Spending Time….

Old and tired, worn and useless, fed up, and now your being processed, by the thoughts in your head, the time and how you spent it, the stuff you promised yourself that you’d do, the times you judged others, and now the realization, your time has come, what did I do with it, you ask. Did you smile at the beggar on the street ,did you lift your gaze when an acknowledgment would have sufficed, no, you spent your time on your ambitious self and forgot everyone else.

Feeling lonely, you see those less well off, with friends in their surrounds, and you can’t even make a conversation yourself, what a way to spend your time.

Solomon remarked, making love was often just putting a smile on a face, how simple was that. In the hurried life, so much passes you by, so quickly, you hardly notice. He was learning everyday, one thing he could not discount; wisdom is a stream that keeps on running, and it was something everybody in the world needed to drown themselves in, occasionally, amen.

The Healing Power of Music, great for children, what is stopping you!… a re blog of course….

Several years ago, my daughter was asked to write a paper on a phenomenon referred to as “The Mozart Effect” — the assignment was to explain what it was, and how it supposedly worked. She dutifully complied, writing a glowing report on the potential benefits to society of this newly discovered innovation. She described how […]

via Early Learning And The Mozart Effect — The Müscleheaded Blog

The Gasping Fish

Johnny trout is gasping, he is finding it hard to breath, another ton of garbage slides off the trawler, big chunk of toxic waste, boy the neighborhood has changed. Yo bro, his cousin calls him over, what is wrong with you, i can’t breath, his cousin sighs, when did you notice it, it has been going this way for years, light weight, what a cod!

Solomon encountered the Holy Spirit, remind them Dear Father, they have to do a clean up, and the children are over stressed to, they can’t cope and they hide their ways, the others, wonder if they get away with it, remind them Please, before they turn the oceans to waste.  Solomon sighed, that will get their minds moving, his prayers being heard that’s all, the day of the excuse was finally over.

wisdom everyday that we ignore on a regular basis, that being said, Human beings are the only set of living beings to invent a way to get rid of themselves, what’s a nuclear device Daddy! …. a re blog of course

“Advertising is legalized lying.” –H. G. Wells “Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” –H. G. Wells “If we don’t end war war will end us.” –H. G. Wells

via QUOTES…from H. G. Wells — Rethinking Life

Who Am I

The morning arrives, the humdrum, she battles with her mind, her heart too. In an hour she will be at work, the day will pass, she will meet friends, chat and smile, wonder, wonder at the decisions she made, and will do the same tomorrow, but on the bright side, she is a nurse, and she heals.  The power within us all, Solomon was remarking on the ancient words, the life giving advice of Jesus, that the standing religion at the time found offensive. Well he was stealing their thunder and rendering them useless in the face of the Miraculous.

Solomon sighed, the generations of lives that we all live, the habits passed on, the bias and the fear that we can’t seem to get rid of. He was thinking of the efforts of the last Queen of Hawaii, and how she tried so gallantly to retain the Spiritual Strength of her people. A woman who knew the value of nature, our friend, the oneness of the world, the living earth. He imagined her heartbreak, the way her private life was twisted by an elite of the money class, whose only goal was to exploit everything.

Solomon wondered, if those of the religious class every pondered the meaning of eternity, and how the burdens of life, were just a collection of negative actions, that we could never forgive ourselves of. As Jesus says all those years, and says today, today is the only day there is, how simple is that, amen. God is in all of us, he said we were divine, that God was within us, you just had to believe it, could the advice not be clearer .Well, having being saved from the impossible with a regularity a formula one driver could not explain, then again, the night the Spirit came, in real time, he knew it was game over for the evil ones….. we just have it inside us, let it free today, blessings everyone.


The volcano, 101 years since the passing of their last queen, the locals watch from afar, we can live with the lava but we can’t live if we are poor, Solomon sighed, saw the cattle in the huge pens, being fed till they reach the weight, then to the abbertoir they go, made him wonder, were we all disposable, as far as money matters, we are.

The signs in the sky, the clouds, the re curring events, the pressure on the heart, the stress of so many, something had to give. Hawaii, was the volcano just the start. Amen


Image, attraction, twist, curl the head, blink twice, smile, the mating game. Leo the lion was out looking for a mate, he fancied a young lioness, he was the king of the troop, he got to pick and choose. he wanders through the ranks, eyeing the hopefuls. Solomon sighed, it sounds like the human world too, the stuff we learn from animals. With so many on the brink of extinction, a re think was badly required, amen.

Stop The Madness

Stop the war stop the war there is horror everywhere it’s why you must stop the war,

It’s being fought across the globe and the fields are being bloodied every day,

From the minds of the vulnerable to the innocence being undermined readily,

This War is not about blood and old battlefields it’ the war for the soul



Attack and attack they are coming again the constant pressure on the very young

The anxiety of parents the concerned, the lack of assistance of those supposed to care,

Efforts to appease and do nothing hoping the problems will just float away,

New neighborhood a new war front the pressure on everyone total and relentless


Stop the war stop the war the constant cry from so many hearts out there,

Stop the war stop the war, what is all the shouting it’s doing that’s needed everywhere,

Wake up stop the talk stop the complaining, if your doing nothing get out of there

It’s only the spiritual warriors who have the skills, the support of divine destiny too


The settled thinkers happy with them selves living in their cocoons far away,

Waiting to grab the opportunity constant in their approach and their lack of doing

They watch from the ditch, waiting for the win choosing the winners whatever

No moral compass or integrity their fate will be decided by their inaction



Stop the war stop the war stop why can’t you see it on every tired and worn face

Stop the war stop the war can’t you see the need to get out there and involved

What are you waiting for, for the battle to end and then decide your fate therein


are you going to stand out for love and battle with the lord and his merry men?

Just Do it, the signs were in the sky, repeating repeating, amen. Blessed be God, for ever
