Taylor Swallow and Barney Dolphin Plan Xmas…

Benny Dolphin, resident sage at the monk’s cafe, the flow of thoughts on the unity of humanity, Barney needs direction, Taylor and Barney look over, why is he humming. Benny thinks aloud, Captain Aaron’s ship is in the harbor, Saint Brendan is having coffee at the haven, while the two mystery waitress’s are serving friendly nourishing food at the cluny cafe. Saint Bernard, the wonder of the thought, George and the three kingdom’s, Benny is thinking, a Christmas time present for all the children, the festival of Jesus, and mother natures rest, as Uriel the angel tells to Esdras, it’s all connected, her well being our priority, she needs a rest. How about Mrs Carey, Orla the monk says. What asks Benny, that tune you are humming, it sounds like a spaceman coming, what, Chris De Burgh, yeah says Benny, it catches you, the emotions so high, a spirit song I think.

Barney looks over, he and Taylor swallow are making a lyric, they are momentarily distracted. A Christmas jingle, they play those songs for ages, get one right, it will help pay the alimony for years, what, Captain Aaron was telling Johnny” Jack Sparrow” depths, well, who was going to fix the basics, Aaron was trying to get Johnny to think, of the future generations. Barney sighs, Food and Mrs Carey, what a treat the old monk says, the way she fed you, the Christmas that was one of the best. Taylor and Barney are all ears, the sparkling times, good feelings, they want to hear this Christmas jest.

So, says Barney what was it like. The monk tells the story right down to the Christmas pudding, the preparation that was needed, the honor of God and His creations, Mrs Carey was serious, she was always reaching out. Prawn Cocktail, the rose Marie sauce, ketchup cream and a little bit of mayo, a tipple of this, paprika for zest, the lingering taste in the mouth, would make any meal time sumptuous, and not only that, she won prizes for her cooking when she was a little girl. You never forget one of her dinners. They reach the Christmas cake, the famous one of the seventeen, I would have passed on happily, so wonderful the event, food to sigh for. Meanwhile Benny is humming away, the Christmas tune.

Taylor intervenes, so what will we do for the tune, where will we start, Benny speaks up, Barney looks at Benny, he is giving Taylor a lot of attention. Benny smiles, he is only teaching Barney, not to become too possessive, some people are that way. The time of year, Mrs Carey and the Christmas cake, the months of preparation, how about Mrs Carey’s Christmas Preparation, a nice song, Barney says. Benny thinks, what we need is a song that explains the mystery of that great visit, by the three wise men, they were guided by the stars, by heaven that is, God says Taylor, yes says Orla, the new star is born, they come to honor the new born king. Benny smiles, one of my favorites. Sinatra.

Well, the signs are about, and the story is in the Holy Books, and when it concerns Jesus, who are to doubt, the mother and her struggle, Joe with her, they hear the voice of angels, and from afar, the heavens tell us, they read the skies, knew of the occasion, they go forth to assist the new born King, the one who will be their Eternal Leader, they meet the roman commander, they agree to comeback and tell him, and they too hear the angels warning, and take a new route home and it brings all the main faiths into one line of thinking, like the O’Casey play, the plough and the stars, and of course, its that time now, says Taylor with a smile on her face. Yes, we could do that, and adds Benny, what was the diet in the barn, milk and fibre, what says Orla, Jesus in a nutshell, feed them milk at the start, the fibrous food, and the men who came to assist, camels, were three wise kings from the Persian arena and there abouts, in short, they all come to worship, Jesus Christ as a child.

There is road in that smiles Orla. Children want to know each other, and Jesus tells us to reach out, what’s the harm, it unites the three kingdoms in a way few can imagine. Understanding how others climb the mountain sighs Benny.

