Chemical Imbalance

What is the cause of it, and those concoctions they make to imitate nature, has it all gone wrong. The seasons are getting back to normal in places, the minds in places, no longer as paranoid. Yes, there are those, who practice mind games, for all sorts of reasons, they are now hearing about the gospels instead, (that will cure them). But the chemical imbalance. The joyful chemist celebrates, we have the structure for it, we can make it ourselves, it will make us all rich. Years later, the epidemic, women find it difficult, who made this stuff, its playing havoc with our lives. As if we needed encouragement, what will they make next.

Solomon sighed, years ago, one line added to any constitution would have solved this issue, the intention of the law, not the details they fight over. years ago, darn those who got in his way, the problems they caused for many, he wondered what they thought of themselves now. They were the ones unbalanced, amen.

He is going on a journey, he knows what he is talking about. Then the troubles you encounter. Were they all in this together, some places left a bad taste in his mouth, a wry smile, maybe it was a clue, whatever, its all for gods purpose. He is drinking with friends down at the harbor, from out of the blue, a drink appears, what a shock, it rarely ever happened, he stumbles home, just gets in the door, is floored for the night. What a set of idiots, amen. Was this the doorway they were all looking for, amen.

The tale was weird, the story hard to understand, was it made up, why him, he recalls sailing in Boston Harbor, blaney and himself laughing, dudes, they will never believe this one, amen.

Leading Lady

I can order what I want, I can do more than Donald, I have more faith, I can order my pleasure at my time, when I want, i will make American great, I will do all this, under levels of medication unseen or unheard of, I’ll tell you how important these meds are, and when I get my like button on a certain number, I’ll be elected onto the board of any social media company, is that the sort of success you want?….

they listen to her recruitment call, success international, there is a spaceship heading for a distant planet, it’s leaving soon, her former associates hope she is booked, they heard the same gibberish for the last few years, same TV approach, same bombardment, same hassle for children, same hassle for women, same outrage repeated, and all those supporters, do they think that sort of ear noise is going to get them places, Jesus shakes his head, let someone else deal with them.

The climate is old news, the places are the same, the warnings the same, it was just the zealot supporters, they had their own plans. So they tag along, they were drunk of what they thought was freedom, now, well, every six months the forecast is changed, later, the prayer ladies who were duped, did they believe it too, meanwhile there are those that argue for the changes, it will cost of course, the curse of all those dollars, we have to give them away, what return is this, they were planing for future generations, that’s the saying, the future didn’t include the environment, well they were never that exposed, or could avoid it when they needed it, leading the world where, The leading lady continues to rant, she will run them ragged, will not stop, manic or nefarious, it doesn’t matter, they will drive them nuts, this woman makes the claim, and because she has those sort of friends, they will listen to her, amen.

The Poetic Princess

words are my steps they lead me to so many places, they tell me to rest they tell me to laugh, the poetic princess runs out of words and ideas, where does she go to find new places, her head starts to worry what if they find out, i can’t really do any of this, what she says, the voice tells her to be quite, we will send you some help, a mystery. The princess waits, and waits, and waits, you are being spied upon, there are dangers you have not seen, the claims are all false, but being a princess she is used to obscure advice’s, well, in the castle it was different, the outside world is not the one she expected, almost lucky to be able to do the normal, privileged, who are these so kind and mindful, they can think of her anxiety, they put in the quick fix, the confusion, they put in some trouble, they pretend to fix it, the poetic princess is wondering, all for me, she looks around her, can these people be trusted, are they mine, well, she was told she was a princess and could do anything.

One night the holy Spirit arrives in the form of a man. The space is free and that shroud they dressed her in, all around her she could hardly be free to move, if another got control of her spirit, think of the despair we’d be in. What is this she asks, her speech is clear, she is free to walk about, no one wondering about her, in this company, they know the spirit is watching them, they have to appear to be calm, otherwise, she might fly like the princess she is, and gone, would she be a bird that flew and found a better nesting place for herself.

The dream is on, the medication is down, there has to be better than this. Those worries that are planted, same as evidence planted on a computer for another to find, the worries that were, all disappear, what is the meaning of this. Has any new thing happened she asks herself in private.

I’m going to the shops, what they say, you’ll be at risk. We’ll send someone with you. The shroud no longer lasts, she uncovers her Spirit, and finds the flow of words that take her places, and lots of new steps. Do people sell out their neighbors for reward, under false guises, well, they tried that in the second war, and we know what happened thereafter, amen.

The Prophet smiles, word flow and rhythm, the legend of a songwriter, they appear on demand, gifted from above, that is some truth, and to enjoy the certainty, that all you do is reported, to that same source, comforting, amen.

