Transgender in Love

Hurtful well spoken thoughts, how they can cause offence. Explaining them clearly. Its not a case of them or us. Reality and pressure, a dialogue that needs to be explained. In some parts, there are those that experiment on thoughts, and how to access them. Its not a TV program, its a reality, cloning the thought process, whose thoughts though. Jesus will help you explain things. Transgender, it simply means there are those that are lost in the old ways, and seek meaning in their lives. The only conspiracy, those that dabble in that area for nefarious purposes. Certain folks start off life slowly, their gifts not yet ready in themselves. They can be assisted to develop faster, maybe they need active stimuli. Birds can see light the human eye can’t, amen.

To say we are against such people, is a false impression when spouted out with clear reasoning. So a document is issued, its a talking work, it needs to be discussed. The carpet has got so high in what we try to hide, we tend to ignore it. Who wants to discuss what they don’t want to understand. In short, pray for wisdom to come and help you, and as Jesus says, be patient. Its not a magic wand, amen.


You can’t understand the frustrating thoughts inside, think of this, your inner glands, and what is secreted there, everyone has them. When the glands work, your health is naturally good. What is illness, put heat stored in the wrong places. Its why healthy exercise burns off the excess heat inside. Or imagine the workplace where one gender dominates the environment, the angst felt by those who are most sensitive. We know this now, its an awareness that is being dealt with. Or imagine the boy who is shamed when young, the memory that lasts, the errant behavior later.

Solomon was appealing to those who have spiritual influence. Think it out, whom are you appealing to, are you aware of the sensitive nature of so many.

Later, he sits over a coffee. Spirit well being is so vital to a healthy soul. He recalls the Sunday drive, the monastery gates, the light from above, the light in the Holy Space. Take back the comment, intimate living, how is the space being treated. A mother gives birth, its been six months, the need to recuperate. Is she ready, her body has undergone serious realignment, the baby’s skull is soft on top to help with the removal, she might have had to be cut, maybe in love, a little thought should be given to the matter. Barney Dolphin looks at Benny Dolphin, how come this sort of thought is not common. Benny sighs, why do the oceans heat up and why have we delayed taking action. Barney smiles, is that the job your preparing me for. Benny smiles with delight, his pupil is learning fast. Did I tell you barney about the day the cloud arrived, or the night the stardust fell on me. Barney sighs, Of course Benny Dolphin, who could ignore all that, amen. And don’t forget the Kilmallock rescue either, barney smiles, we are all little miracles, you sure are sighs Benny.

I’ve to get some space, Barney watches the Benny slide off his shower chair, and into the water. The old monk looks on. I’ll have the biscuits ready when you return. Benny takes some thoughts with him into the great outdoors, where he can dwell on thoughts, uninterrupted. We need to think outside the box, amen.

Help your thoughts, story telling, the happy stories we listen to, they are online now, you don’t even need to read. The gingerbread man, the fairy tales, how they help us to understand, and we feel good afterwards, all the bad stuff dealt with, you sleep like a king should. None of that big time stuff, wait until your older, your maturity grows up with you, that’s what Uriel the Holy Angel of God told Ezra, its in the second book. And if you find it difficult sometimes remember what Uriel says, with God’s Help nothing is impossible, and that sort of advice will not lead you into danger, amen.

Lost Lost Lost….

Where do I fit in, to this life of confusion and lies, where do I go with my truth, is there anyone listening out there. These could be the entry words to a song, or a heart making an appeal. For density of thought reason’s, recall the two women on the road, talking about the freedom they felt with Jesus, how easy his words were, how he never looked down on you, are made you small, yes, he lifted us up. In short, there is power in the Gospels of Jesus. It happened, and then the imagination, when will it be happening again?.

Lost, a decision maker, lost, the follower. I want instructions, show me. The first feeling, I’ll make no sense of it. The pause, what is it being taught to me, there has to be something. More, is there more, a thought connects, your making sense, a smile, not so lost, I recall that moment, what was it, what was it. Stuck no more, your using the past to help you understand now. At the start, what was it. Now the head is clearer. You ask, is there other stuff I could recall, do I need to take a break, perhaps I’m not the great listener I assumed I was, I’ve learned something.

When Jesus referred to the prophet Isaiah to announce his mission, maybe we ought to refer to the same prophet as well. Surely that’s plain thinking from the most reliable of sources, amen.

How can Heavenly Spirit live in a hate filled heart…

A question, many ask why, they say their prayers are not heard, what are you praying for, and to whom. What is faith. An elderly lady, a grand mother, she encourages herself daily, she makes it her duty, to visit the Holy Place most days, even as she ages. She prays. And without fail, she continues her daily pilgrimage. She hears of new, there are sad days, she weeps for those who are lost, and continues her prayer, she is not going to give up her lofty connection with the Almighty. While troubled at times, and worse even, she has the SPIRIT inside her. And Most days she lives cheerfully, even though her body has aged. Her children visit, and tell of of stuff, what others have done that is wrong, the grief they have caused the, they speak ill of many people. She tries to listen, has been through her own difficulties, looks back on times when life was harsh for her, it still is at times. She believes.

