Cover up…

it wasn’t for comfort sake, that the Good lord told his friends, that to become a friend of the almighty, that you had to be born again, it’s a snazzy word thrown out quite a lot, i’m born again, but in order to acquire wisdom and truth about one self, you need to make discovery as they say, getting to know the real you, taking a picture of yourself at the moment you think you are ready for changing, then taking the leap, it’s like falling in love, it just happens. the worry for a lot of folks, meaning guilt retained inside oneself, is that this guilt creates a hole in the heart, a void, and like all voids, they have to be filled. the evil doers and their spirit friends know this, and can sense this hole in the heart of every living soul, so does God, and so what you might think is a secret, becomes an opportunity for them to fester and grow, the world today is so full of guilt, that it’s only by good actions can this plague be halted and healed, it’s why we rejoice at good news events, when we hear of miracles and the like, it’s why we need to stop being guilty inside, and instead start doing the right thing, which in affect is being born again, so don’t give up, we are expected to fail in the beginning and to succeed in the end, and the more love we pump into the chamber of the heart, the less room therein for evil to grow, no room for the evil spirit to take hold, believe me when i say this, it’s been going on for years, but it’s out in the open now, rejoice…


He headed straight up the stairs, by passing reception and magda. She was learning English now, had wanted him to help her, he’d promised her he would, when he’d time. Millions died daily needlessly, mostly children too. Less people, longer the earth survives assumed harry, assuming again, that, some peoples think only of themselves, solely not soulfully. Polish cookies were now standard on the side table along with a bucket of ice. She was leaving him notes. The one he was reading that moment, put him on notice so to speak. She’d an inklish klass exam coming near, and she needed magda xxxxx. Pressure, we’re all under pressure of a kind. She’d got this far he thought, as he switched the beast to life. Pakistan was testing a new nuclear warhead announced the views reader on TV. Indian politicians promise to react. Wonderful stuff sighed harry. They can’t feed themselves, but know how to blow the shit out of each other. If god had a bad day before, he was having another withering one before the eyes of the world. Threats and more threats, voice over military displays or parades, we’ve got more bombs than you. Instability in the east, moving south now, a flotilla of news hounds in pursuit. He’d seen the current chick in Damascus the previous week. She was into dangerous sports. Her make up looked perfect, like the other week. Senior reporting staff had been moved to the Syrian capital to cover all the moves and the news of course, announced the CNN. News chief’s for some major networks had to be spies figured harry, pressure for sure.

Climbing Mountains

This is an opinion about My Cell Battery Lasts Longer Than My Relationships!:
life is the best relationship you have going for you, race, status, it’s the same mountain you are climbing, some of us take to the mountain alone. some with friends. some in large groups, the point that matters, is how we make it up the mountain, or if we give up trying, and who we expect to meet at the top of the mountain, as the saying goes, a life well lived will preserve your reputation, and an entry card into heaven, a life lived unwell, has…just fell off the cliff and into the abysss, yikes….if you had some friends with you they just might reach out and catch you…

awake yet

Two year old child arms broken
Tears roll from the surgeons eyes
You call this love he pleads
His eyes skywards god sees
Free will i had enough
Can’t do this anymore
I send in love now it’s gone
Lying in sunshine somewhere
In The beginning i was light
Shared love produced me
Then i became common and unplanned
All the lost love leaves us damned
How long must i wait
I’ve lit hearts for years
Stuck to my task like steel
Even God can’t hide the tears
I’ve a plan cries God out loud
I’ll act as planned and allow
Earth rumbles floats and quakes
About time they all now awake

