The Fear Makers…

What dread they must feel, those who incite hatred, the horror of their deeds visible to all,the confusion in so many hearts, women attacking men, color fighting color, race wars, the chaos in so many lives, few knowing whom to trust, while predators take advantage of any vulnerable souls, the mayhem the fear makers created. Hate Russia,hate china, hate this and that, then the truth comes out, and it’s a certain group taking advantage of it, amen

Off shore they hide their stolen wealth,helped by vigorous servants of greed, always ensuring the trial ends with them, yes, helping to keep the poor even poorer, who would rate their chances before God, as no lawyer will be able to represent them, the fear makers,amen.

Solomon encountered the cloud, the sign he asked for before he set out on the mission. The old man warned him, they will try to turn you, they will do whatever, Solomon listened. Wasn’t that the reason the Spirit from above came, it could out do all threats, while reminding all of God’s Great Power, so it has proved,amen.

Yes, in the beginning,they laughed at Him, what’s love got to do with it, it’s money you need.Eight trillion later and counting, money doesn’t hold the same cachet anymore. Well, if the stuff can be printed or mimicked with paper,what’s there to it. Just stating the facts.

Living in Darkness

Looking in, Looking out, the shadows within, the light elsewhere, Solomon sighed, why was it important to look out, rather than focus on the within, it was very simple indeed. Those that create fear, want you to concentrate on how vulnerable you are, the threat against you, the fear of loosing, the kind of Spirit that is negative, soul destroying. Jesus reminds us all, forgive, get rid of that dark core inside you, it will destroy you from within. The demon tempted Jesus in every way, you can be the richest man in the world, you can have all that you ever dreamed of, you can control the world, only one thing, you have to worship evil. It may sound like mere words, but when you reflect on them, consider the number of tyrants in power, the number of needless wars, massive levels on corruption in some countries, you can see clearly, how some destroyed their chances for eternal living, for short term gain.

Solomon was reflecting on the actions of some he knew very well, and how there is a core of humanity that has no real belief, preferring the material world to anything else. He hoped they saw the signs that were arriving like the milk man, daily, to remind them, that the path they were on, was a loosing one, amen.

Mind Porn

Sounds like the title of a book, Solomon listened to some, ideas grabbed off the internet, another loud mouth, the do’s and don’t of this and that, as if we didn’t know already, where are your children getting their ideas from. A friend plays a clip from a podcast, this is good, you have to listen, he heard it thirty years before, I suppose when the children are not doing the funny images thing, they switch over to a reasonable sounding voice, in order to fool the parents, so that’s what you are watching son. Solomon was reflecting on the covid epidemic, the world is turned over in a matter of days, the call to change, the environment begins to show signs of recovery, the air a little cleaner, meanwhile an asteroid misses the planet by inches, which would have totaled us all.

A new world, and quickly, Moses came back from the Holy Mountain, with the proverbial guarantee, God is with us he sighed, his heart full of joy, we have been saved. From a distance, he see’s the glittering statue, no no, he cries, they are back to their old habits, what have they done. Solomon sighed, we are in that sort of zone, we don’t want to repeat that again.

Love Those We Don’t Like — Jesus is the answer!.. re blog


“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” – Ephesians 5:1-2 The call to imitate God sounds impossible. Yet, just as a small child imperfectly mimics a parent’s actions, disciples of Jesus copy him. […]

via Love Those We Don’t Like — Jesus is the answer!

The Living Spirit

You don’t put in a box and take it out Sundays, it’s not a darn car, the Living Spirit, how often had it been said, you don’t put if off and leave it for special occasions and celebrations, it’s a daily thing. it’s not a woman either, or a date on a Friday night, dressing up, extra face paint or a clean shirt, it’s none of that either. They looked at him, Solomon sighed, I would be looking too if you only knew, the Spirit was alive inside him, and it came with reminders, There is a God, how often do we forget that, he sighs, why do we cart all that baggage with us, a memory he sighed. He was trying to explain the meaning of Spirit, how active and powerful it is, and the respect it demands.

It’s the people you meet along the way, the other souls you meet, how do you treat them, do you look away and ignore them, or do you give them a lift. They looked at him, their heads shaking, who is this man, Solomon did too. All he needed to know, there is a Heavenly Power, you raise the Spirit and get a track record, and they will never forget you.

