The Food of Life

She stands around the hot hob, her arm goes anti clockwise, as she stirs the healing mixture. Sometimes her tears fall, sometimes she sings, she adds a few herbs, and if she spots someone really ill, she adds an extra bit. Solomon sighed, how food well prepared and served with care lifted the Spirit within. It reminded him of the words of Jesus; how you disperse your charity, with humility. That’s it he smiled, that’s who she reminded him of, the caboodle they created, was the tastiest in the world, and you could never get enough while feeling fulfilled, you were left unfulfilled and wanting for more, yes he sighed, they serve the food of life, amen, thanks.

How Many Victims do you Need?

Solomon sighed, the dream, the frenzy, the fear, the blood hatred in the eyes of those seeking justice, the lengths they were willing to go, they wanted their victim, they sought blood. Was this a re telling of the Great Play, by William, The Merchant of Venice, how our desire for so called justice blinds the light inside us.  It was dream time, and he was sharing the worries of another, a young relation of a war victim, as everyone who partakes in war are victims, the winners and the losers, what are they left with; the fields of Vietnam, the concentration camps of world war two, so many victims. Solomon reflected on how the values of an older generation were side lined, as a more modern minded, justice now mind set, took over the leadership of many flocks, and how they used past hatreds to corral the flock into action. None of them held memorials for the millions of children, abused indirectly over the internet, having to digest what few of us could escape unharmed from. How many lives had ended, when the posse was in pursuit, Jesus among them, the thirst for justice becoming a drug as the mob got larger and larger. Revelation sighed Solomon, they might not listen to the words of the Prophets, but they did react to revelation, knowing their day for their judgement could arrive any given day.

Solomon smiled, he caught the dream, listened, saw the spotlight shine on the so called refugee, villain, the light shone for a minute, perhaps less, the mob now has a thirst, the chase over this time, they headed off in search of another. Father, Teach them he prayed. They try to raise the fears in others to justify themselves; and the harm they cause grows like a virus. Solomon say the signs, saw the Spirit, what a sight, and every day since, he was writing rescue remedies, with a lot of success.


She runs in the door, has a mind filled with anger, she is going to upset the first person she meets, she is as primed as an atom bomb, wants to destroy and do nothing else, a habit she formed, a bit of self a bit of life, needle them they said, what is that.

The image, the pin prick, the drop of blood, the mixture heated over the spoon, the wired vein, the plunge, and that sinking feeling. A long way from the lawyers office, where Mr Big and his educated lawyer conduct their affairs. Expensive brands cut leather shoes, bleached teeth too, a far cry from the uneducated addict, sitting in slum land, taking what he or she can get, used as a toe rag, out of sight of family, they have already forgot.

Needles, the stone in the shoe, the little annoying journalist who wont give up the story, the ache in your heart, the feeling that wont go away. She needles everyone.

Solomon smiled, there was a lot of joy about, the eyes told their own story, many held smiles, a few wore frowns. the needle he surmised, help from above. To imagine that your life really counts, and you are not a statistic after all, despite what you have been forced to believe, in order to stay alive.

How the miracles of olden times, needled the Spiritual leaders of those times. He is stealing our flock, they listen to him, we have to do something about it. 2,000 years later, they are still listening, amen. You have to needle them sighed Solomon, same way you prod at times, amen.

My Eyes

They could not see, they could not hear, old words, repeated, the blindness of those who were in charge, and the barriers they falsely created in order to elevate themselves to positions, where others would look up and say, fine person you are. The arrogance of those who tried to instruct others in the ways of God, while ignoring the teachings of Jesus, rushing off to this group and that, and as Jesus would say, if they spent their time being compassionate, how they would change all that was around them. Solomon heard the words of warning ring in his ears, it happens again and again. Ceremony only mattered when there was true humility, the posturing of some really made him wonder.

He walks down a street, spots a man with a disability, stops. The words that come out of his mouth, the story of the Spirit and how it visited him one night. He wasn’t preaching, too many do that,

just rousing the interest of one who might want to be healed. He walks on. If those on the alter did not actively believe in miracles, how on earth could they convince anyone else. The Luke warm faith of servants is not the heart warming trust of Children. It was time they were all reminded of whom they were supposed to represent up there, it was not an organisation, that was for sure, amen.


