Detox Queen

So it’s not what you planned, your interested in other stuff, well that’s new, you are helping others too, what do you mean, well, your reminding others too, your pointing out the problems, your highlighting issues, you argue well, okay if it’s a drama, your the detox queen, of course you will wiggle a little, your after presenting your problems to the world, and in that alone, you are helping others think that way too, your not as lost as you seem, and every day, your pushing the interest, make me sound like a teacher she replies, why not. There are many who speak all the correct words, who are smooth in words, easy to nod agreement, they get over the moment and then they are on to something else, gathering support, while forgetting what they were up to. The One who has had a few divine privileges, many signs too, its the conveyor belt of divine intervention your on, you can’t stand still, you need to rest between the angst inside you, that passes quickly, and your on the path again, and when it comes to taking it in your stride, so you slipped up a few times, normal people do that all the time, its just that they don’t need to share it too often.

The inside you, that’s what you argue with, many start off from different parts, look at this. The boy is given a status because he is a male, the woman gets the status all the time, because she has the mother’s ability, she’ll recreate only with the help of the man. Many put a spoke in the thought process; so you didn’t have a start like that, so you had difficulty from the start, its only mother nature as the angel might say, reminding us of the times, “mother nature”, she has had to endure a lot of chemical intrusion, and the people have had to absorb it, so, if we as mother nature teaches us, if that makes us weaker, its bound to show in places.

I’m not happy, I want my daughter, my child back. She listens to her friend. Its an emotional argument she can’t win; By herself, she reads the parable, the answer is there. How do you present yourself before God; the demeanor of a child, and children and that feeling; you see a mother on TV struggling, your heart reaches out, you hear of children in trouble, your heart reaches out, your a mother inside, you see children as your children, in short, thinking in that way, believing, you treat children as part of your responsibility, that’s simple to explain, well how can you be of light without being of the light, all that angst doesn’t exist, you have One who can help solve the problem.

She is talking to her friend, she is on a mission, time will sort it out, some times she goes beyond the norm, she visits at other times, its a reminder, this new world your entering, it takes awhile to get used to it, its easy to give up, how she knows this, this is like limbo, can’t go forward can’t go back, that stuck feeling, she reads to her friend, the head finds a little peace, another day passes, the normal feeling, eating and relaxing, no need for the fix, the nerves are settling, well, experience tells you, I’ve been through this part of the experience before, another step up, no one is lecturing you either, your filling up with wisdom, and so the excuse list dries up, why would I do this to myself, then you get the affirmation, the faces that remind you, they think well of me, and so you continue with the walk up the hill. What will it be like, your stronger from not getting it right, it doesn’t make sense, however your feeling it, and your liking this version of yourself, so keep it up, amen.

The Fate of Those Who offend the Spirit from above…?

My God, did we do that, the frog in the throat moment, what excuse can you offer. Every time you harm another,it’s another stab at the heart that loves, another cry heard. Why in these times, is it important, to recall, the One who made it all possible. Should we ignore the warnings, or should we spin them away, the way politicians do.

Jesus was very clear on this, the room for maneuver, very limited, no deals for those who deliberately do so. Solomon was recalling the light shone from certain lives on their communities,and how corrupt men, wove schemes, to get rid of them. Apart from the Spiritual free fall, the legacy is never enchanting, it’s usually domineering by a few,what is the fate of these few, who oppress the Holy Spirit,even the games they play, using others like chess pieces, where will they go, when their time comes, Heaven is real, the signs tell us this, Solomon sighed, it can’t be a happy feeling inside,but a hollow one indeed, amen.

ESDRAS and Today….

Those with no time for matters of God, those with an interest in current times, those who have their children in mind, might we wise, to examine for themselves, the words of the old testament prophet, who warned of times such as these. Esdras is not mentioned too often, Ezekiel another name used in reference to Esdras,gives a clear description of the end of times as we know it, and reminds all of true faith, to hold firm to the end, as the people of God will survive the catastrophes predicted by Esdras,as explained to him, by the angel,Ariel.

The decadent lifestyle does not get much of an applause, and those who exploit the earth,fare as badly. Given the super natural signs from above evidenced by numbers,and patterns, apart from recent scientific discoveries, that have put the word, God’s atom on many scientific minds, an anathema to those who are non believers, sadly, but recent discoveries, the hidden land made visible, the confused times,chaotic leaders, makes Esdras a very soothing read for those putting effort and time, into events eternal,amen.

Have you noticed the babbling leaders lately, the nonsense coming out of so many TV voices, well, maybe you should begin to notice, as the angel says to the prophet;

Those who are rich spiritually, have eternity to look forward to,amen.

