Nourishing Christmas

The turkey, they sacrifice a lot, all those dinners your responsible for, it’s not all doom, the bellies that you fill. the smile on lots of faces, was that From Mr Murphy’s farm, he rears them well, the meat so tender, lets say, thanks to Turkey, they gobble a lot of nice corn, like the lamb that was roasted for Easter dinner. Do we eat at weddings, the roast beef dinner, and the gravy made with the fat ingredients, that warm feeling inside, that makes us feel good all round, lets ignore the dieting, exercise will sort life out, and as for diets, none of them work, that’s why they invent a new one regularly, because they got this into your head, size matters. Don’t tell humph dumpy. Food, and peace, the grain flows, the famine is averted, the rain falls, the seeds sprout, rain, where is my umbrella, stop, without rain we’d all be extinct, what is that they are missing on the planets, looking for water in another galaxy, because you want to find out, where your fella is, while you stare into the phone, or, lets say, a nourishing Christmas first.

Peace on empty stomachs, no general leaves his troops hungry, no population will be content if denied food, it only breaths anger and resentment, the mother holds her screaming child, then the child gets weaker, can no longer even shout, just sits there looking up, mother wonders, will anyone feed me, then they hear later, 30% of the aid gets through, what happened to the other 70%, and we wonder, can they just sort out the wastage first, sharing as they say works, and now, the new leader of the freed people, he has to feed his people, the government is denied access to the capital it needs, because they want someone else to lead the people, what, because, well, its ours, those resources we got at a pinch, now we have to pay a decent price for it, what if it spreads, this mania of thoughtfulness, we’ll have to curb it, this influence, what.

Children in the Christmas mood, they sit around the table, mother brings in the smiling turkey, I’m here says Lester, they called him lester because he was fast on the draw when the food arrived, come on lester, another slice of lester, he is feeding the family, same as a willie mullins good thing. The ham arrives, enter, sammy ham, he used to live near Lester, they always thought they’d live together, bring joy to a family one day, on staGE, i’ll have a slice of sammy too, he goes well with lester says another, food that speaks, it takes over the conversation, stops the anxiety, another roast potato, more gravy, nourishing vegetables, don;t worry, the dali lama won’t mind you eating lester and sammy, he understands food poverty, and the need to remind all, that we can’t ignore it internationally.

The world stops, there is no traffic outside, the air is calm, families are together, they enjoy happy families, they watch movies, they share stories, eating martins pudding and some sweets, its a time to indulge in family, and in this world, what matters more. Then, those, who struggle, too much focus on what is missing, that angst, but society now, deals with the need, but you have to help, you have a happy season, and it sets you up for next year, amen, Thanks Lester for all that joy, and Sammy, if we’d known, we’d have fed you more of that corn, thanks too…

Food Stimulation Matters…

What, food does this to you, what, even Yeat’s got implants there, what, so they say, its the madness it creates though, offal, used as a way to increase your manliness, bulls balls, it gets into the brain thought process, can you imagine Jesus and his followers eating, that sort of food, hey. the lamb is roasting what did you do with his other bits, not supposed to be eating that stuff, imagine, well, if its to help in those regions, what else does it do for you, amen. The Story was just a theory on food habits, food as a weapon, eating disorders, and the follow on damage to tender minds, who tend to imitate, or adopt through birth, long standing issues, their foundations risky as they say, surely Wisdom herself would be asking questions, who encourages this fad, and the way hormones are interfered with, leading to aggressive thinking, therefore aggressive actions. To say it short, poverty has a way of making you act different, amen.

But your not able, maybe your not interested, maybe your vaguely mature, maybe your different, maybe you read more, what if, what, the mind is active all the time, he relaxes in the bath, she sleeps longer, they do things together, they, coupling usually means having common activities, you have to leave the office, you can’t hide in front of the screen, so your having communication issues, maybe you were not honest from the start, the relationship wasn’t based on rock, the parable Jesus tells us, foundations have big consequences, same as roots that need a treatment, the parable of the fig tree, Jesus, in those words, you have access to so many solutions, in everyday life, you are given insight into the consequence of your actions.

Look, crime is up, there is a sudden burst in activity, what, a fouling in the system, he has to get a fix, it’s not pleasant, countries go to war, no, people make decisions, that drag countries into wars, its easy to apply it to a people, why are the peace makers pointed to in the words of Jesus.

