Agent Stretch

Relax, stop the worry, they sit in the car, the drive to the beech, its okay, Solomon was calm, this was a new form of undercover operation, years later, the details are relayed back, not all true, but it is a ready reminder of the insidious nature of some, and those that play mind games, using the gifted children, to arrow their skills at the human targets that others may want to undermine, and so invisible, hard to detect, amen. The use of the minds, Orwell’s warning, how your own thoughts are used against you, who would dream up such a mindset. The story in the news, the call for peace, the God of Abraham wondering, what are they doing, they are supposed to be encouraging peace, how to redirect that trapped energy, some had ideas on what to do. Don’t hate, the orders of Jesus Christ, hate only evil, don’t create envy., don’t encourage a child to lose faith in God Most High, the loss of that trust, well Jesus puts it clearly, poor advice indeed to those who use hatred to get what they want done. How do the children escape this.

Therapy session, Solomon is using his wide experience. Tolerant religions, what is it they are intolerant of, considering the story of the Vineyard, Jesus explains, the gentiles, those who were deemed unworthy, but whose habits were pleasing to God Most High, the story of the “good” Samaritan. Why was there no label attached, are these questions ever asked. Then imagine the story of Eamon Casey, one of the founders of trocaire, and how the press hounded him in his later years, the power of public opinion, and then the seeking or pleading for the Holy Spirit to be passed out, as if any old container will do. Can it work safely in a hate filled heart, or where there are hidden crevices, when others can access all areas as they say in the business.

Barney, this therapy we are colluding with, Taylor Swallow smiles all the same, colluding, dear, its me who is doing all the work, you just take your time in not worrying, therapy is not a matter of your inner identity. Many turn away from regular partnerships on account of the way the inner space is treated, think of the violence that many in that quarter have had to endure, at least we are learning now. Are we recording this, Solomon looks out the window, recording, some do, but it might be necessary for the sounds to be recorded, we might use it on our help tapes.

No laughing matter either, Francis in Rome considers the issue, men women and happy relationships, why were they afraid of women in power for so long, why the great increase in the last thirty to forty years. Was in not time to rethink, considering the baggage that has been secretly kept in order to cause distress to those in position later. So he reads the papers, has a child with a woman, red marks underline the word child. Why would they put an embargo on having children. He thinks back to the case involving the lady, was it Eileen, what was her name, she becomes a mother out of wedlock, her life over turned, and the host of others. Considering that gifts of the Spirit can be passed on in the blood, and what is written in the holy books, odd thinking. The Holy Spirit will assist me, Elijah please help me make the correct decision, or why not appoint the one you want and ignore the rules, they are man made after all. Jesus and his reminders on such rules, as if they came from on high.

Okay dear, your lying in my arms now, rest, let the tension go, what is there to worry about. He eases the tension in her neck, its hard sometimes when you have been harshly treated to understand the feeling of shared intimacy particularly when one seeks satisfaction while the other seeks connection of the heart and spirit, it would make the desired outcome of children more difficult to achieve, if that’s the word. What she says. Relax, all those stories you and others have had to endure, torment and angst, before you even start a happy relationship. Relax, he soothes her shoulders, the breathing is easy, I am getting used to this she says, Solomon doesn’t have to look at his watch, its not half an hour and then get out of me, next, how many have to live in such conditions, how we priced intimacy out of the ball park, when seeking the real stuff, amen.

Francis sighs, children, what did Luciani say about the matter, he calls his assistant. I want to see those files, its time we have more clarity on the issue. Ah, what is this, he looks at the sidebar in the newspaper, Bulls Balls, who’d eat such things, amen, do they make you aggressive in the lower department, then he thinks of that Irish lady, Vicki Whelan, she wanted to highlight the issue.

Solomon on the Holy Spirit, and the advice. It takes time to get used to it, and the less of the odd, the easier it is on yourself, amen. Clean habits to keep the container prepared as Old Amo would say, prepared being the word, written too, the context being, not when or if, just living in that sort of way, preparedness, not paranoia either, amen.

If your young and you wish to prepare yourself, and have feelings of frustration inside, there is a ready remedy, exercise of the heart and the good thoughts program. What do you mean; well, good neighbors become good neighbors when you reach out and stop fearing them. Fear is already there, the DNA that wasn’t cleaned up, ignorance of your past, you might not even know, why you sometimes need to understand where your instincts came from, detours are possible in relation to your habits. Yes, its a constant effort as the Holy Ones say, and you continue with this thought of alertness, and with practice it becomes you. Well you can only worship the Almighty in Spirit, or in terms of walking in the steps of Jesus say, you live the words and don’t worry about the person, amen.