In a nutshell, the stories that connect us, the holy words, how to understand them, and how the Almighty God sends the souls into the world, to help bring about that understanding, not forgetting the Uriel and Esdras connection, part two, that tells us of God’s hope, that one day we might see as one. A chance of a fresh start potentially smiles Orla. If only I had a slice of Mrs Carey’s Christmas cake, Benny interrupts, maybe I can help you there, what!

The world waits for Jesus Christ, we all need to practice the meanings. New thinking, no, just understanding ourselves. Healing in the Holy Name, the signs, yes, same as in olden times, what will we do, the thoughts. The 9/11 moment, how some countries were mistreated, Jesus says, leave it to God, who will see to the matter, revenge thoughts, are useless, amen. Trust in God, amen.

Who can help the process of reconciliation. Who can help us understand, what is the outcome if we don’t. what is the meaning of the living words, what is religion, why do we reach out, amen.

Nature needs our nurture!

What, the purists look at the little boy, what, nature, what can we do about it. Imagine Jesus in the temple, all those years, the small boy is captivating the established teachers of the law as it was known, explaining to them, we recall the story, its in the Gospel of Jesus, the same Jesus, that’s some boy they say, who is his mother and father. They see their boy in the company of the older men, they almost apologies, was he disturbing you they might have asked, the pharisee’s being the keepers of the Holy Law as its known, little did they know, that they were listening to their future boss.

Solomon recalls the afternoon tea at the home of Father Nivard, he is having scones and tea with his little pal, the boy is learning the ways of life, how to do the little things. We all need to be directed at times. Anyway, there are a group of men seated at a table, they are well got in terms of their faith, devout men. AS he passes their table, Solomon says to them, pointing to the child, that’s your boss, as if to say, children will be our judges, look after them, may your thoughts be acceptable to them, or in short, lead them to ways that are inclusive of the needs of the youngest. Solomon was on the mission, and the Sunday trip became part of the journey, amen. As with all rests, there are times when you need to set aside your normal work, the spirit inside has to refresh, same as the environment, you have to look after it, the birds use the air, the animals drink water, while mother nature gets to hear of their woes, and suffers on account of it, amen.

The lion in winter, the traumas’ that nations and peoples have gone through, the legacy issues, the past failings, those that took advantage of the circumstances, perhaps they failed to understand what life was about, they were encouraged to seek and gather, they perhaps forgot to think of the needs of mother nature. How God and mother nature teaches us; the story is on the picture, the big lion stands full, he is being hugged by his human friend of old, you were the one who helped raise me, people are surprised, most of anyone sensible would have run off, but they trusted each other, there was no fear, they could talk, there was no anxiety, the human friend helped the nurture, and we get example after example, sea biscuit being one such time, the world in great depression, then the wonder horse arrives, puts smiles on many places, the outsider wins, the heart working full throttle when needed. Before his time with his trusted trainer, the horse didn’t want to run, and so we ask, does nurture work, amen. As with people or beings from other places, when we listen to them, how friendships happen, its just that, what we call understanding takes time, besides who wants to ignore the fact, that you can talk with God on a daily basis, sometimes you have to step back, there are other fans who want to get a word or request in, maybe that’s why we need DJ’s, amen.

Solomon on life; what are we without the help of God. Sometimes we forget that, its the reason you need balance in life, the mountain is climbed from different directions, it can be harsh in places, power doesn’t make it happen, you need others with you, or to say it like in times of old, using the parables, Jesus of course who asks us to reach out, your treasures are in your heart, just keep the thought, and where do we store those nurturing thoughts, need we ask, amen. Borders are crossed, friends become enemies, or friendships are made, foes become friends, makes you think?.

boy meets false prophet

Elvis in the year 2024, well its sort of Elvis, well, don’t sell your talent for the short gain, times and faith will see you through, Tennis protege, talented coach has worked hard and long, the sparkle of success, you can have this, that, the other, wall street style life, and not in years to come but real soon, its aching the temptation, the talent is there, time matures it, a year later he is reading the Gary player book of golf, what are you doing asks his companion, what, he says nought, the greens are tricky like at Augusta, he thinks, I’m glad i stuck to the basics, Mrs Carey had one so called lesson, Mrs Carey you don’t need any lessons, so what are you doing in the bunker, what, its practice time, I want to learn the green slope, what, down on his hunkers, parallel to the ground almost, Gary Player, I’m reading the green, do greens do you for bucks though, hahaha, according to Gary, you have 2 putts per hole, that’s a lot for a round of golf, gold on the green, money in the bank.

