Will someone do the laundry!, everything is dirty…

Lessons in life, mother teaches her son, he is on his way to college, don’t forget to have clean clothes, she reminds him and reminds him, child is on overnight, mother’s first concern, cleanliness, doesn’t want to hear anything bad, you have to do the laundry, well, why does every mother and others, spend a little of their day, cleaning up. Too simple, so were the parables of Jesus, stories and lessons in one, a good movie, same as those Clint movies, dirty harry etc….

Eastwood that is, lessons in life, and if they are entertaining, all the better, they will get our attention and are more likely to stay in our heads, longer than mere facts.

Solomon was commenting on the wisdom of Jesus, and how simple he made things. He had a Spirit inside him that cut to the heart, his words literally pierced your insides. In the world of judgement’s, the analysis of a life, the juries getting heat, the newspapers are getting print, the spin experts getting heard, the machine of news runs and runs, they never run out of ink, till the eyes start to look elsewhere. In the meantime, they dig up corpses to grab your attention, tossing the worst dressed excess at you, hoping to appeal to your inner sensitivity, well, to say you didn’t listen, is almost as bad as what was wrote, guilt rises, you have to have an opinion.

Surprisingly, if they don’t have a near by victim to pin the accusations on, they don’t bother to write about the issue at all. Well, say it as it should, and one day you will get to the truth, the real truth, not the abridged version.

Jesus stands in the square, the crowd gathers, blood is going to be spilled, the woman is tied to a post, bunches of rocks are gathered, ancient Jewish text says this is the applied punishment for adultery. The men in long beards are ready, the Pharisee is about to read a prayer before they rain down rocks on her, their Judgement in, mothers bring their daughters, just to warn them, this is the result of breaking the law, watch it girls. The woman who is judged, head down, waits for the first blow, then she feels a soft hand on her head, she looks up, meets a pair of compassionate eyes, eyes that don’t judge, they understand. He turns to the crowd, waiting for the game to start, his eyes scan the crowd, going face to face, inside they feel the power of the gaze, as the stuff they have been hiding comes to the surface. The conceited pharisee, who is about to give voice to the lords decree, as per the scriptures, feels angst inside, as his own guilt surfaces. Then Jesus asked,

“who here isn’t got dirty laundry somewhere, well, get on with it!”

Solomon imagined the great drama, Jesus on his knees, his finger writing in the sand, then wiping the words away, as if he had come to bring light to the words of God, by wiping the teaching of men from the minds of all. Well….

Don’t Laugh At Donald!!

The Golden hair do is having a bad hair do day, in TV rooms in exclusive places, there

are those laughing loudly, feeling that they have been vindicated, there is a sense of poetic justice about, and american liberals are feeling hopeful again. World leaders are getting their short term thrill. This is the end they feel, of ” The Donald “.

I am a believer in the great mystery of the Lord, and how every opportunity is used, to teach, pass on wisdom, enlighten.

Don’t laugh at Donald, while he has united many in the opinion others have of him, why not think of this!…

While all the talk is going on, and the anger mounts, the recriminations, the sexy stories, and the delirium of some, apart from the efforts to shame people, there is a famine going on in Africa, children, men, women, can’t find a piece of food, while the tabloids write like addicts on sexual activities that took place thirty years ago, who is fooling who.

Solomon encountered the cloud, the Heavenly powers were watching the games too.

Siberian Shaman Gives Interview — Excellence Reporter….worth a read, a re blog… where did you get your hands from she asked, same place as I got my talent i suppose!!


Interview with a Siberian shaman Alya, who wished to stay anonymous. Filmed by the TV Channel Russia-Culture in cooperation with Ethno Taiga. Q: There are shamans in Siberia. But who are they? Probably people don’t know much about them, and what do they represent? Alya: Yes, unfortunately most people have no idea what a shaman […]

via Siberian Shaman Gives Interview — Excellence Reporter

Diary of a Friend

You don’t have to mind your words, you can stand on each others toes, say what is on your mind, and be what you are. In the real time world, where spin is the order of the day, how often to we have full on straight conversations, unsure uncertain do I sound all right, challenged you can’t handle that, then you encounter a friend, not a stranger you will never meet again, I never knew you loved cold potatoes, the stuff you can say, the openness of the heart and the flow, the same as a good tune that rolls across your head, the head bobs the face slides the beat goes on, that’s how real friendship grows.

Solomon sighed, an old friend, not too well, haggard at times and getting to the end of the journey, they meet in a place where the elderly live, there isn’t much life apart from the care, and if you have a working mind it can get very tough, the inability to express yourself fully, the nods and the sighs as you try to be polite and not offend. Well, Solomon caught the manual and threw it out of the window, started shooting from the hip and saw the Spirit in the room light up. In the company of a friend, isn’t that the way it ought to be.