The circle of what?

They loll around in a circle, chanting this or that, calm, can you see the colors, the guru is watching them closely, great, this is working, I’ll make a fortune if I keep this up. In steps one with the Holy Spirit, there is a famine over the way, the neighboring country, they need help, who is blinding them he says, he looks at the guru with disgust. They, what, he is given time to chat with them. What does Jesus say on reaching out to others, unlike yourselves, they look at him as if they heard the words for the first time. 2,000 years before, Jesus is looking at those setting up stalls, they plan on fleecing the pilgrims, in anger, he tosses their tables, is this how you RESPECT, my Father he says.

Many use the religious feelings of others in order to rob them later. What are the prospects for them, given the eternal signs arriving, amen.

In the prosperous regions they past fantastic prices for what costs beans to produce, many working long hours all their lives, to make what, a tiny fraction of what their labor produces daily. Eureka, Jesus is made to feel an outcast for challenging the financial well being of the early Pharisaical ways. In 2023, the idea is made clear. You can lift the prospects of half a billion people, with ease, the new world, the international monetary fund, takes over, the garment industry in India and Pakistan, and other countries, where slaves produce the clothing and footwear, the other half of the world uses. In the process of doing this, Mother earth finds great respite, as more souls begin to live with real hope rather than the schemes of politicians, whose only desire is reelection.

Meanwhile in other places, where there is the court room drama, will the innocent man or woman be cleared, will this bit of evidence convict so and so, what will it mean, while ignoring the conditions of the slaves who keep them clothed.

The prophet says, there was a time in America, when it was honorable to be an elected official, where there was a degree of moral fiber. Then John Kennedy was murdered, and with it the hopes of billions were dashed, while a war machine took over the world, almost. It was only sixty years ago, a blink of the eyes in Godly time.Can’t we get that feeling back again. Meanwhile in other places, great signs are appearing, the words of the Holy Prophets are being spoken, times many thought would never happen again, and it’s happening all over the world, amen.

She complains, but I have this cause to attend to, what about that. Jesus of course has the answer, in parable of course, it’s in the Holy Book, just have a read of it, it won’t upset the guru, well, they might panic at the thought of losing some followers, but that as they say, is common talk in many places, amen.

Goat Juice

The optic dispenser, the theft from the bottle, the Spirit minder thinking, who is responsible for this, where is the leak, his friend he trusts, at the bar, he takes that seat, he’d never steal from me. So what happened, the plan, just to find out, the cure, letting them taste their own harvest, Goafer curry, lets be joyful, goat juice is a delicacy in some place, do some places have no laws on matters of consummation when it comes to the species.

Course access is widened, the education of the young spirits, real changes, real hope, the optic’s, why put Botox into your head, don’t you know what it does, it’s a bio fuel, amen.

The young folk find the space to deal with their emotions, it’s not unnatural, it just has to be understood. The woman, a girl in the sixties, a fawn, the men that marry, to have access to what is normal, education, who sold this mentality, where is the goat juice dispenser gone, for a refill, amen.

The parables of Jesus help explain lots of things, amen.

The Beach

The opening up of the world, the use of camera’s at the beach used to be a very private affair, maybe, the use of beach’s, for mother’s and their children at times, can be helpful, it helps many to deal with anxieties, as ideas are sold to the mind, that can be anxiety causing, people do over react. It’s the same in cultures that are opening up, it takes a while to adjust, the habits that are changing, the way a little easier, now that the Gospel truth is confirmed, the people of faith connected, and faith is not always being of one group, flowers and nature tell us, we all are unique. The common feeling, we are all children, and that’s the simple way of saying, there is a divine power, we just forget it at times, same way success can be blinding.

The things you are denied at times, allows you to think of other things. The function of the body is not the one others have, you are confined. The head is comforted by reading, the head is comforted by music, the little things that aid our way of thinking, the lost feeling when we are not allowed to listen to music, that’s what some learn, this is not a feeling that should last, the classic music is opening up, the music director needs some funding, he calls out, we need support, the Sultan in the east, thinks of the culture value, lends his support, his aims, to encourage the same spirit, rather than use the race course, amen.

The beach a place of fun, the pleasure that is had, perhaps it’s only for mature audiences, the ratings on old TV programs, the lesson, there were restrictions, why, to help those with young minds to adjust, same applies to forward internet use, perhaps the channels will be there, and some form of control needs to be applied, less pressure on parents, society does not have to deal with hard core ideas sold into young minds, the time it takes, a zone to refresh the thinking.

