Red Hot Chilies For Fear


I am still young…..

On the streets, she is in her twenties, she is young for sure. Watching it all, for ever aware, it’s how she feels secure, getting over it has not been easy, she is trying to play it safe if safe is possible. The memory of that night, the lasting impression, not the one she wanted to store, it has forced itself inside her like a thief, unwelcome, but there. In her side pocket her hand, which is wrapped around, a small bottle of hot chili pepper spray, a concoction she prepared herself, by adding a few heavy peppers to the original spray, she wants it to stop a horse, she has tried it on her cat, and it worked. The cat stayed away for a month, sorry puss. The sudden noise of a car startles, she recoils from any loud noises, her inner calm, she was strong she thought, not strong enough to fight the pills they gave her; she has nightmares wondering what they did to her, the only scars, a large bruise spot, the real scar, the fear they left behind. Was that the reason she joined the pioneers; never going to trust alcohol again or anyone using the stuff. Who knows why, it happens, the therapist told her she’d get over it, words that came all to easily to mind, experts are supposed to know. Paddy, so polite in the beginning, never wanted much, was it all an act, years later, perhaps it was she doing the acting, she doesn’t enjoy the thought, he might have been happy with a go to woman, mentally he was never a challenge to her, is it all about my life, is the today me the real person, or is it a return to who she was before. Dreaming, did she dream. When did it stop, was it the bout of depression, no she sighs, that was after the first beating, at least she saw it coming.

Her head in her hands, she twists her vision towards the bottle, a sly glance. You, she reaches for it, examines the label, her vision is improving, she can read the small print, she lets out a laugh, what a sense of humour, she imagines God to be a comic somewhere, taking the piss with us, allowing us thrash the party, then like an absent father, returns out of the blue, not as a rich man, but as an extremely happy man, who wears a permanent smile, takes a can from one of the party goers while exclaiming, there will be a clean up she, or he says, to which all at the party nod approvingly, relieved to hear, that while the party is over, it’s not the end of all parties, a break in the contagion, slowdown time, as if the jet that is carrying his baggage is about to come into land, presents for the children, stiff warnings too, behave yourselves he says, play safe, a phrase everyone smiles at, especially Amy, who had her first close encounter of the intimate kind, with her boyfriend, love connection with play safe top of the priority list. Well, if you are provided with the means of spiritual well being in it’s fullest, you have to take into account the assets you are born with. Is that wishful thinking, she is young, how else can you survive, doom and gloom ignores the beauty of art, not everyone went to Amsterdam to view available women and cheap sex, not forgetting the other; there are museums as well.


The year 2020, the world needs rest, the populations on the move, internally if not physically, where to turn, can I, the questions, the world turned upside down, the news dramatic, the reactions chaotic, the mind full of the dread, what is happening, is this all in my head, turmoil. A mini version of a strange new world, it was going in one direction, then all of a sudden, change, how has it happened, what are we going to do now. Young artists, new ideas, the ideals they shared, the chance to put it in words, the cynics of the past, this will never change, those getting their wish, could we have done it any better.

Solomon wondered, the world stops, the ease of movement halts, a scene from a war movie, the unassailable march of the JUGGERNAUT, the sighs in the hearts of the oppressed, what does it mean, is there a message in all of this. Solomon read the story of old, how they harped on, about the unseen power, and the threat that existed, when we took it to be ourselves, our existence. The child sighs, the mother holds the hand tighter, she is nervous, they can’t escape to the country, it’s closing down. The knock on the door, the rattle of guns, the panic inside, everyone tries to hide and run, is this the end, the sighs, the nods, open up, the scream, the door comes in, boots on the stairs, it sounds like a Spielberg movie, only it’s real.

Solomon was applying the thought of the dramatic to the current chaos. In olden times, old stories, we get reminders, the ways of the oppressors, and what it usually means, are these those times, and what about the end, the light, there is always light. The Hope arrives, every civilization has the same story, the voice, the giant, the helper, who teaches the new generation, how to sustain life, the qualities needed, compassion, being aware, doing what is life giving, without trying to take over the world. In the papers he read the story of the Nuclear Space, the effort to control the world where the satellites roamed, the great new war field of the future, the destruction of our means of global communication, does this sound like today, are we being warned, the new direction, an easy way to teach us perhaps, this way of life can’t sustain itself, we better try another, just an idea…Solomon smiled, He always sends the Helper, hang on.

