The Soul Train

you mean all that stuff is true he asked, the soul train is a connection of all the working souls, joined together in purpose, they can do amazing things, it’s been a fight, trying to persuade people to accept the wisdom of God. The young boy looked at the old man, he was haggard and worn, the night was cold and the hour was closing in. On his way back from the store, he encountered the lively man with the light eyes. The boy stopped, the old man was seated on a bench, was shivering from the conditions, another long night and the hope of tomorrow, a maybe.

Where you going to stay for the night he asked? The old man smiled, i’ll find a place, on the soul train replied the boy. They made their way down the street, there was a shed out the back, it was neat and free from the chill, it won’t matter spoke the boy, who told the old man it was going to be fine, he might even be getting a bowl of soup. A blanket, a pillow, a space for the night, the soul train continued that evening, in the heart of the boy that cared. When did you meet me Lord, it was the question everyone would be asked, amen.

The Standing Rock

Making a stand, at standing rock, sounds appropriate, the Sioux Tribes home stand, they stole their land, they mined their resources, forced them into pockets, and now they want the water, well, don’t you think they had enough. The fracking world is going crazy, pumping poison into the earth, trying to soak up whatever mineral is left, while stealing from those who believe in the sacred, what can’t be produced by man, the spiritual feeling. Another dose of cash, cover up the cracks, spin a few good tales, put a value on it, wrap the number around a stock, then lobby, who is in your pocket, it’s certainly not the Sioux, who are making a stand at standing rock. What is plentiful is deemed valuable, what is priceless can’t be sold, neither can it be bought, can’t be traded, can be seriously damaged. Solomon wondered, did they realize that Mother Earth just might live among them.  He’d seen storms turn around, there is a God up there, one day they’d figure it out, amen.


So Fidel has passed on, not everyone’s cup of tea, but at the root of the man, there was a yearning for freedom, and that came at a very big price, the western world has brought the world to it’s knee’s, not the impoverished Cuban’s who fought trade embargo’s, just because another nation didn’t like them. so who was Fidel then, well, he didn’t like the casino playboy Las Vegas feel to Havana, and how it became a gangsters playground, whatever. Having seen both sides, he was moved to do something about it. And at this time, McCarthyism had struck america, with the wipe out of many community minded writers, so it was no surprise they wanted rid of him. So who was Fidel, what made him last this long. well, today, if time spent is worth it, Cuba is one of the countries with a world class health system, and has both a well educated people, but also a very musical nation, with huge prospects. Meanwhile, and it didn’t borrow money to build their systems, they had to work out a better way. so who was Fidel. He drew the company of many, and everyone wanted to listen to what he said, so who is Fidel


Hyeon-Soo Lim

Old man take a look at this life, and see what he has done, remind the supporters of this criminal regime, some are Russian Mr Putin, yet you have no trouble supporting this troubled regime, some come from those restricted countries, that pretend to be of God, imagine, a man whose only fault in their minds, was preaching the word of God. Solomon had more proof than most, he’d seen the cloud, and wondered what all these so called leaders were doing, and how they should ensure to set him free. Storms were abated, blessings poured out from above, the signs in the skies about, a good deed he was calling for, release him. The Holy Spirit is real, and that should have been more than enough. and the pictures that accompany this blog, are all real, and arrived in response to a prayer, amen.


A handful of observers in Vietnam, a desire for a more open America, a disdain for the so called experts, and an appreciation and time for his Children, and then a bullet to the head, after which there was an unleashing of a plot, aimed at controlling our very world. How many years ago, this very evening, on the eve of that eventful trip,

he was sitting down with his children, whom he adored, a real family man, not an organisational flunk, whose only desire was power, had a deep disregard for the lobbyists, and thought that all presidential contenders should be state funded, given a budget to fight it out, leading to a better form of democracy. In the meantime, the arms industry flourished, the nuclear threat gathered force, and righteous leaders across the world were got rid of, all in his absence. Warned the world in a variety of ways, and what do we have, 54 years after his murder, a world on the brink. The men behind his murder, have left a legacy many never could get over, but at least JFK, left us with the hope, there are actually people who think there is a better way, amen.