To those that try to limit the thoughts of others, Jesus and the Parables explains it all, amen.

So don’t allow your past to frame you, or those who are aware of the past failings of others, consider the meaning of the signs, amen.

How Gospel teachings enrich us…

Where you are from, what does it matter, of whom or what, what you were brought up in, the reality of Peace is made clear in the gospels of Jesus Christ, amen. No matter what your practice is, can you imagine being prohibited from reading about Jesus, or why you would be discouraged. The meaning of Peace is told regularly, its not proud human talk, its not the ego, its the simple reality, with a little faith you can move mountains, amen. Jesus tells us, there are those who fall foul of the authorities, so Jesus tells stories of the fate their could be sharing, its 2,000 years old news, and the fact that the signs arrive in a short space of time, tells us, this truth is something worth investing time and practice in.

What does compassion teach you, what does charity teach us, what does the Prophets teach us, what does it mean, all these conditions, well if mentioned by Jesus, you ought to apply them, and practice it.

Your so called best friends, what do they teach you, what will they do for you, when asked. Jesus gives us many examples, and the joy that exists, for those who hold to the truth, amen. If a great number of people don’t believe it, so what!. Ask yourself what is rare, amen.

The School Playground

The emotions that move around the yard, the beings hoping to be understood, my place, this is my place, this is space, to whom do they reach out to. Its complicated, its not the same, what people say or do, they are not like the people of old, or is it the new media impact, the number of calls I refer to, its always on the go. What gets into the head, the doubts some cast, the news is changing all the time, there is the continuous promise, the heads head back to the school room, thank god for our teachers. The bags will be on their backs, they will walk to their homes, the roll will begin again, the phone beeps, the imagination taken somewhere else, while in other places, those with Spiritual guidance issues, read the books, and seek inspiration, amen. Jesus and the Gospels, the answer is in there, and this truth is being read in many places, its the time of year to show your faith, amen.

The peace hope, why do they shoot each other dead, and tell the world its peace they are after, more like protection, and who shows the strength, whose power is made clear when needed, what source does it come from, Solomon smiled, the signs are all over the place, this is Godly, amen, scream all you wish, its real, many reasons to be cheerful, the long wait is over, amen.

Dear Father in Heaven, the prayer many say, they start with the humble truth, God is sovereign, in Spirit you worship, how you are towards others. The Story goes, long times past, there was no other power to be concerned with, great power was given, it led the Israelite’s out of captivity, and led to many stories, prayers being told in parable form. Why stories, why would story form the basis of so much wisdom and divine truth, this is a question you can ask yourself. The state of the Faith, is the state of the Spirit, and its journey over the last 2,000 years, you have the signs, you’ll have to take that journey yourself, mother nature teaches so much, and what she is missing, is what ought to consume us, where to put the fix, its not great reading to see the seas heat up, particularly when you live in them, and apart from the Ice, and what that means, does men taking aim at each other and declaring themselves free afterwards, does it make sense.

Solomon listened to those who were told what to say, knowing, the fear of whom, why not focus on what happened suddenly across the world, in the last few years, what was going on, overnight changes few could imagine, and more afterwards, and the signs coming all the time, does it make you think, Christ Jesus, the Gospels, proven, and the other reminders, what is it we need to understand, that there is a crisis in leadership, reputations are in doubt, and the fall out is of heavenly proportions, So Solomon asks, whom do you serve, amen.

Mental Destruction of the world…

Sexuality, a shopping experience, confused, the first seven years, the foundation. The little eyes, imitating, their confused parents and their failing relationships, record breakdown rates, while the parents argue, the child insecure,grabbing at anything firm, how this has been allowed to happen, we did this to our selves, and now with prophecies on the radar,the anxiety many feel, why you wonder, did we thrash the world our children and mother nature with it, from a distance, so it seems.

Rivers clean, run like muck, sludge on the floor, where no one can survive, then the misinformation wars, the deliberate harm, while those in position hid their misdeeds, while their sycophants said yes, and nodded, never able to question their boss, why you ask. Truth will be hidden, then when the revelation of God is made read, all the truths come tumbling out,yes, all those horrid habits, known to the Most High God, yes, all that weird shit, all known, and now, we all have to account for it, maybe.

As those on the edge for a long time tried to say; you are all being duped, but you eat it up, whatever it is, just to survive. Well Solomon encountered the Spirit, the real one, not imaginary,and once you realize, that as sure as Heaven exists, so does hell, who needs reminding, when you see it nearly every single day, amen.

The Returning Hero’s.

