Conspiracy theories, it was only the government that created all the mistrust. 1% control the other 99%, those making decisions to-date are so removed from reality, and there is an expected showdown, according to all the Holy Books, and they point to now, these times. Signs appearing from the skies, children seeing angels, light and revelations, while the words of the prophets are being made real.

If there is doubt, it’s the silence of those in power. lets hope Mr Biden and his new team, have the gravitas, to see to the core of the issues, how so many have been played with, for such a long time. A new world in the making, kindness not oppression, a fare distribution of wealth, and less of the babble of celebrity noise, when the facts are rarely researched, but that fulfills the junkie media needs, of faces before their offerings, as if they are offering help, while climbing the greasy pole. Whom do they serve, almost entirely themselves, amen.

The Children Ring the Bells

Not so dumb anymore, the children are saying what the adults are up to, the trees are talking to each other, the oak says to the birch, there is help out there, here that young girl, from Sweden, I thought they sing over there says the birch, the oak shakes his ears, you been listening to too much AbbA, aren’t we supposed to listen says the small birch, the oak nods, there is a breeze. His home is a home for many friends, problem is someone wants a new set of furniture. every time he hears a chainsaw, it’s the same fear a human fears, when they hear the door open in the middle of the night, when you are expecting no one, you shrivel with fear. The oak has had a few close calls, he remembers the tree hugers, the good humans who formed a ring of safety around him the day the chainsaw men arrived. Not all humans are bent on destruction. They have an addiction for money, and are willing to do anything to get it, the worst addiction in the world, dumb, they can print that stuff they call money.

Oak smiles, birch leans over, what are you smiling at, oak looks down on birch, have you not been listening, birch is too immersed in himself to notice, he is as fearful as a cow on the way to the killing shed, it’s going to happen soon, one way or the other, death, oak is just trying to cheer him up. Help is on the way, I can hear voices says Oak, birch stiffens his leaves, you are hallucinating again. Damn says Oak, did you not read the news, the children of the world are getting real upset, they won’t let their parents get away with it no more, inaction. Remember the name, Greta Thunberg, she will encourage thousands, millions even, and when the children scream, the Heavenly Father listens, they haven’t let him down, the message will get heard, it’s how you get a reputation where it matters, you get trusted. Sure says Birch, his tension beginning to ease.

Solomon sighed, the wisdom of God will be shown through children, and they will make fools of the so called wise. Its’ an important issue, in a world that sells cynicism and hate, the death of the Child within, as if the demons thought they could get away with it, not in a thousand years, amen. He thinks of his sisters and brothers, he tried to show them, that asking the father for help had a very large meaning, but growing up, they forgot the lessons of old. Maybe now, they will get to understand, thanks to Greta Thunberg, and many like her.

Me Too Me Too….

I want some, me too, me too, the child reaches for a piece of cake, mammy slaps his hand, me too says the mother, isn’t that incorrect, mother turns her head, her daughter in the corner, you want some too, no, her daughter says, it’s not good for the diet either, mother shakes her head, me too. Headline in the paper, me too, another victim cries out, well, who hasn’t suffered in this life. The list of performers, so many suffer, loss of a child, those that hurt pour that hurt into their art. Meanwhile, they all forget the fifty million who died in the second war, no lawyer to represent them, no cause to shout for them, few celebrities among them. Me too, I’m hungry, just about a billion of those about, hungry that is, me too, no lawyer to represent them, me too, amen.

If you want to change things, me too, amen.

Train Sets and timetables…

She waits on the platform, checks her watch again, he’s late, but she’s not worried, he is aboard, the last time they met, was at a station just like this. her eyes are anxious, the wait has been long, the hour of arrival has passed, damn those railroad engineers, will they ever get their times right, same as asking all women to give birth at eight in the morning, so the rest of the workers can get on with it, she sighs, here it comes, the light is coming near, she can relax. Solomon sighed, wasn’t life like a train, you wait on the platform, waiting for ever it seems, then the light comes, and suddenly all you thought of, becomes more than real, cause you can feel it. How many had been patient for so long, the efforts of so many, the givers, their patience extended to the lengths of the earth. Smile, the time he encountered the Spirit, real time, it’s on the way, and so the changes are coming, and what is the driving energy, real time love. He heard the sigh in the heart, the words hit the insides that no other gift can give, the miracle of the Spiritual over the material, worth waiting for too….as for those who control, what grief, to think there is Heaven, welcome aboard dudes, I hope you have all been loving…

Oil King…

We make decisions based on wrong and right, it’s black and white, the words sound good, the others in the room nod their heads, well said sir, we don’t make decisions based on the wealth we are entitled to, Solomon sighed, the boss see’s it rather different, what was your responsibility sir. How often they went to war to enrich the few, their sidekicks in place, preparing the contracts before the war even begun, sad but true, nothing escapes the boss you see.