The club that is social, the example, it’s for the aid of those who don’t afford the big club, there is a social attitude, you don’t need to be rich, you just need to behave yourself, and it’s not led by the religious, just those of a good understanding of freedom, without having to pay a big price. The notion is, those on the lowest, are able to enjoy a good night out, there is no mad rush when you go out, you can afford to go the next evening and the next, it’s simple, just has to be put in place, money is not controlling your inner feelings. Those on the edge, have a space. The club is a hope center, same as the new political class, the need to get into office, is not the destruction of others. Looking in, if the guy is not too old, he will be slower to take immediate action, his life will be on show, when it gets closer to the eternal exit, he’ll think, am i acting for the welfare of others, or is it all about my power, that’s the past, the new ways are being pointed out, a higher standard will help everyone, and set an example, or why in some parts is there a new well being while others struggle in others, a question many would like to ask, but are afraid to, it’s honest prosperity, the Spirit from heaven is the same as in the Holy Books, who abuses the goodwill of God, is making it tempting to act against it, when choices have to be made.

The club closes, the funding is there, some are too far into themselves, they ignore what they have being enjoying, this is then gone, the club, the well being, while those with the great resources say, we can go elsewhere, then there is a decline in the local moral values, more vices enter the neighborhood. How is it allowed to happen, the boast of some, who needs support, we can do it anywhere. The wise leaders stop trying to be everyone’s friend, they take a stand, the political manicured environment, speak the words they want to hear, what fish are there to catch, the vote is all that matters, however, the wide view, anyone is ok, then brings in those, who outpace those that were the original key holders, their values are diluted, the Spirit gets weaker, eventually it gets to a stage, is there any much left, then the choices become dire, you have to have a view, blur the boundary, but you have to have one, the human rights people get too much of a lane, they forget those among them, that use the organisation as an election tool, they’re aim, to win over anyone who votes for them, let them eat cake, your obese inside a year.

The club is not functioning. In previous days, men of peace met there, discussing the future prosperity of the Island, open discussion on issues, should we do this for peace sake, what’s the use of freedom, if you don’t have the resources to enjoy the time, otherwise, frustration will get back into the minds, and the peace that was long sought, becomes a greater anxiety, while those that support that view, the original, seek other domains. The country is at long last enjoying it”s fruits. Do you want narrow opinion going forward to damage the future. A woman is scorned, has great anger, she poisons, not intentionally, but with her emotions on edge, she is no longer thinking freely, perhaps she has been overtaken in her self, we all slow with age, ask a racehorse, the trainer chooses the best times of the year to test it’s speed, it’s not the horse of old, that’s the same as mother nature getting older, we just have to read it, it’s written 3,000 years ago, why, to help us as we move forward in time. So you don’t think that way, well the wise think of others, that’s what makes them wise, she finds her form again the lady, she thinks a little slower, that’s fine. In love you demand less as you get older, your more of a friend.

The intelligent lady, has her respect back, it’s not what others think what makes you great, that’s the youthful expression, the young birds are more flighty, that’s normal, we just mature with age, and in that maturity, relationships are formed, with those we knew before, including those we were close to, slow it down, the reaction in the car, you don’t have the same reaction time, you drive slower, and slower, that’s cause your enjoying scenery that was once not that important, now you realize, that the environment is the cause, your glad you slowed, you see ways to help, you were a great center forward, the legs are older, speed is not the option, you don’t play poorly, your reaction time, so you move back, in the center you play the ball to others, it’s the new game, your thoughts, I am of great use, that’s the same as saying to a woman, your age is not a hold on your happiness, you meet men who are more mature too, you engage in more conversation, and the wise say, it’s the comfort of common conversation that matters, keeps the hearts fresh. The world is full of relationships that had to change, it’s normal, wine matures, it’s not fresh wine, Beaujolais, the spark you once had, is revered still, but it#s shared with those of the same vintage. Older man tries to impress the youth, he has to understand, they’re future is based on the different time, we all have our times, the artist is one of the few that can cross these lines ,the struggle in early times, is now the art of good conversation, how, because he is an artist not an entertainer.

The joy of being in the company of a happy you. The need for peace of mind is an old concept, slowing with grace is powerful, and that orderly way of old, is now the maturity of a chairman. The horse is not over raced in the past, if it is, it does not race with enthusiasm as it ages, the joints hurt, its grumpy, it begins to get nasty, you don’t want to be known as a great dictator as you get into your older years, why, well, that former well being of good thought, will be lost, and as the saying goes, eaten bread is soon forgotten, why give up a good opinion of yourself, same way a nation has to slow for awhile before is renews itself. it’s in music, story, why let time overcome your well being, by thinking of others, all of them, you spread a feeling of goodwill, amen. Maturity in Spirit, is vital. God expects it.