Justice For All

This is an opinion about [Oh so true]
what do you do, what do politicians do is what we should be asking. the world we share is the outcome of bad judgement everywhere, and i can’t deal with it anymore, got the solution and here it is, its simple, a total no trainer, read this everyone and pass it on, it’s the simplest of arguments and it’s applicable the world over, so please take it seriously..
it’s a question we all ask, sometimes when were loaded, great ideas soon forgotten, and a week later we come up with more great ideas, soon forgotten and after awhile we become disillusioned and so on and on, the circle gets tighter, all we think is escape, then we give up, stop, it’s possible to change everything, and this is how, it’s not a revolution, it’s called justice for all, and this is what ye have to do, and it’s simple.
We have a united nations to protect us from criminal behavior and other such abuses throughout the world, its not working, world is in a worse state now more than ever. Lets set up a court for all the politicians of the world, hold them accountable, just them and no one else, a political crimes bureau, PCB for short. everyone who dares to enter politics throughout the world who elects to serve the people and only enriches themselves, will be brought before this bureau and will be asked every three years to explain any of their spurious decisions, the penalty for abuse, asset stripping for those involved, end of story. this bureau will put power back into the hands of ordinary decent people the world over, and make the abuse by the political class and those who support them a very unprofitable business, now is that not simple.

Just words

This is an opinion about [A few minutes of Your Life, To Help them Realize the rest of Theirs.]
it’s why we educate children, teach them to read and write, hopefully they dream, and the best dreams in the world are heard in heaven, of that i am sure…keep punching the keys
and watch the world change…amen

Love is calming

This is an opinion about [Oh how he loves us!]
clouds image the world, and faces I’ve often seen, and it is through the heart that God connects with us, it’s why children young shine so easily, until they are hurt and betrayed, we were warned of this by scripture, judas is real, the same way love is often betrayed, but we are living in a time, the changing of the ages, a battle is being waged for the souls of all, an unseen battle, that cannot be lost, it’s why love heals every situation, and this i stress with certainty, so much love is lost through ignorance, fear, self centeredness, and it’s the reason why there is so much panic in the world, and the great news is simply this; when we act in love we fill god with love in return which in turn is returned to us, it is that simple, and when we gather together to worship, with the same goal in mind, the creation of love, the power of darkness grows weak and weaker by the moment, it’s why all of us with the good heart need not worry, but neither can we bask in the moment, the more love we show the more our prayers are responded too, it’s why the evil doers do not want us to do good, it’s cause we give power to love, and love is the only cure for the ails of this earth. when you join an organisation that has it’s own goals of success those things that do not include outsiders, it’s a simple case of incest in practice and of no use at all, it might make us feel good, gain us friends, but at a price, so for the sake of our world, we need to grow love in all those that are young most importantly, it’s why the sexualisation of the young person is so destructive and needs to be tackled by all, especially women who know it the best. they don’t put men on show in their underwear, in a nutshell, they are telling women you are an object, apart from other things. i’ve no doubt that love is calming the world, tell everyone you know, it’s working, and the explosion of all sorts of exposures is happening all over the world, God’s way of letting us know that we are not alone, we just have to act and act for good, religion immaterial, so long as love is our motive, our hearts will show it, and our actions will grow it

The emotional tyrants

It’s wrong, can’t do this, pain in my leg, this is wrong, excuses by the bucket full, yawns, more yawns, dull, head spinning, the list of well discussed reasons why we don’t do what we are supposed top do, i wonder is this just me. but getting into the emotions is really trying.
Emotional times, every one is crying, crying for change, privately publicly the call is a united one, it’s tragedy and distress, first began when life was a mess, was it something you could not say, were you afraid that he’d run away, children, women, men, everyone living, emotional is the natural one, don’t worry it’s time to let go those fears, have confidence in yourself, don’t listen to those failures, growing it’s a very emotional time, in a relationship and you have to let go, you have old friends they don’t want to know, be like us we’ll keep you safe, if you try to do that you’ll end up like sheep, emotional sometimes good but it’s usually fear, it’s holding you back that secret you can’t reveal, you have to tell someone you try the booze instead, it’s a slippery surface your suddenly on, you think you are in control but your loosing it, join a group we can help you, you become addicted to that and it’s another fall back, how can I deal with it, this pain I have inside, it’s the same fate of governments those hidden mistakes, be truthful it might hurt, ignore it and it will eat you up, I’ve been in these situations, grown comfortable among the addicted, just cant seem to do it myself, yes you can, think you heard that line before, the call of hope takes to happen, many people everyone in fact, they suffer this same problem, it’s really matter of fact, the husband is cheating, the wife is she leaving, I can’t say that, what will I do on my own, will I get a replacement, what’s going on, he meets her in the school gym, they like each other, she’s sweet and wailer thin, years grow the friend ship endures, experiences shared like we can’t let go, every plant needs space, ever see a big tree in a tightly wound space, never have and never will, mature and grow that flow, if light can’t get in where do you grow, sideways this way his way her way not the way you planned for sure, it’s why God gives us wisdom every living day, problem is we forgot, got used to excuses and all the abuses, cynicism resentment broken love and loss, you that three year old child alone in the school yard, every one else had a daddy, you didn’t understand you yearned inside, how did we see but not feel, situation been going on for years, expensive education and toys to keep you busy, never makes up for the love you craved for, lost love is replaced in many shapes and forms, a world that ignores the needs of children may soon be wishing otherwise, I had a dream many years ago, it keeps turning up trumps, today I saw a little boy lost three years old a little cap on his face, he sat quietly in a corner and watched as others passed by, fathers holding hands with their children, the little boy started to cry, why me, why do they hurt me, do they care at all, the faces the TV, the voices of the mighty and great, get even said the voice in his head, someday he’ll murder his wife, it’s happening again and again, all we can do is call an inquiry, the boy thinks as he grows old in the state penitentiary, how the so called good deal with such calamities, any better excuse for our emotional lives, have we forgotten to love, seems the mighty lord thinks so, and when the lord hurts expect a reaction, well……your children are hurting what are you going to do,
Allow tyrants dominate you, amen.