She hears the car in the drive, checks the watch, where was he as this hour, she is going to check for the signs, a fresh perfume, hairs on his collar, the look in his eye, she braces herself. The door opens, he is wearing a big smile, and has a bunch of flowers in his hand, for you dear love he says, have you been crying he says, with deep concern when he see hers…

When trust is gone, it leaves a tragedy behind.

Shy Girl

She laughs, he listens, she forgets herself in his company, there are no ills, all dread is cancelled, she wants to hear more, she wonders his opinion, it’s love in an active form, you don’t own it, she enjoys the moment, in times of distress, she goes over the conversation, listens to what was said, the words calm her thoughts, the light gets inside her, her Spirit rises, she imagines the Sun rising, it does, when she listens to His words, she thought she was a shy girl, now she is a smiling girl, a transformation.

What is Love, the question of questions, can you bank it, can you ever own it, she is trying to get her head around it, it’s the one question that needs an answer. Solomon sighed, it’s really simple. It’s healthy to begin with, does not lead you astray, and leaves you wanting more, without loosing your mind, and leaves you smiling or crying, amen.


Without God…The Consequences…

So many arguments, religion has caused this harm, people actually in positions of power, have caused the harm, the question you need to ask, what is life if it depends on the efforts of human thought alone, what are the consequences, why the backlash all the time, why do they drum up the old issues, why are so many set on revenge. why do so may get upset so easily, why do so many stir the shit, a six year old could answer that. Why do we need God is not the question, the consequences of No God, should be the issue.

Russia, the revolution, the gulags, the death of ideas, the enforcement of a system, trying to regulate the human existence, the aftermath, failure. God allows the unknown factor, the bit that can’t be manipulated, into the equation, the soul who wants to speak up about injustice, the voice that won’t be silenced, as others pick up the trail. Having encountered “Great Spirit”, a powerful energy, that works on the love theme, I have seen the impossible, and as many will testify, I have encountered an army of helpers, those who arrive just at the moment, out of the blue. And it just continues to happen.

Without that “God Spirit”, who would you rely upon; systems that are created to maintain the system, that fight change, and only adjust when the crisis has arrived, never before it. No one can doubt the huge change going on globally. If you read the old prophecies, in particular the writings of Ezra/Esdras, it will enlighten you. And if your in doubt today, and it’s all getting too much for you, as it does in these uncertain times, give a thought to the gift your life is, not the entitlements that you perceive, and you will hear a voice inside you, that will tell you, how remarkable life truly is. You just have to believe.



Memories can be great friends, they can linger in your heart, when your having a tough day, you just go into the zone, recall the smile, the laughter, the funny things that made you laugh, and the tenderness it awoke in you, what you learned, the quirky stuff, that takes you out of the moment, the movie you watched that you still remember, good stuff, it’s amazing how in all that you do, the good stuff rises to the top, I guess, that’s why the memory can recall it, as if it was yesterday, the joy you encountered, while you shared the moment.

Good memories, remind you of the words of Jesus, they just never leave you. Amen.  They remind you of the power of love, and what is real and what isn’t. Those that clung to you when they had something to gain, you never see them when your in need. The difference between the good and mediocre, fairly obvious.

50 cents

He spots her from afar, she stands on the corner, she has for days, her appeal a very meek one, pretty and young she is trying to make a living, the paper she offers, a token but a dignified one. Subject to the control of others, her life is one of hardship, no valentine boyfriend, more likely, someone who will abuse you too, this is her lot. Her eyes are tired, they used to sparkle once, as a little child she used to be so bright, little did she know the the difficulties ahead of her. Solomon has noticed her many times, he has his fifty cents, their eyes meet, I wish it could be different he sighs, then walks on.

Flash lawyer, his lifestyle the envy of colleagues, how can he afford it, he is no smarter than the others, and his client list isn’t that special, the underhand payments, the deals, the gaps he found, the gratitude of clients, most preoccupied with poisoning the mind, their gains, theft, nothing to get worked up about, the fifty cent girl is just a toe rag, disposable, and as replaceable, nothing to get worked up about, there are more where they came from.

late night club, the lads are on vacation, they want some R and R, they call to a late night shebeen, from the big city, they want to action before the return to their big town. fifty cent is woken, it’s late in the evening, we have a job for you, she gets up and dress’s quickly, if she doesn’t she will be beaten, and dress in your sexy gear the older man says, his two bucks wait outside, the car is running, the opportunity won’t be around for long. She hopes it won’t be violent. Flash lawyer is joined by his friends, their wives are not that energetic these days, and they don’t want to upset the rhythm of the home, children need a steady mother, and successful men need a good home routine. We are doing it for the kids they tell everyone, when anyone asks, but… fifty cents we haven’t forgot you!