Surviving Childhood.. Music Helps too..


Darn, the dreaded past, the harmful memories, the lingering anxiety, the built up anger, how easy it is to get upset, darn, did someone mention childhood again, does it ever stop, the heart cringes, did I really think that. Some guys have all the look, and hatred can last forever, well, if you saw the look on her face, Solomon could not beleive it, she can’t be feeling this, not now, married for twenty odd years, a few children later, the divorce, and hatred, he is getting younger while she is loosing her figure, how unfair is that, the new one is full

of beans, she has no children of her own, and now she wants to mind yours. bad enough loosing the love, but loosing your children too, man, how many children have family issues. Open the papers, the amount of celebs and the difficult upbringing they had, we all listen while they fill the coffers, are we all that mad, seemingly.

Solomon put a brake on the climb, waited for the world to catch up. The demons were in a hole and the more they struggled, the more crap they found, about themselves, not those they had undermined so succressfully for so long, let it continue prayed Solomon, well, the visit from the Real Spirit, brought a wealth of insight an entire university would have trouble figuring out, so why worry. To know that life is a stepping stone, meant there was a further step up the road. As the Prophets were told many years ago, the soul goes on a journey after the body passes, and it’s a great buzz, seeing the wonderful future ahead, not the dreariness some allude to. Survive childhood, those tough days, are the shovels you need to dig the garden, nothing more, trouble is, there are those who make a rich living reminding us of all that is wrong, and they seek victims same way a heroin dealer needs bodies, amen.

a re blog, forever young….

via Lightness of being

orwell einstein

Orwell Einstein was a rather clever man, when all around were chasing goals, Orwell watched
and say what was going on. one day he tasted meat from the local butcher, it wasn’t real smooth
it was fatty not lean not a good looker, he took it home, splashed it on the pan even turned it
over, brown around the edges onions stacked on top, Orwell smiled as he opened his mouth wide
and took a large bite out, well he tried to drag his teeth away but instead they fall out, no more
meat for Orwell Einstein, a fish lover he became, then one day he tried the farmed version, looked red
and all that stuff, but it didn’t have the smell or flavour, of the wild version he was used to, Orwell
became a vegetarian, have you tried a tomato or an egg lately, or do you get used to it like all the
others. many years later, Orwell Einstein became a professor, spent his life examining matter and
how it would work out, and his conclusions were one and the same. us, when the bee’s go we go after.
at least we have the vision of Orwell EinsteinIMG_5756 to get us thinking again, perhaps as 1, like when you
love, you don’t measure

Save the child

Really, olden times, women and children first, well, do they have. Well, money, good old cash, no sir, well have they anything, soul sir, spirit, descendants, cannot sell those, back to the part then, in. The good old days, why do we  need them when there are four to six billion in number, children, biggest users of social media, and there never has been a time when they weren’t under such stress, and getting younger too, and guess who loves children most, GOD.  Solomon was. Watching the movie, titanic, how times changed hearts

Mind games

A simple prayer, thee minds were being played with, home life was undermined, dark minds, disguised as friends and helpful, educating others, creating disharmony, destroying family life, pure demons, Solomon listened, mark them dear father, unravel their schemes, those passiñg on the poison,

Under pressure, tweak and tweak, when upset parents angry, then over react,  mind gamers, using circumstance they create to get what they want àmen

Buy it, only money, everyone needs it, trouble is you are not able to, true spirit, so money replaces it, connects you, you blow it, new friends,,mind games played on young minds, the new merrygoround, well, Solomon had other ideas, as well, the holy spirit, was and is help from above, amen

25 Trillion

that’s a lot of dollars Mr Trump,

the Donald smiles he’s got a lump,

that sure sounds like a lot,

25 trillion off shore hope it’s enough,

to build that Mexican wall,


let’s face it, Donald is the McDonalds


politic’s, everyone want’s a bite

Profile California


early sixties, it’s opening, boeing the world leader, tech industry too, the need for workers, and their home comforts too, enter the mexican maid, followed by the gardener, the babysitter, and a whole throng of hard working individuals, who all assisted in the growth of these industries, someone delivered the milk, others cleaned the house, while the executives got on with it, glad to have someone at home, it was lonely being a wife. move the clock, it’s early 2,000, the policies begin to fail, can’t automate everything, even enron failed, the jobs move overseas, china and the east, they work for peanuts overthere, yeah but it’s work.

the presidential candidates come along, some cauliflowers among them, did you hear about the one who torn down the secure barriers, meant to protect people, not the mexican border, but the regulatory border, the fail safe mechanism when it all went mad, derivatives took over i suppose, they gambled the entire state pension it seems, what the heck?.

now it’s election 2016, donald wants the job, he’s a busy man, i’ll build a wall he says, does he understand what he’s saying, islam was a threat the month before, nice to blow off when you can protect yourself, so the election call gets louder. maria and pedro, two dreamers, they left tijuana in the sixties, now their grand children are second class, well if you cross the border, we might not let you back….profile california, it’s ….whatever you remember

The Mexican Wall

they gather around

it’s a press release,

ted hillary bernie,

everyone in the press,

big donald is making

an address

his latest development,

the mexican wall…


pedro not impressed,

neither is rosa too,

they cleaned your pools,

tended to your gardens,

fed your children,

sat them many evenings,

now donald is saying,

their to blame everyone…


i didn’t say that,

the donald is getting hot,

someone twisted my words,

everyone does that…

islamic patriot,

serveed in both wars,

is proud of american flag,

does it sound familiar,

the audience rears up,

he’s a muslum imagine that,

they chase him out,

don’t need those types,

our donald shouts and shouts…

well donald what did you say,

it’s illegal to have an opinion,

hillary is licking her lips,

shooting donald down,

as easy as robbing a truck…

it’s a long way to mexico…

rosa don’t forget the children,





lift me

she pauses, phone rings stuck in traffic, she stares at the device, not again, a call from the bank, she frowns, car struggles on, early meeting, she can’t find a space, drives around the block, drives it again, she’s running down the clock, a car pulls out, the man inside noticed, this lady is late, and she needs a little space, he watches her face, the relief obvious, doesn’t understand the gesture, what was done for her, the little lift…

Solomon was listening with a friend, was explaining how the helper would mysteriously arrive, the unnoticed friend, the casual caller, the holler on the street, he also explained, the working of the demons, and their attempt to control the earth, his visitor smiled and listened to every word, when the holy spirit is with you, the lift is guaranteed, amen…no fear!

The Hidden World

don’t see that, well, it’s hard to accept, usually means doing something, and that requires effort, emotional energy at that, prefer to hide inside,

the hidden world, the barriers you build, the inconvenient truth, of a very complicated world, too much effort, i prefer to hide from that

the small child acts up, something wrong a friend says, who needs friends, when they speak like that, the truth w

e just blank out…

in our hidden world.


the Holy Spirit, shifted around the room, dancing like a butterfly, up and down, it had to be experienced, was hard to explain, but it was real, pointed to a very real, hidden world, did he sleep well that night, the child was never afraid again….