The Archives

How did the words deliver. Solomon recalls, old words…

the year is 2017, the hopes of divine help rise, signs in the sky, upheaval in the old seats of power, change and challenge, old prophesy comes through, Ezra and more, blessings being poured out, and the Spirit of God gets stronger as faith rises. In the corner, extremists with serious business interests scent opportunity, they plan to harm people, privately they are trying to encourage misguided terrorists to act, do their bidding for them, upset the masses, get them to run to us for cover. Imagine it, God Most High gets word of the extremists true intentions, and turns their plans in on them. While in a church a group of ill people gather for a healing and a blessing, and when they get home, they find they are getting cured, would it not be cool. Imagine the affects the one event would have on the entire world, breath taking, amen.

Its great to see the affects of words, just like the Gospel, according to John, amen.


You want to gain admittance, you knock at the door, waiting. Your head gets a rush, this is so groovy, then the worry begins, well it’s a sort of test, your life adds up to something based on your experiences. Most importantly, did you forgive others, or rush to judge others. Did you believe the media headlines every time you looked at the page. How did you feel, were you angered, mesmerized…

In therapy, she listens to Doctor Benny, her heart is no longer frozen, she is not afraid of anything, while in therapy. Benny continues…

what was your first reaction, and did you pass the bias to your children. How many were misled on such matters, the fake preachers who were chasing your money while exaggerating your fears, believe me, you can get my message and walk on through. Jesus died on the cross, to remind you, getting over your bias’s and forgiving wasn’t so easy as a word. But once that door opens in your heart, you life will be changed for all time, are you willing to risk knocking on heavens door?, are you prepared it, amen.

Doctor Benny smiles, how does that feel. She is relaxing in his safe company. He continues to read from his book…

She is afraid, she reaches out for his hand, he holds it tight but not too tight, she needs the feeling, security, it will relieve her fears, she’s young, has arrived in a new city, is unsure of her surrounds, we’ll have a coffee here. They stop at a cafe, they sit outside, she watches the traffic pass, the human traffic, new colors, faces with expressions she has never seen before, there’s the anxiety, being unsure in your surrounds, amen. She will be living in the city, there is a course she’s attending, her father accompanies her, is helping her to settle in. He see’s the look on her face, nods to himself, we’ll keep an eye on you.

She holds out her hand, he takes it. The pulse in her body, her breathing quickens and slows, like a baby bird in your hand, wondering. He holds it firm, like the story he is reading to her.

Isn’t faith like that sighed Solomon, you reach new heights and places all the time, it’s a living thing and a destination at the same time, and there are demons who want to point you in other directions. you meet new ones all the time. Making friends is never easy, particularly when you have things others don’t have and want.

Solomon in a nutshell, be firm in faith, and don’t worry how others climb the mountain. There are those who are coming into the Jesus way of thinking, it can cause anxiety at the start, this is new, their habits, what are we learning. Stop the judging, think of the soldiers returning from Vietnam, they looked like us, inside they encountered the unimaginable, it leaves a mark.

Solomon was reminding himself, don’t be afraid to venture, just take your faith with you. There were those of no faith at all who measured everything, how can you manage love he sighed, unless you intend to use it as an asset you can sell, and who wants that sort of society, only tyrants and bullies he surmised. Solomon wrote a prayer to spike the efforts of those who preyed on the vulnerable, the young woman in the story, reminded him of one of their many victims, amen.

So lets write a poem she says, her confidence is growing. I’m always the artist, Doctor Benny sighs, it can be difficult to be heard, there are ostriches out there, even among the good. So what is your first line. She is in a relaxed position, there is no tension, just creative thoughts that wish to escape from within.

MY day started with a fall of the heart, I turned on the radio and then I heard, this great song, it stole my heart. …Doctor Benny smiles, I’ve had a few of those types of mornings. What song gets you going she asks. He wonders if that’s breakfast calling. Ahem he says, we’ll get to that later. Continue he says..

The words moved me like a magic wand, transfixed, I was startled at the power in the words, I wanted to stop and get back to that dream, what color I’m not sure but the feeling was green. Doctor Benny laughs, what she says, an old Clint Eastwood movie, which one she asks, all of them, they have a great story in them, and are timeless as the old head might say.

