Unstable Leaders….

Where’s common sense gone, bickering and back biting, police on the streets, protesters, the army more important than health care, everyone doubting, new ideas running out, chaos, as the two giants of politics meet in the amphitheater, hoping to convince the voter, who is bombarded with twenty four seven news, sights of violence and fear on TV, confused thinking, wealth deemed the winning cause, you’ll do better with us, can this be a picture of the United States today, the so called leader of the free world, seriously.

Too much time spent of making money and not enough on creating community usually ends in chaos for all, it’s the story of the family, where the father figure spends all his time working while ignoring the emotional needs of the family, it all fall apart’s, and it leads to recrimination and blame thereafter, as to why it happened.

A man rushes in the door, he has a lot to hide, he does his best to distract his partner, rushes her around, haven’t time to speak, we’ll talk about this later, Hal she says, not now, there is a big meeting in the office later, there is talk of a takeover, it’s real big, she sighs to herself, we’ll talk about it later. After so many great schemes that never are, there is nothing to talk about later.

Denial, a condition of the human mind, tomorrow, eventually the tomorrows are all spent cleaning up the yesterdays that were ignored in the hope of tomorrow, it’s all about today, Jesus tells us.

The virus was more than a massive threat to humanity, it was an opportunity to stall the direction the world was heading in, time to think. Those who were planning on the propaganda war for the coming election would be wise to read about the ancient prophets, Esdras in particular, amen.

The Gift

“Imagine it, your thoughts can be used to remedy, heal, improve, restrict demons, curtail extremism, and an awful lot more, while being still able to enjoy a nice glass of wine, not forgetting the simple things, the peace of mind that good sleep brings, imagine, those demons of the night, they can do nothing, simply aware, of the future that awaits them, and being merciful, at least they get the opportunity to amend, and it’s all real.”

“Are you for real she says”, interrupting his flow. I only asked him about the book he was reading, she didn’t expect a thesis.

They are sitting side by side on the Jet, they are both flying across the ocean, strangers, she had asked a question about a book he was reading, “the imitation of life according to Jesus”. It’s a five hour flight, and he reminds her of someone from her past. She does not fear asking questions. Well, if he is reading a book about “Jesus”, he has to be friendly and easy to open a dialogue with, she hopes. Her own trust in the world is on a downer, divorced, discarded, dumped, thrown overboard, at a loose end, she is looking for the light. She’s been in this frame of mind all day, the journey she is making, a rest and escape from it all.

You don’t believe he says with a smile. Her eyes rise in her head, she looks at the ceiling, if only he knew she thinks. Dumping her stuff on a stranger, who wants to hear about other peoples woes. She purses her lips, half looks at the book cover, then begins to speak.

“If he was so right way back then, it seems he has disappeared don’t you think,” she lowers her eyes to the book.

Jesus she says again. He smiles, it’s catching isn’t it he smiles. The more you think of the Holy Name, the memories and feelings that are created. Well she says, you seem confident about it, can you explain it simply for me. He hums and haws. No one want’s to be a bad teacher, and not every question can be answered as if it’s coming from a machine or robot.

His tongue swirls around his mouth, he catches the scent of her perfume, it makes his nose itchy, he reaches up and rubs his nose.

“Spirit he says, it’s inside you, and there is the Spirit of God, that stuff you call the soul. If you imagine your soul as a new computer, without scratches, then years later, used, with a few cuts and smears, after years of usage, when you are prepared to put it in the rubbish, you might call it a journey. Life is like that disc. What condition is it in at the end of the journey when it’s returned to the original vendor, do you get me he says.”

She is confused, she is trying to get her head around it. Who wants a philosophy lesson on a mid Atlantic flight. Computer discs, souls, the condition at the end, she is thinking all these bits. He looks at her, can see that she is digesting what he has said, waits.

Confusing he says, she pauses, well, it’s not what I expected. The air hostess is passing with the trolley. Can I have a gin and tonic he says, and yourself he says. Non drinker she says.

She listens to the crackle of the ice, as the liquid flows over the ice. He listens and talks well, she wonders how long the flight is, there are many questions she wants answers to. Being an achiever all her life, this conversation is something she does not want to miss. Her Heart feels lighter, that name she sighs, Jesus.

My Eyes

Damn advertising Guru, could sell a g-string to your ninety year old aunt, and tell her it was comfortable, get you to forget yourself for a while, the blurb, you look great in that, even if you could not see, darn advertising guru, as for those psycho dudes, the head experts, is there a ship I could borrow, the mid Atlantic would be a good place to bring them for a Holiday, moor them off shore with their off shore accounts, a few strong anchors, away from everyone where they can’t do anymore harm. Blast sighed Solomon, he listened to the news, the crocodile tears, the affect of pornography on happiness, relationships, and children of course, the darn advertising Guru, what medication was he on, vitamin “M” of course like so many. Too darn busy getting their thrills to wonder about the affect it was having on others. Solomon encountered the “Spirit” the early apostles enjoyed, and when it is real, you don’t have to excuse your thoughts. So many eyes squinting over their small screens, wondering, is this love what we are seeing, cause they seen to be doing nothing else.

My eyes cried God, what are they doing to the children of the world. Solomon recalled the words of Jesus, God is inside you, the Spirit, it’s not over there, it’s inside you. Why pollute the eyes of God you wonder, unless you intended in murdering the Spirit within. Holidays are occasions, not every day experiences. One of those moments, he saw the expression on the faces, he prayed, there was a sense of disappointment. He listened to the words, the bread and the fish, the division of food, the Spread of the Spirit, well being, it was a lesson, simple as that, you share and it gets better for everyone, Amen.

