Bob’s Reward

Mr Dylan, we are pleased, to announce, where’s the coffee honey, another one of those crank emails, sure bob, he’s busy writing a song, what you working on, just a dittie dear, trying to find a few choice words, a hum a hum a dee a dee hum do do dee, how’s this honey, refugee’s want to find a home a group of millions that’s there sum, no one wants them they are a liability you see, they remind us of our failings all of them including me, that sounds interesting, what’s it about dear, the refugees everywhere, they are trying to find some space, a place filled with dignity and a little respect.

The world was not short of space or cash, 24 trillion off shore and too many living in the built ups. They are on the phone bob! she says, it’s real, they want to give you an award, what, an award, there’s a crisis going on in front of their noses, why don’t they focus on solving that problem and when they fix it tell them to ring me back.

Solomon was watching the playground of the elite, it was a simple football game but the comparison could not have been more bleak, while they played and complained and ached at every tackle, the children on the coast of France were being moved around like cattle, Solomon understood bob’s unease at the offering of the award, but he pointed them in the right direction, getting them to think and he was not alone, amen.

as if a few of them could not organise a little help, Solomon

shrugged, he’d encountered the Holy Spirit, and that meant the reality of God Most High, prayers were being said and heard, amen.

I thought you Knew me!

Leaves on the floor, autumn, the weather a little colder, warm clothes, and your hands icy, the day lingers, a stroll to the bar, the friends, all home from work or just waiting, and there you are among them, drinking, what, it was not supposed to be like that, you are one of those, lazy, yeah, that’s him. Solomon was after having a procedure, the hospital, the staff, bright and cheerful, will spend their careers up skilling and learning, have a deficit of personal time, won’t be in the bar all day, won’t be hanging around either, two sides, that will rarely get to know each other. Some deliver the milk, then there are the bakers, the hair stylists, and the grumpy, the doctors and the nurses, the support staff , and the lawyers, who know’s what all these people do, how will you ever know me. So many judged Jesus, and when we mean Judged, because he hung out with women, the tax collector, those that had fallen down, they made assumptions, then again, they did not understand him, and what breaking down barriers meant, doing something about it, not just talking about, faith was dead unless their are actions, so he Said, I thought you knew me she said, amen. Reading the ancient scriptures, the parables of Jesus, have multiple meanings, if you want to understand Him,read then again, if you want to get to know Him, amen.

The Drowning Soul

If Love is the energy of all that is good in this world, why have so many gone to great lengths to destroy the good feelings of many, why has the media soaked up the ugliest stories and dished them out, why have wars been reported so strongly and with graphic affect, if young children are drowning in their souls, why have children in general been exposed to every adult illness, why have they been ignored when they obviously can’t deal with the social networked world, why has so little been done to save the drowning souls.?

A lot of why’s, but Solomon had the answers, drown the spirit and you are fodder for the next great idea or trend, it was poignant, he’d small friends in trouble too, and as in times of old, the welfare of the youngest, used to be uppermost in the annals of the concerns of

most decent people out there, how many likes did i get today, times have changed. Solomon encountered the Holy Spirit of the divine Father and Family, and knew that God Most High was no myth, turn them into babbling fools he prayed, and remember the love they destroyed. He said the prayer a few times and saw so much change, the drowning souls were not drowning anymore, and those that attempted to control the outcome of events, were having the nightmare they were due for a very long time, amen.

Closed Minds

She’s a witch, burn her, the ideas that fill the mind with dread, bad thoughts and the ugliest of thoughts, where do they come from, are we sidled with them, or is it the way the ideas are drummed into the minds of some, and then leak out. She has to have a motive, why is she with him, he’s into men, the stuff they do, can you imagine it, ugly, he likes her, she deserved it, the closed minds and those that pass this ugliness on, who are they.

Solomon was in the company of a lost soul, searching for acceptance, what, who will listen, a voice that hears and does not turn away. The pre conditioned mind, full of the bias, separates and divides, making a damn good living, these di

visionists, does it remind you of a politician, grabbing whatever attention they can, regardless of the affect their words have on anyone, young old middle aged rich poor or normal.

Love had been straddled with notions of performance, well, do you know what those type do, they are only interested in sex, the mirror was looking particularly rusty this morning, Solomon wondered why there was so much bias, till he thought of those women, deemed to be witches, and then burned at the stake by those closed minds, amen.


Look in the mirror, that’s you, and that’s you in the evening too, that’s who you are, what you reflect, and that was meant to be enlightening, that reflection, amen.

Finding Love

What are you on about, if you don’t do this that and the other I ain’t going to love you at all, away with you, the beggar goes from door to door, the soul goes from hope to hope, seeking acceptance of who they are, it’s a quandary, the make up of so many lives changed for all time from what it used to be. Solomon was reading a story about slavery, well, it was the modern world being explained in times past, by actions past, what was going on then, was going on now, discrimination hadn’t changed that much, the economics was the same, the bias was the same, and those that got ahead treated everyone else the same way, as they saw others treated before them, what was the great surprise.