The reality of war, the 20% or more who come home mentally damaged, the reality, war destroys from all angles, apart from the woman and child, who fear those who will use them, the other reality, those lives, they never seem to matter in the planning,winning doesn’t count the cost of collateral damage,it just accepts it. So we know all this, does this mean,and as a thinking man, there must be so many potential legal claims, against those governments that initiated wars, knowing the collateral damage; where is Johnny Grisham, they need a book John, you great social crusader,amen. Any idea what the financial is here, yes, as in law,those who undertake actions that they knowingly, will harm so many innocent victims, there has to be a legal mechanism out there, and many billions in claims too.

Photo by Rajukhan Pathan on



Frustration, we can get through this, the stock market is falling and the traders are falling like flies, the investors are not so easily bought, and those phone calls no longer work, they have other matters on their minds, what a lot of grief, can’t pump the stock and convince someone anymore.

Religious barter, wars and indifference, there has to be a solution to all this. Well I am not willing to share, lets get a third opinion. They buy the opinion of the expert to give them the opinion they want. They know it’s all lies, but the expert gave them the nod, and his testimony is on record. At the worst, they will blame the expert, and they will try another way, determined to get their way, one way or another.

The approval of the religious gave the fanatics the licence for war. Who was going to disagree, the weight of the opinion, you’d be a fool to go against him. Solomon sighed, the replacement of the opinions that went against the trend, same as the spoiled child, who always had his will done.

Solomon sighed, men went to war, given the licence to kill, and when they needed rest, those that led them, gave them licence to pillage, enslaving women, well boys, you need to let the weapons down, go help yourself, those women can easily be replaced. This is not a diet of behaviour that can last. after a while, places became institutionalized, became places, where no spirit dared enter.

Paradise, Solomon smiled, what a dream. One, then two, then three, when we want to make it happen, we will start on the steps necessary. The world might have reversed into a cul de sac for awhile, but there wasn’t anything stopping a reversal of policy.

Jesus gave us fair warning of the efforts of those who held sway, who would try to stop all forms of change, that did not leave them in charge, he even laid out the steps. Eternal truths don’t come often, but Solomon could testify, the Spirit had arrived, and after wards, those of the other Spirit arrived, and tried to remove the inner peace, that gave the Spirit space. He had news for them, those who even dared attempt interfere with the Holy Spirit, it wasn’t forgivable to begin with, so says Jesus. Know your roots, amen.

Focus in times of virus….

Laid up in hospital, nothing to do, hopefully you will recover, the advice of the physician, the nurse who comes when your buzzer goes off, time to eat, time to take your medication. She is on a visit to see her grandfather. Down the corridor and second room to the left, she breezes along. A big smile is prepared before she enters the room, she wonders what form he will be in, he is a grumpy sort, but kind. Doesn’t fire but straight.

Hi she says, big smile on her face, she is wearing the obligatory mask, she pulls it aside while she bends to kiss him on the forehead, why are you wearing that he remarks, wheezing, nearly out of breath, the lungs not as strong as they used to be. He is approaching ninety, has been through the second world war, Korea, Vietnam, an army vet as the experience tells you.

We all have to wear them now, it’s the law.

It takes your mind off the other stuff he replies.

What do you mean by that she says. …

He drifts off to sleep, she leaves him to have the quite moment, she waits. He is in a dream, it’s not dreaming, he is a boy again, on summer retreat with friends, the two week camp they used to have during the summer break. Climbing walls, chasing cows, trying to climb the neighbors apple trees without getting caught, playing cowboys and Indians. She watches the expression change on his face, the array of smiles, what gives him the thrill, he is old, the life he lived, she can only imagine. Suddenly he wakes up, he is shocked to see her still there.

you must have been dreaming she says.


You have a smile on your face, I was watching you.

Oh that he says.

there was a time when…

Children played, they slept in the same bed, teenagers, went about together during the day, no anxiety, no stressed parents, no one anxious, no one concerned with predators, no thoughts such as these existed whatsoever. He rambles on. and water you could drink from the tap, that was till they modernized it all. He looks at her.

She thinks, old man, what does he know.

I think it’s time to go she says. She pushes her mask to the side, tips his forehead with his lips, see you soon she says, whatever he replies.

later, she retells the story of the visit to her sister, how was he she says. He will live to a hundred, but I didn’t like the creepy stares of the male nurse, he scared me. What do you mean.

Solomon sighed, the difference in the ages, and the imaginings in the mind. The stuff that is fed into them, and the anxieties that last forever. The virus was a topic of conversation all over the world. It refocused the minds on the living.


Horror Stories and Us….