not just a song but a journey as well

not just a song but a long journey as well, i was driving the road chatting with the king, renewed my intentions for a world more loving, that was better for every one, a place where love grows wisely not anxiously like it does for most of my kin, I’ve had many close calls you see but my faith in folks has only been my concern, hopeful are the people we lover the more we encourage the better we all get on, the more this dream comes about the more and more i will continue to pay homage to him , been on this road awhile and i need reassurance for myself, am i honest and real like the good books says or am i just another one, open to what is true and loving not fashionable like most of those teachers who continue to come and come, people that i see preach what they like it’s only the audience that they want to see, i’m a little older now but i still have a lot of tolerance, decided to stop the car this day went into an electric cafe could have been a church but i was in a hurry, i had to acknowledge my prayer and be certain, my intention being to send across the world and universe hope the best way i can, with words like Neil young words that stir the hearts of everyone just do it i said and run, while i was there came across the effort of a young lady of tender years she seems, in her wisdom and passion she reminded me why i do the things i do, could feel her loving force her energy passed into my mind, have no idea where this journey will take me and others of similar mind, we always have to fight those who accept rather than do, their part for all of us is not the part i plan to be myself, the knowing God is very real, miracles they all come from the heart, they happen to be occurring in many locations now open your eyes and play a part, it’s great to hear from one young who is able to encourage those so older to try that little bit bolder, put doubts about destiny out of mind i thank you for the start, it’s just that we need to encourage the little ones inside them unlike many older that have lost that same old spark, but they can be re ignited again when they are reunited again it just takes a little more love for them to spark, and a little more time for us to get wiser before we make it a brand new start…and again and again, cause despite the problems and fear we all share this is our life so lets all start again and spark, sounds like you car is at it again and again…
again …amen

why do we like google..

it started the first time a good friend, a man of integrity, pointed to this search site
many years ago. at a time when the web was novel, and not totally functioning, and when
the large tech companies had not got their hands or understood what honesty meant, by which i mean, they had not figured out how to rob people yet, but were trying hard to get noticed, i.e. altavista from dec and so on, i came across google, and like the old phrase says, it did what it said on the can, it didn’t direct you to all sorts of sites, but to the ones that held content relevant to the search carried out, simple honest and true, and like all good things, spread by word of mouth. i even went as far as attempt to buy shares in google many years ago, they were on DR, at the time, but the lady broker who was assisting me, didn’t see much in my thinking, i guess she would have preferred to keep me stupid and a local client, like a bookie type relationship. needless to say, she took a job with the anglo irish banking corporation not long after, a bank that ended up loosing fifty billion euro’s of the locals cash sadly, but that is google for me, honesty, savvy, and simplicity entwined..