Les Miserables, the story is one of pursuit, the lesson, reading books opens the mind, and adds to your enjoyment of life, amen.

Alcohol and Damage

The demon spirits, how old Paddy reminded him take it easy, he was referring to the young, and those in trouble with alcohol use, how the body heats up, its okay for a seasoned tree to take care of a storm, need it be said any clearer, amen. Those dark moments we try to deal with, the rage it caused us, how do we soothe the heart, and then the trail to corruption, what if we never started a civil war, the difference that it would have made. Years later, it seems so easy what seemed impossible then. Addicted, think it out, its a new world when you change that button to stop, amen.

Hello Party

The great union, the party flows, talk of the wonders, the smiles they reserve, what is it, can’t you just enjoy the scene, there is a noise far away, they don’t sound good, the heads are in a bad way, their is shrapnel in the heads, what are we going to do, Solomon on the ransom, and the boasts, the number of interventions, what a cost, they don’t seem to notice, this war that has been going on, they closed the books on their deeds, while pointing to other men, did they think they’d fool the Lord Almighty.

Words by words by words, Solomon sighed, the results etc, the colors, the repeated times he wrote it in words, he wasn’t compulsive, but he has to remind those doing the fixing, The Kingdom of God doesn’t need games, it was simple resources, others, workers for the Harvest, not goon show acrobats, and their all in version of whatever they adored, amen. And When he pledged to do his bit, and many times, with Heavenly approval too, who was he to complain too much, the signs came regardless, amen. Reaching out, is the story of the Vineyard, if in trouble, ask your neighbor for help, and when you do, supposing your asking a believer, well you reached out to them, what can they say afterwards, amen.

And Jesus and the 11th hour promise, had there ever been a better invitation, apart from all the promises of well being to those those turned it around. Man might make you feel fearful, but Fearing God, that’s the One who has control of the destiny of the soul, even when it passes from the body, why not think the words, amen.

Luciani must wonder in his restful state, what if, the words had appeared in the languages that it was supposed to appear in, and ….

Heavens Interventions

The House of the Lord

What sort of people are these, what games they play, the hearts that are so closed, what is it they fear, that I will recognize their deeds, and their speech, what are they thinking, this is alright, the light pours out from the Heaven, and the wrath of the Lord is known to mankind, do I need to remind them again, even the throne in the sky, what are they thinking, they call out for signs, and they sent, many times, to remind the people, what is the reaction, they plead for Spirit, the sovereign lord speaks.

Solomon was reminding them, The history of the prophets speak volumes of the power of the Holy One, and what not to do when the blessings arrive, its not for want of knowledge, that words are spoken, by Jesus, would there be any faith at all, at the return, well, the words speak of the turmoil of the Spirit, the living hearts that are there to store it, why be surprised, amen, when the signs and the results show that heaven has arrived, amen.

The long store of deeds that were not holy, that were not spoken of, the fears of the innocent, who thought they have no protector, listen to the words, and now for those in the middle of a struggle, the Mothers of Jerusalem, how Jesus spoke of them 2,000 years ago, is talking to them again.. In song…

 She listens to all the opinions, there are those on her mind, her attention diverted every time she listens to the news, so she makes a song, one day it will be different, so she hums in her kitchen, a live song and her mind begins to open up, she hears things almost like feeling alive, what is this their opinions ignored for such a long time, who is this she asks, then out come the words of peace, as the good books say, that which we strive for, and it went like this…

prays and thinks about it all the time
 then she sways in the soft eastern breeze
Women of the Spirit where do you hide it,
she listens to the voices it’s the drone that comes from it,
that heaving sound that thunders with menace,
if I don’t get you legally I’ll get you with my tanks,
 hears the voice call from across the fields,
another mother cries they ignore her with lies,
we’ll fix this the only way we can,
women of Jerusalem how long can this last,Far away she looks over there
 asks why can’t it be another way

Solomon wrote the words of intervention, and had a long track record on it, and despite the insert of great disturbance, he wondered at the other causes that needed words on them, and what those that are supposed to help, were active in causing harm, what sort of Faith is this one asks, amen.

The House of the Lord

Letters to all the kennies

What sort of people are these, what games they play, the hearts that are so closed, what is it they fear, that I will recognize their deeds, and their speech, what are they thinking, this is alright, the light pours out from the Heaven, and the wrath of the Lord is known to mankind, do I need to remind them again, even the throne in the sky, what are they thinking, they call out for signs, and they sent, many times, to remind the people, what is the reaction, they plead for Spirit, the sovereign lord speaks.

Solomon was reminding them, The history of the prophets speak volumes of the power of the Holy One, and what not to do when the blessings arrive, its not for want of knowledge, that words are spoken, by Jesus, would there be any faith at all, at the return, well, the words speak of the turmoil of the Spirit, the living hearts that are there to store it, why be surprised, amen, when the signs and the results show that heaven has arrived, amen.