The defendants in court, the jury, the audience, are they looking at justice, or satisfying another desire, is it the thrill of it, imagine the consequences, the young children are the jurors, the audience, well, lets say, the concerned, the sentence, time to fix your ways, its important, the call for repentance, then those who demand their pain be constant, do they think like Jesus would want them to, why, there is a parable for all this too, measuring, its important to think of the forgiveness you were able to practice, who do you think you’ll share eternity with, a hateful God, or a very forgiving one, well, you are the one that makes the decision, its not complex at all.

The Spiritual accountant, takes account of our balance sheet on eternal matters. Of course you need to balance the needs of the lower and then think, there is the higher, you bossed them here, what will it be like when you are bossed by the eternal, the gates get nearer, the swallow, what did I do to myself, no point wheeling the booze while you admit defeat, think of the 11th hour promise, Jesus.

Francis is ageing, the entertainment is uplifting, the pressure is simple, do we say what we need to say, or are you all following a political ideal. Did you over do your manliness, did it work out, how many did your policies leave in dire consequences, you think your safe, the Apostles remind all, don’t lose your good position, your along the rail, it’s no point getting bunched in, unless you have the turn of foot of a fast colt and have the gap appear in front of you.

Solomon sighed, there is room for maneuver when you have room inside. The reason we have independent judges, not every character is the same, there are background reasons, what does it mean if you don’t apply it, faith matters, Jesus tells all, without love, your faith is seriously weak, how will you calm the storms later, well, can you pray with the full deck of cards, acting won’t crack it at 30,000 feet, there are examples, counterfeit parts that look like the real thing, they fail at the heights, now there are firmer standards.

So you saw what no one should see, heard about threats that never materialized, you were forced to listen, you were a leader, later, you saw the consequences, your soul is humbled, you try again, a little more circumspect, there are babies in the bath as well, you can’t dump the contents, it’s just a matter of thinking, the right way to ease the pain without poisoning the patient, is that the great wonder of the antibodies, even the name, are there places you are not supposed to enter, is there a cleaner practice, or on ruthlessness, just because you might feel scorned, did it ever fill your head, there were others who might have needed you, so its hormonal, the way you are supposed to be, we are born this way, so back to the future, what is this food stimulation thingee, do astronauts cook potatoes and roast beef in space, who’d do that you say, where you are matters, same for your talents, amen.

Its hot in here, there, where, its like this, where, Abraham and Lazarus, sipping the ice cool water, you can’t even find a dirty puddle to ease your dry throat, what an outcome, and your thinking, why were all these stories used to teach us..She sneers, I don’t believe, what does it matter if you don’t like cheese, the heavens are talking and its verifiable, amen.

Of course we get recall, its there to remind us, rules exist to guide you, not condemn you. Jesus was forever reminding us, how those who instruct in Spiritual matter, are like the rest of us at times, they go astray too at times, so don’t make them out to be a form of celebrity, while each generation learns from the previous, just remind yourself, if there are tendencies you’d like not to take with you, that’s the same as someone who goes wrong, we don’t want to ignore the history, a pointer to the Israelite people of Old, the covenant with the Almighty theirs until they dumped the teaching, same as many life lessons, amen, time though, gives you the chance, amen.

Sometimes we get lost in order to restart the life, amen. The peace keeper is not a soldier, and while many are joyful when a strongman is in the seat, Jesus tells us, that its Spiritual food that lasts forever, who recalls the long line of those who started wars, while remembering those that worked to stop them, amen.

Old Amo and the lift….

The Spirit rose, there was no fear, the mind active, a soul still alive, a smile on the face, the dull cheeks turning red, the soul drinking in the holy words. What, how is it possible. The pharisee’s complained when Jesus did some healing on the sabbath. The Blind man, who could see, who did the healing. I told you, Jesus did it.

Fairy tale of New York

What, Amo is eating again, the soup arrives, he eats it all up. The Sun bounces on the day he goes up, same for his spouse. What, they argue among themselves, how is this possible. The Spirit gets the lift from those of the Spirit, who remind them of eternal life, and not the worries of those, who worry about their reputations, amen.

