Unwinding The Story

Tension, the coach was writing the word on the blackboard, underlined it, three times, Tension he said again, the class all look up, the teacher is explaining the depths of story, and trying to sound like an expert. Who does get it, tension, the ups and downs, the circle of life. The want to be authors want to change their lives, their teachers wants to publish one best seller, tension, the rent check is due and there isn’t enough in the bank to cover it, tension, a half a per cent movement in the share price will cost us another fifty million, if only I could reach that far she says to herself, sitting in her assist chair, her arms not working from the shoulders down, to be able to reach an itch, tension, waiting for someone to come in the door, waiting for the surgery door to open, waiting for the man to return the form without more corrections, tension.

Tension, Solomon wondered what it would feel like to have some of your functions returned to you, by Gift of God, would there be tension in the body

, what would the stages be like, would it be the caterpillar unwinding, the egg shell breaking up, the head peering out, what would it feel like, would it be instant, instant, would your muscles need time to lengthen, you’d be stiff, the strength in your shoulders would need building up. He had in his mind some prayers being said, and many millions calling out, come help us Dear Father, and then imagining the response, what load fills the net, who benefits. So many take credit for stuff they have nothing to do with, and then try to persuade others to follow them. Solomon sighed, One God, the credit starts and ends there, no intermediaries, only those with good opinion who are heard. In a nutshell, those who go before us, lay the paving stones, lets hope they are well directed in the times ahead. The tension will always be there, exercise if your worried, amen.

World Behaving Strange! (WBS)


Abnormal was the new norm, centered abnormality, maybe, it made sense of the signs, reform needed, no doubts, and no spin was going to change that one. Men behaving as women, women boasting of their sexual prowess, in a nutshell, a crazy world, demons laughing, for a awhile but not laughing now, aware of the gravity of the situation, fixers doing their utmost, cash thrown around to find solutions,

Solomon shook his head, did they see the signs, reform, all of them,

Many were turned into babbling fools, secrets exposed, off shore and everywhere, the Holy Spirit pouring out, opening hearts and consciousness, a well executed plan, the shields of deception full of holes, sudden changes, strange results, the closing of the gap between east and west, ancient cities uncovered, miracles, sudden weather changes,



and all they could come up with,


the ways that failed everywhere,


The Vocation

Well, we have to indoctrinate you, empty your head, dump whatever is inside, then fill you with our stuff, and it takes a few years, we don’t want any loose canons as they say. The vocation, a soldier to a doctrine, no thoughts of your own, our way, and you will be disciplined if you get ideas, you have to consult us first. He scratched his head, this is a loving vocation, every commitment to a higher love, assumes constant learning, and wisdom, not indoctrination. Solomon sighed, if there was no love the vocation didn’t actually matter, be it a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, or preacher. They stole the message of Jesus, and used it as a marketing tool, while ignoring the teaching altogether. He thought of his small friend, the days they went to the monastery, and how the young boy wore amazed smiles, while discovering the peace for himself, an experience he would never forget, amen. The vocation was in everyone, it was teaching them all how to love, amen.

The Bypass Industry

Everybody is in bypass mentality, or was it bypass surgery, perhaps better if we all were in bypass surgery, so Solomon sighed, bypass responsibility, bypass all that is good in favor of the blame game. he was after reading a story, the usual diatribe, someone to blame, made it feel as if something was happening, it wasn’t, but it was a reminder of the bypass mentality so many possessed, as long as it appears something is going on, that was all that seemed to matter. He was tired of the way bypass lust, bypass greed, bypass trust, they were all patients for the divine table, as he imagined God Most High cutting out the cancerous parts and renewing them again. Forecast rain and thunder was flashed across the news, the usual, did they not realize what a prayer could do. He let his brolly behind, you just have to believe. All those years ago, it was much the same, the wonder and the confusion, how was it possible for these things to happen, they had. Many wore disguises, but Solomon had a radar that came down from heaven, just ask the boss he sighed, get down on your knees, and you can bypass trouble anywhere, amen. The Faith of the early apostles, few today had retained it, imagine what blessings and strength they provided to the other believers


Winners Smile

Just a smile, but it was a far cry from what the face wore not long before. If ever he needed an affirmation, it walked past him in the confident smile, the expression said it all, it was real and she walked triumphant. Gone was the lethargic walk, the frown the despair, it was replaced with the believers eye, full of light, just as it ought to be. Solomon had seen miracles before, but each time it dazzled him he was a boy in the heart, and wise in his years, amen. why the astonished looks, did they not believe for what they prayed for. Cuts across his chest, below and above his eyes, everything vital saved, just as Faith had survived, despite the efforts of an elite to cloth it in all forms of distraction, amen.