Before The Virus…..

Crowds outside the halls of Justice, posters, yelling crowds, the felon is brought out, in chains, law enforcement wants to show him off, the district attorney wants to get re elected, while campaigners don’t want to miss an opportunity to increase the membership, no one wants to lose here, apart from the convicted felon. It could be Bernie, it could be anybody, it’s a good way to let them all know, you don’t get away with it anymore, right!.

Political forecasters, night and day studying the polls, reading the tweets, you said this, she said that, the spin doctors rumble through the thrash, hoping to find something damaging, anything to harm the candidate. The old bias cards are played, that will wind them up, the more dirt the better, the game hots up.

Solomon sighed, the plants co-operate with each other, the bugs get on, the birds fly cleverly, they don’t try to bump themselves off, and the human race that is watching it all, is supposed to be learning from it. At night the insects hum, during the day the birds sing, flowers lean towards the sun, while humble bees just buzz along; that can’t be too hard to imitate.

After the virus, when is this going to end, all other so called causes forgotten. The straw that broke the camels back was no heavier than the last. Solomon saw the signs, many had, the world was been watched from afar, it was a time for community driven thinking, could be learn from nature he sighed.

It’s Impossible….

Where does your light come from, how were miracles made happen, why do you pray, why are we here, the questions we ask, the days of old, young minds no baggage, the days continue, the accumulation of experiences, the collection of opinions, the rules you set for yourself,  the breakdown of society, the retreat, how is it happening, where have our leaders gone, where is the voice of calm, is it everyone for himself.

Solomon was listening to the vibrations, the shock waves, news, more news, the revelations, the feeling in many hearts, nothing like this has happened before, how is it possible, it can’t be real. Then he imagined the days of Jesus, the first time around, when concerned persons, the local authorities of the times, the Jewish leaders, called to see his mother and family, and wondered, “He has lost his mind, he is possessed by demons, he needs help, will you go and see him!”

So there you have Jesus in a room, with some friends, and those seeking healing and consolation, listening to what he has to say, a sense of wonder on their faces, in awe at the prospect, this is real. A pharisee comes in, your mother and family are outside, they need to talk to you. Then Jesus turns to those in the room, and explains to them, who is your Family.

It’s not easy following in the ways of the “Holy Spirit”, when the world around you is devoted to power and the material. There are many who will try to talk you out of your faith. In these times of much confusion and fear, its easy to retreat to the safety of numbers, in among-st the crowd, where you wont stand out. Hold to your faith, trust in God, was the message given all those years ago, the same applies today. The Demons have no power when it comes to the Power of the Holy Spirit. Let it flow, amen, let love escape from inside you. Jesus performed miracles in order to give confidence to those who had any doubts, amen. God lives inside you, don’t have any fears about it.

After The Virus

New friendships made, stubborn chat between arch enemies, no escaping the facts, the virus was more than biological change, the social network was changing, how we had the chance to look at ourselves anew, perhaps ask questions for the first time ever, questioning what went on unnoticed, Mary sits at her table, doing the math of the era. In the writer’s manual they said that all the great writers made themselves known, in times of crisis, study the literature, what came out of depression, the artists who didn’t suffer a personal agony of some type, out of difficulty we often find ourselves again? All this change has to be incorporated into her book, all relationships appear to alter as, she pauses, he is moving around again upstairs, she no longer sneers, hoping to hear him fall.

Relationships change, she is getting selfish, it’s about time, and I’m not getting younger she reminds herself, even if she looks and feels ten years younger since the virus precautions came into existence, everyone looks better, hard to believe it, to be young is a matter of less stress, she recalls passing the new head shop, she used to have names for the place, now she wonders if she will try the new form of marijuana once this thing is over; Hollywood names seem to approve it, and she really trusts some of the names.

What do I miss without being too personal she thinks? She dallies with her talisman, a real led pencil, she can’t imagine a writer’s desk without one, a thin red pencil with a rubber on one end, correcting the script at least. Is it the lack of shopping, is it the lack of fear of having visitors, the need to be more focussed on self cleaning rather than the furnishings, she smiles, bathing in the full bath is way beyond the shower and the new go thing, no fun in that sort of scrub when in the shower, baths for the future , no other way, her skin is softer too, and the odours are all sweet, as if a small change in the washing habit is the same as the slow un buckling of a fragrant rose, cleaner the air, clearer the fragrance, same could be said about the other, she looks forlornly at the ceiling, Excited by dirt, she has many ways of saying it, but the virus is bringing out the imagination. Was it the worry, she doesn’t want to think that, she forgave him during her walk, not that she’d allow him near her, the six foot rule, that she can handle, does it apply to indoors, it should she says, talking to the pencil in her hand, she, it has to be a female pen, it’s not chewed up, nice and thin, and it works for real when it has to, it must be a female pencil.