Do you think I should run for President. Its after the great moment, she feels like she could do anything. Taylor Swallow for President, what will barney dolphin think of that. Barney, he was the one who gave me the great idea. Are you old enough, well, maybe I could start saving for the job now, put aside some of our royalties, and new ideas adds Doctor Benny, more coffee he says, my feet are cold on the marble, any chance of underground heating. She smiles, its in the works, amen, One day he’ll rule the world, amen.

Head Rangers….

Okay. look, the thoughts out there, so you caught the Benny bus, where are they taking you. The picture on the cover of the book looks so enticing, it sounds like really interesting, are those real so you look closer, and while your reaching in to get a closer look, someone rifles your wallet, or if caught on the Benny bus, well, the sudden turn just when you thought there was going to be lots of excitement, instead, you find yourself not at the great ranch of utmost joy, but the royal court of the Most High God, so what brought you here, ah, ah, someone turned the lights on, amen.

Francis, how do we communicate, amen.

Why Therapy Works…

My impressions of the world, the way it feels, there is so much out there, i have to be able to think it through, well, so they say, it’s not like in olden times, Barney Dolphin is listening to Uncle Benny Dolphin, Barney has responsibilities, and Benny wants Barney to use the help, and that is called exercise when you don’t think you need it, slowing it down, how thoughts can overcome you, the doubts we are all subjected to, how to deal with them, and the advice’s of Mrs Carey, who prepared for the day, everyday, the way mothers do, all over the world, when allowed the space.

She made seventeen Christmas cakes at her prime, how original is that. Barney likes food. Without food, the mind can wander, its normal to feel light headed without grub, so you take food regularly, its not all diets, its nutrition, and the brain works easier, that’s why those in special services, often deny themselves all sorts of nourishment, it can strengthen the inside nerves, well, they do stuff that isn’t always day to day. Barney is listening. Orla the monk smiles, to think all this happened when he decided to live on the magic island, years ago, a lonely recluse, he is now the innkeeper to his natural friends.

What is therapy, it can be time with a good friend, its not something to fear in other words. Socially, people are afraid to admit their troubles, and when they store them up, well, some stuff is okay, but when it comes to dealing with a world full of communications, there is a lot to take in, especially when you have magic powers, think of superman the movie, he decides he is having a bad day, drops his responsible ways, goes off in a huff, decides to become a waster, and while this goes on, life around him falls into a lot of trouble, so superman, meets one of his little friends, you, what are you doing in here, its time you got your head straight, use your wisdom and help us out, its like calling out to yourself, pull yourself together, we will help you get through. Can anyone imagine Superman in therapy, well, in the movie that’s what happened, so we are not too big to ask for help, and in other words, humility is learned, and then you can ask for help. The trouble is, as Jesus says, in the order of those who are in authority, they can make their presence felt in all sorts of ways, and put pressure on those of tender backgrounds. Its one reason why Jesus spoke to those in powerful positions who were leading His people, His Fathers sheep, into mindsets, that put them in the place, where God was a set of man made rules. They forgot who they were, that’s all.

Barney is listening to the story, acquiring wisdom seems a top priority. There are those who will try to live in the past, and as Jesus says, how can you be one of the disciples if you live like that, what are you bringing with you. even the airplane people charge extra for excess baggage, imagine the lesson, even if its bitter on the wallet, you might have learned something or be careful what you bring home from your holidays, well, that’s a more personal question, amen.

So how does the Almighty God help us daily. Think before you leave the house, the good deed moment, its a little thought, how you treat people, patience if your short of it. Normally we react too quick, anxious, like a movie that is exciting, we can’t stop getting involved, it happens. Stop how does God communicate with us, another question, you just stop thinking about life, and allow the good thought to settle. I’m here, I’ve a gift, its what I have been given, I will use it to improve my environment, and when I need help, I’ll ask the One True God to help, and then it happens. One more cause though on so many minds; how do future children see the world, what would a mother like to see, not the fears, but the good things, store that thought, it will keep you looking up, and then the great adventure gets another surprise, new ideas begin to fill your head, and so you dream clean, not from your personal needs, but of something stronger, amen.