What, its the old story. Jesus complains at the lack of faith of his own people, while commending the roman commander, for the faith his men had in him. How ironic. If only they had such faith, his own followers, who were aware of the miracles too, amen. Believe before you recieve, amen.

A Balanced diet is good for you…

Human nutrition, one of the study areas of the poet, A.M.Dooley, great formation expert in words, author of Despite the Odds, Two Watches, and other great poems. In her work, she looked at ways to help the children of the world, and aimed her professional education to that cause. Solomon posed the question, what sort of balanced world view do we have. The law of the Jungle is over, the fox eats from the resataurant now. A balanced diet of interests, the effort of the EU leaders, to take into account the cultural interests of the EU BODY, the many different parts, the races, colors, spiritual too, surely that puts a higher responability on indiviaul EU leaders, to take those interests into account.

Jesus talks to his followers, the flock are in the groups. What, he was explaining the parable of the weeds, amen.

Is this your interest then?

Benny Dolphin is reading the news, what sort of gibberish is this. His pals had been growing in troubles, their environment a working mess, years of efforts made by some, whom many considered fools, what do those that complain make of it today, an issue, are they total nonsense. Cynthia Cod Dolphin reaches over, Benny, what are you reading. The two legged fools are at it again, what she says, your not usually like that, they are good you say. No, not them, those who make the news exciting for the worst of reasons, pity they don’t have the same respect or thoughfullness for our environment.

Do you know whom the first great environmenalist there is, alive, still among us. David or Charles sighs cynthia, they have been at that stuff for years. They thought he was an indulgant fool, if only we had listened way back then. What, after all that empire stuff she says. Today Darling, today, what crisis do we risk encouraging. Cynthia sighs, all of them!, of course not, the environment is on the hearts of so many now, the young ones. Besides, who encouraged us to take a stand at times, the question is left open.

Meanwhile parents have found a way to deal with the phantom menace, through story telling. In the hearts, they recall, whom was the One who taught through story form the most. The answer, Christ Jesus, amen. Listen if the ears are still working….

Fresh Running Clean Water

Solomon was thinking peace, and hazards in the way. A nice cup of tea, and a slice of Mrs Carey’s world famous christmas cake, would help ease the worries. Being from the prophets, and so many signs, to whom should you ask help, amen.

We are reaching out, we are making good future relatiosahips for our children and grandchildren, we are assisting the journey of those gone ahead of us, what do you mean by that, we don’t want future generations reading all about the hate we actively encouraged, do we now, think of the eternal consequences.

Treasure Box

There is a deep feeling of unease, the mind of the agitator sighs, what else do they have on me, me being, those that will look sharpishly at his contribution to humanity, the retirement wont go sweetly if I keep this up he says, his face more relaxed, of course we want them to have clean running fresh water, and help at healing too, we all have children to worry about. He thinks of his new born grandchild, walls won’t protect him when he has to go out into the world, and with those unstable minds he is actively encouraging in all the wrong ways, what if the Almighty wakes up feeling upset, the movie come to mind, he was watching Danny deVito, the movie, throw momma from the train, what if I lost my future position in heaven, or as Jesus says, what a time to remind me, and I get thrown down to that place of never ending torment. Where do these thoughts come from.

He stops at the flower shop, a little humanised, buys a large bouquet of roses, he sighs, i used to buy them, but that was so long ago, she’ll think I’m up to something, his mind working the way he has trained it, to think abnormally about the most innocent motive. Then he sighs, the little boy will be gurgling when I take him in my arms, and his needs, well, they take over your heart, fresh clean water, what a meagre act in the face of the difficulties some people face daily.

The Institute for the control of thoughts, are plying the emperor with all sorts of random thoughts, its the only way to thwart the changes he intends to make. It brings back the “luciani affair”, if only we had been brave to change, he doesn’t want to imagine been blamed for that too.

Mr Magoo is driving his car, he is thinking along, no harmful ideas at all, just the joy of being there as they say. He stops and pulls his car over, he’s in the country. He needs to stretch his little legs ,grab some air, he check his pocket, the money he needs for breakfast, darn, I left myself short, so what. He turns to get back into the little car, ah he smiles, just when I need you, a fifty note flies on the wind and stops at his feet. He looks up, thanks breeze he says, you always come to the rescue. In the cafe, he buys a felllow diner their breakfast, what was that for says the kind lady, a godsend he smiles, then cheerfully rumbles off. You got to give to recieve, amen.