Finding yourself, who you are, and the accomplice in your life, that accepts you, cause that’s who you are, is no easy task, especially with the way our habits have formed us. Solomon was reading, how habits passed on, were the actions of the past passed on, as warned by Jesus, forgive and you have a chance, don’t, and you life is a mess. Are you the head that can never forget the wrongs he wondered. He listened to a few bitch on about this and that, wondered who it was helping, or was it just a case of friends warning each other, love is colorless

, you can’t store it, you can only grow it, how hard was that, amen.

Identity Crisis

Who am I, what am I here for, what is it you want from me, is this just a Dylan lament, why all the confusion, why the rant, everyone seeking, identity crisis, the purpose of every life, fill the basket, fill the mind, too busy to think, do you realize you have a mind, it’s going on and on, this perpetual war, drawing you left right and everywhere, identity crisis, what about my mind. I’m young born to this world, what, what are you doing with my head, one day your nice to me, the next you don’t want me around, the numerous children who face the identity crisis every living day.

The fishermen are not all good you know, some just want you to join their cult, the higher the numbers the greater they feel, they all follow me and that’s why you see, how do you pollute the lost, easily, you just throw then something to get interested in, some of them bite, it’s just one of the tactics of the evil minded, trying to get hold of you during your identity crisis.

Solomon was reminiscing on how easy it is to sway some people, particularly if they are young, how they get drawn into all sorts, lose the purpose of their whole being, the reason each and every one was born to, to climb that mountain and reach the heavens, peace in the heart, where the ego didn’t really matter, this is no joke. Jesus warned them there would be deceivers, those trying to thwart good purpose, be alive to the threat he prayed, get down on your knees together, that’s how you defeat these fools, by being as one in Faith and in step with God. He sighed, having encountered the Holy Spirit words came easy, the same way the truth spilled like water from a full glass, no identity crisis in that he smiles, amen.

Getting Older

sagging tummy, droopy knees, i told you i’d divorce you

for getting old dear, those breasts, they only fed the children, but they do nothing for me anymore, i’m an old fart and i take Viagra when i need one, what, i even changed my eye prescription so i wouldn’t have to look at you, but look at it this way honey, you’ll have lots of friends with you, i’ll give a regular check, and if you get something like a tummy tuck, well i might give you another year or two, how about that, Donald you can’t be serious!

Who Owns You!

Trapped, no chance of a reprieve, the needle arrives, they inject you, you get addicted, more and more, they own you, there is rent to pay, who exactly, who owns you, mine and i’ll use force, the young girl shivers, it’s not very hygienic, prayers are said, to whom, Jesus declared, there was no need to cut yourself, it was a lousy tradition and wasn’t worthy of human beings. Solomon was reading, the number of

young girls cut, for ritual sake down below, it wasn’t dignity, it was the opposite, it was the mark of a slave, amen.

Let me represent you!

Votes, opinion polls, the ratings, first job is getting elected, how, does it matter, women, well, they vote too, unfortunately, gosh why did we give them the vote, another male mistake, imagine, women having a vote, should have burned more of them at the stake, where’s Joan, ideas, what, a woman with ideas, next they will want to be president, gosh, and after that they’ll want to change everything, bad enough the idea of women priests, what next, educated women, they should be home minding the nest, well, the world hasn’t changed has it, or, if, but, if only i kept my big mouth shut. Did you see her, wow, she gives me a thrill, nice way of saying it, okay, call them coons, call them names, so long as no one hears you, it’s okay, after all, what sort of character do you need to be president. None if precedent is the answer, well, that’s a bit rough, yeah she likes it rough, i wonder if she’ll give me a dance, she will if you pay her enough, you buy them cheap in Thailand and they stay all night, really, i suppose you can. It was called metanoia, i wonder if they understood what it meant, transformation.

Solomon was reading the news, and was as entertained as anyone else, the lewd comments of The Donald, not far from the alpha male response to everything, bigger, stronger, macho, richer, and wondered if this was the transformation needed to change the world, well, it was said all those years ago, a change was coming, and is this the great change, the same way Barack Obama was a game changer for the colored

community, perhaps Hillary Clinton is the game changer for the female community, the step process, seems so. If the world needed wisdom, it needed it now more than ever, and if change is needed, then Donald did some good, he poured the male attitude into the public arena, and how many women must have cheered. However, let’s not be hypocritical, these last twenty years there have been many lives destroyed by the absence of leadership everywhere, and those that represented the people, well, they let down many children, as they turned their eyes away from the total sexualisation of children, and the damage that was done to the Spirit inside, only money matters conceded many, and who could blame them, as this was the example they had to deal with, apart from an unnatural interest in all things sexual, well, who cares what size your ass is, unless you want others to look at it!

let me represent you, well, the good news, the greatest of news, those who desire to lead, have the heavenly eyes on them, well, Solomon encountered the Holy Spirit, and that meant one thing, divine awareness of everything, something worth thinking about, if you intend to represent others, amen.