Born to an addiction

It’s not as bad as it seems, and is easily overcome. He cries a lot, what can we do, she looks at him, he loves her, does not know what to do. He is emotional too, the fears, he has been there, is trying to get her through the mess. I’ll do something for you. Where do you go for help, he is afraid if he is honest, they’ll arrest him, take the child too, leave them in a worse state, however, he has to do something.

There is a report, angels are arriving, God’s helpers are all about. It’s time to get on your knees he tells himself. I’ll ask in the holy name. The temple is silent. A prayer, please help me, I’m recovering too, I’ve done bad things, it was hard growing up. While at prayer, a another walks in, goes to the front. That fellow he says. His prayer, he tells the almighty of all the great things he does. Meaning the addict in recovery pours out his heart.

Jesus and the parable sets it out clearly, who is more honest before God. the one who admits his failings or the one who speaks of all he does good, without admitting his failings. Jesus states it clearly, the honest one. The prayer that makes it to the inner chamber, amen.

He gets back home, the place is quite, there is a smile on her face. Where is baby he asks, anxious, has she done something. She smiles, our friend came to help, she will look after her for a few days, she has experience, your mother or someone else. Our friend.

The notion of selling the means of addiction to the most vulnerable, Solomon asks, the old preacher from Tipperary of course, put in the request. He see’s the man with a smile on his face, as if it was a case, why didn’t you ask sooner. The intervention continues, a new understanding emerges too, amen.

Those that try to shame others with blackmail and threats, how will they fare before the almighty he asks. The sun emerges, you got the nod, prayer granted of course. amen.

Your not supposed to be God, your supposed to represent him!. He looks at the mirror, I am.. the word does not come out. I can do what I ..the voice stalls, the warning in the voice. They are my men, I’ll do what.. The Spirit from above will decide..what, Luciani, the man who should have been pope. He trembles inside, is this the proverbial warning. I’ll call the other, the one who is supplying me, he will know what to do…..

I thought you had the answers, what am I supposed to do, I have to put forward a name, you said you’d give it to me. The line, a long pause, as if he is trying to catch a thought. Well, the pause…pause, pause.. are you still there, the line hangs up, goes dead.

anxiety on the face, what is wrong with him?

In other places, the assembly continues, the powder, legally produced. A new mind has entered the equation. The inspectors are here, the plant manager cries, what. Across the world, the new thinking is put in place. The agents of the Almighty are smiling inside, they scene, like an Inspection during the times of Oscar, he will protect us, amen.

Awareness of Jesus

There is hardly anyone alive on the planet, who is not aware of Jesus. There are many, who live the words, the words of Jesus, are living, they are alive, as in, you practice them, it’s not complicated, and the image, that accompanies these words, were the results of, well, belief is a gift, and when you are ill, or under duress, you move from the lower spirit to the upper Spirit, immediately you begin to feel better. Jesus does not curb ambition, Jesus points you, to life giving ambitions rather, amen.

The New Confirmation and Communion

Solomon sighed, it was turning about, the Titanic on it’s second voyage, the iceberg missed again, like that space rock that shaved the earth. A new form of confirmation and communion.

Let it be the Parents who take the pledge before God, they being the ones used to the fibre food as they call it, rather than putting robes on children, amen.

How many would love to see that?

In Rome, there is delight, at last, a view that helps alienate the extreme thinkers, amen.

You are not supposed to be miserable, your made to be happy, amen.

Can you own love?

That’s the issue, someone steals your love, well, can they steal it, someone takes the attention of another, is it real, what does an open heart do, but open, what is a closed heart, one that does not listen, can you own love, well. The strain inside, the comfort that happens, you paint it around a person, but what is it really; it’s the loving spirit you are attracted to, loving spirit, makes you feel good, can you own it, usually, you pass it on, well, this is the affect it has on me, it’s loving. Can you own love, Jesus sighs, imagine the scenario, what is love you ask, Jesus points to the flowers, the water, the happy children, the animals in the field, those in need, the outcasts, then says, you love me, well, go and love what my father in heaven loves, then I will know that you love the Father.

Can you own love, the pillar of support, the one person who wont let you down, who can you rely upon, whom do you trust. The question is posed, the person wonders, who can you depend upon, what is everlasting, who is the go to person in your life, the question goes around the head; not many to trust in, whom can you rely upon, the teacher sighs, the pupils wonder, the bell rings, the class is dismissed, the question will be answered tomorrow, the teacher gathers her bits, home in an hour, a walk, rest, the late evening work, the teacher arrives in the next day, writes the question on the board, can you love love she writes.

You can only pass it on, the teacher writes, just practice it, amen.