Finding Love

I found it, I found it, the eureka moment, it was there all the time, i just didn’t have the time to notice. It could not be bought in the store, ordered online, stored in the garage, hung in the closet, it only existed when you created some, it was as living as the air. Once she accepted this, she found love everywhere she went, how simple she sighed, finding love could not be simpler. Finding a reliable man, well that was galactic by comparison, amen. She put on her make up, a few strands of hair were off center, her lipstick smudged, so what, he’ll think, what does it matter what he thinks, wasn’t that the problem all along, seeking in others what we already have ourselves, approval.

Can you imagine it!

It all began with words, what was your dream she asked, dream, what dream, he was struggling to stay afloat, and she mentioned dreams, what was going on. She shook her head, he didn’t understand, perhaps life had weighed him down, his spirit overcome with worry and the daily dose of anxieties fed to everyone. Some could handle it, most got over it, others felt powerless before it, few were able to sow in it. The burden wasn’t a burden, it appeared that way, the way it always appears when the spirit is dampened down, you can’t do anything about it, look at you, what have you got, nothing!.

Solomon reflected on the burdens, not that he was burdened himself, but he was aware of the depth of sorrow in many lives, how that Spirit inside was tampered with, how people were often made to feel undeserving. You have to dream it, then believe it, it was the price of freedom, you just had to imagine it. As we filled the world with strong loving positive and wise thoughts, the world got well, Spirit got the lift it needed, Loving Spirit rose, and with it Rose the influence of God Most High in positive ways. Love is never controlling when it is real, it inspires and encourages, it is not doom ridden and planted in the past, it lives every day, you just have to imagine it.

To see the real Holy Spirit, to know that God Most High was real, to allow it become part of you, and how it transforms

lives around you, that was all you needed to know, if only you can imagine it. amen.

Got Nothing

He shakes his head, stays outside the shop, his friends go in, he watches, their father gave them money, his mother can’t afford it, she’s on allowance, his father, he rarely see’s him, got nothing. The jeans are designer, she coo’s over them, high on the hips, her friend is lucky, her father is a lawyer, they can afford them, the stuff she would do, just so she could wear them, got nothing to trade, only her skin. The mirror is overdosed, has seen so many reflections and poses, cutie, sly, sexy, serious, mean, devious, drugged, but in the end, there’s nothing, they fade. What lasts for ever and what is temporary, it was the old scripture. He’d a friend, a small friend in a corner, and it had been tough, coping without a father, a world bent on social networking, it was not easy growing up, even the games they play, thumb twiddling, and a host of older ones addicted to the adult world and the threat it carried. Avoiding the weirdo’s was not easy, so many heads already filled with stuff only horror writers used to conceive. At least his friend would develop character, and that was something. In suffering or sacrifice, there was the chance of developing, so if he thought he got nothing, he was getting something, just didn’t realize it, amen. AND, he had a host of angels looking over him, got nothing, think again smiled Solomon, the existence of God Most High was no longer a doubt, and there was more to come, amen.

The Great Debate

Boom of hair, swagger and smile, i’m going to save you dudes look on his face, hasn’t opened

his mouth, just nods, eyes wary, seeking the reaction, am i doing this all right, has never encountered poverty in a meaningful way, assumes business thinking will solve everything, ignores the science of the ozone layer, has a private island, doesn’t have to worry, applauds the military, well it’s a huge business opportunity everywhere, ought to be encouraged, war.

The mother enters the fray, hasn’t dropped her husband, has forgiven him his affairs, hasn’t the cougar instinct, she wants a better future for women, has seen it first hand across the earth, the need to lift the female spirit. Her smile is light, it’s been a long road, she has fought for the rights of the under dog, has been forced to accept less, her health care plans, watered down, but she is forcing the change, hopes the mothers understand, she hates war.

Solomon wondered if the truth ever got out, then he thought of the great martyrs, those who stood up, the early apostles, Edward snowden, Bradley manning, and those who wanted a better world. He was sure the deceivers would make complete fools of themselves, so he made it his prayer, let the great debate begin, amen.

is it normal to smile?

