Heavens Door

You want to gain admittance, you knock at the door, waiting. Your head gets a rush, this is so groovy, then the worry begins, well it’s a sort of test, your life adds up to something based on your experiences. Most importantly, did you forgive others, or rush to judge others. Did you believe the media headlines every time you looked at the page. How did you feel, were you angered, mesmerized

or what, what was your first reaction, and did you pass the bias to your children. How many were misled on such matters, the fake preachers who were chasing your money while exaggerating your fears, believe me, you can get my message and walk on through. Jesus died on the cross, to remind you, getting over your bias’s and forgiving wasn’t so easy as a word. But once that door opens in your heart, you life will be changed for all time, are you willing to risk knocking on heavens door?, are you prepared it, amen.

Hold It tight

She is afraid, she reaches out for his hand, he holds it tight but not too tight, she needs the feeling, security, it will relieve her fears, she’s young, has arrived in a new city, is unsure of her surrounds, we’ll have a coffee here. They stop at a cafe, they sit outside, she watches the traffic pass, the human traffic, new colors, faces with expressions she has never seen before, there’s the anxiety, being unsure in your surrounds, amen. She will be living in the city, there is a course she’s attending, her father accompanies her, is helping her to settle in. He see’s the look on her face, nods to himself, we’ll keep an eye on you.

Isn’t faith like that sighed Solomon, you reach new heights and places all the time, it’s a living thing and a destination at the same time, and there are demons who want to point you in other directions. you meet new ones all the time. Making friends is never easy, particularly when you have things others don’t have and want ,

peace of mind he’s thinking of. Solomon was reminding himself, don’t be afraid to venture, just take your faith with you. There were those of no faith at all who measured everything, how can you manage love he sighed, unless you intend to use it as an asset you can sell, and who wants that sort of society, only tyrants and bullies he surmised. Solomon wrote a prayer to spike the efforts of those who preyed on the vulnerable, the young woman in the story, reminded him of one of their many victims, amen.

Wouldn’t it be so cool….

the year is 2017, the hopes of divine help rise, signs in the sky, upheaval in the old seats of power, change and challenge, old prophesy comes through, Ezra and more, blessings being poured out, and the Spirit of God gets stronger as faith rises. In the corner, extremists with serious business interests scent opportunity, they plan to harm people, privately they are trying to encourage misguided terrorists to act, do their bidding for them, upset the masses, get them to run to us for cover. Imagine it, God Most High gets word of the extremists true intentions, and turns their plans in on them. While in a church a group of ill people gather for a healing and a blessing, and when they get home, they find they are getting cured, would it not be cool. Imagine the affects the one event would have on the entire world, breath taking, amen.

What Does it take

Solomon was recalling the story of old, and how stubborn the Pharaoh was, when Moses asked him to free the Hebrew slaves from captivity. The arrogance of the Pharaoh is legendary, and Moses had to go to him over seven times, with worsening prophesy before he relented, and set them all free, only to bring destruction on his army when he changed his mind, as his ego and pride overcame him, come on I’m the Pharaoh after all. It was a lesson in pure pride and arrogance in the face of Divine Power. later when those who are freed rebel against the One who free them, they endure their own catastrophes, and Moses and what happened, as we know, is not fantasy.

3,000 odd years later, the world finds itself at a crossroads. A pope arrives from the ends of the earth, and a voice is found in a world that almost deserted the Almighty almost, bridges are built, and understanding and commonwealth as Leonard Cohen sang about, begins to grow again. Of course there are still the few arrogant, who assume that might and power will overcome whoever they choose, as is evident in some places. Solomon sighed, what does it take for them to learn, the world is only a temporary affair and when your time is up, you have to account for it’s welfare. having encountered divine intervention in his own life, and experiences with it, he was wondering, when will they learn. Jesus argued forgiveness to the point of perplexing his own apostles at the time, when getting even was what they had in mind for their oppressors. Leave it to the Father, he knows everything, amen. As Jesus says, it’s your faith that allows God to heal you.

collective love

the word is a power tool, and love is the most powerful force there is, it’s also the hand of God, make it stronger, by pouring all your best thoughts into the world, forget your personal bias by the way, you actually help the collective love to strengthen, you empower the angels, and open channels of hope everywhere. So pump the universe with all that is good, and watch the world around you flourish, its’ that simple, amen. pass the message on.

