Agent Stretch

Relax, stop the worry, they sit in the car, the drive to the beech, its okay, Solomon was calm, this was a new form of undercover operation, years later, the details are relayed back, not all true, but it is a ready reminder of the insidious nature of some, and those that play mind games, using the gifted children, to arrow their skills at the human targets that others may want to undermine, and so invisible, hard to detect, amen. The use of the minds, Orwell’s warning, how your own thoughts are used against you, who would dream up such a mindset. The story in the news, the call for peace, the God of Abraham wondering, what are they doing, they are supposed to be encouraging peace, how to redirect that trapped energy, some had ideas on what to do. Don’t hate, the orders of Jesus Christ, hate only evil, don’t create envy., don’t encourage a child to lose faith in God Most High, the loss of that trust, well Jesus puts it clearly, poor advice indeed to those who use hatred to get what they want done. How do the children escape this.

Therapy session, Solomon is using his wide experience. Tolerant religions, what is it they are intolerant of, considering the story of the Vineyard, Jesus explains, the gentiles, those who were deemed unworthy, but whose habits were pleasing to God Most High, the story of the “good” Samaritan. Why was there no label attached, are these questions ever asked. Then imagine the story of Eamon Casey, one of the founders of trocaire, and how the press hounded him in his later years, the power of public opinion, and then the seeking or pleading for the Holy Spirit to be passed out, as if any old container will do. Can it work safely in a hate filled heart, or where there are hidden crevices, when others can access all areas as they say in the business.

Barney, this therapy we are colluding with, Taylor Swallow smiles all the same, colluding, dear, its me who is doing all the work, you just take your time in not worrying, therapy is not a matter of your inner identity. Many turn away from regular partnerships on account of the way the inner space is treated, think of the violence that many in that quarter have had to endure, at least we are learning now. Are we recording this, Solomon looks out the window, recording, some do, but it might be necessary for the sounds to be recorded, we might use it on our help tapes.

No laughing matter either, Francis in Rome considers the issue, men women and happy relationships, why were they afraid of women in power for so long, why the great increase in the last thirty to forty years. Was in not time to rethink, considering the baggage that has been secretly kept in order to cause distress to those in position later. So he reads the papers, has a child with a woman, red marks underline the word child. Why would they put an embargo on having children. He thinks back to the case involving the lady, was it Eileen, what was her name, she becomes a mother out of wedlock, her life over turned, and the host of others. Considering that gifts of the Spirit can be passed on in the blood, and what is written in the holy books, odd thinking. The Holy Spirit will assist me, Elijah please help me make the correct decision, or why not appoint the one you want and ignore the rules, they are man made after all. Jesus and his reminders on such rules, as if they came from on high.

Okay dear, your lying in my arms now, rest, let the tension go, what is there to worry about. He eases the tension in her neck, its hard sometimes when you have been harshly treated to understand the feeling of shared intimacy particularly when one seeks satisfaction while the other seeks connection of the heart and spirit, it would make the desired outcome of children more difficult to achieve, if that’s the word. What she says. Relax, all those stories you and others have had to endure, torment and angst, before you even start a happy relationship. Relax, he soothes her shoulders, the breathing is easy, I am getting used to this she says, Solomon doesn’t have to look at his watch, its not half an hour and then get out of me, next, how many have to live in such conditions, how we priced intimacy out of the ball park, when seeking the real stuff, amen.

Francis sighs, children, what did Luciani say about the matter, he calls his assistant. I want to see those files, its time we have more clarity on the issue. Ah, what is this, he looks at the sidebar in the newspaper, Bulls Balls, who’d eat such things, amen, do they make you aggressive in the lower department, then he thinks of that Irish lady, Vicki Whelan, she wanted to highlight the issue.

Solomon on the Holy Spirit, and the advice. It takes time to get used to it, and the less of the odd, the easier it is on yourself, amen. Clean habits to keep the container prepared as Old Amo would say, prepared being the word, written too, the context being, not when or if, just living in that sort of way, preparedness, not paranoia either, amen.

If your young and you wish to prepare yourself, and have feelings of frustration inside, there is a ready remedy, exercise of the heart and the good thoughts program. What do you mean; well, good neighbors become good neighbors when you reach out and stop fearing them. Fear is already there, the DNA that wasn’t cleaned up, ignorance of your past, you might not even know, why you sometimes need to understand where your instincts came from, detours are possible in relation to your habits. Yes, its a constant effort as the Holy Ones say, and you continue with this thought of alertness, and with practice it becomes you. Well you can only worship the Almighty in Spirit, or in terms of walking in the steps of Jesus say, you live the words and don’t worry about the person, amen.