Surely, ma, she watches her mother cover up, the eyes, why only the eyes, a smile is an expression of the entire face,  she little girl looks, her mother covers up before going out, what is the problem, she is too young to understand, a rule was made and that was that, it was nothing to do with God, but they tell her it is. Expression of the face, telling and learning, happy or sad, why the hysteria, it’s plain and simply odd. Coming to terms with customs, women were burned for having ideas once, do you hide your smile because your afraid, what does it say. Solomon was gazing out on a beautiful day, and wondered how it felt, having to cover up. The children reared, what did they make of it, did it not convey a false truth, women covered men doing what they like, prejudice passed on, it was against the wisdom of love, no one owned it, it was borrowed and handed back when that part of the journey was over. For those who accepted that Jesus was a great prophet, why did they ignore a fundamental truth, why did Jesus spend his free time with women, why did Martha wipe his feet with her hair. is it normal to smile, only when you don’t offend anyone. The world was under going great change, but there were those who pretended to notice, did they see the cloud, amen.

Voodoo Child

There has to be someway out of here, Jimi Hendrix, words written a long time ago, imagine the frightened child, here, there or in Aleppo. The joker cries, the thief inspired, I’ve seen the light he says. The mother groans, the small child is bleeding, the operation has been a success, the strange priest decree’s, she is safe she is safe, from what Jimi asked. Imagine, cutting young women and children in the name of God. Solomon was saying it, few in those parts were afraid to mention it, they are stronger, the women in fear, 200 million across the world and more, cut for no other reason, other than being the voodoo child. Jesus came to tell them to stop, none of that stuff was necessary, his father had no time for it. Reading about it in the news, he hoped Mrs Clinton would cross the winning line, even to lift the women in those far off places as well, amen.


Small in stature, big in heart, lots of understanding, he’s a friend of the Holy Spirit, he doesn’t answer, the teacher glares, stupid little boy she sighs, she’s almost overheard. He’s not going to repeat the error, she made little of him, humiliated him when he rightly answered the day before, she was getting over a hangover, he was in the way. No, they said, say No

to strangers, and those that make you feel bad, the child was listening, he was no chump, but a brave little man. Solomon was reminding himself and others, there is a God Most High, and those that terrified children in anyway, trouble was coming for them, brave boy, he answered right, he said nothing at all, amen.

Forty Years

And no Parole!

the judge hammers the desk, the warden waits for the new arrivals

, seen so many of them, troubled young men, who strike out, the victim just happens to be there, but the real victim was born forty years ago. The young man is taken away, he shuffles in chains, his spirit drowning, the end of his life, well, who will want him now, prison will soon be the only home he knows. Solomon heard the story, forty years before, the numbers tied up emotionally, how so many end tied up in chains, it was a warning all those years ago, but the system wasn’t listening, it was building prisons all those years. Is there room for anymore howls the guard, the young men are black american, Hispanic, and he is their best friend now. No father, a child dries up emotionally, seeks the answers, hears all those preachers, saying the same, none of them he remembers as a child, as he didn’t own no credit card, amen.

There is a legacy issue, Solomon sighed, for years they treated the growing minority as if the white man owned the universe, he was white all right, but that was his soul, not the color of his skin, amen.

Lost Children

where have all the flowers gone, where has all the innocence gone, it is the era of the lost generation, but it was no cause for despair, the enlightened were working to fix the issue, there were angels appearing from all sorts of places, the message was being made clear, where have all the children gone. She’s ten acts thirty, she is addicted to adulthood but can’t control it, the lost generation, the search party found them at last, amen.

Being Used

Doesn’t know any different, born this way i suppose, emotionally connected, it’s how she survives, her support system is non existent, she’s out on a limb, she knows no other way, traded since she was a child, she’s told to do the same with her own, and this is her routine. Solomon was reminding himself, we are all victims of our rearing, but for some it’s very dark. There is a demon, and the mind gamers who support, trail the interests of the believer, hoping to find an avenue into their fears. Ever watch full, he wasn’t surprised, saw the darkness to often, he could recognise it, but rarely let on. the story he read, affirmed by what he encountered a day later. Did they realise there was a Heaven, and it was something worth getting used to, amen. The interests we create for ourselves, and where they lead us, solomon  was just learning himself.