That’s a nice driver, the price though, that other stuff, all the benefits, Gary Player again, you must learn how to struggle, even when learning to walk, and if you want to borrow this, why is he offering to help, maybe he just likes the way i golf, what does Mammy think, what, the two cars at the lights, flash and strong, flash has the glitter, Strong has performance, what would you choose, that old putter was a winner, why do I create such doubts, you lose a short foundation, what, the weather is always sunny on the circuit, think aloud, what am I doing this for, its not ambition alone, its inside, its character formation as well, think before you risk it, the way golf teaches you.

Solomon smiled, Mrs Carey, always ahead of the posse in terms of inner preparation, but she had all the housework and stuff done first, family, and if in doubt, what did Jesus answer, amen.

On offensive ways, sometimes it takes awhile to learn the new ways. What, the old society meets the new one, well, its more western, people are more outspoken, its a market driven world, to survive, its hard to be polite, or the games people play, like that scene in Schindler, the boy cleaning the bath, okay, so we have to put up with little insults, what are you shouting at, five minutes later they are sharing a fizzy drink., no harm intended, we survived that way, you would not believe what we have had to endure, patience, look, its the stuff that happens, traffic jams, there are more important issues, besides, the Almighty checks all motives, stop worrying.

Jesus and the Rule Breakers….

What, Jesus, how many times did he remind us, the ways of men and the Eternal, how only God the Father, is good, and how to get over steps that need to be taken and not to fear man, only The Heavenly Father. News times, not the end of the Holy Ways, how to understand them, Children, they mix, there are so many in that middle space, its like being in jail mentally, how to get out of those fears and the hope for a future for all who can turn to the light, and the 11th hour gift of Jesus, the meaning of the parables, how to get over being offended, they even put a cover over him, who hit you now, lets say, Jesus teaches endurance, in short went through all the insults while warning fiercely, about the gift of the Holy Spirit, even James, the brother, telling all, while reminding us of Elijah, and the power of the prophets prayers, what sort of insurance is that, and how when Evil is turned to Goodness, how blessings are made to happen, and its all in the Holy Books, and some wonder about the Power of Jesus, even if there are those who play games with the Holy Reputation, or in short, whom to Fear, Only God, who has dominion of the Soul, even those in hell, or to put it in terms of hope, how your day today, can help the journey of those stuck in such places, has it ever been more clearer, today.

Of course there are those in positions of trust who have their own conscience to deal with, God is merciful and compassionate, and when sinners, turn from their old sneaky habits, how it helps, amen. Accidents are known to have happened to the finest of souls, our dependency on technology can do this, and while there is widespread grief that can be lasting, if we allow it to, there is great hope too, the suffering of nations, or as the angel tells the lady who lost her son, there are others to think of, and not to waste her life waiting for death, when God has other plans for her, amen.

I’m stuck, i am afraid to speak against another friend perhaps, there is a gut feeling, I need to take the advise of another who reminds me, a second opinion is often very helpful, its not a disingenuous action, its wisdom, amen. Ah, what a word, well, so is nefarious, and there are those who can hide another sort of character inside, its called rehab for the soul, we might not know the source but we can curtail the action, why panic, discretion, this nation is on the Holy Radar, not that everyone who comes is holy or close to it, but to have that divine help, who would want to risk it, given the compassion Jesus talks about.