Imagine Saint Brendan the Navigator, he is at sea, the waves are thick, he is at the helm, knows that God is with Him, why be afraid, he travels the world, and inspires others to seek the Lord, and years later, another Brendan is before his father, and in trouble, so the question is posed, the answer, 484, and guess the year of Brendan’s birth, 484, could you get any closer, amen.

Solomon smiled, how all the connections come together like a jigsaw. It takes awhile, patience. The Brendan voyage, stories told to inspire us, how was it done, listening to the radio, the good tunes, where they can lead you, the way a simple thought can life you, and the scurrilous ways of some, who try to taunt your well-being, particularly when they know you have special gifts. So you think of the great explorers, where they went, the risky weather, the challenge, and suddenly your on a new ocean, and thinking, am i not lucky to be here, amen.

The Future Mother’s Club…

All those identities we have to sort through, are we this, bi that, with that alone, half, with, unsure, forgetful, happy weird, decathalonic, what version of human being am I. This crisis, no one came to point it out, they gave us a form, we filled in the details, your in this row, what, but, well that form said, later, well he is my pal, then later, we are pals, the roots extend out as you grow up, its called space, you find your way over time, and Jesus tells stories to explain all this, you have no worries by being a little surprised, time will work it out. In the mean time a bright spark says, well if we can reproduce, and mother nature tells us, its getting difficult, maybe we should start our own group, that is in the interests of everyone, why not. Taylor Swallow and Barney Dolphin are explaining the idea. Barney, the recent receiver of responsibility, well, the three little dolphenee’s will require the future as their birth right, and rather than hearing about it, Barney intends to do something about it. Knowing that the voice will be heard at night, Barney in times future, does not want to be woken from a happy sleep, hey, look what you did for us, what, then the list of complaints, put anyone off breakfast.

Treasure Box

The Future mother’s club, well, those who want to study the environment from the point of view of a mother, it can only lead to a sounder platform, a float on the ocean, a safe place, rather than fill our heads with the issue of children, we will think of safety first, and occupy our minds, with life giving thoughts, that’s wisdom, amen.

Imagine, the one great journey we all have to overcome, baby time. There you are, looking about, so that’s a light, and those are people, what is for dinner, breathing, ah, it tastes different, the stuff, a little hat on the head, so warm, smiling faces, happy reflections, and the music, i heard that before. We have all this before us, imagines the future mothers club honorary president, Taylor Swallow, all the stuff you need to be aware of, health, support, short term, long, role in the world, high sports or normal, the whole menu, what a world to look forward to, and the hope, well, if social media is too much, at least at the future mothers club, we can discuss the world, clean environments, the eyes, what do we want them to see, how can we survive without thinking of the needs of mother earth, its a continuous effort, like Jesus, we run the race to the end, you don’t give up trying.

AS for stuff that can hurt at times, offer it up, think of the eternal loving heart that absorbs the pain, so some try to imagine themselves in the role, the amount of pain in the world, how do you learn from it, where do you find space from it, the obvious needs, rest, Jesus had to escape from his apostles at times, its in the book. amen. One Good thought….Solomon smiled, it will help sort some identity issues; you’ll figure it out later, like the first car, and how you move up, well, that’s common sense, amen.


The world is not what it was 2,000 years ago. It wasn’t what it was 50 years ago. Its been moving real fast, too fast for some, well don’t panic. Francis on marriage as a vocation, well, preachers live in the real world mainly, and its time to recognize it. Its not difficult to feel wanted when in that position. Even fidelity is an issue, look at the marriage stats. It’s not demonic either. Food has changed, too much chemical, its an altered state. The fish are see through in places, and the hormonal changes, well the water supply can have them too. Its not a great scheme either, bad planning that’s all.

Solomon sighs, the schools in the adult district, how many passed the doors, the reminder, every boy and girl is aware anyway, just turn the temperature down. Where does all that come from, well its rather normal, we react to stimuli. And busy parents find it hard at times, amen.

Solomon smiled, the stupidity of mankind at times.

