Spirit Woman

She screams but no one hears, it’s inside her, the torment, find me peace of mind, where, a thousand thoughts a second pour over her, it’s as if she is being bombed mentally, everywhere she looks, for you for you for you, I can’t get my head around this, she pleads, give me your peace, she can’t understand what is wrong, then she hears a voice, spots a face, her calm returns, she feels God is with her.

As Jesus said, we need space for the Spirit to reside in a healthy state, tell us, it’s something we all know, peace of mind, priceless. Solomon was remarking on the many souls he encountered on his walk through life, all of them, the descendants of past generations, habits and mysteries passed on. How do we create space when the world is on top of us, the bills, the education of the children, me time, sorry but the holidays have been cut, what, her thoughts interrupted,  I was trying to find space, she hears the mail drop into the box, what this time, she is anxious again, her money is short, what do they want this time.

So many walls are built to prevent us reaching the peace of mind we so badly need, so many give up and accept it, and those who protest about it, well, they are radicals. Solomon recalled years ago, all the weirdo’s, the strange stuff, well, it was never strange, was about longer than conventional religion, it was just never explained to us.

Is it possible he sighed, to set aside a week, one entire week in our long journey, to figure out how to slow this train down; Mother Nature is tired, the water is not what it used to be, the birds are getting pissed with us, even our own children are on the streets, protesting about it all; As said, Children will teach us all, perhaps it’s time to listen.

Cheap Easy and Quick

The environment, the children, corruption, tyrants, the polar bears, just about everything, those who control our finances, those who curtail our freedom, those songs of protest, those wind bags who mouth off all the time, will they shut up, the noisy preachers, those that spread hate, the whole shebang, is this world ever going to change, not the fat around your waist, the hair loss, that’s a tanning opportunity, access to healthcare, civil rights, apartheid, no more long winded intellectual bullshit, no more reports, we heard them twenty years ago, no religious divisions, so you want a fast solution to the mess, well join the club, even the fish are having trouble breathing, while your children are going over your surfing history online, we never knew mom and dad were into that, yes, so you want a fast solution, you are seeking answers, there is no God, there is only poverty, there is nothing you can do, I hope you realize that the cure for all these ills and the solutions are already inside you, you just have to dump the thrash you gathered over the years, and the stuff that was bred into you. What does the greatest life coach do when the team is in trouble, well, you want to know, of course you do, you have friends, nephews, nieces, even children of your own maybe, and you want to make the planet a safer and happier place to dwell in, fairer, more equal. Well, so many complain about this, and they want answers, join the club.

The full bag of troubles, Solomon sighed. The solution came to him one night, and what a night it was. He was lying in bed, after having a chat with the Great God who had saved him, we need help, this can not be solved by human means, and you send the help, so he asked for help. Then the most extraordinary thing happened, the Spirit came into the bedroom and flew all around, just like that. And every day since he asked for help, it has arrived. So the moral of the story is simple. Go back to the time when Miracles were common day events, the early life of Jesus. By lifting the Spirit of light in side us, we bring those times back, it’s that simple, amen.

Let go and let the Universe

If it’s inside you, let it go, do something, angry man, angry woman, takes it out on the next emotional encounter, damn, why didn’t I talk about it, it would have made life so much easier, damn. Wise old man listens, the results of trust gone wrong, no one will talk to another, except on a very shallow level, even celebrities have figured this, when they see their laundry on the news, the following week. Dawn, those who destroy trust and the harm they pass on.

Bursting inside, think before you act, what is right will feel good, what it wrong will squeeze you, then again, how often are you right.

Can you imagine it!

It all began with words, what was your dream she asked, dream, what dream, he was struggling to stay afloat, and she mentioned dreams, what was going on. She shook her head, he didn’t understand, perhaps life had weighed him down, his spirit overcome with worry and the daily dose of anxieties fed to everyone. Some could handle it, most got over it, others felt powerless before it, few were able to sow in it. The burden wasn’t a burden, it appeared that way, the way it always appears when the spirit is dampened down, you can’t do anything about it, look at you, what have you got, nothing!.

Solomon reflected on the burdens, not that he was burdened himself, but he was aware of the depth of sorrow in many lives, how that Spirit inside was tampered with, how people were often made to feel undeserving. You have to dream it, then believe it, it was the price of freedom, you just had to imagine it. As we filled the world with strong loving positive and wise thoughts, the world got well, Spirit got the lift it needed, Loving Spirit rose, and with it Rose the influence of God Most High in positive ways. Love is never controlling when it is real, it inspires and encourages, it is not doom ridden and planted in the past, it lives every day, you just have to imagine it.

To see the real Holy Spirit, to know that God Most High was real, to allow it become part of you, and how it transforms

lives around you, that was all you needed to know, if only you can imagine it. amen.

Are we allowed to criticize anymore!