The long store of deeds that were not holy, that were not spoken of, the fears of the innocent, who thought they have no protector, listen to the words, and now for those in the middle of a struggle, the Mothers of Jerusalem, how Jesus spoke of them 2,000 years ago, is talking to them again.. In song…

 She listens to all the opinions, there are those on her mind, her attention diverted every time she listens to the news, so she makes a song, one day it will be different, so she hums in her kitchen, a live song and her mind begins to open up, she hears things almost like feeling alive, what is this their opinions ignored for such a long time, who is this she asks, then out come the words of peace, as the good books say, that which we strive for, and it went like this…

 prays and thinks about it all the time
 then she sways in the soft eastern breeze
Women of the Spirit where do you hide it,
she listens to the voices it’s the drone that comes from it,
that heaving sound that thunders with menace,
if I don’t get you legally I’ll get you with my tanks,
 hears the voice call from across the fields,
another mother cries they ignore her with lies,
we’ll fix this the only way we can,
women of Jerusalem how long can this last,Far away she looks over there
 asks why can’t it be another way

Solomon wrote the words of intervention, and had a long track record on it, and despite the insert of great disturbance, he wondered at the other causes that needed words on them, and what those that are supposed to help, were active in causing harm, what sort of Faith is this one asks, amen.

How Words

How words sat at his desk, How said to words, what am i to make of this, at which point words said to how, why don’t you give it a try yourself, which how replied, as with words words, to which words replied, that’s how you do it, so said how and words, amen.

Brain relaxation, the space, slow down the thoughts, not every day is for work. The use of words, how they merge to form plans, and the reputation of those behind them same words, how they tarnish the word, amen.

The poet finds the space, the heads try to come up with a form of understanding, that’s the expert, no one is supposed to understand, so don’t ask, and this way of thought, leads us back to the times of Jesus Christ, and the true meaning of words, not as instructions, but as actions, thus making the words, living, amen.

Prayers for Peace

(Miss Dooley Recalled)

prays and thinks about it all the time

then she sways in the soft eastern breeze

Women of the Spirit where do you hide it,

she listens to the voices it’s the drone that comes from it,

that heaving sound that thunders with menace,

if I don’t get you legally I’ll get you with my tanks,

hears the voice call from across the fields,

another mother cries they ignore her with lies,

we’ll fix this the only way we can,

women of Jerusalem how long can this last,Far away she looks over there

asks why can’t it be another way


It sounds like a story from long ago. We know who we are, he hears their words, and if they know that, they admit their actions too, are they really that ill informed. Experience, the lesson is told, and the tricks, trying to catch a word. Its not that hard to digest. Using the invisible flow, the seers are anxious, look, this is a two way experience, we better be wise. The use of push words, what images does it bring up, what thoughts. Whom do they relate to, the story was a strange one, he got the idea, was it a trophy she was talking of, a test, or a pointer, were they looking for the phantom, amen.

He thinks of the Hitchcock classic, was it, the potato man, the story of the man, who had a desire to dress strangely, and the missing undergarments, he is throwing out a piece of bait, there have been those sort of people, and the way some things are stored, he listens, it was odd to say the least, but the world is odd, what was normal years ago, is out of fashion soon after. The start to life though, that emotional thorn. He had no notions of sad stories or the life, childhood was joyous, but it wasn’t the same for everyone. So the spirit is made to feel shame, so they ability to ask is not there, so there are others, who know how to take advantage of that emotion, relax, The Spirit from Heaven, that’s outside human control.

The wonder of those trying to ping the Spirit, and what about those, who know how to insert, using the short term seers, they never see the big one coming, anyway, its easy to get caught in that web, the story of Jesus and what happens when the evil spirit leaves a person, how it travels over dry land and then, when all is well with the previous victim, they decide to return, maybe it’s the story of High Noon. Imagine all the ways the story of wisdom is told. Made aware of the shenanigans, the Holy Ones prepare, and that’s the end of the worry, amen. Imagine having a connection that is listened into, and then, amen. Perhaps, its the way we gather images of life, and continue to add to them, and add, and add, and add, and add, what space are you left with, did I look good in any of them, and why you would need to ask. Too much of one self, leaves no space for a relationship with another, amen.

Who Inspires the Creative..

Forty questions, Oprah is looking on, what can I ask him, if i say its from God then he’ll say, why did you need to ask, and, the questions stop. Everyone listens. There is a story you might like to hear. Everyone is a child in a class room, they listen clsoely, waiting for the next line..

It began like this;

A double question, heal from or with or as or by or how, the meaning a cloud, there are so many, Beckett is sitting in the cafe waiting for Ghudu to come along, Godot, waiting, he is double jobbing as well, well doing the double on the occupier, while making them laugh and chat, the inoffensive Irish man, they listen to him, they have read Joyce, Samuel is gladly surprised, it gives him hope, what sort of hypnosis are they under, who has control of their minds. He looks at la tour d’eiffel, okay, i passed french, okay, Beckett is looking at the Arc De Triomphe, posting words in his little book, the soldiers look at him, but they smile instead of worry, he is the writer, they have pity for him almost, caught in a time of conflict in Paris of all places, he’ll have to wait, Sam scribbles the words. Where is Mrs Carey when you need her, he tastes the croissant, tastes about three days old, hard, he is about to complain almost, then he thinks of those underground, those hiding, those he is passing on information too, how many were there at the cafe today, he nods, writes some more. Meanwhile he thinks of Beaumarchais, nods again, the story is unfolding, and the one writing the words, he looks up a little, courtesy, how the words that are meant to make no sense have the greatest meaning of all, another bite of the croissant, hard at the middle, Samuel dips it in his coffee, writes some more, will she ever arrive, looks at his watch, the soldiers look over, he must be waiting again, will she ever show up, then a young woman arrives around the corner, the double cheek to cheek, she sits, but while they are embracing, he whispers in her ear, the list is in the diary, pages three and four, amen.