
There’s a bully in the neighborhood vulnerable children too, there’s a corrupt politician andIMG_5755 an organisation running them too, the one you have to depend upon, what  is it that you do, choices,

we face choices every day we live, what sort of action is there for you, do nothing and pretend seems great,  accept it and become cynical like the rest, focus on family career focus anywhere but there,

there’s a media that relies on the politician, there’s a media that supports the organisation, there appears to be nothing you can do, imagine being in the middle of such a situation, imagine being audacious enough to even try,

imagine the support of God at such a difficult time, imagine what the organisation and politician would say, choices, imagine the politician the media and the organisation, all plotting to undermine faith in God Most High,

imagine them creating situations to suggest such things, imagine the affect it would have on your faith, imagine the secret organisation that works behind that force, imagine them holding high office all over the place,

imagine them planning wars and dividing economies, choices, imagine anyone in their ranks trying to get out, imagine the consequences of any whistle-blower, imagine him trying to tell his story of truth,

the evil web is an organisation of shirted men and threat, we’ll send your economy to the bottom Charlie, you’ll never get a job we’ll see to that, choices, sometimes you have a choice sometimes you don’t,

sometimes it’s easier to suggest this is all fairy tale, choices, how often did you hear there’s nothing you can do, then imagine this, and it’s 100% REAL, you explain your stuff to the God you have encountered,

and after a lot of grafting he sends in his angels, sends in helpers of all styles and professions, imagine the news for the corrupt few and their assorted crews, who out of the blue suddenly have to face examination from Above,

some choices are hard made some efforts not worth it, but occasionally in that one in a billion chance the message gets through, when the Mighty God of Heaven is alerted fully, makes heaven on earth a very real possibility too,

and that’s the sort of news that shakes the tree of evil, choices. When men and women of integrity stand up, the world listens!

Patrice Mulumba

Patrice Mulumba


Patrice Lumumba – His Great Escape

The anniversary of the escape,  of Patrice Lumumba, and who was Patrice Lumumba. It’s not a name of celebration, If you are President Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, or a member of the C.I.A., it’s a day of great shame and uncalculated harm. Mr Patrice Lumumba was the First Prime Minister of Congo. On account of his unwillingness to co-operate with the interests of the west, a coup was planned and executed, with the assistance of the above named individuals, who had him replaced with a dictator. The Congo was on the path to freedom, lead by a pro Congolese who wanted the resources of the Congo for the people of the Congo. Sadly Mr Patrice Mulumba was re captured and tortured to death. The history of Congo has been a disaster ever since, rifled top to bottom. The church enquiry in 1975 clarifies this in it’s findings. While History is history, 53 years to the day, the celebration of Thanksgiving occurs today, the day of his escape from custody. In the aftermath of this atrocity against democracy, it opened the gates of Hell upon the world. Many great men were removed from office by similar means in the sixties, not excluding the great Mr Kennedy. May God bless them all. The number of wars that occurred since then, the damage they caused, the affects today, unimaginable, the flow of injustice that occurred, hard to contemplate. Remembering Thanksgiving, remembering the children of the Congo, amen.

Patrice Mulumba

Patrice Mulumba


Invincible considerable untouchable,

terms associated with rulers,

the force that coerces everyone,

move aside we’ll decide,

they never plan for love,

never intended to love,

control power family heritage,

they never planned for God,

it was never their domain,

hadn’t been seen in awhile,

only interested in control,

of almost everyone,

when love is not your core,

God is not resident,

they see it different now,

the plans that are failing,

the witness from the sky

the real game changer,

like all great sunrises,

puts life in all believing hearts,


no fear where God dwells,

no spaceship required,

just loving hearts,

isn’t that almost too simple.IMG_5757

tweet tweet tweet

Twist move push return over down up it’s what life is all about, the efforts we make to smooth things out the stuff we try to forget, in the end it’s yourself you need to get over, face up to it believe it, it’s not the aliens we have to worry about, it’s the two legged monsters with the bit between the teeth, who go tweet tweet tweet, come on and learn something quick before life passes you by, how did we get to behave in such a foolish way, going around night and day checking the social network and the every minute tweet, sounds like the birds got the way right, living in the moment can be a great way to live, now and again you need to throw out the fear and go naked go without, but not spending your day going tweet tweet tweet, Gaga Madonna and thousands of other stars out there, the birds have more sense,IMG_5755 maybe Hitchcock was right after all, amen.

First Secret of Heaven


Love has no interest in love itself, it’s not something you own or hide, it’s purely an action or inaction you live by, it’s one secret to heaven and what’s waiting inside, your mine you belong to me I’m yours you see, such thoughts seem rich but are really empty, it’s putting a price on what does not belong to you, how can you promise it to one person alone, love is a teacher it’s wisdom to be shared, together we live the dream of eternal love, friendship and sharing growing old together too, in the case of relationships and the passions we enjoy, it’s the wish of our creator to make love like we do, when two become one a third love often results, it’s the manifestation of the continuous stream of love, we just happen to assume it’s our divine right, it’s simply the creation of the blessed trinity, love begets love in families it’s easy to nurture it, can there be any other way to explain it, amen., it’s the thread that holds us together and remain in tact, why not use more of it and keep the world in tact, love is a farmer and as every farmer understands, when those seeds you are planting loose the yield, it’s a case of changing the inputs if the farm is to survive, too often we short change mother nature, too often we cheat the needs of true love, too often we forget the sacrifices of others, in our race to get to the top of it we become too focused, you can’t hurry love the way we hurry children, it’s the secret of Heaven on earth, patient love enduring hope and resilient faith in God Most High…..and a Good Father always instructs his children.

Restoring Wisdom

A formal relationship for the foundations of Love, marriage, the wedding feast of Cana one glaring example of it, reflected in the ancient scriptures of old and noted in all the religions, why allow bad experiences in history to undermine the power of Jesus, the first son of the One True God, wisdom for all believers, and why would believers in the One True God, deny that other prophets were also from the One True God, only politicians would, amen. The image of the man in the sky, it’s real, for everyone to see not just the “special few” as some call themselves, any questions…

Love turned water into wine at the wedding feast, and the early Christian leaders turned the Love of God into a political organisation, it’s time the errors of the past were understood, it’s time for the believers in God Most High to come together, all the scriptures of old need to be revisited and fully understood, too much division too many wars later, and we find the world in crisis mode every day, wine is good for your soul and politics is the death of Love, time for Christian and Muslim alike to restore wisdom’s greatness and share it,IMG_5757Copy of IMG_2498




When my husband leaves for work my daughter usually jumps in bed with me until we both wake up to begin our day.  She is 10 and I never once considered telling her she is old enough to stay in her own bed because for 1 hour before each day starts I am allowed to hold and hug my daughter as she sleeps comfortably in my arms.

I will miss this the most when she leaves for college (or whatever great endeavor she will embark on).  In these moments, I feel strong because I am her protector.  But my worry sometimes ruins these beautiful moments.  Here is how reality met my worried brain this morning.


“I love you, have a good day and drive safe!” my husband and I have a ritual every morning.  I always say the same thing and I mostly always mean it. I remember my mom…

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nice, interesting, wow, see that, the trailIMG_5757 laid out, follow, scheme, become like, do it daily, do it weekly, do it yearly, soon you’ll imitate, and become what you see, nice butt, wow,

image, it controls the mind, someone said something about it, many years ago, but not many listened, now were addicted, and it’s considered normal, just saying, that’s all,

more to image than you could possibly imagine.