Did you see the headlines, its only a few cars, thats all, no one got seriously hurt, and the event will remind the people, of the great country they have, power of the Union he says. They look at him. He replies, imagine Moses on the mount, then the 23,000 who dropped dead soon after, whom did they complain to, they all stop talking, pure silence. We need to clear the minds of all that pollution that infects their decision making ability. Doesn’t every family have an array of personalities in them, and like the story, what parable was it he thinks, the memory a little tired, finding fifty on the ground, he thinks of the smiling lady. Ah, the prodigal children, or was it the workers in the vineyard, whatever says Magoo, they will get the relevation when they need it, they always come, and he never disappoints, according to Isaiah, amen.

The intelligence section of the international thought police, are trying to digest, the wisdom of Jesus, working hard to find holes in the argument. They have been working day and night, lookiong for holes in it, like the old days. A colleague sighs deeply, it says he will rule at the return, another colleague interrupts, there is also the tale of the shrewd manager, what says another, the colleague replies, well we can help ourselves. Another colleague sighs, disloyalty could cost you your job you know, well says another, it won’t cost us our souls. The chief of the bureau wonders, is this an emuete as Victor Hugo said, or a revolution in thinking. As if another can hear his words, no, its the promise of Jesus. I don’t want to hear another word about souls, they don’t vote. Meanwhile a chorus of angels smile, the effort to unhinge the people is having the opposite affect, amen.

The aid convoys continue, international discussions are taking place. The past hurts and the long jounrneys some have had to endure, are on the list for discussion, its not the usual, you get this, we concede that, before the conflict spits again. The mental health of so many young, at a time when so much misinformation exists, apart from what the female side of the spirit has had to endure, subdues all thoughts of getting even, its as if the Holy Spirit is going through the room, cleaning out their closets for them, amen.

Can we stop now, she is not used to such intimacy. He stops instantly, an easy move for him, they talk openly, they know each others inside feeling. Its not a half an hour around the corner move, he isn’t addicted., neither is she, they know each other, have common friends, which helps, they are not randomers pretending to be useful or trying to fake the emotions, amen.

The fear he encourages, he has control, the living with it, this constant migraine of anxiety, and he has made it clear, he likes her that way too, its not the mind space she can thrive in, unless she succumbs to his ways, what are the options. The fear resonates, it reaches into other places. The child hears the bombs drop, London 1940, anxious would be too cheap a word for it. The Bombs drop in the 2023’s, for some its considered normal, what will be the mental damage in years to come. International commercial court, remedies do exist, when its knowlingly continued with, when it only takes peace talks to work it out, amen. Are we in the internatinal court of Divine Justice, a worthy thought. Meanwhile, the thought police are out with their placards, peace now they demand, amen.

How many varieties of cars are there. It used to be one type, now its multi types. The ideology might have been seen as reasnable during the days of Stalin, when it get into the heads of the young, we better do something about it, time changes ideologies, amen.

Meanwhile in the cistercian monastery there is great rejoicing. Bernard of Clairvaux, he has returned to us, his words are like a sword from the mouth of the Lord, amen. Back to the eighties he said, Solomon is drinking a healthy juice, those words, how do we, while he mentioned the environmental matter, amen.

Don’t They Know

A smile on his face, aged with years and experience, near the journeys end, he sighs, and says, it’s Grandfather he says. The others wonder, they know the soul in the bed, they know his strength of belief, I’m going he says, then he slips away, taken to the world above, by his eternal grandfather, amen.

don’t they know,

Solomon sighed, why be alarmed, much confusion and chaos was written about a long time ago, unstable leaders, truth near extinct, before the revival and the birth of the new earth, amen. Habits, what is it that they want to encourage, what sort of fear do they have in mind, don’t they know that the Almighty God can turn their schemes on those that plan and carry them out, have they not seen the cloud.

Isaiah wrote about how God wished for all who wanted to be saved and healed, just to turn towards His ways, while Jesus regularly quoted the same Holy Prophet, so those words of Isaiah, ought to be listened to, amen, don’t they know?

