The Jesus Conference

Was it that hard he sighed. he came from the end of the earths, south of the pole, to add his experiences. Abide in his ways and you will find peace. When he first heard about it, “The Jesus Conference”, it had to be a success, what other figure in history promoted it so well and healed by word, no other. A great idea he thought. It took him an entire year to raise the fare, but he got there. Even high up in the Andes they heard of the great one, and many times in history the helper had arrived. The preservation of the forest, the preservation of the world was at risk. They will be enlightened.

All he found, trinket sellers and fiery nobodies, blinged out, with no reverence for Jesus at all; they were  using his reputation, that was all. He traveled a long way.

Solomon visited friends; some attended churches, some attended mosques, some prayed in private, some didn’t pray at all, allowing their deeds to describe themselves. One thing in common, they all believed in Jesus. How come they never came to a common agreement in this issue. With his mind on finding a solution, Solomon imagined a conference, on the Topic of eternity, and Jesus. Before an idea becomes real, we must think about it, amen. It wont be long he sighed.


Another happy child,

God is really impressed,

Hasn’t much to smile about,

This little child is all light,

Mind him he warns them,

Angels tremble and assemble,

Little boy lives charmed life,

Angels work harder and harder,

Another smile little sweat,

I’ll give them a break later,



Pioneering spirit, the waves of soul, climbed unforgiving hills, some made some not, but those who lost, made it for others, someone goes first, someone makes it, sets the others free, and some are just lucky. Whatever, character can’t be bought, it is made. And Faith can’t be faked, many have tried, this we have to believe. In crisis you’ll discover, if it’s real.

Solomon was reading about early pioneering spirit, souls from all over the world, converged in a new land, seeking freedom and hopefully prosperity, their steps sometimes the first, not that they were first, the natives having been there years, from all across the continent, north and south, east and west, and the natives all believed in great spirit.

What was a god send for some, a nightmare for the natives, as the pioneers brought modernism, new mechanisms for solving disputes, and the habits that they grew up with. There were many lessons to be learned. Many cultures and wisdoms brushed aside. Forgiveness was badly in need of exercise. The resentments many carried inside them.

It was no surprise that it all came back to old teaching, every dispute, anger, envy, it was laid out in a very simple way. Solomon reflected upon what Faith was, a real time gift that you could not purchase, just trust me was all he said, how true those words in the context of what was happening, marry yourself to love, but like those storms, it can sometimes get rough.

Jesus cross’s the sea of Galilee, it’s wild weather and stormy, his companions wake him up suddenly, what now he thinks, perhaps in the middle of a great dream or simply a rest, no, it’s not going to sink, putsIMG_5757 his head back down and shrugs, what do I have to do next. St. Paul gets shipwrecked, ends up where he’s supposed to be. Solomon gets crushed in his car, changes the landscape of his life, you just have to believe and forgive..

Edwin Chota

Edwin Chota,

the AshaninKa people,

Jose isidrio tendetza antun,

the leaders murdered,

for more palm oil!,

the Shuar people,

the indigenous people of south America,

the latest victims,



Solomon and The Mystery of Jesus…

beepers, here we go again, life is not a movie and we are not characters in a story!

The Mystery, no mystery to Love, just an effort in practicing it, effort sacrifice disappointment hardship pain sorrow, honeymoon over, the work begins. It’s the day you fall in Love, with Love, opens the heart, poses questions, many awkward.

Jesus is really no mystery, even if many wrote books and long explanations, of the greatest of stories. it was purely one everlasting love affair, and a case of passing on the legacy from generation to generation. The legacy didn’t include starting wars to force the faith. Every culture passes on it’s experiences, the same way any legend is passed on. Until the eureka moment arrives, and new wisdom is added, old ways are changed, as revelation tells us.

Every believer is called, it’s a matter of free will, you decide.

  • Solomon was putting words on the issue that divided so many God loving people
  • The Islamic code, was an extension of wisdom, a living thing
  • The revelations to the prophet Muhammad was a vision of the future
  • One religion wasn’t granted wisdom over the others
  • Music is wisdom dressed in an international language
  • When Jesus arrives, the barriers taken down
  • The Sunshine shines on everyone
  • The religious authorities of the times didn’t like him

As Islam points out clearly, The Devil is real. Jesus mentioned it regularly too. It can be pride, many things. But in a nutshell, the wisdom of Jesus, Forgiveness is supreme, it removes all evil, Daily we are reminded of it.

The early church used the symbol of the cross to generate support for war, it wasn’t going to add to attract believers, in the cities and towns scorched, the inhabitants massacred, the tactics repeated again and again, and the legends passed on recalling them.