Living the nightmare, clutching the cushion before you, hoping that the Hero see’s the danger before it gets him, or hoping that the demon catches the girl and devours her, there are many ways of looking at a scene, a story, even your imagination. Every set of eyes see’s it different, they all have a memory, we are the sum of our experiences basically. You are young, you are rooting for the good person, your emotions are invested, besides, you are a child, those you nurture and feel most for, are those around you, and you want no harm to come to them, it hurts when they suffer.

Solomon recalled the journeys of old, how things happened, what being a child was like, before the advent of technology into the heart of so many lives. You didn’t have to text your pal to say this is boring, you didn’t have to tell your pal that everything was wrong, in a nutshell, you didn’t have the time to complain, you lived in the now, today was the day. You are going on holidays, you know your going, you don’t have doubts, there is a place, there is a road, you have been there before, and you know how to get there, it’s rather simple. The sandy beach, the caravan park, the others you will meet, the swim in the sea, and the guarantee of sunshine and good times, that’s the thought, you are going on holidays. You are not worried about the cost, what does it matter, you are not worried about the food, you haven’t starved yet, basically, you don’t worry at all, cause it always works out. For the same reason, you want the Hero to catch the bad man, and not the other way around.  Does this sound too simple, well, it used to be the way it was for a great many people.

Today we live with the uncertainty of not knowing, insecurity is mainstream, what we thought was for ever, doesn’t seem so, leaders are going strange, and the use of twenty word tweets and posts, can make the global news in a matter of seconds, as if we need to know, how so and so is thinking. Lets hope we don’t lose our minds with all the worry out there, that is the real horror story.

Solomon encountered the Spirit, heavenly assistance, magical rescues as if it’s the norm. It is, it was, and it will be again, for anyone who puts the eternal truth into their heads; God exists, and in these trying times, this is one truth you can rely upon, amen. There is no horror story when divine intervention is your friend.


The year 2020, the world needs rest, the populations on the move, internally if not physically, where to turn, can I, the questions, the world turned upside down, the news dramatic, the reactions chaotic, the mind full of the dread, what is happening, is this all in my head, turmoil. A mini version of a strange new world, it was going in one direction, then all of a sudden, change, how has it happened, what are we going to do now. Young artists, new ideas, the ideals they shared, the chance to put it in words, the cynics of the past, this will never change, those getting their wish, could we have done it any better.

Solomon wondered, the world stops, the ease of movement halts, a scene from a war movie, the unassailable march of the JUGGERNAUT, the sighs in the hearts of the oppressed, what does it mean, is there a message in all of this. Solomon read the story of old, how they harped on, about the unseen power, and the threat that existed, when we took it to be ourselves, our existence. The child sighs, the mother holds the hand tighter, she is nervous, they can’t escape to the country, it’s closing down. The knock on the door, the rattle of guns, the panic inside, everyone tries to hide and run, is this the end, the sighs, the nods, open up, the scream, the door comes in, boots on the stairs, it sounds like a Spielberg movie, only it’s real.

Solomon was applying the thought of the dramatic to the current chaos. In olden times, old stories, we get reminders, the ways of the oppressors, and what it usually means, are these those times, and what about the end, the light, there is always light. The Hope arrives, every civilization has the same story, the voice, the giant, the helper, who teaches the new generation, how to sustain life, the qualities needed, compassion, being aware, doing what is life giving, without trying to take over the world. In the papers he read the story of the Nuclear Space, the effort to control the world where the satellites roamed, the great new war field of the future, the destruction of our means of global communication, does this sound like today, are we being warned, the new direction, an easy way to teach us perhaps, this way of life can’t sustain itself, we better try another, just an idea…Solomon smiled, He always sends the Helper, hang on.

legs and Passion

What are you talking about, she looked at him. Does anything come for free in this world, you get what you want, then your nice to me, it’s always conditional. She looks at him, her eyes are droopy, suggestive, he takes the bait. Afterwards she sighs, fool, he is so easily led. The cost of all this persuasion, turning minds and heads. It’s a game. The young girl see’s how the men react, she wants that sort of attention. Solomon sighed, whatever happened to real love, its so long since it’s been sighted, its like an extinct feeling.

He goes to the therapist, explains the issue, they don’t see me as human, they see me as a commodity, i feel bought, a performing circus performer, this is not the life i signed up for. The therapist looks at him, naive poor dear, she will screw him for as many sessions she can get away with. She tells him he is making progress, see you next week, chump she sighs as he closes the door.

Solomon could read her mind, she hadn’t a clue, she was the same as everyone else who exploited the vulnerable, poor choice, no one fools God, legs or passion, it usually starts with the eyes, then the heart, then the shared passion. How we by pass the normal means of communication in this rapidly changing world. At least the signs are creating a new sense of awareness.