Barney Dolphin wanted water, Benny Dolphin, was refilling the thoughts tank, that is one fine dolphin, and does he want to learn, Orla the monk smiles, more sea biscuits on the way he says, barney smiles, all them all for me, Benny looks at Orla, the kid deserves a little extra help, he is learning the ways to pass on the light, well says Orla, we don’t want him deprived, Barney winks at Benny, is it my birthday he asks. Benny, well lets say, he takes a biscuit first, we share a bit we do a little more lighting, how about that…

Its chicanery at times, slow down, sometimes you need to stop, if its on your mind, don’t be afraid to ask, of course there are those who try to take over your mind, it happens, your team lost so you get a hump for a little bit, its a little thing, don’t make it agony for yourself. and as for horses, well, who doesn’t remember, the Great Arkle, a name like that in a time like this, what a gift, only a simple error, but the number of times the heart was lifted, Ireland in times of great depression, and the brave horse who rose the spirits of the nation, Benny looks at Barney, why are you reading those pages, Benny smiles, sea biscuit dude, Arkle was an Irish version, relax, its not the terrible woes some like to make of it, people deal with their troubles in all sorts of ways, like trying to ban the circus, when it makes known the animal kingdom to children everywhere, amen. Orla tut tuts, still learning Barney, meanwhile Barney pauses, looks at the last biscuit, well, hear he says to Orla, who is not a skinny chef, have this one friend, and thanks for the reminder. Meanwhile Benny sheds a tear, that horse was the steeple chaser of his generation, like united on Saturday in the old days, whose united. Well the Spirit is gathering, its like lost love being found again, I thought |I’d never fall in love again, she is despondent, where’s my love, I’ve worked too, then around the corner she meets a smile that makes her remind herself, I’d a thing for him too, what was i doing, she perks up, next they are sharing coffee, what, you like to sail he asks, what, well, staying off the roads now and again, can help reduce troubles in that arena. What, well, she recalls what that preacher fella said, was it Doctor Benny, we need to slow down, who wants fast love, when the real stuff lasts forever, and Love is not possession of another, well, who does the lasting stuff belong too, ask Jesus, then there is instant relief, and you face begins to shine again, well, with Jesus on your side its divine, the insurance you have, lets put it simply, stuck in sludge city with, what was that scene in Schindler’s list, yuk sauce and gooey stuff and black bottles and muck, who would want that, the smell of it.

Great Genes, what, Mrs Carey, pas it on, relax, those who dare use any threat relating to Mrs Carey, don’t they know the reputation she enjoys, sludge or worse as they say, amen.Solomon read of the power of the prophet Elijah, who would mess with that, in any sneaky way, or try to tie the hands of others, who perhaps have ways to help, lets say, Jesus has words for them, or who can advise the Almighty amen.

Oh the boy, its not a scene from the Godfather, its the boy who helped me, the late arrival, the non communication, well, who put Children first, sometimes in a hurry, or at an especially emotional time, adults need to make exception for children, not always, most of the time, people can be deceived by crisis’s created, stealing the strong mans power. The Spitfire pilot forgot to send his granny a birthday card, he is in the air, two messersmiths, not one, want to send him down, does he have granny on his mind, the foe is faster on a true line, but the spitfire can turn faster, like on a sixpence, and getaway, glad to get home safe, then he writes, while wiping the sweat from his forehead, I hadn’t time to get to you in time, here’s an extra gift voucher instead, enjoy the world cruise, regards, or as the apostles or the holy books say, there was an even better gift waiting, don’t be disappointed, amen. Its in the Holy Books, read it, you will find it, amen.

Solomon sighed, who can get over the great truth revealed by Jesus, amen. Comfort me please, that prayer, ask in the Holy name, what, read the signs, look at the clouds, what, stop, that ambulance was in a hurry, stop, wait at the lights, slow down, what, space, in nature, who put the clothes on those wild flowers, Francis on nature, sometimes the flowers can appear to be flowers but have no smell at all, what, Solomon in the garden amen. Less chemical, we are learning at last, amen. I see signs, Solomon sighs, what a lady and teacher to so many out there, thanks for the words, despite the odds, I promise i will, amen.