After The Virus

New friendships made, stubborn chat between arch enemies, no escaping the facts, the virus was more than biological change, the social network was changing, how we had the chance to look at ourselves anew, perhaps ask questions for the first time ever, questioning what went on unnoticed, Mary sits at her table, doing the math of the era. In the writer’s manual they said that all the great writers made themselves known, in times of crisis, study the literature, what came out of depression, the artists who didn’t suffer a personal agony of some type, out of difficulty we often find ourselves again? All this change has to be incorporated into her book, all relationships appear to alter as, she pauses, he is moving around again upstairs, she no longer sneers, hoping to hear him fall.

Relationships change, she is getting selfish, it’s about time, and I’m not getting younger she reminds herself, even if she looks and feels ten years younger since the virus precautions came into existence, everyone looks better, hard to believe it, to be young is a matter of less stress, she recalls passing the new head shop, she used to have names for the place, now she wonders if she will try the new form of marijuana once this thing is over; Hollywood names seem to approve it, and she really trusts some of the names.

What do I miss without being too personal she thinks? She dallies with her talisman, a real led pencil, she can’t imagine a writer’s desk without one, a thin red pencil with a rubber on one end, correcting the script at least. Is it the lack of shopping, is it the lack of fear of having visitors, the need to be more focussed on self cleaning rather than the furnishings, she smiles, bathing in the full bath is way beyond the shower and the new go thing, no fun in that sort of scrub when in the shower, baths for the future , no other way, her skin is softer too, and the odours are all sweet, as if a small change in the washing habit is the same as the slow un buckling of a fragrant rose, cleaner the air, clearer the fragrance, same could be said about the other, she looks forlornly at the ceiling, Excited by dirt, she has many ways of saying it, but the virus is bringing out the imagination. Was it the worry, she doesn’t want to think that, she forgave him during her walk, not that she’d allow him near her, the six foot rule, that she can handle, does it apply to indoors, it should she says, talking to the pencil in her hand, she, it has to be a female pen, it’s not chewed up, nice and thin, and it works for real when it has to, it must be a female pencil.

The Holy Grail

Legend has it, the old books talk about it, Solomon built a temple to protect it, what is the Holy Grail, and why in these times, is it worth being reminded of it. Solomon read a story, the memoir of a simple but profound man, a story worth telling, as the author was acclaimed in many countries, and didn’t waste words.

The grail represented the Power of God on earth, and it’s power is legendary. Many have sought it, many have spent their lives in awe of it, and many have tried to possess it. In times of uncertainty, it would be wonderful if we had the Eternal Power that could solve all the issues. Where do you start to find, the mother of all questions?. Solomon sighed, look in the mirror, what is it you see, a crumpled face, a worried heart, a depressed soul, or someone who believes in who they are. In a nutshell, The Holy Grail is the space you create inside you, for Godly Spirit to dwell. Sounds easy, but think about it, the habits we possess, are they enriching the life or stealing from it, can you imagine God residing inside you, and if you do, or don’t, have you the available space, to hold the Spirit. God dwells inside you, Jesus said it simply.

The Cult


Solomon sighed, the greatest cult were those made up of non believers, and the efforts they made to annoy him and their funny games. The amount of blessings they simply threw away was amazing; how could the Spirit of Light work with those full of dark thoughts, their minds locked on the material and nothing else. If they understood the well being of Spirit, or had any fear of God, they might have acted with responsibility. The Spirit came, and he had written it every day since; there is no greater power in the Universe, despite those who try to undermine the inner well being of those who see it different. They all claim to belong to this group or that, they all of course profess their alliance to a Spirit group, but that was where the similarity ends. Those of God tend to shine in the most difficult of circumstances; didn’t they realize, that when those who believe are at their weakest, God is at His strongest. Humility, they never understood the meaning of the word, amen.


Jesus was tempted Regularly…

And so he warned his followers, there will be tempting and teasing, as there is every day, what are you missing, see what you lost, you could have had an easier life, you could have been this, what did you do with your life, this was the regular taunting of God’s people, and has been, come on, you can have it easy, look, there are no worries over here, we can fix everything, Jesus even warned and reminded the followers, the demon who thinks he has charge of the world, has no power over me He said, but don’t you worry, I will send the Holy Spirit, and that Help, will get you over the line, just don’t panic, amen.