Part 1

The human race has fallen a long way short of the standard, to merit the positive intervention of the Divine. Some say, we have abandoned true faith in God Most High altogether, and replaced him with materialism, idol worship, and things, stuff as you call it. Faith meaning pure love, active belief, not armchair belief, but doing it. The rulers of the earth, those that currently control the fate of so many, be it through policy or the non enactment of policies that ought to be enacted, to them faith is an inconvenient truth. It’s only an opinion. But as the saying goes, you get out of the well what goes in. The heart being the well where the love is stored, is under constant stress.

When you act for the self all the time, meaning, the ego, the well dries up. You then struggle internally, and your will becomes victim to other influences. It’s why there is often a national out pouring of grief when someone of standing passes, not that it lasts. It’s why people over react during emotional and testing times, or go overboard as they say. It’s purely a release of the emotions they have been unable to deal with, cause they lost the ability to be empathic with themselves. Put another way, we have understanding of situations that need our intervention, but we shy away. We deaden ourselves a little more each time we do that. It’s why we are glad to leave it to charities to deal with the issues. It feels good that someone is doing it for us. Allows us to use the mind more freely, rather than the heart.

The heart can be smashed to pieces emotionally, while the mind can only be disturbed. It’s why soldiers going into battle zones are often medicated beforehand. They won’t cope well with all the brutality if in a normal state of mind. Why do Vietnam veterans, and so many others returning from war zones, have so many problems. We are not programmed to hurt, we are born to love, the polar opposite. The will of God Most High, is love.

The war zone issue raises the ugly issue of child rearing in the 21st century. How many children are going to grow up mentally normal today, very few indeed, unless there is a turnaround in the direction we are heading. While we may be heading in one direction, we should be going in the very opposite direction. So much for boy bands.

I had this dream twenty years ago, so did many others, of fighting my way through the crowd as they headed one way, while I struggled in the opposite direction. They were all falling into the sea, being led blind, the exact way things are today. Pornography is mainstream, idol worship too, second homes deemed a necessity by many, while others have no homes at all, not forgetting those that starve daily, this is factual, no one can question this reality. Saving the situation should be our goal.


So what has happened in the intervening years, need we ask?

The Impostors, coming to a city near you….

Raise your class, give yourself a pat on the head, why have so many sat silent,  the children of the world are addicted,  the TV remote the play station the internet etc etc, did i forget the obvious, i’ll leave that to yourselves, and all this was  achieved with government supports, the expertise of  trusted psychologists,  and legions more, all too interested in the gold and silver, did they care or think,  would there be consequence or anything else,  they  drooled in the publicity, and the share options, and sailed off into the sunlight. Who is this, what is he saying, why bother speaking up. when you upset the heart, you raise the ire of the one who loves us all, and many small pals all voiceless, fodder as some call it, toe rags as the abusive call it, necessary victims in a world surging on process and progress, well God Most High doesn’t enjoy being hammered emotionally, by all this tripe and the words clinically used, to confuse and spin what are outrages against humanity, which has destroyed faith in all that is divine almost, where pure love was pushed to the edge of sanity, so you better watch out for great changes are afoot.

Whether you are Bill, Gates, Clinton or the dollar, whoever or members of that assorted coterie, who trawl the world trying to make amends, for the theft of so many resources, enough, explain your silence while the children of the world were totally sexualised, or are you too afraid to open your mouths safely, in case the camera might stare at you, preferring to preach your vision of the Gospels, controlling and consoling at the same time, the same way Spin Doctors have being used for centuries now,. To deceive and control by what you say, is the story of the man who is an impostor, so for all the voiceless, your day has come,  I suppose we can all plead ignorance, being sort of …..Imposters!