Barney Dolphin and Taylor Swallow sing…

The may song….feel the beat in there. the feet begin to tap, the guitar hums..

May day, may day, the distress signal, Mother Nature, how her family call to her, she looks at the state of her beings, the cause of her distress, other beings, she reads the books of old, I got a mention in there too, if only they looked after us, how simple the outcome could be.

They have such thoughts in their heads, they talk as if an alien spaceship passed by, and dropped off some of the wrong types of seeds, well, we will have to come up with a solution, an imaginary ghost listens to their plans,who are you to suggest a solution, are you not the ones who helped the situation to happen, Anyway, the help arrives in the form of the ancient words, its what the good book says, Mother Nature will get weaker, and when you add this to the birthing troubles some people have, you have to ask the simple question, why wasn’t this explained to us earlier, then the group of listeners start to complain among themselves, it was your crowd who suggested this, lets start an inquiry and that will help us out, another voice will decry the reports overlooked, meanwhile, the situation will continue while the future mothers club will say with disgust, would you not think of us for awhile, at which point, they will act like they’re in the house of representatives, and start arguing for what, well, our way is better than yours we have more votes than you, after this, the usual comment, if it wasn’t for those great screen writers they got rid of in the fifties, what, how they used McCarthy to blame all the communists, and what we seek now, is a communal form of support, like Mother Nature who is there to provide for us. Meanwhile Clint Eastwood is looking at old film rolls, Clyde you made it to the front page at last, then he will screw up his eyes, what was her name anyway, then reaches for a drink of cool water, sweet to the taste, Mother Natures best, amen.

Benny Dolphin sighs, sounds like a busy day in congress.

Solomon writes, its all in the Holy Books, if only they reached out, how simple. amen.

Meanwhile in other places, hearts are a flutter. Thoughts of world domination have been surpassed, its your survival that is at risk, a new mindset is required.

To say it short, imagine the look of despair, the attendant comes into the room, the patient subdued. They are going to put her under, and try that electric therapy on her. There is no good reason for it, and what she has seen of the vegetative state they have left others, is frightening.

Imagine Alfred Hitchcock, the birds, the drama with the birds, all of them line up on the wire lines, was it the electricity he was pointing to, amen.

There is a great threat against you. They fill her with all sorts of fears. She listens, its the polite thing to do. Later, she is in her room, afraid to go out, what left me in this state, the so called advice of friends, who are they she asks, amen.

Lady Teacher

She has a very kind streak. Has been lost to her friends awhile. She encounters loneliness, and it adds to her woes. Its a time in the year when she is sensitive. Others, grifters we call them, get to see her as an easy mark. She are militaristic in their approach. A young girl has too much adult thought. Her needs become obsessive. Other spirits recognize her plight. A troubled woman has an addiction, others know, and use her to fulfill their own, amen. Jesus, how we treat others, amen.

On a commission..

On the mission, don’t lose hope, there will be troubles. Solomon gets the call, a night journey of sorts. Half an hour before he was just on the phone. The sudden departure is met with bad weather, well, rain, the roads are slippy, accidents can happen. Slow it down, there is green slush on the road, your tyres won’t be able to grip, you’ll stamp on the breaks and slide across the road, perhaps in the ditch or worse. As happened fairly regularly, when Solomon was having a journey and the weather needed improving, it happened as quickly as this is written, just like that. It was as if, a hand from the skies was telling the clouds, move, or the wind needed slowing, it just happened. A big deal for some, well, lets say, the eternal boss knows your needs, and people are sometimes impatient.