To those that try to limit the thoughts of others, Jesus and the Parables explains it all, amen.

So don’t allow your past to frame you, or those who are aware of the past failings of others, consider the meaning of the signs, amen.


Look, its not going to be that bad, they use stuff to ease the pain. Fear, the long swallow, what, oops, my dress is out of shape, he feels his round belly, the look in the mirror takes getting used to,m, I never looked like that, i can’t distinguish my chest from my stomach, the knees are wobbly, the crows feet, my plastic surgeon has just retired, I need a new outfit for the wedding, what, the toothy grin is okay, my bank account is thinning, the show, where is my ticket, the dining arrangements, whom will i be sitting near, him, he is often making those comments, is that all he is good at, he puts everyone down, what was he reared as, a statue, who taught him the basics. i thought that was a good school, where did he learn all that, he doesn’t get involved, he sits alone, that’s not normal, the others ignore him, the taught of thoughts, if no one intervenes, what will happen, crowded mentally, take one of these, they put him on medication, he was great while he was successful, they ride the success, one day, do they ever put God into the business plan, what will they expect, when He shows up, what welcome will there be, are they getting nervous, that’s grandpa in the coffin, did I help his chances, what, the shoulder tap, what, the voice is not so stable, the confidence is being lost, what power is doing this to me, what, am I going to lose, what.

The passion of Jesus; the ladies were so comfortable around him, so many of the parables involved them, freedom to speak, didn’t recognize the old bias’s, he was someone you could trust, didn’t turn up his nose, wasn’t one of those, made you feel worthy, not what you got with the others, even told the parable, who is worthy in God’s sight, human reputations, didn’t hold much sway, so you are thinking about the next leg of the journey, what a joyful thought, putting in a good innings, lots to dream about, no one trying to take control of your thought process.

When we dig below the surface, we often find treasure. Some opinions are formed for us, by those who wish to mislead us. Jesus had to deal with all that stuff too, amen.

By The Throat

What, she listens to her friend retell the story. He listens to the jab comment as if he is meant to hear it. And he an important person, with access to many people too, who’d believe her he thought years later. Maybe it was a pointer to those games some people play. Games. Games don’t lead to secret trails, unless its total fear your encouraging, are people not strange. Solomon is lying beside his lovely, its been a time of great relaxation, a fine breakfast, fresh coffee, croissants, home made jam, and some nice eggs, fresh and not farmed, while there is a bacon, but its on the wall. They really have taste around here. Detective Jennie is smiling, when in doubt, her pal Solomon is good at filling in the Gaps.

The thrill isn’t gone she sighs, how do you do that thing, you mean butter the toast, well its always a Kerry spread i use, the great world of lush pastures produces some happy cows, and then its creamy and tasty, yums she says taking a slice from his plate.

So, what can I do for you he asks. I’m working on this case, its a strange one, we’ve come up short, and we know we are there, you ever get that feeling. He watches her as she moves to the bathroom, the movie rear window comes to mind, the lady recluse, he keeps on reading. Every thought is a code to another existence. Some have favorite words, that’s why i have rescue thoughts going on permanent, its like breathing, it becomes you.

Had they marking he asked, or was something missing in all cases?. What. The AI computer could help you here, it does have good functions, unlike all machines, that can take over your life, with proper minds at the controls, think of all the missing clues out there. Don’t they believe their own stuff like pattern thinking, even with timetables etc and codes, even if changed overnight.

My oh my is this my birthday or not. Detective Jennie reappears from the bathroom, in her birthday suit, a cake with thirty three candles on it, all for you. I’ll be on the scales. His eyes pop out at the view, lady, where did they get a model like you.

You mean to say, they pretend to play that game, then at the time, yes she says. What happens then. His ears burn from what she exposes. That’s their thrill, I’ve heard enough, amen.

Chemical Imbalance

What is the cause of it, and those concoctions they make to imitate nature, has it all gone wrong. The seasons are getting back to normal in places, the minds in places, no longer as paranoid. Yes, there are those, who practice mind games, for all sorts of reasons, they are now hearing about the gospels instead, (that will cure them). But the chemical imbalance. The joyful chemist celebrates, we have the structure for it, we can make it ourselves, it will make us all rich. Years later, the epidemic, women find it difficult, who made this stuff, its playing havoc with our lives. As if we needed encouragement, what will they make next.