Her heart is not sodden with grief. She offers up her distress to the Almighty Eternal Loving Heart, pain she bares herself when she is able. She reduces the anxiety on the One who loves eternally, by absorbing the pain, or carrying part of the cross with her.

So what happens. The trauma that could engulf her doesn’t. She trusts in God. Why does it work, what is the meaning of absorbing the pain. At the time of the return, when Spirit is not as sprightly as before, its been 2,000 years, and there have been great changes in the meaning of the word, as words change in meaning, and a faster schedule of life, makes short cuts, a normal part of life.

Late at night, the home is quite, she offers her thoughts to God. what ails her, what she wants help with. No, its not the promise of now you say it now you get it, it’s something greater. IN times of great change, when hearts are anxious, patience can be hard to practice, there is the sense of excitement, when is He coming, the signs in the sky, why are we still having to endure certain stuff. All that she is living through, is what Jesus taught. You will find it difficult, most believers have the experience, however, you hold out to the end, you get your eternal reward. She is older, her life style and what she does to enjoy life now, is not what it was like, 20 years before. It’s the jet slowing down as it comes into land. Her certainty of her faith, helps her to persist, and the more thoughtful she is towards others, the easier it is to endure things. Hate, only evil. How can you expect a loving God to live in a hate filled heart at ease. Or, If you damage a part of your body, how the whole body notices, amen.


Wanted, the poster, what was so funny then. Those we rely upon the ones we try to bring down. Too common, always there, seemingly available, always, easy to manipulate, often helped too, others, there for the people, there to help, did we do this to our selves. Now we need them, all of us, divine intervene-rs, those with the Spirit, we have all heard about the other. The loss to others, is this Jesus on the law of the talents. Is this Jesus on responsibility, in short, do we test the patience of the Almighty, we act like children at times, but do we always act that innocently, do we undo ourselves. God hasn’t showed up in awhile they used to say. Now its every day, the story reveals itself. What is it that drives us, what does it matter, we all have to go through the gap.

Treasure Box

Baby!, her labor pains have begun, there is joy on the faces of the women. At last. The new arrival will take all their attention as they should. New leaf on the tree. The women chat easily. Its time, the baby knows it. The prayer picture on the wall, reverence for God. There will be no other thoughts inside today, new life.

Solomon on the new times; Jesus is the go to man for insight on all things today, amen.

Look, there will be space on the next rocket ship, I swear!. What choice do they have, but to believe him. He lied about the others, he, they walk away, what!.

Francis, the number of files would fill a medium sized office. He looks at the monsignor. If we got even 10% into real service again. 10%, even one per cent says the monsignor would do. Francis looks at the monsignor. I think we’ll be needing a coffee machine in here. Done Papa.

Recycle recycle recycle.

New list of Holy Orders issued, amen.

Taking Aim at Older people

its usually against the law in the first instance. The man in charge has aged, every mistake or error, even the minor ones, amplified, the constant pressure on the man, what is he doing, the pressure inside worsens, he needs time, they are after his position, his role, he is facing the faith of his lifetime, I am a believer, he prays for his country, he prays for peace, he is not using the position for self rewarding purposes, knows there is a God, knows the consequence of that, how does he stay going. A counsel for wisdom, from all the right sources, you don’t always have to agree, you have to have the right reasons, in that frame of thinking, you will have the recipe for good decision making. So out of the blue, he declares, if in doubt, we will have a counsel of wisdom to help us all, no one is alone or an Island, lets hold to our faith and believe, see what is going on in other places.

Solomon on the set up, Dear Family, the spaces that were set in motion, the reminders, the need to fall into this group or the other, the advice taken, the presence of those of the various orders, results will tell, the signs, as they knew from the start, real, and the signs each time there was a close passing, what else do you need to know of the signs.

He laughed, the old brotherly friend laughed, don’t get upset, as if its to be expected. Solomon and the old man of spirit, words are badly needed, what words. Solomon points to the gospel of John, by words, through words with words, the answers are all there, we might have forgotten, that’s all, amen.


Look, its not going to be that bad, they use stuff to ease the pain. Fear, the long swallow, what, oops, my dress is out of shape, he feels his round belly, the look in the mirror takes getting used to,m, I never looked like that, i can’t distinguish my chest from my stomach, the knees are wobbly, the crows feet, my plastic surgeon has just retired, I need a new outfit for the wedding, what, the toothy grin is okay, my bank account is thinning, the show, where is my ticket, the dining arrangements, whom will i be sitting near, him, he is often making those comments, is that all he is good at, he puts everyone down, what was he reared as, a statue, who taught him the basics. i thought that was a good school, where did he learn all that, he doesn’t get involved, he sits alone, that’s not normal, the others ignore him, the taught of thoughts, if no one intervenes, what will happen, crowded mentally, take one of these, they put him on medication, he was great while he was successful, they ride the success, one day, do they ever put God into the business plan, what will they expect, when He shows up, what welcome will there be, are they getting nervous, that’s grandpa in the coffin, did I help his chances, what, the shoulder tap, what, the voice is not so stable, the confidence is being lost, what power is doing this to me, what, am I going to lose, what.

