Where did they hide it!

Escape from the planet earth, FP are you an FP, and the aliens among us, are you trying to find a better home, FP united, even the fish are joining in, dolphins too, they all want a better earth, just imagine it, every species facing extinction, loving souls included, all united in one goal, comedy time, but a very real scenario, comic as it sounds, do you feel like an FP, humor.

Solomon was thinking the real situation, and funny as it sounded, it was truthful, and it was an odd conclusion to reach, and a great point for future environmentalists, spiritual and physical, to connect on.

The world that itemized everything, the way big business had, charging by transaction, the same energy opposed the wisdom of a global transaction tax. The light headed idealists, who viewed the world through rose tinted ideology, were out with the washing on this one, after all, the oceans were dying, and the millions of tons of nuclear waste, dumped by so many nuclear powered nations, nobody knew where.

These are questions for the sake of future generations, those arguing the positive nature of nuclear energy, hadn’t assessed the damage all this legal dumping had caused, and given the state of fish stocks, was an immediate necessity.

where did they hide all the nuclear waste, that they dumped into the oceans?


Spiritual Interests

 In the public interest, words spoken readily, to justify a news story, usually refers to a difficult story, or well known person, it’s in the public interest, that the fine details are made public. Solomon was reading a book, relating to the olden times, how the studio’s used publicity, in the interests of the fans. Reading stories of graphic content, in the news paper tabloid, in the public interest variety category, the sexual details of heinous crime, violent reminders of rare happenings, cheerfully told by a brazen journalist, glad to create an exhibition, of all that does not need saying, in part driving the activity into the consciousness, doing the opposite of the public interest, unless money sex and violence are all that interest people.

Solomon raised his eyebrows, didn’t they understand what they were doing, it wasn’t worth saying, but the public interest was rarely ever served, and it was in the public interest, that they saw the image from the heavens, that described a scene from ancient scripture, as surely as surely is, the reality of God Most High, is in the interest of believers and others.IMG_5757 Solomon had to say it, it was the one truth that everyone needed constant reminders of, amen.


Plus One Red Rose ~by rldubour

poetic assistance for the last romantics in the universe!


Plus One Red Rose

To you I give my heart

They tell me that it shows

To you I give my soul

Along with one red rose.

I love you more than life

It is you my heart chose

I’ll give you all my love

Along with one red rose.

Sweet music we’ll compose

Like poetry and prose

No one will dare oppose

A love from one red rose.

The meaning of this rose

Tied neatly with its bows

Pure love it does expose

With only one red rose.

I know it must be right

When the cold wind blows

I’ll keep you warm at night

And give you one red rose.

How much I love you so

Only heaven knows

Each day my love just grows

Like the beauty of the Rose.

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Solomon and The Mystery of Jesus…

beepers, here we go again, life is not a movie and we are not characters in a story!

The Mystery, no mystery to Love, just an effort in practicing it, effort sacrifice disappointment hardship pain sorrow, honeymoon over, the work begins. It’s the day you fall in Love, with Love, opens the heart, poses questions, many awkward.

Jesus is really no mystery, even if many wrote books and long explanations, of the greatest of stories. it was purely one everlasting love affair, and a case of passing on the legacy from generation to generation. The legacy didn’t include starting wars to force the faith. Every culture passes on it’s experiences, the same way any legend is passed on. Until the eureka moment arrives, and new wisdom is added, old ways are changed, as revelation tells us.

Every believer is called, it’s a matter of free will, you decide.

  • Solomon was putting words on the issue that divided so many God loving people
  • The Islamic code, was an extension of wisdom, a living thing
  • The revelations to the prophet Muhammad was a vision of the future
  • One religion wasn’t granted wisdom over the others
  • Music is wisdom dressed in an international language
  • When Jesus arrives, the barriers taken down
  • The Sunshine shines on everyone
  • The religious authorities of the times didn’t like him

As Islam points out clearly, The Devil is real. Jesus mentioned it regularly too. It can be pride, many things. But in a nutshell, the wisdom of Jesus, Forgiveness is supreme, it removes all evil, Daily we are reminded of it.

The early church used the symbol of the cross to generate support for war, it wasn’t going to add to attract believers, in the cities and towns scorched, the inhabitants massacred, the tactics repeated again and again, and the legends passed on recalling them.

Because Jesus declared that getting to know his father was getting to know him, one must remember, what Jesus was all about. Amending the errors of the past, teaching the truth, and doing it in Love, by love, only. As the saying goes, through love we grow, through love we are born, and the sooner you understand that forgiving is love in action, you will soon discover there is no mystery to Jesus, but a whole bunch of individuals who created a mess of it, profited from it, making the complex so difficult for those who came after.

What’s the mystery of that?

It’s time the religious men and women, realized, that Jesus is the link in the chain, that connects them all, and that the teachings of the prophet MuhammadFeatured Image -- 11102280807-Motivational-Quote-ImageFeatured Image -- 1110227877daily-positive-quotes1IMG_5757 was revelation, of the world to come. The fact that a code was drawn up, to try and address the issue, wasn’t anything but an effort to create a world acceptable to God. Everyone has lessons to learn.


Greek Crisis – The Parable

the king, the debtor, and his appeal

a chance, he pleads, and pleads

king Thinks, shows mercy,

debtor, gets out of jail,

spots another,

you owe me dude!,

gimme gimme gimme,

mercy he pleads,

debtor calls the bailiffs,

sends man to jail!,

King hears about it!,

rest is history,

wonder if the recent Greek crisis has any similarities, the debtor and the creditor nations,


Solomon’s Solution

Greek Irish French German Arabic, color status, rich poor, did it matter, each group each division each one, an obstacle, Solomon was trying to explain the world war two syndrome, never forget never forget never forget, the attitude that strangled the worlds,

never let anyone forget attitude, that gave birth to evil, the inconvenient truth, as voices of the past repeated themselves. Victimization had been turned into martyrdom,  a global industry.

he was remarking on the way, different religions tried to grab control, same way a global corporation did today. If only the crusaders of old, the early christian church crusaders, hadn’t been so pharisee minded, in their efforts to impose religious control.

How the visions of the prophet Muhammad had been misunderstood and deemed a threat to the early Church. if one examines it closely, did it not make sense, the future as described, and the efforts made to hold back the tide.

and even more sadly, the Role of Jesus, and how his teaching was the bed rock of everything, as all love started with a forgiving heart to begin with. The christian church didn’t do anyone any favorsIMG_5757 when they used the Image of the Son, to encourage bitter war and hatred, imagine, using the symbol of love and forgiveness to wage war, just saying.

the world was in turmoil, and only a united front could possibly change it, amen.

No Matter What

have a little Faith!

Three Iron Nails

I often feel that God’s love is fallible — that if I do the wrong thing, or make a mess of my life, he’ll love me less. I tell myself yes, God loves me, but he won’t accept me if I do something awful, or continually make mistakes. If I don’t understand him, and fail, he’ll look away.

But if we look at the Bible, we see even the greatest people, who God loved and changed the world through, made some terrible mistakes. Look at David. God loved him with all his heart, and was enormously proud of him. But David fell down, and committed adultery and murder. He had many great insights about God, but even he didn’t always see God clearly. Yet God still loved him. He didn’t look away from him. He didn’t reject him. And David went on to be one of the greatest people in…

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