Solomon had a dream or was sent a dream, he traveled a life of another, while there was another soul, hell bent on destroying the life he was viewing, competing almost, anyway, during the dream he told the visitor, Don’t you Believe in the Almighty God, and the visitor disappeared, amen. In a nutshell, hold firm thought Solomon, you faith will be challenged regularly, and you will get tested, and same as the virus, you will have to take precautions to preserve that Faith, the space you reserve for God inside you to dwell.

My Idols

It’s such a recurring theme, Idols, we stop at a poster, we look up, wish it could be me the young say, wish you had more experience the wise say, Solomon read the old books, the theme of Idols was a constant theme, going back thousands of years, Moses, Solomon, Isaiah, Jesus too, Islam too, all of them in fact, mention the worship of Idols, and its’ still the case today; a TV program elects a president, the habits that are killing us, none of them, coming from the mouths of the prophets. Solomon sighed; there was a sense of wonder all about, the hearts of many were opening in a  way unthinkable a few years before; it was as if the Eureka moment had arrived, as if to say, it’s all true, God exists, glory be.

Imagine the space inside you, the Space where you create the space for the loving Spirit to dwell, horror to those doused in vanity perhaps, but manna to those who believe, the living words, how wonderful to assume, without doubts, that all those ancient stuff that many wanted to pour cold water on while they exploited others, was real, what a massive headache and clean up ahead. How could God be expected to compete with idol worship, it didn’t require a science or math degree to figure this one out.

Put your Trust in God, and may your actions express that trust. Amen.

Compassion and The New World

Solomon reflected, many were at the same, seeking clarity and direction, there was much to be confused about, where do I fit in this new world, will my job be safe, how will my relationship fare, can I get by with less cash, seeking, Solomon was doing his own version of closet, what matters in the end, what is it about you that you can take with you, how can I be a useful servant in this world. What are my priorities. The virus taught one great lesson, patience can’t be bought, you have to practice it, and the same goes for those who want a relationship with God, you have to work at it. And the language of God is compassion for others, a healthy attitude to the environment, less exploitation of people, and good relations with your neighbors, otherwise, you are not at the races. Imagine you are sitting opposite the Holy Spirit, and you want to converse, what comes to mind, the deeds you hide, or the love you want to share.

Mind Porn

Sounds like the title of a book, Solomon listened to some, ideas grabbed off the internet, another loud mouth, the do’s and don’t of this and that, as if we didn’t know already, where are your children getting their ideas from. A friend plays a clip from a podcast, this is good, you have to listen, he heard it thirty years before, I suppose when the children are not doing the funny images thing, they switch over to a reasonable sounding voice, in order to fool the parents, so that’s what you are watching son. Solomon was reflecting on the covid epidemic, the world is turned over in a matter of days, the call to change, the environment begins to show signs of recovery, the air a little cleaner, meanwhile an asteroid misses the planet by inches, which would have totaled us all.

A new world, and quickly, Moses came back from the Holy Mountain, with the proverbial guarantee, God is with us he sighed, his heart full of joy, we have been saved. From a distance, he see’s the glittering statue, no no, he cries, they are back to their old habits, what have they done. Solomon sighed, we are in that sort of zone, we don’t want to repeat that again.

The Sheep panic…

The great threat arrives, the paid men run, the shepherd soon realized, where was their trust, the parables of Jesus, replayed in real life, the ship is at sea, the winds are strong, where is your faith He Asked, didn’t you see the great wonders, how taxing it must have been, to have to remind them again and again, the Spirit of God is inside me, and it’s inside you too, you just have to create the space for it to thrive, a healthy mind, not one filled with jealousy and spite, that’s the demons daily diet, amen. You can’t serve God and Money, one will get the better of you, listen if you have ears.

Solomon read a story, the history of genetics, and the threat of virus’s, and how easy it is to manipulate such things, so simple it doesn’t even need a degree. The timing of the read, the advent of the corona virus, the vicious words used to instill fear in everyone. Don’t give up your faith, God is real, and his mercy is great, don’t panic ever, amen.

Reading from the holy books; Ezra in particular, there is so much in it that connects to these times, so Solomon read it aloud, to those listening in secret, in case they forget, there is God and there are words, that add up. As Jesus said later, it’s never too late to return to God, amen.