Mothers in Flight…

The desperate search, the longing of the heart, all those days of nurture within, then her offspring snatched from her, the long pain begins, where are they, that calling of the heart, where are they, they need to be fed, where are they, she searches in desperation, drives her in all directions, what are you doing to me, why me, the emotions that turn to anger, rage, then the terrible mistakes, when well we be together again, oh the pain, and those who are never told of their true identity, where did this come from, I’m not like the others, the stolen children of the world, its not always gloom,some times they go to better places, maybe they were scared, its one of those things, genius, this should not happen to me, then the feelings, driven insane, do people read manuals on how to achieve this, amen, who would deliberately do this, Solomon on loss and heart break, broken down, no one with time to help, they hear the same story, there is something wrong with her, and then as easy as an apple to pick from the tree, her talents used for nefarious purposes, and they think this is a game, they ought to look up, those are signs of heavenly pursuits, Solomon recalls his little friend, those eyes, and the trips to the monastery, Nivard’s Glory, he sent the evil ones to flite, the way some do it on the green, lets stop and think, then the use of the hurting souls to ramp up the hurt of others, using the hurt of others, farmed for the same affect, the targeting of love, amen. Jesus reminds all, leave it to God, the words used, you will feel pain if you follow me, sometimes, and if tempted to revenge or anger, remember, what heavenly spirit will live peacefully in hearts such as these, amen.

Dear dancer, you warmed my heart with your beautiful song, the thrill of the voice, remember Leonard Cohen, he went through all the stages, had all the hallucination, tried various new thrills, went into depressions, but go through it, fed up, read the flame aloud, you will be inspired, and he is lucid to the very day he passed up, no lunatic, his reverence for God total, and he complained about his own, how far some had moved from the esteemed position, then again, the writers McCarthy hunted, many of them fellow Jews, how they tried to help create a caring America, instead we got the war boom, amen. Its easy to get sucked into all sorts of causes, in need of help, think of yourself, a child of God, and read the holy words of Jesus, the savior of all mankind, and what he tried to teach you all. A CHILD is born with presumed difficulty, the prognosis poor, or the talents undermined, whose sin was this they asked Jesus, that caused such to happen, Jesus replies, perhaps to show the wonders of God. Recall Mozart, Beethoven, the great minds, the slow learners that became world leaders and better, FDR, the times of Sea-biscuit, need a movie, watch the great story, it will help remove depression and end that despairing position.

You move so well, in therapy, she feels good in the arms of true love. I’ll write you a song he says, she looks at him why would you care, he looks at the marks on his chest, the line on his thighs, these he says, that was hanging by a thread, what, the heart that holds you now, relax.

Restaurant blues, am I seeing double, he flies past, like two little birds, hands on heads, do you look like me, what a fine looking fellow, those eyes, and those eyes beside him, what, are they twins, he wonders with a smile, what a beautiful couple, think of Jesus, and or, well, those memories that image inspires, eternal thoughts of happiness and health follow them, and don’t forget, pray direct to God Most High, that’s Jesus again reminding us, he didn’t want to get too big a head himself, enough of that and the trouble it can lead you to, amen.

Treasure Box

Doctor B, this therapy is working wonders, I had the best sleep ever, thinking how well I healed inside, He smiles, it was yourself he said, no one was trying to possess you, you felt free inside, and you said you didn’t like men, that’s just a bad memory, relax. The talk starts again, we have to work on that song, she smiles. Music is such a healer, Leonard says it too, all those with issues inside, music calms. Why are we listening to this,. Salve, the monks of the cistercian abbey, Roscrea. Father Nivard, a resident there, how he inspired so many to hold onto their faith in the Almighty, it is a nice way to ease the heart and mind, there is no anger or angst, just humble men, singing their hearts out, she falls into a sleepy trance beside him. Heart heart hears the words, stay with us Jesus, she feels calm and relaxed, he rubs her shoulders, ah, a little up she says, the neck is tense, its probably your posture dear, a little easing, you can teach this too he says. She looks over the shoulder, I’ll stick like this, your not thinking of letting me go, what. Imagine your in a building, there is a fire, you have to jump, Jesus is watching you, into his arms you land, what, and then you think, Thank God, amen, the angels do exist, just test their integrity., use the holy name, Christ Jesus. Doctor B sighs, I feel you healing, the spirit is working in you. She leans back, the monks are singing, they are for me, she listens, doesn’t need to think. Doctor B says to her, just be aware, when you hold dark thoughts inside you, you can attract the wrong type of angel, just be ware, and if in doubt or finding it troubling, move about and make a cup of tea, there are mind changers who attach themselves, laugh he says, they are being sorted out, but don’t worry, they are sometimes the souls of others, trying to help you, or those in the half way house, trying to warn you. amen. Look whom the cat dragged home!

