The Good Old Days — Telling the Truth.. hot or cold, the earth is heating up…re blogged, never steal the credit from others…it cuts off growth…


With thanks to the Polar Vortex, depicted above on the left. Cold air blankets my body Seeps through pores Insinuates its way Past layers of fleece Shivering, I opt for Mind control I re-mind myself Of long hot summers And how I’ll yearn for These good old days To soothe my fevered skin And drooping […]

via The Good Old Days — Telling the Truth

Nature and the Human Mind

Can we sell it, well I guess they tried, are there those who try to distract us, what do you think, the two souls are at the zoo, in the bird zone, they are there in response to a question the child answered, it made the old guy laugh, and that does not happen often enough. He was teaching his grandson, trying to make himself useful, after all, the boys mother, his daughter, was providing him, the old man, with the shelter he needed, and if he needed reminding, it was cold outside, he could feel the warm heat, not daring to go outside, so he decided to teach the young child.

“A humming bird is a chick the sings”  smiled the little boy, his eyes turned sideways, he half glances up at his grand dad, wondering what will be the expression in his eyes. It bears a smile as he well knows, but the assurance of having someone older with all the right answers, was and is a luxury few have these days. Grand dad laughs,

“you mean one of those girls on the TV who sing,”

the little boy nods. It’s the days end, mother comes in the door, spots her father teaching her son, he is in good hands. A week later they are at the zoo, all because of the sweet little humming bird.

Nature sighed Solomon, there was a need for a greater awareness, the numbers didn’t lie, he thinks of the boy and the hummingbird, when they get it young, it always pays off.

The Power of Jesus

Look, you just have to Love. And love has many meanings, it’s not the short word so many practice in neat little places, it’s a bit wider, it is how you think about matters, it’s why you get sad sometimes, your feeling inside, its not an addiction to the material, that stuff becomes a chip a block a load you have to carry, cause all your damn time is spent worrying about it, the stuff you can’t bring with you, can it be said easier, there is a Spirit, you create space inside you, but if your head is full of junk, what is the space inside, baloney.

Out in the morning, the rain is bad, seconds later it’s gone, you think of someone, you send them love, the feel better all of a sudden, it’s inside you, just don’t get lost in crazy ritual and unnecessary long prayers, keep it simple, show appreciation for the gift of life and you will be handsomely surprised.

When he stopped speaking, they looked up, is it that simple, Yes he said, and you can do so much, just listen to the heart, use it regularly and you will be inspired.

Music for Well Being

The day opens, in the Kitchen, the children come down to eat, there is tension, the argument the night before, the air is thick, you want the place to yourself, stuff is going around your head, and the silence does not help. Fighting the inner demon, you shout off your mouth too often, booze perhaps, you don’t want to admit it, since he walked out on you and the kids it’s not the same, the letter in the post and the imminent divorce hearing, the children heard the screams you made, trying to stay afloat in a very emotional world. The grief counselor advised you to try new things, the children will have to get used to a new surrounds, but you can’t let go, then you remember the old times, it was good, music in the morning, you had them humming in the car. Putting the kettle down, you reach for the radio, the delay as you put your finger on the on button, you don’t want to hear the music you all listened to as a family, when is father coming home, the call, what a heart break, you are in tears every time they say those hard words, worse than a death, he is loving someone else.


The music comes on, the children bob their heads in tandem, the anger seems to let go, you watch them, what did they do to deserve this breakdown in their life. You think, you forget the hurt, you feel the need in front of your eyes, later you read the papers, you begin to see through immigrant eyes, cause isn’t that what we all are, seekers.

Solomon sighed, he had a dream, the child without a parent, the small boy calling out for his father, someone to sort it out, the same needs all over the globe, the feeling of security, someone you can discuss your emotions with, without fear. The so called experts can only plan for failure, when things go wrong they come up with the answers, never before, always later.  Too much for many, the tyrants the same experts support are causing a flood of people on the move, of course they give the well spun answers, while the UN hide, well, it takes so much time to get it organised they say, same as the plight of Palestine, a concrete heap, where children become scarred with hatred. With the signs in the sky, they better get active sighed Solomon, amen.

