Mother Nature Waits — Source of Inspiration… re blog


How quickly Mother Nature can reclaim that which the thief tries to steal. We cut her florestas, dirty her waters, slaughter her animals and she waits in silence. For soon, he, who knows no respect, dies and our Mother uses his body to feed that which man sought to steal. Again the floresta will cover […]

via Mother Nature Waits — Source of Inspiration

The Pearly Gates Moment….

Getting ready to have the last breath of this world, preparing for the graduation ceremony, you feel the heat, there is a slight panic, you are nervous of course, you have been practicing for this moment all your life, the beats intensify, the moment is near, what will the first question be, you go through the check list ,pass that one, won’t answer the section on charity, give the envy part a miss, you are running out of options, only because you are nervous, but you have been a good student all your life, bing, the machine goes dead, your in forever land, the land is green, there is brightness in one part, you see your friends who passed the test, over in the other corner, those you want to forget, some who wanted to forgive, did i pass the test. St Peter opens the Gate, he scans your soul, what state is it in, did you learn anything he asks, why you ask a question like that, Peter shakes the head, didn’t they tell you, life is a learning experience, not a day trip. You can’t find your voice, but it doesn’t matter, the scan is going fine, no major cracks on the disk, at least they can make sense of it. From around the corner a voice calls out, did you find one

yet, Peter turns his shoulder, not yet, but it’s getting closer. The pearly gates moment, what a day, amen.

Making The Dough

The struggle to knead it all together, the knuckles push down hard, roll it over and knead some more, wipe the sweat from your brow, the effort in making a little dough, there has to be an easier way, she struggles on, the oven is traditional and the labor is hard, she slides it into the hot furnace, twenty minutes later she pulls out a beautiful sweet smelling loaf, making dough, she feels it for texture, it passes the test, she will serve it with dinner while she eats with the rest, worth it, home made, it tastes as it should, and it brings the family together.

She sits opposite the lawyer, she is an investigator, thrash is her business, the way she makes her dough, she reads the file, it’s a messy divorce, there is money at risk, the client wants the dirt, she understands, finding rubbish and dirt has been her trade mark, it’s been her life, the more she gets the bigger the applause, client satisfaction at the end of the day. He sits in the office, reading the pension status of the target company, wondering how he can find away, around those narrow interpretations, if there is a way he will find it, and will reward himself comfortably.

Law of the jungle, the weakest and the vulnerable matter little, when it comes to the human form, there is a big difference though, the little matter of the divine. Solomon was going through the list of undesirable professions, and wondered how so many got entangled in these dark pursuits, stealing from the vulnerable, and cheating without contempt, he sighed, had seen the Great Spirit, not the fairy tale they thought it was, but the real thing, didn’t they know, that they would all, every one of them, would have to account for themselves one day, of that he had no doubts.

The assault on the sensibilities of the young was upper most on his mind, he had little friends, so he was reminding himself, they need a little help, so he prayed. By putting words on the issue, he was pretty sure, the awareness would be heightened, amen.

Under Pressure…

Homework, ambition, the dreams, the eyes set on the future, the plight of the animals, the stress of the oceans, going to do something about it, attentive in class, listens, has a plan, and wants to get on, typical young girl, has ears, can see listen and remember, doesn’t understand the world, is still growing, will turn into responsible lover of all that is good, provided she escapes, the lures, the temptations, the various distractions. Her parents try to shield her, she has potential, her teachers applaud her, one of a kind they say. Special provisions taken, kept out of harms way, hasn’t full access to the world, too young to understand it anyway, they don’t want her thrown out of the nes

t till she can fly, and fend for herself, otherwise they’d be, delinquent, her minders.

Not an untypical scenario, the emotional child, a bit deflated, having a difficult time, the pressure, knows he has the talent, has made them all shine around him, but it’s a busy world, the friends, come on johnny, have a look at this, come on, he knows he shouldn’t, has no interest, but one day, when he is less resilient, he might venture in, the lure, this will take the pain away, he notices, the others are all laughing, why shouldn’t he, the needle, and they smoke it too, well, when he is under pressure and unsure, the herd usually gets it’s way.

Solomon sighed, the signs above, the reality of divine assistance, it came with a certain responsibility, well, he had no doubts, that life was a gift, how do we use it, young Mary, can’t be sheltered all her life, and those other young souls, how are they supposed to avoid those traps; a new mindset was required .When your hurt, you think a little faster, amen.


The flow has changed, the patterns not predictable, the earth heats up, the same way your anger rises, it changes everything inside, and then there are those who remain calm, the place where the Spirit can dwell. It is odd, how we use the air conditioner when it heats up, a press of a button, and the energy that we burn, as if by gadgets we can control our worlds, and to some extent, that is what the majority believe. A button, we can upset some one, press the button, and we can frighten you, a lot of buttons. Imagine Mother Nature, a living person, her environment in trouble, her animals moving, and we just assume, well, if it’s the weather you are worried about, you can move too.

Solomon encountered “The Spirit”, wrote about it, there is a world outside us, and we are tenants in the vineyard, it’s time we began to show it. The number of extreme causes rising their ugly heads across the world, menacing and threatening to many, it was time to listen, amen.

Rest In Jesus! — Pure Glory a re blog, why worry, you have a friend


by Hazel Straub Jesus calls us to stop worrying, dwelling on anxious thoughts, stress, and burdens, and coming into his presence. He wants us to get to know him and to rest (ease, relieve, and refresh) our souls (our thought life, will and emotions). So often, we give our concerns to him, only to snatch them […]

via Rest In Jesus! — Pure Glory

Yarrow Wildflower — Becoming is Superior to Being


Yarrow Wildflower (Achillea Millefolium) on Mt. Lemmon — Images by kenne a beautiful plant alive or dry long lasting diffidently not a one-night stand possessing herbal properties providing a variety of benefits throughout the ages medieval to modern known for clotting blood to increasing intelligence just ask the Pueblo peoples — try chewing before fire-eating. — […]

via Yarrow Wildflower — Becoming is Superior to Being