The world is beautiful, people can be ugly, that’s all, the less of the Spirit the more difficult it becomes, the more harm the more cynical we become, the bigger the hole the easier it is to fill, the small pal the light the smile the gentleness, melting hearts and second glances the nurture, the expectations inside the Spirit rises, the neighb

urhood demons the hurt of others, the constant pressure holding out waiting, the disappointment the first slap the hurt, patience what was I doing so wrong, that TV and what is was showing me, it was just a case of imitation, the big fear the other voice the worry, the threat of violence and the tension on the heart, the struggle to be yourself and strong, the emotional hurt the feeling of being undeserving, the assault on the spirit the physical threat, the watchful eyes of God’s angels worrying, what have they allowed to go on, this Spirit is from the talent pool, it does not go unnoticed, and if they put a price on it or help for it, there is going to be no special enquiry, Solomon wondered what the blazes they thought they would get away with, it did not impress him one iota, beyond comprehension they better have excuses ready, dampening the Spirit at a time such as this, who were they getting instructions from, demons.

The child becomes a worried boy, the fiery spirit becomes wayward, stubborn, how did he end up like this, he is encouraged by angels who arrive in town, there is a call going out, you better mind the children all of them, there are sudden changes and great wonders, a form of panic sets in good choices are made regularly, the Spirit of God is pouring out, the words of Jesus fill the hearts an awareness, the changes are constant as the spirit continues to rise, Solomon sighed, he only had to write it a thousand times, amen.

The Helper

Solomon smiled, Yes, that Spirit is still being poured into the universe, and as it escapes the sheckels of the material world, it’s getting stronger. Great events, strange results, miracles, what a change, and it’s all good, you don’;t have to imagine it, amen.

I will send the Helper and he will stay with you for all time, the promise of Jesus, strong words, the apostles look at each other, is he leaving they said. A little while later, the are filled with fear, they see their enemies of the day, leading their man up the hill to his slaughter, soldiers all around, powerless they feel, what did it mean, the Helper, the words almost forgotten.

The Spirit I send he said, will be even able to do even greater things, what did the words mean, well, there he is going up the hill, when they do him in, they will probably come and get us afterwards they think. So they hide, go on the run, frightened, like children who lost their father, anxious, lost, bewildered and very sad. Then the unthinkable happens, He appears to them, Yes he did, they warm up inside, You are not dead, they are in a state of mind few of us can ever imagine, the same feeling that the crowds felt when Lazarus came out of the Tomb, this is impossible.

Prophets are sent, the Spirit empowers, they come from across the world, those who can’t understand langauges meet together, and they hear the voice of God, they understand each other, even though the language is new to them, it’s the voice of Love, the universal song that is in every heart, could this be real, those looking in say they are mad. Then the healing continues, and the voice of Jesus, His Words and Promises, that they tried to quiten gets even stronger. 2,000 years later, the story is still in operation, and many want to continue hearing it, so much for the power of might over Spirit, they just can’t defeat it.

Flight of the Spirit

Flight of the doves, sweet flight no trace, no one can follow it, though some will try to imitate it, even buying the expertise, as if they could buy it, Spirit. How competing Spirits can be overcome by pride, what a waste, don’t they realise it, how many have tried to, own it. Human minds can’t possibly understand, the invisible nature of it, and why mere children are first to recognise it, an energy, that is not sullied, no adult anyway, unless blessed with it. Dependent on rules, the young are not under the threat of rules, they copy what is in front of them, and they succumb to it, the example they are shown, which become rules. My pleasure is the escape, the mind does not have to work, I can ignore it, the unpleasant experiences, sidelined, and to that pleasure I return, whenever I am troubled, refuge. In the ideal world it’s the safety of family, the comfort of a father or mother, in they I trust, what else they say is there. Occasionally, there are those nourished in a healthy Spiritual way, it’s not as common as many would wish, and when children wish to run, it’s always a sign of distress, there is great anxiety, why else. Solomon encountered such beings, wisdom beyond years, who are able to express it, the flight of the doves.