Moments from the journey in Kindle. — Poems, stories, paintings and more by Sharmishtha Basu

Moments from the journey This book contains a set of poems about God, human beings and their ways. We all know it is almost impossible to analyze poems you have to read them, feel them. So all I can say it contains a set of poems about human world in different colours-love, envy, pain, spiritualism […]

Moments from the journey in Kindle. — Poems, stories, paintings and more by Sharmishtha Basu

re blogged…

Children’s Day

Mother’s day, women’s day, father’s day, international this day, international that,. this the other, postcards, preparations, the party afterwards, the novelties, the protests, the speakers, the conference, the global speeches, what a load of what, you ask?

The old musketeers, this is old France, the sun king, the belief in the wonders of God, the upstairs and downstairs attitude, those that exceeded their power, loosing their heads, in every way imaginable, you can’t abuse power and get away with it, have all the tyranny you want, but you are not going to get away with it, there are those who will ensure that, there are those who know what is divine.

Solomon sighed, he saw the attitude on the faces, the lives that jumped forward to another time, saw the breakdown in society, the denial of children, of a healthy living world, then passing on the news to their counterparts of old, the car exchanged for a horse, the law replaced by a sword. This is worth fighting for they say. The roots of our problem sown in the past.

Children’s day, not a roll out of all the great advantages that we fill our selves with, feel good is great, they felt the same way on the Titanic, we are all going on a holiday. All the stress that is created, the effort to focus on the lower regions, its’ very pleasurable they say, but there is time, let us grow up first.

What would they think, those who went before us, not the closed minded, but those who were enlightened, and there are many Spirits, watching our progress, even today, wondering what we are going to do next. Are we going to ruin it for everyone, or do something good. Thoughts for a Monday.

Great Music lifts the Soul….

We need moments to refresh, put down the worries, reflect, it’s not a diagnosis, it’s like cleaning the desk at work, or the bathroom at home, there is stuff we need to do. With so much happening in the world, the mind becomes overloaded, and if we don’t give it a break, we can overreact, becoming ultra sensitive, till eventually we are programmed in our responses. We join causes without thinking deeply about what we are getting involved in, in a nutshell, we become pawns in other life dramas. It’s the new year, time for starting the new, it could be a change of relationship, it could be the end of one, the beginning of something new.


Being human, we are sensitive, even if many pretend otherwise. you put on a few pounds, a crisis, the pants it tighter, the thing is, after the season of Christmas, we are all in a tighter squeeze, well, it could be any festival time, but human beings tend to worry easily. In an effort to relax the mind at crucial times, apart from trying the booze, that is meant to be a joke actually, but the music of all types allows you time to get out of the worry zone. So I am throwing in a few middle of the road classics, that will just do that. In times of great stress, you are easily upset or worried. The sheep only have to smell the wolf to get the panic attack, and there are many other there, who know how to exploit your feelings. Listening to music helps you set the mind, like poetry, it lets you forget the world, you forget fashion, you forget social media worries, you forget your mobile phone.  Start your day with great music, and be surprised, amen.

When you can bypass the mind, you can access the heart. happy new year!.

Be Prepared ….a re blog

Meeting God requires nothing more than you creating the opportunity to do so. The rest is managed by God.

via Meeting — Soul Healing Art

Imagine It

If you could turn every one with evil intent into a babbling fool, just imagine it, their mouths pouring our dribble, imagine it. Solomon was recalling the story of old, the power of Great Spirit, the power the Child Jesus was gifted with. Casting out demons was on Solomon’s mind, the grudges, hatred, resentments that so many carried and found an opening at the wrong time. At least with alcohol you had to consume it first before you went on the rampage. With the silent resentments and hatreds stored within, (good reason or not, experience or what), once the topic was raised, accordingly, the partnering feelings rise with it, those deep seated feelings and anxieties, boom, the explosion, touchy feely they say, they being friends, they being polite. Imagine it, God Most High, who has heard it all, waiting for mankind to mature, the way a farmer waits, for the plant to give it’s full potential, imagine it, waiting for the day, when they would all realize that today was the day everyday, not the baggage you brought with you everywhere, smile, amen.

The Rules

She nods, it’s her first day, she made an effort to look smart, neat but not too much, first day, she has to learn the rules. The long sweep of her head, she eyes her as if she’s a mannequin, well, all you will be doing is standing there dear, give them something to look at, distract them, she meant to say him, once he, she corrects, once they get a focus on you it’s easy to control the communication, she is going to be front desk material, it’s the public services desk of an airline, they mostly handle complaints, and women do it better, well, in law, you can’t argue or use language that might be considered biased, women have more thorns, more armor, put them in the front line, those who are protected, they are the rules.

Solomon recalled his father, on his knees, unpacking his luggage, as he had gone over the weight measure limit

and had to exchange stuff for the overhead. A tax on presents, the extra luggage you carry coming back. It was created by an accountant no doubt, a team of them, find areas where we can legitimately charge for, what about the others in the industry, the boss smiles, they are greedy too, they are the rules. Imagine the rules, you get to the heavenly gates, you pass your cards across the counter, and a bribe, a last minute promise, a donation to a popular charity, this will solve the problem. Peter sighs, know the rules, he points to a tablet of rock, points, the guest retches inside, the rules.

The Holy Spirit

Imagine it, you can say what you like about Jesus, and be forgiven, just imagine it, well it’s written, imagine it, you can’t say anything about the Holy Spirit, that offends God, just imagine it, well it’s written, the border that can’t be crossed, even the demon knows it, amen, just imagine it. Imagine it, the Spirit comes from God, just imagine it, the creator of the universe, Solomon didn’t have to imagine it, now imagine that, so imagine the prayers of the ancient prophets, and the modern day efforts to taint love, and resting places of Holy Spirit. As said all those years ago, the Helper arrives, it had, there was no need to imagine it, amen.