The Temple Door

He watches them enter, he has been waiting a while, there has to be one who understands, the words have to have meaning, not simple acknowledgement, there is plenty of that, who doesn’t need water to drink, an acknowledged fact, yet so much of it is poisoned, when it gets rare, suddenly things hurry up. Solomon reflected, why were the prophets necessary, why were they sent around. Reminders, there is a destiny, that even the demon acknowledges, were we supposed to be working towards that, making it possible. He is hungry, it’s a place where the worshippers gather, they are told to imitate Jesus and the prophets, he seeks a sign. Has been living on a bench, not a tramp, far from it,. he comes with divine authority, there is one among them with the faith Necessary, he continues to wait at the temple door.

The wonders of the stories of old, the constant rebuke of those in charge, repeated so often, no wonder he said it was great news for the oppressed and the poor, those moved out of societies view, it’s ugly having to admit the downside. Get them out of my sight, who needs reminding of that.

Solomon smiled, his Mother held the door open all her life, didn’t suffer the views of those who waited on society, to deliver. In her heart, in her family, active in your faith, and you will be delivered. How many times had the helper arrived, every time, and what was the response of the organised religion, the same as political parties trying to recruit a candidate?


Brothers and Sisters

How can we make peace with them, after what we did to their cities, after what we said about their women, how will they ever accept us, they are so different to us, the food they eat, the number of differences are impossible to bridge. The Christian Preacher is answering a student, the words of Jesus are the ones that matter, forget the rest he says, the preacher repeats and repeats, the sudent listens, afraid to open his mouth, lest he upset the preacher. the student raises his hand, the preacher frowns, what is it this time, he is annoyed with the student, ideas in their heads, where do they get them, we didn’t ban enough books.

Jesus asked us to ask questions and not to put anyone of a pedastel apart from God! The Preacher is getting red faced, where did this idea come from, he frowns. What about the story of the Good Samaritan, and his criticism of the Pharisee’s at the time. Many said the words, but few ever practiced them, Jesus said it ought to be the other way around. The Preacher is annoyed, where did he get this idea from.

Solomom sighed, there were so many willing to point out our differences and faults, as if they were reading from a book, how rare when they spoke of what we have in common. Somthing like that, sighed Solomon. Encourage the bridge builders he prayed, amen. Nothing worse than a bad man with a good reputation, amen.

Troubled Man

It’s not easy to cope with it, the stuff that you are exposed to, the tired mind and the stuff that has been fed into it, and the experts and what they have been doing about it, the troubled man is young, he has seen so much, puts it into his sounds, rousing the Spirit, hoping to hit those who caused the mess, remind them of the disaster they have visited on the world, one day they will listen and sit up, he gets his guitar, gives it a rip, the noise screeches, the sound of a child crying out, a troubled man, who came up with this, where were all the experts, asleep.

Solomon was imagining what it was like, your young, too young, the stuff you see, it can’t be human, what strangers came up with this stuff, a question a lot of people want to ask, and what are they going to do about it. They call about the environment, the ice melts, the polar bear screams, the roar, what are you doing to my world, calls out to his creator, same as the one who made life possible, the vineyard tenants have been asleep, chances are things are going to change, raise the Spirit and become part of it.


It is time to shake the cobwebs, and to stop putting the head in the sand, ignorance or fantasy is not going to sort this, clean water, what, and you are worried about putting on a little weight, get real, who wants to worry about fitting into a coffin anyway.

Demons and Angels

Solomon sharpened the sword, words. His mental exercises went well, it’s only a matter of time, when you appear weak, they appear, when you are complacent they always do, so you are warned. The Spirit came to him, before they realized it, the last saloon, he knew what was expected. The trouble arrives and they are sent running, good night. Be strong in Faith, hold firm, and if you have troubles, don’t be alarmed, your just like everyone else on the planet. As for Fear, remember this, when the Spirit is with you, it’s the same as turning the lights on, everything is in view, so don’t worry. The demons have been caught, and that’s a contagion, same as those California fires. Amen

Awakened energy — Peace, Love and Patchouli… wisdom re blogged


Slipping in the space between stillness and a steadfast flight unleashing the energy of a lifetime we set free the fastest current to flow through into being. Restless clouds play hide and seek as we shade our eyes from the blinding light and settle down to feel the calm of awakened memory as we drift […]

via Awakened energy — Peace, Love and Patchouli

People of the Book

Rejoice, Amo was laughing, stuck to the bed in body, his Spirit was flying, aged, ninety or thereabouts, useless in the eyes of the material minded, gold in the eyes of God. He was a mature wine, and holding court to anyone who would listen. Solomon had come to visit, on his Spirit journey. The Sky opens, the sun bursts, the light from Heaven, the Power that speaks life Eternal, it’s not a fairy tale after all. You are not alone. Amo smiled, as another chocolate entered his mouth, he loves sweet stuff.

The meeting of Spirit, the opportunity to pass on wisdom. Solomon knew without doubt, that Amo was heading up, and he wanted to get a petition in, in advance of Amo’s return. Use the connection, Amo was bringing home a soul full of good deeds, and the Eternal Father was going to be smiling. Solomon being a close relative of Amo was not one to lose such a golden opportunity.

Earlier that week, the demon Angels had tried to push Solomon off course, as regular as race horses not trying to win, only trying to confuse him, hoping to sow doubts, the stuff they had been doing all their life, feeding fear into the Universe, Solomon was waiting for them, expecting them to do exactly that. Play dumb, be stupid, but act wisely. They will never suspect a thing. By the time they take the bait, it’s game over, they will come under the radar of heaven.

Solomon, in that mindset, was giving old Amo a pet talk. Ask for a little more he said, Amo raised his eyes, at ninety years of age, do you think I’m a work horse, what do you mean. How about an end to extremism, and assistance to those building the bridges of understanding between the people of the book. Amo nodded, I will do that sighed Amo, who loved everything that had Heavenly advice in it.

It’s great to have friends in High Places, amen.

The Dream

An institution, large, with it’s own civil service, where Men of Power roam the corridors, giving orders, their way the only way, a form of extremism, there to protect the Church of God, into this, pour a little known South American Spirit, A man of God, chosen from the end of the world, the clean job he is given, impossible in the eyes of so many, the dream. Extremism is not on the to do list, getting rid of it is his main chore. I am surrounded by demons he says, makes it clear from the beginning, Help Me, his words are a call for help. Fear, so damaging, curtails so much thinking, Francis has his problems, made choices at times, some that are hard to support, but admits he is human, is willing and seeking advice.

Solomon had the dream, he woke in the night, there was a darkness that was trying to corrode him, fill him with fear, demonic. He gets up and writes a few words, asks in the Holy Name, the fear disappears. How difficult it is, when those so young suffer such fear that it makes them shrink. No set of words can cure this, only a regaining of trust. actions.

There are many demons hiding in Holy Places, gaining refuge unknown to those around them. Solomon was sending up the prayer; reveal what is hidden, and expose the extremists everywhere, there is a great healing required, amen.

Use music to help you pray..