Have an opinion, well you’ll probably lose your job, Yes men, whatever you do, don’t criticize, you’ll face a barrage of lawyers to begin with, instigate a workforce against you, possible get yourself burned, happened to Joan of Arc, whom later was deemed a saint, have an opinion it

s fine, just don’t tell anyone, she’s afraid to say anything, it’s the story of the silent majority in most places, until the election comes along, at least your vote is private but little else. Propaganda, you better have an opinion, well you’ll hear it so often, it’s all you’ll be able to remember. Repeat and repeat, eventually you become what you eat, and that includes the mentality you acquire. Solomon was reminding himself of the work of many reformers, who had to go to the ends of the earth to be heard, same could be said of Pope Francis, who declared the wrongs of the church he has come to guide out of the doldrums, and he faced huge difficulties even among his own, for criticizing the regime openly. Solomon regularly cast ideas and thoughts into his prayers, and to this day wondered, in the year 2016, why there was no adult section to the worldwide web, as surely, the children of the current generation, deserved head space, before they learned more about the world.


Over expanding empire, the usual suspects, no, no, it wasn’t anything christian, it wasn’t christian at all, it was man, the idiot who polluted the skies, demonised women, the ego thief, who started more wars than there is time to write about, crack head, fool, twisted header ball, that twat, yes, woke up one day, hung over, the local priest with his wench girl friend, she’s his wife, he has a vision, we should be doing this all over the world, riding in golden chariots, living in palaces, servants, even kings bending down to us, come on, get celibate chaps for awhile, they’ll never be able to beat us.

It was mad, and is still mad, and will always be mad, to ban what love is, giving. amen. Look what has happened in the meantime, a world that became addicted to everything, and a warped sexual output, well, online traffic is rather pointed on the matter. Solomon was thinking, wait till the boss arrives, those guys are going to have a bath that never ends, amen.

The Gold Medals

Solomon was wondering who was going to win the gold medals, not the Olympic one’s, the type that are won by those who prospered because of the darkness they sowed all their lives and the horrors they allowed to create. How many deals can we cut from a kilo John asks Steve, as he is about to mix the powder. if they use the needle you can double it again. It was in jest he thought the idea up, but it was apt to think in these terms when so much was changing and the tyrants were like flailing cloth tossed about in a gale force wind. How many were seduced by their calm when they controlled it all, they were not so loud anymore, as they tried to hide their ill ways among the good souls, fooling many in the process. Those that allowed the children of the world to lose faith in all that is good were near the top of his list of winners, but there were so many in contention there was going to be a dead heat, so many deserving of the honor.

The child who lost faith while waiting for the vital service while 25 trillion rested off shore, who were the men and women controlling this pile, they would have been wiser to have thought before they conspired to avoid their duties, wasn’t wealth enough for them, before they destroyed the lives of many who fought against their schemes. The contestants for the gold medal, the fools gold contenders were from all areas of life, did they really expect to outshine the power of God Most High, really.

The boy is dispirited, his schooling is difficult, he can’t concentrate, the images on his computer or phone too adult for his understanding. Solomon sighed, a little foresight would have gone an awful long way, had those, the zealots seen the picture, rather, they switched it for their own gain and personal pride. You have got a promotion Seamus for that great work you done, thanks Boss, amen. How many were so easily flattered. Old tyrant is in despair, on his dying bed he see’s a vision of Heaven, then an angel appears, you could have got in there, sorry!

Wisdom Today

image, what is in the head, child imitates and learns, adults big children, they imitate and spend, image, this is bad, we form ideas about it, though we don’t understand, form bias that affect lives, the chit chat we pass on, comments about those we don’t know, big children we all are, in the eyes of God. amen.

Solomon saw first hand the power of imitation, his friend was fussy, copying someone he knew, Solomon knew immediately, it was imitation, it’s how most people learn. In the context of the times, imitation needed to be improved upon, when they forgive on top, it usually trickles down, and who better than Love was there to imitate. Wisdom on Monday, need a dose of it, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, take off Sunday, we all need a rest, amen, and if you forget the odd day, well get over it, we all need a break from the norm, for those are the days we learn.

can’t afford that either!

small boy walks the street with mother hand in hand,

stops to look at the windows but simply doesn’t understand,

Santa can’t afford that either son she says with a damp sigh,

he turns his head and asks still wonders mom why can’t I,

i wrote a letter like all the others he believes in the good,

passes another shop window looks in with admiring eyes,

a train set and it’s all done up even got a few figurines,

nope son Santa can’t afford a train he’s got a bus pass son,

goes home wondering what can poor old Santa afford,

his head drops and he is all sad his Santa plan is going down,

and when children loose that dream, it’s something gone,

and Love itself, and we can’t afford that either!


Facebook founder giving it away, today the child waits,

well if he wants to put a smile on millions of faces!




James Bond

rat tat tat tat rat tat tat tat tat rat tat, got him

would you like a martini darling….

rat tat tat tat tat rat tat rat tat rat tat tat

sorry darling was doing some business

oh James your such a devil! hahahaha

zoom zoom thud zoom bang crack skull

fell off building thud thud thud bang bang

ducked in time just missed another bullet

ah darling  i need to send these to the cleaners

his trousers….

rat tat tat rat tat tat tat rat tat tat rat….

crunching a few bags of crisps slurps some coke

what was it all about,

another fine spectre.!

did anyone ever hear of the so called…

emperor’s clothes syndrome

maybe i’m the only one i guess!

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