Meanwhile, breakfast becomes a new musical festival every day, the joy returns, each one of you has their own playlist, and inside you begin to shine.

Revealed Promises of Psalm 23 — Good Time Stories


The 23rd Psalm is arguably the most well-known, most memorized, most beloved passage in all of the Scriptures. Millions of people of people have recited it during times of stress, despair, war, and disaster to give them strength and courage. People have used it during times of death, sorrow, and loss for a source of […]

via Revealed Promises of Psalm 23 — Good Time Stories

Music on Monday

Monday, the end of january, the first days of Spring are near, you need to get your head clear, perhaps you need to unwind, music supplies much of what we need. Trying to lose the bias being poured into the mind, well, you heard so much in your years, how can you put those fears aside, where is the space you need, a hundred different emails, a load of tweets, and a host of other messaging services, who can handle the over load. Lets face it, we all have one set of eyes, and our brain has a wide variety of streams, you can’t work the same sections without letting the other parts down, it’s the same as letting down your children, be good to yourself, give your mind a rest, listen to music, you say you have not the time, well, if you don’t want a breakdown, you can always reach of the V’s.

Immigrants wait in the arrivals hall, why don’t they play music, waiting is a bore, apart from the stress, the officials behind the desk, pass paper over and back, oblivious to the needs at the other side of the counter, a little thoughfullness. Those in charge, if you make it too comfortable, you will only encourage others, what a mind set, we are all supposed to welcome guests, oh for the good times, amen.

The Peril of Rushing to Judgment — Just Call Me Pastor… Old time Lessons in History, a re blog


How could King David have imagined that his act of kindness would be misjudged and lead to a blood-spilling war? Here’s the background: The young King David had captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites and twice defeated the Philistines. Military engagements in other theaters had been successful too (2 Samuel 10). Israel was at peace when […]

via The Peril of Rushing to Judgment — Just Call Me Pastor

Migrant Mary

The tent leaks, it’s cold, but there is a TV, she is watching CNN, the debate is very personal, they are talking about the “Wall”, the door is closed to her and many like her, Dear God she says, is this always going to be their way. For cash they will allow the “dreamers” stay on, what sort of thinking is that, to build a wall, everyone knows you can cross any border these days. Mary is not your ordinary migrant, well, no migrant is ordinary, they take extraordinary chances to create a life, and they do. Miguel comes into the tent, her seven year old son, what are you looking at Mam, they are discussing us she says, his eyes light up, you mean we are going to be famous, he gets excited inside, everyone wants to be famous these days, including, seven year old Miguel.

The diseases have eased since the red cross doctors arrived, but the food is staple, porridge with lots of vitamin, meanwhile, the leaders of Davos, sit down to an eight course meal. There is a flash from the cameras, looks delish says Miguel, he is fed up with the bland food, and used to doing without. What are they discussing he says, he’s a smart child, can ask the right question at the right time, will make a good job when he grows up, if allowed, the other options don’t augur well, he is smart, and that is not something to be wasted. You don’t want him becoming a terrorist.

A teacher in her homeland, a number now, counted with millions of others on the move across the globe, when your without and you don’t have an address, there are few who take you seriously.

Solomon sighed, when will they apply the wisdom and teaching of old, all those old gitters are going to face the eternal judge, for real, they will all have to account for themselves, with all their educations and those expensive schools, you’d have thought they might have learned, have they not seen the signs in the Sky, should have gone to the opticians sooner I suppose. A war was raging, the old time nationalists wanted to turn back time, problem was mother nature was weaker, and they were all being used by the new world extremists. At least after all the troubles of the past, the younger set were not going to fall for that, as for Migrant Mary, the tent leaks, the air is cooler, but Miguel still dreams of being famous.