Because Jesus declared that getting to know his father was getting to know him, one must remember, what Jesus was all about. Amending the errors of the past, teaching the truth, and doing it in Love, by love, only. As the saying goes, through love we grow, through love we are born, and the sooner you understand that forgiving is love in action, you will soon discover there is no mystery to Jesus, but a whole bunch of individuals who created a mess of it, profited from it, making the complex so difficult for those who came after.

What’s the mystery of that?

It’s time the religious men and women, realized, that Jesus is the link in the chain, that connects them all, and that the teachings of the prophet MuhammadFeatured Image -- 11102280807-Motivational-Quote-ImageFeatured Image -- 1110227877daily-positive-quotes1IMG_5757 was revelation, of the world to come. The fact that a code was drawn up, to try and address the issue, wasn’t anything but an effort to create a world acceptable to God. Everyone has lessons to learn.



get him off the scent,

peace is doing harm,

can’t sell those arms,

sales down everywhere,

when’s the last good war,

damn it he’s meddling,

get rid of that love,






IMG_5757they all flowed,

from the decisions,

of a select force,

wonder about it,

the man in the sky,

marking them all,


Solomon’s Book of Wisdom

IMG_575770 years ago,  world at war, the civilized folk of today, neat suits polite reverent, as they were then and today, something got into minds, peacemaking folk sidelined, much the same this day, agitators provoke those in conflicts, sweeping aside peaceful argument, Solomon was reminded of the teachings of Jesus, turn the other cheek don’t worry, it was all over the place, the need for wisdom and reform.

He listened to the radio, usual suspects pushing buttons, they rarely argue peace, strange. Solomon was venting truth, his book of wisdom a modern interpretation. It had been said 2,000 years ago, he was humble enough, wisdom is simply passed on, as it had been in songs and words, actions. The story of old came ringing through, how Jesus was chastised by the local religious and others, for hanging with women, preaching the word in other places, not in the holy temple, where are the sheep, funny sighed Solomon, it was all connected, and it went back two thousand years.

The attitude towards the female of the species was a cause very close to his heart.

Romance was the birth of trust. Women didn’t hide behind the ego, more willing to be themselves, more honest and willing to admit being depressed, dressed or undressed, and more often than not, said what it was they were thinking, even if they jumped to conclusion sometimes, everyone is guilty of that. Still, being yourself in a very politically correct world, not the easiest of activities, apart from children who say it as it is, until they learn the way of the devious mind.

Old scriptures taught much, but the teachings of Jesus put a seal on it. It was the Mount Everest of wisdom.

Because of the misuse of the word, and the passing on of all sorts of resentments, evil thoughts became mandatory, fear was realised, propaganda wide, as old and worn out arguments were given life again and again. If they believed in forgiveness, how easy life would be.

Voyage to Freedom

Road to freedom, she sighed, on board, her children by her side, hungry but hopeful, she smiled as the captain asked her to go below, they knew it was illegal, just trying to escape a living hell, she took the youngest in her arms, their father waiting for them, trying to provide a safe haven, to begin all over again, fleeing tyranny the so called righteous caused. With every voyage there is hope, there is risk, when escaping a living death, you will try anything, same way a junkie chooses the needle, only much worse.

The sea was rising,  boat swelled up,  unused to the water, they became alarmed, moved  like frightened sheep. Then tragedy struck, rest is history. Solomon sighed, their plight the result of corruption, the evil minded caused the wars, created the divisions,  meddlers and their patriotic cries, the Charlie brown syndrome, the war that finished the Afghanistan,  supported by opportunists, those looking after their own interests, a common book of wisdom would have achieved so much, the way a respected poet gets a good ear, the voice that resonates. IMG_5757

Easter Memorial

the man, the great events, the life of a butterfly, what else, for some to suggest, a caterpillar becomes a  butterfly, purely by accident, who is fooling who, for so long the tide was against all belief, why did this happen, the taunts of yesteryear, repeated time and again, your worthless, you don’t have much, and what kind of people speak like that, those that never understood love, amen, for EasterIMG_5757, check the image from the sky, it’s very real.

Edge of Heaven

the edge of heaven,  feel the potential, inside the gates,  it’s even better and eternal, those who find the path, stay on it, there are those who try to persuade otherwise, heaven does not exist and it’s only a dream, what love have they shown, usually none, heaven exists for those who love,   the story of the ancient scriptures,  very real, what’s a little hassle,  life eternal awaits you, amen…there are many wines, good ones are rare, pure loving people, are like those rare wines, when you find one, you’ll never be satisfied with anything less, amen…IMG_5757