Blood Thirsty Man

Another, he’s drinking it, she gives him a refill, is he able, monitors his progress, is he responding, another, he’s a real drinker, but he’s remaining calm, the flow is steady, he doesn’t gulp it, just absorbs it, we’ll need to go to the warehouse shouts another, will he ever stop it, he’s a blood thirsty man. Eight pints later, he has had enough, we haven’t had one of those in awhile, time out, she steps out the door, a cigarette to ease her tiredness. Being a nurse, she’s seen it all, they come in, broken, the lucky ones go home mended. An old surgeon, with the touch of God, all carers have that affect on you, they do what they have to do, and they don’t look beyond or carry bias, they understand, your color, race, where your from, the neighborhood or the ghetto, all bodies are the same, inside you have a soul. Some good will come out of it, they hope, even if you are a blood thirsty man. Nurse, give us another will ya, bring extra, this one will make it out, amen.

Solomon smiled, he soaked it up one night, made a promise of eternal gratitude, and was still able to laugh about it, and how it felt to be that blood thirsty man, amen. On the day of recall, he met a friend in the lift, a happy man, with difficulties, nothing is impossible he smiled.

Reality TV

The more often it’s in your face, the more likely you are to behave that way. Make little of love, turn it into a business, create the supports, make it appear that you care, and repeat it again and again, eventually it’s all they’ll want to hear. If the farmer was disappointed with the harvest, it was fairly obvious where the damage was done. Amen.

The mob ruled, reason was abandoned, and fear flooded the shore. When One came to change it all, it was a painful memory, amen.


It’s a market out there, believe in me, we are the way, posters and preachers, hold the faith, we can deliver, we have the questions, we know what were about, we have the way, we are powerful, we control resources, we are in control, we corrupt whoever, we do what we like, we are powerful, what a way to run a religion. If an affirmation was needed, it was readily supplied, the threat and the casual response. Solomon was asking God Most High. His eyes could see, and his ears could hear, and what he witnessed, wasn’t what God Most High would have expected. Many miracles had occurred, and events pointed towards a new order, The Rule of Heaven, amen. Who would complain about that, only those who thought that might and control worked hand in hand.


don’t talk, don’t visit, don’t, all the don’ts’, they burned books, they rounded up thinkers, they behaved like they were Gods, smothering wisdom, and it was practiced, in the name of The Most High. Jesus sought to heal divisions, forgive, believe, the Helper will come, promise of the Holy Spirit. There were those who thought they could get away with, the tactics of old, Solomon knew differently, amen. when they tried to censor the hearts of everyone, they were feeding the evil spirit, causing division. In light of the great changes, Solomon didn’t think it all that wise, amen.

The Big Deal

So what, he made it to the white house, how many crooks have been through those doors, what’s the big deal, alienating people, doing whatever it takes to get elected, don’t blame Donald for reality TV, we did it ourselves, as if we weren’t bored enough, what’s the big deal, least politics will be entertaining awhile, as for health care for all, what, they have crutches let them wait, big deal, so women were upset, they’ve sexualised the world for God Know’s when, what’s the big deal, they got used to it, and it went on and on, people alarmed, upset, confused, made anxious, aren’t they on all sorts of pill’s for God Know’s when, what’s the big deal, it isn’t as if he has nuclear warheads he’s likely to use, come on, what’s the big deal.

They’ll realize one day sighed Solomon, it was all part of the plan, change was called for, no big deal, until you see the signs in the heavens, and repeat again and again, no big deal. Meanwhile God looks on, mother nature is crying out again, if they continue with all that fracking, they will get one fracking surprise, amen, what’s the big deal, they act like they own the place. Amen. So he turned them into babbling fools, all of them, amen.