The passion of Jesus; the ladies were so comfortable around him, so many of the parables involved them, freedom to speak, didn’t recognize the old bias’s, he was someone you could trust, didn’t turn up his nose, wasn’t one of those, made you feel worthy, not what you got with the others, even told the parable, who is worthy in God’s sight, human reputations, didn’t hold much sway, so you are thinking about the next leg of the journey, what a joyful thought, putting in a good innings, lots to dream about, no one trying to take control of your thought process.

When we dig below the surface, we often find treasure. Some opinions are formed for us, by those who wish to mislead us. Jesus had to deal with all that stuff too, amen.

What Card is this…

He passes over the identity, so your a friend of so and so, recommended then, why would we not trust you, later, lets say, the friend was used to infer, lets not get serious, offences are noted, lets say. I don’t like this male cult thing, its, Mrs carey on simplicity. Solomon imagined, the mature women speaking the holy words, while the men sit and listen. Then the men explain how they would say it, the added interest of the congregation, amen.

Francis wants new ideas. The story, Elijah, the signs, john the 23rd, reinvention, a new outlook required, the ladies sigh, why did it take this long.

Solomon on the women who stayed with Jesus while he was dying on the cross, and the many times women are focussed on in the gospels, amen. If you need inspiration, ignore the political meaning, beleive in the Holy Spirit,. its there, you will be given the words, amen.

Old Amo and the lift….

The Spirit rose, there was no fear, the mind active, a soul still alive, a smile on the face, the dull cheeks turning red, the soul drinking in the holy words. What, how is it possible. The pharisee’s complained when Jesus did some healing on the sabbath. The Blind man, who could see, who did the healing. I told you, Jesus did it.

Fairy tale of New York

What, Amo is eating again, the soup arrives, he eats it all up. The Sun bounces on the day he goes up, same for his spouse. What, they argue among themselves, how is this possible. The Spirit gets the lift from those of the Spirit, who remind them of eternal life, and not the worries of those, who worry about their reputations, amen.

What, its the old story. Jesus complains at the lack of faith of his own people, while commending the roman commander, for the faith his men had in him. How ironic. If only they had such faith, his own followers, who were aware of the miracles too, amen. Believe before you recieve, amen.

Sludge Canyon Blues

Mother Nature and their annual games, imagine the year, the parrots fly in from the Amazon, flamingos from Florida, the entire coterie of animals, a reversal of Noah times, cheering the amazon blue games, cartoon thoughts, the contestants having to do the I’m a celebrity now I’m in trouble, the game called, responsibility, they break all the rules, the prophet with the boxes, what’s in store for you, the audience picking away at the feast, it’s as if the book of revelations or thoughts like those, written to remind us, are helping us again, to reflect upon how we treat Mother Earth, in short, the well being of the good spirit inside us all, that needs tender handling, like a two year old out for the first time. Sludge canyon is exciting to view, the contestants have to swim through a channel of hazards, that can’t drown them no matter how bad they swim, they have to deal with it as they say, and if they protest, they have to eat some of the sludge itself.

Imagine looking back, the going is heavy, your a little experienced, the things you did and didn’t do, your nervous, what do you recall, in short, plant some good stuff while your young. Imagine finding a chest of odd things in the attic, they are old, then you find out how precious they are, same as good thoughts as you grow up, you have a store of good thoughts, think how good you will find. You got the option of peace making, you changed a policy for a better one, you thought of the others, and there you are, in the sludge valley, for the sludge canyon blues, and you think, of all the stuff you missed, you could have been one of the contestants, amen.

Solomon sighed, the story is told, how vital are good deeds, learning the skills that will help you and others later, patience, not getting overly excited, imagine, all those thoughts you’ll not have, no worries about such stuff, the ease on your mind, I’m aware of it, now i can plan for it. Sludge, what it is made up, what sort of stuff, the stepping stones, do they sink, are you deeper in it, the way the bad deeds add up, is there a time to turn to the right way, Isaiah and the Prophets, how they remind us, turn to God and it will all be fine, and Jesus of course, recalls Isaiah to announce the mission, its all connected.

Sludge is like the stuff that slows you down, your looking over your shoulder, your anxious, so help yourself, and that’s called listening and, and it adds up. To tell the story of how energy takes you over, imagine having to lie to stay safe, particularly when young, the stress on yourself, its not easy, of course there are things we get over, but being told to make things up, imagine also, the Jewish children in other times, who had to hide their identity, its not black and white, circumstances, but no one should be afraid of another individual, or such, think Jesus, that Spirit is all about. Help is the outcome.

So all the mental sludge, the stuff you have to clean off before you read the label, or the tiredness you feel, because you can’t find the light, then the light comes on, you see everything, lightness, the sludge gets in the way, and it’s there.

Francis wanted to clear the path. The move away from old ways, more light seems to get in, the fresher views, the lighter you feel, you need that space, not the sludgy stuff. As Jesus said to those who complained of the company he kept at times, you won’t always have the bridegroom with you. In short, get rid of the sludge, follow the way of Jesus, amen. There are some races its worth it to become last in, amen, the sludge grand canyon stakes, amen.