The Season of lent, what was he giving up, he had so little he could hardly pay the rent. Did they remember the vows they swore the day before, same as those action movies, you forget the story and remember the celebrities. Supposed to be the other way around, the darn story, not the celebrity. The old scriptures, fast from being mean and resentful, there is enough bias in the world to fill the darn Atlantic ocean. So many things they want to know, no wonder Jesus gave out to the apostles, they even complained when he was nice to women, amen.

Solomon sighed, the desert, where he found space, he was far from that, get away and free the Spirit, he pressed the button, and let the voice in, sweet soul music. a half hour of inner peace, the cheapest form of therapy on earth, good music….such as Ray…


Leave some for your Brother…..

Three pieces of cake on the table, Mother watches, will you leave some for your brother. There was no one else at the table, and her brother had not come home, had not been seen in a long time, Mary looks at her mother, she is dawdling again, has not got over the grief, Mark left the fold six months before, hadn’t been heard from, what was Mom doing, getting upset, she leaves the last piece of cake and grunts, so tasty. Mother knows what she is thinking, but there was a lesson in it, listen child she says to herself. Was it a case of thinking of others, possibly, was it a reminder of the Kingdom come, probably, was it a lesson in greed, absolutely.

Amo was talking with his helper, a young nurse, a woman with a great caring disposition, wisdom won’t be lost on her he felt. Amo sighed, the perfume the young woman, reminded him of his late wife.

What do you Mean Amo she says, I love your eyes he said, distracted by the icy

blues. You old flirt she says, you must have charmed the ladies, he sighs, a few I suppose. Amo gets serious again, well not serious, but in the teacher mode, the lesson comes first.

We live in a world, where more is the creed and greed is blessed by some at the expense of wisdom, when it ought to be the other way around. I had an Uncle says Amo, a man of great Spirit, blessed in heavenly things, in his business dealings, he and his friends, had a practice, a habit passed on from many generations of practice, always leave something for the next man to gain from, never extract the maximum, even when you can, as you only encourage greed, and that harms the Spirit. The nurse sighs, she knows it too well, being a carer, money was never her God, but in business and in life, as more and more struggle, it becomes the way.

So leave something for your brother, says amo, you will be helping someone else.

Solomon sighed, he heard the story from an Uncle. He smiled, the Uncle used to give out to his Father, you could have got more he often said, as the Father was often generous in his dealings, greed never becoming him. The uncle being young, hadn’t the wisdom of the Father, had some way to go as they say. Imagine, Solomon sighs, I have rounded the circle, that will put a smile in a few places…

Toxic Waste

Toxic man. nothing worth stealing what do you imagine he, they will do, she raises her nose, it’s out from her face. pointy, as pointy as her narrow mind, they will steal from us, what else do they want she says, he sniggers, a swingers club, both high on speed and coke, he reaches over the bench, it’s a shared situation, you empty into one, then into someone else, satisfaction and thrill, the elite thrill, well it costs a bundle to get in, you have to be seriously perverse, she is a socialite, he’s an aspiring politician, used to be with the clan, till he founded his own hard line group.  Quentin Tarantino, with real life without the flash of the pyrotechnics and the over hype, good old swing time, no talk of global warming, no immigrant nations, no internet, a lot of closed countries, cruel dictatorships and plots, assassinations, eighties america, God a thought, religious groups with control, talks of wars, the right wingers, and the threat from the liberals, toxic waste, dangerous, damn it, they even hate war, have they no idea how to protect the nation, he rages on, his ear against hers, he is carrying on with another socialite, passing on his hatred, some guy.

Don’t you believe in Jesus she says, all giggling, high as a trapeze artist. he reaches and snorts, not unless he has money he laughs and is american. They both break into a furious bout of laughter, I never heard that before she says, her eyes are pins.

Thirty years later, he is a respected politician, well, he bought opinion and reputation, and sided with those who were defenders of the nation, so called. Meanwhile, The heavenly power they assumed never existed, it’s been awhile, is being felt in many places, toxic waste disposal unit, he finds himself in jail, his friends are getting seriously nervous too, they are supposed to, he sold out everyone he knows….

Remove them sighed Solomon and replace them with righteous leaders, amen.


Will someone do the laundry!, everything is dirty…

Lessons in life, mother teaches her son, he is on his way to college, don’t forget to have clean clothes, she reminds him and reminds him, child is on overnight, mother’s first concern, cleanliness, doesn’t want to hear anything bad, you have to do the laundry, well, why does every mother and others, spend a little of their day, cleaning up. Too simple, so were the parables of Jesus, stories and lessons in one, a good movie, same as those Clint movies, dirty harry etc….