An hour later they are having a snack at the table, her eyes are not sunk in the head, her chin is up, she looks like new woman. Doctor B roots at the fridge, no comment, amen, when the emotions are awoken, well when coming out of a great depression, just stop a little, you can be most at risk when in that position. He gives her the short advice, she has her nice coat on, on her way to the library, the mind needs to be nourished, and what if I’m not near one, well, there are audio books you can listen to, les Miserables is a great read, even if long, Victor Hugo catches the spirit so well, you won’t want to put it down, and of course, Schindler’s Ark, it has so many lessons, and teaches us all, how the most righteous of people can be fooled when in an emotional black-spot, amen. What she says, war repayments, they impoverished a nation, gave extreme thoughts an open door almost, amen.

The radio is on, Boston, that’s a very Irish style of place. She watches him, Irish, that reputation they have, he hears her thoughts, he hopes they keep their heads, don’t overdo it, it works out in the end, amen.

I slept even better, she has a cake in her hands. You said we could do barter, he looks at her, I said you could do better dear, that drawl, on a sugar awareness diet, too much sugar, how it creates energy in the young, that needs to be burned off, and with the hand computer the gadget of choice, you need exercise to use it wisely, considering all the places it can lead you. Zoning dear, amen. My cousin finny, was that the movie, he might make a great presidential candidate, would help ease their worries, an actor like some of the greats, respected everywhere, well, a short guy on stumps, looking at Arnie, twins, come on, someone must have switched babies, amen.

Did you listen to the monks since he asks. For an hour this week, and did you sleep with a peaceful heart, well, the thought of Christ among us cheered me up and got rid of all those other thoughts, good he says, your making great progress, another cup of tea, she nods. So relaxed, she thanks God, amen.


Don’t fear, there is help out there, the Heavens are speaking. Solomon sighs, Mrs Carey, the morning she rode the car expecting the worst news ever. Years later, the word flows out to so many places. if life appears hard, and the voices call to you to make you fearful, relax. Many of the Spirit were left in isolation and simply not believed. Solomon sighs, the days of the signs, so many of them, you could not keep up with them, amen. What was normal once, is now abnormal, lets not put words on it, but true love was dragged across the coals, and survived, a miracle, amen. Believe before it happens, Jesus Christ.

Eamon Casey

Bon voyeur, liked a good bottle of wine, drove a sporty BMW, had a charm that was hard to ignore, created excitement in people, he got things done, a bit of the Oscar in him, a proper under stander of the real issues, poverty in the most deprived of areas. A night out, a romance with a lady, we are there to love children, how his personality was lost, but now being found again in places.

The waters of change are tepid where they ought to warmer. Its not the ocean we are thinking of, its the palaces where decisions are made affecting so many spirited people. Not ignoring the rising temperatures or the warming oceans, issues reminded of long ago, the writer can confirm, lets say, time is of the essence, the words of Jesus, feed them, what Father would give you stones when its bread you need, amen.

The media circus, political correct thinking, had Eamon removed from office, nothing more. Solomon gets wind of outrageous experiments being carried out on peoples. What are we to do. Well, when the lights of Heaven come on, you just ask direct, amen. So they put fear into those helping the Holy Spirit, who should worry now, do we need to be reminded., as Jesus says, don’t test the Holy One, amen.

The day spot saved the sheep…

Solomon looks at the picture. In red, she stands among the political pals. A stern look on her face. What story is she reminding us of. Solomon was airing his opinions to himself, its important to free your thoughts, and well, lets hope there are those who are not nefarious in the vicinity listening, to take advantage of them, or as George Orwell would say, waiting to use them. The AI machine will have to be re programed if that’s the case, amen.

The number of journeys the lady in the red coat made. Not always encouraged, she was undaunted, it reminds Solomon of the warnings of Jesus when directing his thoughts to those in positions of authority. Your talents have a purpose, use them wisely.

The way the children came to her door, the desperately needy at times, how she was always prepared, they never left her without some giving. Same as the record seventeen Christmas cakes. How eaten bread is quickly forgotten, amen.