The young girl is having trouble sleeping. Night time visitors, its a frightening event. At first they seem friendly, then it gets out of control, a combination of social media inputs and spirits playing with her. She wants to turn their influence off, she is not wanting to harm, but her life appears to have been taken over. She makes inappropriate comments, and doesn’t know what she is doing. Her mother asks The Most High for advice, Jesus in other words. Say the holy name and make a short prayer, it will be like the eternal judge reminding them, well, don’t completely ignore a chance for redemption.

blues brothers

The young man with the prospects is thinking the future for his children. We will have all this opportunity. The same day he reads at the upheaval in the world, mental well being, are people safe in the company of other people, how can i help this, his children and what about their friends and others, those who live in places, where mental well being is a daily challenge. The neighborhood now reaches to the end of the earth as far as business is concerned, its not shop local, its shop everywhere. Maybe I should run for the public office. How many votes would you need. At that moment, the newspaper is open. Such a rarity, they are nearly passed it as far as the electric folks are concerned. They deserve public money to keep them vibrant he thinks. What if they are lost, and the fingers do the work, well, we have clicked, no, three and your a prospect. Does this sound weird or not. At least the journalist is human.

Later, he reads, this can’t be true. Are they importing foreign ideas for social experimental purposes. Its odd. He has invested time in places, a fox on the hunt of the pursuers, not the pursuers on the hunt for the fox. The mob will be the mob always. Point left, they run left, point right, its right. When they get tired, they try something else. Not one to abandon the hopeless, Jesus thought, and Uriel tells Esdras; when God is with you, nothing is impossible.


The mission ennio morricone

Is this a novel from a brilliant mind. Was there too much or was it enough. What sort of spirits did he make a deal with, this stuff is extra ordinary, do they write stories and then write the cures later. Invisible people roaming the earth trying to steal your identity. of course not, Jesus has arrived and they are seeking any safe space in order to avoid His influence, amen.

Anyway, Benny Dolphin, counsellor supreme, is preparing notes. Well, testing the wine. Ah, nice and chewy, bit of a bite to that, he can hear the taste almost. Barney is off on a gallivant, so he says. Ah, there you are, orla appears out of his cottage. They are having a party at the magic hotel tonight. Benny looks over his style glasses, he wants to appear studious, they give him the professor look. Too much reading to do, and those parties he says, they can be anything. What, says orla. Benny smiles, he will be there later himself, amen.

She is reading the news, hopes to be a mother one day. Many women are put off at the thought of such a fundamental issue. They worry about the future, and how their children will fare. Its a fear that is talked up by social media. And its also a pointer, to the state of the environment. What can I do, asks this media influencer. Is leaving it to others doing enough.

Solomon thinks about the different levels of anxiety many are going through. Its not a bad time or worrying time, if you are preparing for the world eternal. If you think this world is the end of things, there is much to show, this is not the case.

Meanwhile, George thinks to himself. Four years only, a chance to put in place, safety measures, then having all the time in the world to enjoy the life ahead, with family worries at a minimum, and a nations spirit restored, good life’s work.

Meanwhile in Rome, they ask, how will we be recalled, amen.

In the strange worlds of psychic interference, what happens to those who bend the minds of others, and does this do any harm to their well being. What does Jesus say on such things.. Its dark down there, amen.

The Archives

How did the words deliver. Solomon recalls, old words…

the year is 2017, the hopes of divine help rise, signs in the sky, upheaval in the old seats of power, change and challenge, old prophesy comes through, Ezra and more, blessings being poured out, and the Spirit of God gets stronger as faith rises. In the corner, extremists with serious business interests scent opportunity, they plan to harm people, privately they are trying to encourage misguided terrorists to act, do their bidding for them, upset the masses, get them to run to us for cover. Imagine it, God Most High gets word of the extremists true intentions, and turns their plans in on them. While in a church a group of ill people gather for a healing and a blessing, and when they get home, they find they are getting cured, would it not be cool. Imagine the affects the one event would have on the entire world, breath taking, amen.

Its great to see the affects of words, just like the Gospel, according to John, amen.


