Why Should We Fear God? — Just Call Me Pastor… a re blog, all that old stuff is true, and it heals too, just imagine it.


A couple of days ago I found a site on YouTube that arrested my attention. SermonIndex.net contained portions from the sermons of six preachers whose ministry together spanned more than half a century in different locations. Whatever their geographic locations, their sermons had a common theme. With one voice, they contended that there was a […]

via Why Should We Fear God? — Just Call Me Pastor

Give it Up…

A Time to Risk All, by Clodagh FinnI’m a beleiver he says, well, why are you so mean then she says, what do you mean, he is hurt by what she said, well, if you beleive you will be re born as they say, so why are you building an empire that you will have to leave behind”

No Arguments Today….

They don’t wash their hands before they eat, common sense really, they don’t wash their hands often enough we ought to say, Solomon was taking a journey in Time, way back. The habits we acquire, the niceties we build into our lives, how we behave when the going is good, how we can change when it appears to go wrong. Peace and calm is fine to look at, the sweet words of a counsellor or preacher, so refined and polite, perfect manners, a complete picture, just an image, a still life in a moving ocean.

Solomon read the story of old, the parable Jesus told, the ritual washing, the preparation of food, the prayers before eating, the thanks to God for all that is provided. Jesus was reminding his followers, that going throuhg your routine, was not the answer, but just a way of getting you into the zone, the warm up before the game begins, the stretching exercises if you will. When you pray to God or are aware of the divine influence around you, you need to be ready and able, how can you do the exam if you have not studied, how can you know God until you begin to listen.

Many wanted to fast track into the zone, they don’t like to wait. No arguments please, but there is no fast track to being loving, you are or you are not. There is no fast track to being compassionate, you are or you are not. There are no short cuts. Jesus reminded the followers; you have to get the basics right; and simply this, If you don’t love your fellow men and women how can you love me who made them, no argument please.

She sits up in her bed, starts to read her book, it’s a Holy Book. In the few moments she is in the zone, she forgets her troubles, her pain disolves. She is in the world of the Spirit. Strange as it seems, the first visitor she has, brings her back to her worries, are you all right dear. Solomon sighed, it’s odd how your pains can ease when your Spirit in on the rise, no arguments please, just smile.


Mother and Child

The line is getting close to the check out, she holds her daughter’s hand tight. In a few hours, she will be in another world, a little frightened the way all new visitors feel, when they are somewhere new. Young, too young, she rebelled and ran away from home, that was ten years ago. twenty six now, with a three year old child, she made friends with the first man that seemed okay, she is wiser now, back then she was on the run. She reflects while she stands inline, her life has changed, the small hand in hers, a new responsibility. To be free from the influence, her boy friend so controlling, she hated the life, maybe that’s how a mother feels. She looks at the small human being holding her hand, her life line to the world, yes, that’s me she says to herself. Why has this child taken over my life; she laughed when she heard of friends with children on the way, the way they acted, pretending she imagined; how can one person have such a hold on your life.

The desk assistant smiles when she proffers her pass port. She reaches over the desk, catches sight of the little girl;. going to a new world she says with a smile. The little girl looks at her Mother, hopeful.

Solomon sighed, how many were on the road to freedom across the world. Compassion, love and charity, the very basics required of all those who called themselves believers, amen.

Favorite Lines from Songs Part 2 — PowerPop… An Eclectic Collection of Pop Culture… re blog, an Idea, then the dream


I did Part 1 over a year ago and it was a fun post. I’ve been meaning to do this again. I remembered some of the lyrics suggested by my friends hanspostcard and allthingsthriller on the last post…I have added those to list. Thanks to both of you. I saw her from the corner when she […]

via Favorite Lines from Songs Part 2 — PowerPop… An Eclectic Collection of Pop Culture

Don’t Look Now

He shakes his wrist, it’s a habit, the watch he wears is expensive, few can afford them, and it dazzles the heads of those who notice, it’s got him places, that flashy watch. In the exclusive bazaars of the east, the watch is not so handy now, it attracts the stares of those willing to sacrifice their life for it. He doesn’t stride so proud, feels rather uncomfortable, rich and white, displaying his wealth, gee, never knew there were so many needy people about, doesn’t feel like Manhattan on a Saturday night, more like the ghetto you want to forget. Not that he cares, it’s all a disguise. Don’t stare over there Tracey, she is looking at a man with a stump for a hand, Don’t look Tracey he says, she can’t help herself, she goes over to him, as if drawn by the missing hand. His eyes are pleading, she drops a few noisy coins into the tin cup, his eyes lighten up. Wristwatch Ray is not impressed with her. She is a new girl friend, another one, the field trip to the sanctuary, he wants to prove his credentials, that way he will gain control over her; the trip to the bazaar, a fancy she had, not his thinking at all, he prefers confined thinking

. How people are so easily impressed, don’t look now!.

Preacher Girl

A mountain top, the voice, alone, all seeing, the overview, from the preacher girl. Another leader, another controversy, history, what did we learn, the fears that come with change. The Smoking habit is cut, he looks at her, what do you mean by that, well, I am a preacher woman she says. He gets an idea in his head, healing in one hand, the book of wisdom., the cigarette and the ash that falls from the other.

He wonders if it’s for real, he lives a busy life, survival does for most, tomorrow will look after itself. He listens, she is open, her words are sharp, is this the voice of a partner or a tyrant, he tries to catch her attention, she has to go back to the original. No idols to begin with, those we tear down, compassion, if we don’t practice it, we can’t pass it on, as for judging others, we need to look into the mirror. Eventually we will see something we like, a trait, a good decision.

I’m hardcore she says, he listens, she does not allow space for interruption. He is not fault finding, he is listening. There are a few things she doesn’t know about him, he wonders if that helps. You have to do more listening, we all do, preacher girl.

From Time to Time — Abbie’s Tree House


“We should be quite gentle in judging ourselves and remember that the habits we are fighting against come from beginningless time and are very strong. So from time to time there will be some backsliding– though in the long run there is progress and improvement. Furthermore, remember that even having entered the gate of the […]

via From Time to Time — Abbie’s Tree House