The Future world…

Well, they will be cleaner, the water will be better, less pollution, more friends time, anything else, the teacher asks. Birds too, they will be happier, and more exercise says another, and extra holidays says an imp, hiding behind a coloring book. Anything else, we’ll watch movies adds another, and anything else, we’ll be safer online, and no one will be frightening us, anything else asks teacher, who is looking over the class, any contributions missed. The first day in class, the optimism is there.

He trusts the opinion of the so called expert. Will have to show proof of it too. The excuse of relying on third party opinions, were they ever used before. Francis listens to what the expert says to. The year of changes continues into decades. The notion of leading the flock, leading, where to, everyone will have to explain themselves, amen, when it comes to the future world, amen.

Economic Chess

He watches the boards, they play by the charts, they peak and they fall, when to buy, you follow, and get out before it peaks, the volume of your hand, the money you are prepared to lose, you will get it back when the market tumbles, when they will rise again, and you can do the same again, is that any clearer he says, while glancing over the screen, wondering if this share or that needs a little plug. The charts worked for awhile, until the new market came into being. The license to print money became a burden, the usual reactions don’t happen, those relying on your opinions, your nervous, you told them it was rock solid, now they want their money back, and your out of it, where do you run to, how do you hide.

The new highway is so untraveled, they chased the monetization of it all, hardly did they think, this is changing human nature, even the options for partnerships, there are so many of them, its worse than a busy supermarket during a wave of weather warnings. Its the fear of not being there, or being where, the old maestro looks, this is so volatile, anything can happen. Then the heavenly interventions, what is the option here, it points to the ultimate outcome, where do you go afterwards, it’s no longer the charts that matter, what, the top spot is chosen by download, well, that’s sort of, they can’t explain it, maybe they don’t want to, but its all new, how we rate things, even the new ways of energy usage, it’s not the same, even working from home, and the planets line up, changes above, books of old, prophesy made real, who will explain this to us.

The world has not been abandoned, its a case of what will be usable at the times, starting with your mind, what’s in there, what have you absorbed yourself in. Does it point to those, who fill up, with the lighter thoughts, who have no anxiety, other than making the news available, well, the books of old tell you, that GOD wins in the end, take that as your guide, instead. The power of the Holy Spirit, are you able to retain it, when given, there are words on its strength, written 2,000 years ago, like a cup that keeps on filling up, you need to deal with the overflow, have a plan, its a hot day, the ice cream cone is melting fast, you have to move fast, otherwise you’ll lose half of it, maybe the Spirit inside is like that, you start out, you make it work, you add to another’s cup, then you rest and fill up, like a car that you use everyday, amen, it does not go by itself, amen.

Human Judgement

It gets interesting Senor, let me show you. Che walks across the track, the doctor is leading him to those that are suffering the worst, Che looks, the faces, bodies once full, now a relic of their earlier beauty. How did it happen, is there anyone to help you. The doctor remarks with his hands waving, this is all there is to help, the young rebel decides to stay awhile and assist. He deals with the diseased, tries to imagine, one day he’ll help, social justice matters, fifty odd years later, they still applaud the name, unlike many they so quickly forget about.

They have a plan to fix the issue, well, the freedom that was allowed, directed many to places they would never have journeyed to, it becomes a major blight on society, they decide to set up their own form of leper camp, or so they think. We’ll manage them together, its easier. The human experiment begins, the spirit is not working, it will be easy to control and monitor. Into their company, angels insert themselves, they are on a judgement mission, it is reported back, is this the state of their faith, the secret divine, doesn’t want to appear misinformed, finds out for itself, this is what goes on, amen.

The story of Healing, the flow of the blood inside, lower or higher, it matters. Health matters, and when it comes to healing, Spirit matters. What have these who do the experiments, what do they believe in, where do they live with the Spirit, what sort of Spirit do they hold, is it the higher kind, amen.

The fallen angels were not spared according to the Holy Books, amen. Perhaps they didn’t amend when they could. Now with heavenly pointers, its the option to improve on the performance. Or how to explain it, the fear that was spread to many places, is now replaced by one fear, Fear of God, amen, how simple is that. Wisdom. All that negative stuff is replaced, with wholesome life thoughts, that lead you to recovery, amen. Are you patient enough, amen.