Moses Blues Part Two

Society has created a series of loopholes and excuses and future excuses to justify all that is unwell with the rearing of children, it’s the facts, sorry to offend thee. We are more interested in what other nations are doing, always pointing the finger, it would be worse if they lived over there, that’s the same as telling the child in the bad neighbourhood he’d have more comfort living in Beverly Hills. The madness of it all will bring about the downfall of society, as God Most High has warned, and if you are a suffering child, an enslaved woman, a hungry mother with children to feed, a father without work, a truth chaser, it wont happen soon enough. This is the reality of the times we live in, all is changing, and it’s happening faster than anyone could have imagined. Real change that is meaningful only happens from the top down, even if the pressure from the bottom is what forces the volcanic change required. Laugh if you want, the world won’t change because of one mans ideas, well, the world was created simply, can be extinguished as simply too, no pun intended, just trying to be persuasive as regards the power within us all, the first step of a child, the first time a lawyer tells the entire story, the first time a man is honest with his wife, there is always a first time. When you lie on the bed and it’s near the end, you’ll have so many thoughts you’ll never share and wished you did. Is it possible to shut off the flow of love, it seems it is for many, maybe we should try a little harder, amen.

Moses Blue

Moses gets the Blues


Fifteen, sixteen whatever age, whatever the reason, we plan for it, but seemingly do nothing about it, repeated year after year, while the suicide rates among children soar, and nobody seems to notice, just more calls for volunteers, as if the situation is expected to worsen, as it is, any wisdom out there, it does not appear so. Children more vulnerable to adult vices that ever before, copying what they see, have you ever seen a small one learn, how fast they cotton on, we all have, and what do we all say, that’s a smart child, they are all smart children, they don’t all learn at the same speed. As with wine, some get better as they get older, most in fact, provided they have the right start. There was a time when children were considered a Godsend, a blessing, more love to give, that was long ago. Now we have a list of explanations for the child and the role of the adult and society etc etc, and the rights of children

etc.. and hosts of other things, etc etc, all relating to the rearing and well-being of the child. A child just wants to be esteemed and loved, with a little encouragement they’ll work things out.

Solomon met a lot of big children lately, and the still had to recover from their childhood,

The Boss

lends you a soul, a way to do good, sends you the prophets, to remind you that all of you, are a gift, and talents is as well, amen. Finding a meaning, do good, clean up the act, your soul is not yours, neither is love, it’s yours to farm that’s all, and if you do a good job, as the boss said, you’ll be given more, amen.

Domestic Bliss

She runs to the shelter, there is no space, she goes home again gets her faced pushed in, no resources available to tend to her needs, while 25 trillion rests off shore, the story goes on, the children witness the slaughter, their minds forever spoiled, this is love the little boy thinks, does the same when the passions run dry, many years later it’s repeated. Solomon was asking, the emotional words that pour out, the tears in the eyes, the TV cameras and the lies, a tissue, a wipe and they are forgotten, till the next opportunity arrives. The shelter cost so little to run, volunteers mostly, and help from the government, well, when families break up the economy thrives, why put an end to such a thing, it will cost us jobs as well. Solomon sighed, they could have purchased the opium crop in afghanistan for a tiny fraction of the security budget allocated, cost jobs there too if they ever did something about it. Send them a message dear Father. Solomon read the warnings, the time was now, put an end to the extremists and let families live again.

Meanwhile, so many talent given souls fill the off shore hideaway with their spoils, while the small child cowers in the corner, his little hands over his eyes, while Dad beats mammy to a pulp, what a legacy to leave given the talent freely received, amen.

Mention Love!

late night, you do that, well, why don’t we do that, together, yeah, i like that too, we could do that also, more, yeah, we could meet again, and do that, wow, yeah, again, more of that, blew my head, wow. Calm in the morning, storm over, fixed, same feeling a cannibal feels, once it’s fed, or powerful king uses his power, feels the ego rise, because i’m king, felt good, must do that again. Solomon sighed, had they any idea what lay ahead, he’d encountered the Holy Spirit, the real one, saw storms turn back, and other such stuff, mention love, and they just aren’t interested, amen.