The Yellow Cup

He sits outside the restaurant, his mother insists, his legs don’t reach the pavement yet, a couple of inches short, he’s only four. They dangle, little sticks, strands of grass, flowing back and forth. Mammy wants him to get along with the new boyfriend. His father left him scarred, well, the night he died in the car crash life has not been the same, his heart is an ache and no amount of treats can cheer him up. He prays, as his father had taught him, before bed time, they knelt together, asked for help, got up in the morning, that was until…

Hi, she greets him, little Sammy nods, just about, the boyfriend has arrived.

How are you doing tiger he says, the new boyfriend that is. He’s not talking today his mother says, who is doing her best, they nod to each other, we’ll be patient they tell each other, she is working her way

back too.

And this is for you, says the waiter, as he puts down a hope chocolate, actually a hot chocolate. topped with marshmallows, it’s in a great big yellow cup. The boy remembers the color, it was his fathers color, and he’d seen it somewhere. The waiter smiles, understands the connection.

So when are you taking me to the spider-man movie then!

The mother and boyfriend look at each other, the mountain has moved. I told you he’d come around.

Don’t Stone me!

the are so many anecdotes, so many ways to interpret those words, fuzzy head, rumbling speech, innocent woman, group of men around her, tied in a street. The exactness of the old teachers, and the ropes they tied to the human spirit, the exalted position they assumed, while they didn’t follow suit. What is it, to one set of folks it’s a relief job, i can’t get my head around it. then imagine, the teacher comes from afar, the tribes are always arguing, fighting and killing each other, one group in charge this century, a new one then comes along, the constant ache and fear, the lingering memories, the reminders, the history, do you remember what they did. In the midst of all this, along comes a fair leader, tries to include, wants the peace to last, adopts some compassionate practices, till one of his own becomes envious, the ex wife, the girlfriend, the brother, or a simple thief.  They take advantage of the kindness, and plan the end of the just leader, amen.

Stop, you are doing this all wrong, you follow the rules but you still don’t listen, it’s the voice of Jesus, we haven’t heard this before. They stop arguing, listen awhile, it hits an inner truth, they can’t ignore it.  If only you knew what you could do, once you stay close to the Father. How easy to imagine it, the wandering prophet, who out of nowhere comes with a wisdom they have not heard before. He points to the teachers of the law of Moses, you have to practice what you preach, you can’t serve God and mammon, it’s not possible, lets get rid of this man, he’s upsetting our get rich plans, turbulence, amen. The message was simple he said, it wasn’t a long list of prohibitions, it was respect for Love, good deeds, and honor for the father, amen. Is it really that easy, well stone me then.

The baby

This Child is not ordinary, she reminds me of my grandfather she says, the eyes. Every Mother has the reaction, some more than others. Would you ever put an effort into what those eyes will soon be seeing by the time it’s four and five, has anyone ever thought of the images that are going to fill that little doting head. Character, i don’t think so, even those exposed to radiation have character, but not my baby. I’d die for the child, and the father says, if anyone harmed my baby, they’d not find refuge on the earth. he flexes his muscles, makes the point, they’ll find out in short time. So why are so many sitting down when they should be standing. Love Baby, love a peaceful world, amen.

Children of the world

Two children play in the rubble, soldiers and hero’s, one holds a wooden AK47, they are more popular than cars, overhead a drone watches, it’s been doing it for years, and what was once a destroyed building, a solitary construction, has now spread to the entire block, but being children, playing and make belief is their fun time, they just use the experience they are accustomed to, and the resources they have at hand. Their parents can’t work, access to the work place is by permit, and the live in the wrong neighborhood.

A young girl bobs her head, she is watching the dance on the screen, she has a smart phone, is doing what her friends are doing, they will all leave a comment and chat about it later, it’s the world they are used to, they are doing what they are accustomed to.

A man of God, arrives on earth, the Holy Spirit is sent, from that far off place that is near at hand, he tries to explain, this life is a leasing agreement, it’s not yours to begin with, you are given a starting point and your goal is to find your way through the maze ,and find use for the love in your heart. he backs up his words with miracles.

imagine today, the number of children under pressure, apart from the tragedies they are exposed to, all of us are exposed to, and trying to make sense of it, and getting advice from those who know nothing about the root causes of so many of the issues, well, they can point out what is wrong but seemly can never do anything about it.

Then imagine a world, where love dominates the agenda, understanding is as normal as breathing, and exploitation is a thing of the past, and the only connection you have to the darkness, are your deeds or non deeds. One reason why Jesus preached forgiveness, it killed hatred. And children don’t need to be reared with hatred. Solomon was trying to make sense of the world. Affirmations and signs. 23,000 dropped dead in the desert when those delivered from slavery, offended Moses. Solomon saw many signs, many of them, there is a power, a mighty power, that is everlasting, and there were those who wanted to limit that knowledge. Each generation could turn the situation around, if they were taught how to love, how hard was that. the children of the world deserved better, all of them, amen. Children follow example, don’t they!.

Abraham’s Journey

So it all began, a trek through the desert, he led his flock, in awe of God, his people were fed, his flock thrived, was tested by God, four thousand years later, he is still recalled, a man who outlived everyone, was faithful. What would he make of those, who murdered innocent children, what would he think of their faith, questions he would answer too easily, amen.

It had happened many times, in so many places, the blood of the innocent fell. The grief in the heart of so many, what is it all about, what encourages such evil, imagine it, no faith of God ever encourages violence, the very opposite in fact, forgive them taught Jesus, and put them to shame, their deeds will catch up with them, while my people will have eternal life.

whatever the faith, whatever the starting point, some wisdom’s were unimpeachable, and the simple truth of it was impossible to knock, when you learn to forgive you take the energy out of the evil impulse. Solomon was learning, one thing was certain, evil needed us to get angry and to hate in order for it to live. Abraham kneels to offer his child, amen.