The rhetoric was well rehearsed, the spin doctors well paid, the feel good, that was all that mattered, the blue shirt worker nods his head as he sips his beer, has seen so many jobs disappear to overseas lands, someone has to put an end to it, the rhetoric he hears goes down well, the PR guy smiles, this is working Bob, great cheers, they hide their ill gotten gain overseas, in places few ever heard about, the oil company president is in a great mood, we have to give those spin doctors something extra, he doubles their bonus’s.

At the gates of heaven, the financial elite arrive, they push their way to the top, we have special passes they say, Saint Peter is not impressed. He has the inside story, the reasons they tried to justify war, and how they sold it to the public, no can do he says, but they insist, they show their passes, forgeries mutters Peter.

How many sold out, for the money they were about to make, no can do, there are strict rules to entry, into the house of God, it’s this simple: what did you do for love?

In the furnace, the heat is searing, no relief, a glass of water please, the oil baron calls out to saint Peter, could you send them a warning, please he begs, Peter sighs ,it’s the same as global warming, they only listen when it’s the end.



Lazarus overhears the conversation, i told you so he says to his real friends…..

Scream and Shout….

Do you love me, do you do, run faster Mr Murphy, the sargent is screaming at the new recruits, do you think this is christmas, this is war he shouts, many years later, the old marine recalls the training, the mental stress that was applied, the shouting, the taunts, the bear with us awhile, it will only make you stronger, the words ring bells in his head many years later.

Solomon sighed, spoilt for choice, bored, the excess’s they have to go to, as if they are children with too much free time and money to spend. He recalled the child, tensed up in the corner, eyes wondering, eyes deep in it’s head, as if all life had been taken away, the child does not understand the screams and the shouts, it sure wasn’t this in the beginning, it was sootihng he recalls, they were nice to him…but he is slowing getting used to it, and the Spirit inside is being battered. Meanwhile..

Conscientious mary is at a rally, something to do with christmas songs, and how inappropirate the lyrics of some, they have to be changed to suit the political thinking of the moment. It’s so important to attend the rally, you never know who you might meet afterwards, there might even be a party. Solomon raised his eyebrows to the headline, a christmas song of old, made references to a cold night, and a cosy meeting of a man and woman on a cold christmas night, song idiots decided there was a threat to humanity in the words, another notion of political mad thinking. In the old days, ancient days, language had many meanings, violence meant strength, virgin meant woman without child, and as for other sensibilities, you don’t have to dig.

His Father screams at him, go to bed, your not getting supper till you learn math…

A re blog, should be on everyone’s playlist….

“You Are So Beautiful” is a song written by Billy Preston and Bruce Fisher. Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys contributed to the song’s genesis, but his official credit was omitted. It was first recorded by Preston and made popular by Joe Cocker. Preston who grew up playing the organ in church, originally wrote the […]

via “Joe Cocker – You Are So Beautiful (Official Video) HD” — AMERICA ON COFFEE

Need to Change things and you don’t know where to start, looking for the insight that will get you off your feet.. a re blog, but it’s worth it!

via Harnessing the Power of Humiliation — Bright, shiny objects!

Real Fasting

No sad eyes, no shook looks, no outer signs, just be kind, be good to those who do you harm, piety and prayer is useless if you abandon the poor, amen.


written two thousand seven hundred and twenty three days ago almost, give or take an hour or two, well close on that time. He meant to say years, but the sun was high in the sky, and it was hot, was it sun stroke, Ezra is walking around the wild flower field, he’s talking with the angel, so real, he is both amazed and frightened, not frightened in the sense of today, but frightened at the scale of the disclosure, there’s loads of blessings stored up, the holy grail of help. The angel is humming a Johnny cash tune, what’s that smiles Ezra, he likes the beat, down down down in a blazing ring of fire, down down…is that a sad tune your humming asks Ezra, momentarily distracted, the mornings work has been a load, something the angel knows. to ease the mood he picked a tune from the future to help Ezra relax, for some reason Johnny cash was in his brain jukebox.

The humming stops, the angel smiles, nice tune isn’t it, Ezra nods, now back to business says the angel, i don’t want to loose the job and the boss expects results. Ezra raises his eyebrows, i’m listening, come on. yeah, blessings, it’s a treasure chest, once you unlock it, well, they are there for the taking but you have to earn it that’s all. How do we do that thought Ezra excited, am i going to win a camel,

maybe my own water well too, what a blessing he smiled, i’ll have all i need, and we will have water for ever too.

Solomon was reading Ezra, the ancient writings. Interesting stuff. The Faith to believe was in deed the gift. amen There are blessings stored up, to be poured out, you just have to be able to receive them. So that’s what they meant, the words always confused him, to those who have more will be given, faith he sighed. He saw her on the street, he saw them everywhere, everywhere the faith was working, new looking people, amen.