Eastwood that is, lessons in life, and if they are entertaining, all the better, they will get our attention and are more likely to stay in our heads, longer than mere facts.

Solomon was commenting on the wisdom of Jesus, and how simple he made things. He had a Spirit inside him that cut to the heart, his words literally pierced your insides. In the world of judgement’s, the analysis of a life, the juries getting heat, the newspapers are getting print, the spin experts getting heard, the machine of news runs and runs, they never run out of ink, till the eyes start to look elsewhere. In the meantime, they dig up corpses to grab your attention, tossing the worst dressed excess at you, hoping to appeal to your inner sensitivity, well, to say you didn’t listen, is almost as bad as what was wrote, guilt rises, you have to have an opinion.

Surprisingly, if they don’t have a near by victim to pin the accusations on, they don’t bother to write about the issue at all. Well, say it as it should, and one day you will get to the truth, the real truth, not the abridged version.

Jesus stands in the square, the crowd gathers, blood is going to be spilled, the woman is tied to a post, bunches of rocks are gathered, ancient Jewish text says this is the applied punishment for adultery. The men in long beards are ready, the Pharisee is about to read a prayer before they rain down rocks on her, their Judgement in, mothers bring their daughters, just to warn them, this is the result of breaking the law, watch it girls. The woman who is judged, head down, waits for the first blow, then she feels a soft hand on her head, she looks up, meets a pair of compassionate eyes, eyes that don’t judge, they understand. He turns to the crowd, waiting for the game to start, his eyes scan the crowd, going face to face, inside they feel the power of the gaze, as the stuff they have been hiding comes to the surface. The conceited pharisee, who is about to give voice to the lords decree, as per the scriptures, feels angst inside, as his own guilt surfaces. Then Jesus asked,

“who here isn’t got dirty laundry somewhere, well, get on with it!”

Solomon imagined the great drama, Jesus on his knees, his finger writing in the sand, then wiping the words away, as if he had come to bring light to the words of God, by wiping the teaching of men from the minds of all. Well….

Masters of the World

He wheezes in the bed, the oxygen tank gives him air, on the walls, all around, masterpieces of an older world, treasures he thought, what he’d give to be able to take a normal breath, the one thing his money can’t buy. The friends who call are not real friends, they just wonder how long he has got, and who will be the beneficiary. The cost of the collection, priceless in money terms, with his failing eyesight, he can just about make out the colors. He presses the bell, the nurse comes running up the stairs. He needs water, his mouth is dry, he sighs. The energy it takes to reach for the glass. She holds it to his lips, he sips, refreshing. The Van Gogh was such a lucky break, he got it on the black market, it was looted from a museum during the war, he is the only one to have the original, and it sits before him on the wall, one of the master pieces from the poorest of the great painters; all he can do is imagine what it looks like.

The real treasures of the world, are stored in your heart, Solomon sighed. He was visiting an old friend, not as sturdy as he used to be, but still there, and still believing. No worries old timer, your on the list that goes above, eternity awaits your soul. At the thought the light bursts overhead, casting a light across the room. Every one who comes to visit, a real time friend, no one seeking gain, what a joy. You are near the gates of eternity, and they come to wish you well, and hope perhaps, to grab a little of your Spirit, cause he is a real master of the world. Solomon laughed inside, and you know me well.

He recalled a conversation years before, the argument he made, Love is in the danger zone, why worry about the bits and possessions, you can’t bring it with you, no matter how powerful you are; all you can leave behind is example, make it good he said, and they laughed at him; well, he wondered if they could afford a smile as they arrived at the pearly gates, the masters of the world. Didn’t Jesus tell them the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, just a sip of water. Warned them pleads the Old Rich Man. Solomon saw the signs, and had been writing them ever since. His old friend smiles, golly he says

, isn’t that marvelous, the sun coming out like that, Solomon sighed, unbelievable, but real, a sign from God, amen.

That Moment… — Erika Kind… a re blog, maybe I’m lazy, too tired, worn out, had too much, well, If you need a little pep in your step….


That moment, when you naturally take a deep breath with a smile on your face. That moment when you see the struggles you are in right now and maybe also the challenges ahead but without feeling under pressure. That moment when you find yourself above the life you lead. That moment when you realize that […]

via That Moment… — Erika Kind