In earning the trust of God Most High, he crossed the bridge, amen.

Saturday Night Fever

Just keep me busy, i don’t want to think about it, in her head, once she throws her arms around another human, she’ll forget herself, maybe find love, is that asking too much. She stands before the mirror, notices the magazine headline, she reads while sitting on the loo, 100 ways to feel more confident, written by a successful woman, who led a so called perfect life, her smile is perfect.

Her eyes are sad, but she thinks of a happy event, suddenly she spots a smile, her grin widens for a few moments, she just needs reminding.  She doesn’t want to be exploited, she’s had enough of the advice experts, but she’s afraid she’ll miss something if she doesn’t buy it. The cell rings, the taxi is outside, she grabs her purse, one look at the mirror, she’s gone. The journey is a drama, the streets pass by, her gaze follows them, her head is pointed out of the window, were here the driver says. She puts on a smile, hands over the fare, keep it she replies to the extra. Her friends are inside, two vodka’s and she’ll  be fine, Saturday night fever time. the music is live, it feels different, hasn’t heard live in a while, the crowd is different, they seem to be listening, they don’t hit on her, they are actually dancing too, her heart begins to flutter, she hasn’t felt like this is in a while. would you like to dance her friend says. they bob and jive, the energy flows, the alcohol is secondary, she is having a good time. three  hours later she is heading, Saturday night fever, she feels good for once, goes home with a head on her shoulders, not with a human fever, what the difference a prayer makes.

Solomon encountered Holy Spirit, it is amazing what God can do, just belie

ve it, amen.

Our World

One parent, a working mother, a father that rarely visits, who loves you baby, the lament of many young hearts, am i not good enough, might as well try the internet, least i’ll find some friends there. He scrolls the page, clicks and flicks, millions are doing it daily, probably more, self serving celebrity, pours out the drama, hey, i have another follower, the positive you know, the kid doesn’t know.  The dark mind, reads the heads, has a little help from the demon, knows how the spirit works, lead them on, push them over the cliff, got you. A game they called it,  Solomon was reading the text line on the TV, the online bullying saga was getting more press, it wasn’t a recent issue, been going on for years, at least it was the news, did they forget the obvious, society needs to readjust, to set new guidelines, children need parents not child minders amen.

Years before he listened to criticism of the closed society, and how it wanted to limit the free for all access to the online world, and how the so called society in question and all its’ past issues were suddenly highlighted again, in order to kill thought on the subject, access to the online world. A little organisation could fix this he sighed, if they could send space ships and land them on the moon, what was the problem with a little cyber patrol, just saying. So many children lacked the full support so many took for granted today, our world had changed, amen. A

positive imagination got positive results.

Where’s The Bread

Solomon wondered what the ancient scriptures meant, spent time working them out, after all, many conflicts were started over the misinterpretation of same, and any light on the situation might help the problem from not repeating. Organised religion was too worried about organisation and regulation to give it serious thought, not surprising, their differences seemed to get wider, while they all offered praise to God Most High. You fed me, you gave me shelter, you healed my thirst, you were there for me, basically, you were a friend, amen. was it that simple. How many careers were made by those pretending to be devout, how many politicians found their power from it’s clout. How many chose the side they thought would win, where’s the bread you mean, amen.

I’m Young

She handles the gadget, in awe, it’s almost religious, it connects to billions, and she has the world in her hands, she wonders, the message is risque, will i press the button, and get involved in the game. The button pulses on the screen, push me push me, she’s on the brink of change, others have pressed the button, she wants to tell her mother, but she won’t understand, that’s what her online friends tell her. A neighbor passes, she smiles, she used to play with dolls, games children play, but that’s so old fashioned. Her idols, well, they, she doesn’t know what she wants, she’s young. There is no one to guide her, both parents work, she’s lucky that way, her friends mother works all the time and she has no father, who do you turn to, everybody is doing it, pressing the button. Her little heart sighs, why she pauses, she senses the fear, just do it anyway.

I’m young, is anyone hearing me. Solomon was reminding himself, and others, life is a journey filled with responsibility, risk, and a goal at the end, the door to heaven possibly. The older ones act as guides he imagined, the way teachers assist their pupils, because, they are young. Solomon wrote it as a prayer, many were calling out, seeking help, amen.


Great White Hope, on his shoulders rests hope, mixes with everyone, but as a term, great white hope, Solomon recalled ancients myths. In all the ancient cultures, there was a great tribulation, then the arrival of the “Great White Hope”, visitor from afar, a giant of a man in Mayan and Aztec culture, whose role was to drive peace and love. It was the main reason the Aztec’s welcomed with open arms the Spanish in the 15/16 centuries, they were a godsend they thought, here to help, not to extend their kingdom.

The flood happens the help arrived, it’s a common story in most cultures going back. The flood could be a plague, depends on the situation at the time.

In the context of the Great Change, there were many pretenders down through the years, many who ended up dictators, and some continents have had more of it than others, and there was the power that tried to curb any positive influences, replacing it when they saw it as a threat. Rome did it’s best, its not uncommon. It happens today, it happens everyday. In a nutshell, when the next Great White Hope arrives, let’s try and support the change, by pouring good thoughts into our everyday ordinary lives that are truly extraordinary. Good men and women everywhere, depended upon the efforts of others, many they would never meet, to counter the challenges

they face, in their efforts to right things. Imagine it, you voice has the power to do good.