Amo Tends to excite, and dreams can be used to unite…

Amo, what does the word mean, it’s small, it’s Latin, it’s Greek, the old man is trying to explain the importance of a name. Where do these names come from, why are you called John, Jack, James, something to do with your past, suppose it has something to do with your roots, maybe it’s the message of Jesus, the stuff you pass on, maybe names are both a blessing, a warning, maybe a reminder, the habits you don’t want to pass on. The old man sits in the bed, he is trying to pass on wisdom, the hours are getting less and his time has come, there is much he wants to say, but they seem to put thoughts in cages and then they forget, the moans in their faces, he wants to shout, shake them up, this is only passing time, and there is something greater waiting for you, depends on your heart and the state of your soul. No amount of money can do this for you, it involves personal reflection, and that is sometimes difficult. Perhaps others make mistakes to help us along, in case we think we ever get it right.


The desperation he feels, they are going to mourn me soon don’t they realize it will be the other way around, what a surprise awaits them. He flashes the eyes, gets their attention, the lack of faith of those who claim to possess it, so darn frustrating, little wonder Jesus gave out to the apostles, they acted as if they were in charge, did they listen at all.


Amo, the first word in the L

atin dictionary, Love, wow, we got it they sigh.

Migrant Mary

The tent leaks, it’s cold, but there is a TV, she is watching CNN, the debate is very personal, they are talking about the “Wall”, the door is closed to her and many like her, Dear God she says, is this always going to be their way. For cash they will allow the “dreamers” stay on, what sort of thinking is that, to build a wall, everyone knows you can cross any border these days. Mary is not your ordinary migrant, well, no migrant is ordinary, they take extraordinary chances to create a life, and they do. Miguel comes into the tent, her seven year old son, what are you looking at Mam, they are discussing us she says, his eyes light up, you mean we are going to be famous, he gets excited inside, everyone wants to be famous these days, including, seven year old Miguel.

The diseases have eased since the red cross doctors arrived, but the food is staple, porridge with lots of vitamin, meanwhile, the leaders of Davos, sit down to an eight course meal. There is a flash from the cameras, looks delish says Miguel, he is fed up with the bland food, and used to doing without. What are they discussing he says, he’s a smart child, can ask the right question at the right time, will make a good job when he grows up, if allowed, the other options don’t augur well, he is smart, and that is not something to be wasted. You don’t want him becoming a terrorist.

A teacher in her homeland, a number now, counted with millions of others on the move across the globe, when your without and you don’t have an address, there are few who take you seriously.

Solomon sighed, when will they apply the wisdom and teaching of old, all those old gitters are going to face the eternal judge, for real, they will all have to account for themselves, with all their educations and those expensive schools, you’d have thought they might have learned, have they not seen the signs in the Sky, should have gone to the opticians sooner I suppose. A war was raging, the old time nationalists wanted to turn back time, problem was mother nature was weaker, and they were all being used by the new world extremists. At least after all the troubles of the past, the younger set were not going to fall for that, as for Migrant Mary, the tent leaks, the air is cooler, but Miguel still dreams of being famous.

Everything she ever wanted…

The attention, free love, the extras, lots of friends, everything she wished for, but there is still a hole inside her, that nothing material can fill, why can’t it be normal. She envies her friends, they’re normal, the boring partners, the routines they have, he leaves the bowl down, never washes the dishes, is always giving Margot their child treats, he shouldn’t spoil them that much, everyone nods and smiles, inside her heart is longing, but she knows, you can’t bring children into the world without foundations. Her friends recommend the child in a box scenario, the artificial thing, you get a list of prospects, and do it yourself. It’s not what she wanted. She retreats inside, it has to be there, the original feelings, where did they go, how do you decide. Everything she wants, it’s already inside her.

The eyes are giveaways, there is an emptiness, she is replaying the lives of old glamour queens and actors, every time she see’s them on the screen, not me hopefully she says. when i get older, i will be surrounded by those who grow with me, those who really love, is it the price of fame, well it comes with risk. I’ll get through it. The next day she decides to slow down, three months later she is on a beach, away from the attention, and herself, the way she used to be, all she ever wanted.