Solomon Dreams

The signs were everywhere, the divine presence real, the opportunity to heal, the reality of God’s Holy Spirit, the many blessings, the dreams, Solomon was ready, he needed to push the boat out, he’d ask wisdom for help, a prayer was required, the hearts were healing, love was growing, it was all changing, there was real hope, but he remained grounded, it was his job, to hold it together, and help the process along. Helpers were arriving, there was joy, and it was a full circle. The faith had to remain strong, no doubts, like unconditional love. What was occurring was sending tremors into the hearts of the deceivers, God Most High was real, proof that was needed to change everything, visible in the sky, the great events, ancient scriptures, and the picture from above .IMG_5757IMG_5757IMG_5755

The Value of Words

The value of words, the turn of a phrase, the resonating rhythm, the natural flow, the organic combination, the poetic gateway, almost like blood, thoughts spilled on a page, some artists had it, it came without effort, the way wisdom appears, Solomon was trying to explain it,  some voices had that verve, it was a case of recognizing it, the difference,, did you listen when you heard it, he was listening.

In the past, in the scriptures of old, the rhyme of the writing, made it sound like song, mixed with teaching, it caught the ear, you listened, che2IMG_5755wasn’t bullying or threatening,

always a way out, never dark or complicated. The gift of the words,

was a talent, and all talent came from God, by virtue the Love passed on, real love not boutique love, the stuff that forces you to listen.

Cognitive lives scientific

this might be very useful to anyone with a brain

Mind Hacks

CC Licensed Image by Flickr user Charly W. Karl. Click four source.The BBC Radio 4 seriesThe Life Scientific has recently profiled three, count’em, three, cognitive scientists.

Because the BBC find the internet confusing I’m just going to link straight to the mp3s to save you scrabbling about on their site.

The most recent profile you can grab as an mp3 was artificial intelligence and open data Nigel Shadbolt.

The next mp3 for your list is an interview with cognitive neuroscientist and teenage brain researcher Sarah-Jayne Blakemore.

And finally, grab the mp3 of the programme on spatial memory researcher and recent Nobel prize winner John O’Keefe.

That’s an hour an a half of pure cognitive science. Use carefully. Keep away from fire. Remember, the value of your investments may go down as well as up

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The Hungry Heart

The hungry heart needs nourishment, needs filling with servings of love, that diet of anxiety and trauma needs changing, many young hearts are disappointed, the spirit of love needs double helpings, suicide levels among the young traumatic and unreported, Solomon sighed, bad enough being hungry even worse without love, pure victims open to every addiction, that spirit needed more than ever, will put an end to so much hardship, so much trapped love in older souls too, all waiting for their moment to come, most having given up, all in need resuscitation, the power of miracles how it inspired, worked all those years ago was working today, Solomon was pushing it for all that it was worth, if others hid it he was going to show it, faith, he wore it good or bad, in front, didn’t disguise the harsh reality, it needed saying, pour it out he prayed, the Loving spirit, never too late to begin loving. The healing spirit too, it was badly needed, let it be,Copy of IMG_2498 he prayed.

Irish Brothel

three irish men visiting a brothel….

Spirit Lights The Way

150px-Carlo_Crivelli_052Three Irishmen are sitting in the pub window seat, watching the front door of the brothel across the road.

The local Methodist pastor appears, looks up and down the street, and goes inside.

“Would you look at that!” says the first Irishman. “Didn’t I always say what a bunch of hypocrites they are?”

No sooner are the words out of his mouth than a Rabbi appears at the door, looks up and down the street, knocks, and goes inside.

“Another one trying to fool everyone with pious preaching!” says the second Irishman.

After roundly condemning the vicar and Rabbi, they see their own parish priest knock on the door.

“Ah, now dat’s sad,” says the third Irishman. “One of the girls must have died.”

Aah . . . that’s better!

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Without Love

The walls of secrecy have to fall, the interior one inside, the content of the mind, growth of the pornographic kind, hundreds of millions addicted, crunch time for humanities sake, Solomon was alarmed, the statistics beyond comprehension almost, faith in love had been replaced, by the image mentality, the picture from the sky should have sent alarm bells ringing,  was it time to coral porn online and everything adult, the soft talking was over, the reality of God Most High could not be denied, if there was a future it started now, a simple card was all that was needed, filling young heads with images that denied love, was having a dire affect on the health of billions, and the forecast in the future demanded immediate attention, madness had been normalised, it had to change, the future of love on earth demanded it, the picture in the sky, was not a simple image, was the proof many tried to deny, it pointed to the reality of time being of the essence. A step too far was all that was needed, a step back was what was needed, it was the interest of everyone that the situation was addressed, GoIMG_5757d Most High ruled supreme, the words of the prophets realised, the teachings of Jesus never more true, was the planet going to survive without love, no chance without it, amen.

What’s That Girl watching….

She’s watching, the mirror, never good enough, wants to look thinner, tired of being rejected, doesn’t try drugs, or other forms of escape, prefers honesty, if only I was thinner, the girls in the fashion magazine, miserable looking and thin, she wants to imitate them, wants clothes to hang loose, girls in the photographs, get all the good men, it’s psychological warfare, she can’t handle, been this way for years, everywhere she looks, even governments, have used these tactics, scaring into submission, doing it all sorts of ways, Solomon saw a sight, saddened him, wasn’t sad in himself, a friend of his, looking waif thin, with the angels all around, pure foolishness not to make the point, God Most High would hear, he’d ask wisdom to help,Support 2IMG_5757 with a prayer, amen.

Lets struggle to make ourself enough strong to face life…

wisdom for parents and encouragement for those of us who struggle, meaning everyone, and those who rush in …

A Small Act Of Kindness Can Bring Smile On Million Faces

A man, an avid Gardener saw a small Butterfly laying few eggs in one of the pots in his garden.
Since that day he looked at the egg with ever growing curiosity and eagerness.

The egg started to move and shake a little.

He was excited to see a new life coming up right in front of his eyes.

He spent watching the egg now. The egg started to expand and develop cracks.

A tiny head and antennae started to come out ever so slowly. The man’s excitement knew no bounds.

He got his magnifying glasses and sat to watch the life and body of a pupa coming out.

He saw the struggle of the tender pupa and couldn’t resist his urge to “HELP”.
He went and got a tender forceps to help the egg break, a nip here, a nip there to help the struggling life and the pupa…

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Solomon’s prayer

No room at the INN, room in the abyss, hearts calling out, it was the moment, remove the evil ones, IMG_5757IMG_5755IMG_5757Dear Father, turn the planet into Heaven on earth, turn the wicked leaders into babbling fools, remove their means of power and control, love is growing bearing fruit, the new shoots need divine protection, for real love to grow,  the world of hearts are calling out, fill them with divine love, pour out the loving spirit, the efforts of many need loving support, give us a chance to prove our love, amen.

Solomon was calling out, his prayers got a hearing, he was asking for the sake of love, asking in the Name of Jesus, asking in the name of all who served love, all who gave their life for the kingdom’s sake, it was a bold move on his part, he knew it would get the desired result, he was living in paradise and wanted more of it, the smiles on the faces uplifting, the potential for love to surge could not be missed, …he was going to post the images from the sky again, hoped others would follow his example too..the believers would., and pass it on