Solomon sighed, years ago, one line added to any constitution would have solved this issue, the intention of the law, not the details they fight over. years ago, darn those who got in his way, the problems they caused for many, he wondered what they thought of themselves now. They were the ones unbalanced, amen.

He is going on a journey, he knows what he is talking about. Then the troubles you encounter. Were they all in this together, some places left a bad taste in his mouth, a wry smile, maybe it was a clue, whatever, its all for gods purpose. He is drinking with friends down at the harbor, from out of the blue, a drink appears, what a shock, it rarely ever happened, he stumbles home, just gets in the door, is floored for the night. What a set of idiots, amen. Was this the doorway they were all looking for, amen.

The tale was weird, the story hard to understand, was it made up, why him, he recalls sailing in Boston Harbor, blaney and himself laughing, dudes, they will never believe this one, amen.

Mrs Carey’s Casebook

The story of the good Samaritan, the prophet’s daughter, when you mention her name, the bells of Heaven ring loud. The way she prepares for everything in life, the necessity to be prepared, and the joy of doing it, knowing, that the little details are taken care of, like playing golf with a clear head, no pride, or sense of wonder, but an appreciation of the gift, the head in place, a little turn for the big shots, and the ease of swing in tense situations, Mrs Carey kept to her rhythmic swing, and in her first lesson or would be lesson, the pro teacher says to Mrs Carey, you don’t need lessons at all. How true the advice. She didn’t need to play mental games, even if others tried to play mental games on her at times. Steady. Mental games in working offices, can be very detrimental to those who suffer such tactics, amen. You expect them in politics, nowhere else.

The first tee, Mrs Carey chats and prepares herself. Like a prop golfer, she has her game in order, and decides where the ball is going to go, the decision taken before she strikes the ball, no doubts, she has done it with confidence before, she does not allow anyone breach that state of confidence, and examines her game, after the round, not during it. Having seen the results of this on many occasions, El Benny, her caddy on many occasions, can give witness to this strategy, and how she gave advice to anyone who asked her assistance.

This attitude she took with her, was one her Father, Joseph Cooney, of Kilbeggan fame, practiced all his life. (The New Mullingar Film Corporation, are working on making the story of Mrs Carey and Her Father come alive. (intellectual property).)

In cooking, it was all about preparation. Up at seven most mornings of her life, she had in later years, the assistance of her children, in particular, special mention to her son Fin, who was a very dutiful son. The number of times, he came with her, to mind her car, while she rushed in to the shops, her reasons, she didn’t want to cause anyone to be blocked in, or she didn’t want to encourage the clampers. An experience of them, causing her to rush to the town, to rescue El Benny from the clampers. While cooking even, MR Fin, was summoned to the kitchen, to wash the utensils which Mrs Carey needed, to continue in her works, they already having been used. The writer observed this on many occasions personally.

The story of her casebook, is being made into a story, for teachings relating to the story of the Good Samaritan, and the restoration of the “Spirit” from above, in the human heart. Years ago, it was said, that individualism had taken control of the hopes of many, a lesson on the affects of corruption and more, and loss of hope. Having heard these words, from one of the most prepared men on godly affairs, the situation was taken in hand, and has been addressed ever since, despite interference’s from many parties, amen. It would have been deemed impossible, however time shows that what is impossible for man, is not impossible when the Holy Spirit, is working with you. Uriel and Esdras discuss this point.

Mrs Carey in the kitchen. She enjoys the making of bread and cakes. Most of the creations, are passed on to others, and those that enter her house, which was kept meticulously clean, their first request to Mrs Carey, can I have one of your buns. Over sweet tasting food, many problems the world over, have been solved, as those with differences, enjoy a common experience. This thought process, is seen, in those who try to bring new ways of forming relationships onto the menu of peace and understanding building.

Mrs Carey, known as the bandit of Connemara, due to her prowess on the golf course, apart from awards for great citizenship, was a mind set she tried and still encourages, in those that think of Mrs Carey. A friend and second mother, to the Great science teacher, and poet, Miss A.M. Dooley, who passed in tragic circumstances, ( her poem below one fine example) Mrs Carey played the role of the good Samaritan, like her father before her. Stories such as these, will hopefully remind others, of their Heavenly Inheritance, amen.

In telling the parable of the good Samaritan, Mrs Carey reminds us of this story. She reached out as they say. Faith without actions, is weak.