Big Reputation

What others think of me, that’s all that matters, God Most High listens, to the inner ramblings of the mind, with the assistance of wisdom, who can read everybody. Bling, flesh, a Brazilian,  nice lines, an inner drive, an energy that needs to get out, high octane. Bob Dylan cringes, why can’t I write those words, another screams, wish I could have stole them, words.

The arena is empty, the tour is on hold, the cocaine has to be paid for, no surprise, the big dealers are inn trouble, the market has dried up, and those further up the chain, doing a clean up, no customers to supply, courtesy of the Virus, how Ironic, what is invisible, has such a weighty influence, how strange is that, and the churches closing their doors, what are they doing, to the reputation of God, well, what is faith, amen.

The Sheep panic…

The great threat arrives, the paid men run, the shepherd soon realized, where was their trust, the parables of Jesus, replayed in real life, the ship is at sea, the winds are strong, where is your faith He Asked, didn’t you see the great wonders, how taxing it must have been, to have to remind them again and again, the Spirit of God is inside me, and it’s inside you too, you just have to create the space for it to thrive, a healthy mind, not one filled with jealousy and spite, that’s the demons daily diet, amen. You can’t serve God and Money, one will get the better of you, listen if you have ears.

Solomon read a story, the history of genetics, and the threat of virus’s, and how easy it is to manipulate such things, so simple it doesn’t even need a degree. The timing of the read, the advent of the corona virus, the vicious words used to instill fear in everyone. Don’t give up your faith, God is real, and his mercy is great, don’t panic ever, amen.

Reading from the holy books; Ezra in particular, there is so much in it that connects to these times, so Solomon read it aloud, to those listening in secret, in case they forget, there is God and there are words, that add up. As Jesus said later, it’s never too late to return to God, amen.

Prayer for the World

Hope love transparency justice fairness and revelation of truths, the message of lord Jesus Christ, righter of wrongs, revealer of truth, safeguard us from all that is evil in this world and destroy and lay waste the evil one and his supporters the world over, strong words strong winds but evil can never be allowed a foothold in the hearts and minds of the human soul. I from experience and my own errors understand the methods of this evil force, that has spread similar to a cancer across all worlds, so in my prayer, throw your protective shield Dear Father around those who struggle to promote love and compassion throughout the world.


Children the world over have been the target of this evil menace, and must be halted and destroyed at once. My heart has raged against this force most of my years, and to this day I am still in the middle of this battle, a battle we are winning with your merciful help. We are starved of resources sometimes, as this evil force targets those who wish and do your good deeds. In a world of such chaos it is hard sometimes to stand against this bad energy, but we are winning. The evil one is on the run, help us recognize it, stop it, and to destroy it, I offer this prayer in the name of the sacred one, lord Jesus Christ, as the prophets of old and now say, words and requests that come in his name from the loving heart, are heard in heaven above, in your mercy lord hear our prayer, amen.

Solomon read a prayer he put together with the Help of Great Spirit. Years later, it felt as if it had been written for today. Out of the closet into the frying pan, let it flow, amen.

Inner Transformations


We need distraction, but in the end, what about the Real Spirit, did you move it at all, or are you going through the phases as they say in a ball game, more important to be seen.

Solomon sighed, The Spirit was no delusion, fortunately, it’s all real, and far more, that is not yet written, well, there are those who will try to steal the truth, in the hope of fooling others, but with all jigsaws, the last piece, is what makes it complete, amen.

How often does it have to be said, are they waiting for the Celestial moment, the visitation that shakes the foundations of all that you know. And they end on age 231 of the book, gulp, what is the significance of that, and the book of numbers, dudes it’s time you got out of the sleepy haze your living under, what was that horse, change the tune, well……God is mercy and compassion, to be forgiven you must forgive…not words, acts.

He remembers the words of Ezra, the warning of the angels, did anyone take them seriously, the community leaders of the time did, and there are some still committed today, but what use do they have for wisdom, why is reason in hiding, what are the Spiritual leaders doing, leaving it all to God I suppose, basically, well, get the mirror out real fast, God is supposed to live inside you, or have you all forgot.

Solomon encountered Thee Spirit, it’s amazing what it can allow happen, amen.