You want to gain admittance, you knock at the door, waiting. Your head gets a rush, this is so groovy, then the worry begins, well it’s a sort of test, your life adds up to something based on your experiences. Most importantly, did you forgive others, or rush to judge others. Did you believe the media headlines every time you looked at the page. How did you feel, were you angered, mesmerized…

In therapy, she listens to Doctor Benny, her heart is no longer frozen, she is not afraid of anything, while in therapy. Benny continues…

what was your first reaction, and did you pass the bias to your children. How many were misled on such matters, the fake preachers who were chasing your money while exaggerating your fears, believe me, you can get my message and walk on through. Jesus died on the cross, to remind you, getting over your bias’s and forgiving wasn’t so easy as a word. But once that door opens in your heart, you life will be changed for all time, are you willing to risk knocking on heavens door?, are you prepared it, amen.

Doctor Benny smiles, how does that feel. She is relaxing in his safe company. He continues to read from his book…

She is afraid, she reaches out for his hand, he holds it tight but not too tight, she needs the feeling, security, it will relieve her fears, she’s young, has arrived in a new city, is unsure of her surrounds, we’ll have a coffee here. They stop at a cafe, they sit outside, she watches the traffic pass, the human traffic, new colors, faces with expressions she has never seen before, there’s the anxiety, being unsure in your surrounds, amen. She will be living in the city, there is a course she’s attending, her father accompanies her, is helping her to settle in. He see’s the look on her face, nods to himself, we’ll keep an eye on you.

She holds out her hand, he takes it. The pulse in her body, her breathing quickens and slows, like a baby bird in your hand, wondering. He holds it firm, like the story he is reading to her.

Isn’t faith like that sighed Solomon, you reach new heights and places all the time, it’s a living thing and a destination at the same time, and there are demons who want to point you in other directions. you meet new ones all the time. Making friends is never easy, particularly when you have things others don’t have and want.

Solomon in a nutshell, be firm in faith, and don’t worry how others climb the mountain. There are those who are coming into the Jesus way of thinking, it can cause anxiety at the start, this is new, their habits, what are we learning. Stop the judging, think of the soldiers returning from Vietnam, they looked like us, inside they encountered the unimaginable, it leaves a mark.

Solomon was reminding himself, don’t be afraid to venture, just take your faith with you. There were those of no faith at all who measured everything, how can you manage love he sighed, unless you intend to use it as an asset you can sell, and who wants that sort of society, only tyrants and bullies he surmised. Solomon wrote a prayer to spike the efforts of those who preyed on the vulnerable, the young woman in the story, reminded him of one of their many victims, amen.

So lets write a poem she says, her confidence is growing. I’m always the artist, Doctor Benny sighs, it can be difficult to be heard, there are ostriches out there, even among the good. So what is your first line. She is in a relaxed position, there is no tension, just creative thoughts that wish to escape from within.

MY day started with a fall of the heart, I turned on the radio and then I heard, this great song, it stole my heart. …Doctor Benny smiles, I’ve had a few of those types of mornings. What song gets you going she asks. He wonders if that’s breakfast calling. Ahem he says, we’ll get to that later. Continue he says..

The words moved me like a magic wand, transfixed, I was startled at the power in the words, I wanted to stop and get back to that dream, what color I’m not sure but the feeling was green. Doctor Benny laughs, what she says, an old Clint Eastwood movie, which one she asks, all of them, they have a great story in them, and are timeless as the old head might say.

Do you think I should run for President. Its after the great moment, she feels like she could do anything. Taylor Swallow for President, what will barney dolphin think of that. Barney, he was the one who gave me the great idea. Are you old enough, well, maybe I could start saving for the job now, put aside some of our royalties, and new ideas adds Doctor Benny, more coffee he says, my feet are cold on the marble, any chance of underground heating. She smiles, its in the works, amen, One day he’ll rule the world, amen.