Ann A.M. Dooley, died young, despite the odds…

despite the odds, 
i get the jobs
i do the goods
i rock the gods

i make the mark i have to make
i take the “takes” i have to take.
i pull in fast i pull in hard
and try to hold the winning  card

i fall tall
i fall firm
i fall strong
i fall fast

despite the odds

i’ll make the mark
i’ll make the grade

because after all

this is my life at stake.
despite the odds!

Miss A.M.. Dooley, is a fine poet, what words?

Her life cut short, she is remembered to this day, like the story of the widow who gave two bits, the story Jesus told, all those years ago. How the Gospel of Jesus Christ lives, today. Listen if you have ears…

For those who seek space in their heads, and are surrounded by too many cooks as they say, a read of the poets can clean the mind, and help the self relax, amen.


Ladies across the world, are learning the joy of golf. In these times, where they need time to relax and exercise, so many find great comfort, from following the golf. In the gulf states and other places, Golf is seen as a way to introduce new ways of enjoying life. The old game, played by Gary Player and co., has caused many hearts to flutter and shrink, the golfer, keeping the head, usually wins or gets closest. The pressure of the crowd, and the great expectations, before you head out, clean the head. Jesus says, what is worry but a waste of time, gospel.

The lady golfer, does not need strength, to hit the ball. It’s accuracy and a calm mind. Ignore the fashionistas, that’s wasted head space. Ignore the last hole you played, it starts with the next. The simple tips you can apply, especially when you have that ability, but find the circumstances challenging. Anyone for golf, just send a message, and a reply will improve your game. Enjoy it, amen.

Jesus spent a lot of time in the Gospel, with women. The meaning of this, are the roles of women, curtailed, by the anxieties of men. Jesus made it clear. And if this equality was needed way back then, respond in kind, and think of the Spirit that you encourage.

A game for all those who need head space, amen. Four hours on your own. Jesus had to escape his own followers in the bible. On his own at times, he found it easier to pray, and to clear himself. Space inside, not the anxieties of others. Why do families get a special mention in the bible, in terms of threats. Jesus divided the pubic opinion of the times. Not all will want to believe. Now, 2,000 years later, the Gospel truth proven, the world slows down, while Mother Earth continues to recover, amen.

Solomon smiled. Stretch the accountant, the need to escape people, who put you down.

However the threats to your well being on the course, the challenge is, getting over them. This is life. Playing for your wages, puts pressure on the mind. The consequence of loss, the envy you may feel towards others. That’s normal, Jesus was tempted, but he got over it, and now, we have the legacy of that victory. Evil, he defeated, amen.


Farming the human essence

We smell, Johnny Bunblebee, has a bundle of nerves, he is excited, off to see, his butterfly girl, the way he looks, the shave, the cologne,it was called sweet water, the pond they used to bathe in, essence, where do they farm it, how do they extract it, the bile of the bears, you saw the panda bear’s milked for their protein, the extract, the painful way its done, why some ask, then the issue, what about the young people, held in cages, treated same, then used for, transplants, you can order a kidney online these days, how fresh do you want it, it’s only a matter of price, we have many waiting, some give them, some charge, but to be sure, you need your own herd.

Solomon is sending the Spirit of Hope, asking, amen. Many call out, in far off places, where is the help. Solomon had the picture for that purpose, that was that, a more direct approach is called for, while the treacherous within, are manacled to their guilt, amen.

Thin layers of skin, what was the movie, “Perfume”, was it a double entendre, lets say, they spray the food to make it tasty.

In the Holy Name, the request is made, help assured, amen. The cloud, the meaning of it, the delay, what did that do, anyway, better never than lathe, amen.

Our Gerry Thinks this!

Britney, your new golf teacher has arrived…

Its not the ulcer question it’s the Ulster Question. Martin laughs, paper in hands, he is looking for a laugh, ease the tension, they called them the chuckle brothers, how peace happens, they were not looking for personal glory either, unlike many, who try to attach themselves to the efforts of others. adding the virtues to the list, I was associated with that,same could be said of the membrane tissue, or the paper we use to clean up, attached, and, lets say, the issue is one that needs understanding, time, then healing, then the new, it wasn’t an overnight in the desert, it was a little longer than that!.

Augusta Amateurs, the options, the tantalizing hopes, more choices, can we expand on it, the openings, the color issues, where is the butler, what did jack Benny say, Rochester, where are my ball shearers, we got new animals Mr Jack, you could say they have being, overstaying, they not pay the rent, lets not go there Rochester, the audience laughs.

Inside job, the stories, the habits that catch on, Jesus on the teaching of the law, Milk, at the start, fiber as it grows.