Agent Stretch

Relax, stop the worry, they sit in the car, the drive to the beech, its okay, Solomon was calm, this was a new form of undercover operation, years later, the details are relayed back, not all true, but it is a ready reminder of the insidious nature of some, and those that play mind games, using the gifted children, to arrow their skills at the human targets that others may want to undermine, and so invisible, hard to detect, amen. The use of the minds, Orwell’s warning, how your own thoughts are used against you, who would dream up such a mindset. The story in the news, the call for peace, the God of Abraham wondering, what are they doing, they are supposed to be encouraging peace, how to redirect that trapped energy, some had ideas on what to do. Don’t hate, the orders of Jesus Christ, hate only evil, don’t create envy., don’t encourage a child to lose faith in God Most High, the loss of that trust, well Jesus puts it clearly, poor advice indeed to those who use hatred to get what they want done. How do the children escape this.

Therapy session, Solomon is using his wide experience. Tolerant religions, what is it they are intolerant of, considering the story of the Vineyard, Jesus explains, the gentiles, those who were deemed unworthy, but whose habits were pleasing to God Most High, the story of the “good” Samaritan. Why was there no label attached, are these questions ever asked. Then imagine the story of Eamon Casey, one of the founders of trocaire, and how the press hounded him in his later years, the power of public opinion, and then the seeking or pleading for the Holy Spirit to be passed out, as if any old container will do. Can it work safely in a hate filled heart, or where there are hidden crevices, when others can access all areas as they say in the business.

Barney, this therapy we are colluding with, Taylor Swallow smiles all the same, colluding, dear, its me who is doing all the work, you just take your time in not worrying, therapy is not a matter of your inner identity. Many turn away from regular partnerships on account of the way the inner space is treated, think of the violence that many in that quarter have had to endure, at least we are learning now. Are we recording this, Solomon looks out the window, recording, some do, but it might be necessary for the sounds to be recorded, we might use it on our help tapes.

No laughing matter either, Francis in Rome considers the issue, men women and happy relationships, why were they afraid of women in power for so long, why the great increase in the last thirty to forty years. Was in not time to rethink, considering the baggage that has been secretly kept in order to cause distress to those in position later. So he reads the papers, has a child with a woman, red marks underline the word child. Why would they put an embargo on having children. He thinks back to the case involving the lady, was it Eileen, what was her name, she becomes a mother out of wedlock, her life over turned, and the host of others. Considering that gifts of the Spirit can be passed on in the blood, and what is written in the holy books, odd thinking. The Holy Spirit will assist me, Elijah please help me make the correct decision, or why not appoint the one you want and ignore the rules, they are man made after all. Jesus and his reminders on such rules, as if they came from on high.

Okay dear, your lying in my arms now, rest, let the tension go, what is there to worry about. He eases the tension in her neck, its hard sometimes when you have been harshly treated to understand the feeling of shared intimacy particularly when one seeks satisfaction while the other seeks connection of the heart and spirit, it would make the desired outcome of children more difficult to achieve, if that’s the word. What she says. Relax, all those stories you and others have had to endure, torment and angst, before you even start a happy relationship. Relax, he soothes her shoulders, the breathing is easy, I am getting used to this she says, Solomon doesn’t have to look at his watch, its not half an hour and then get out of me, next, how many have to live in such conditions, how we priced intimacy out of the ball park, when seeking the real stuff, amen.

Francis sighs, children, what did Luciani say about the matter, he calls his assistant. I want to see those files, its time we have more clarity on the issue. Ah, what is this, he looks at the sidebar in the newspaper, Bulls Balls, who’d eat such things, amen, do they make you aggressive in the lower department, then he thinks of that Irish lady, Vicki Whelan, she wanted to highlight the issue.

Solomon on the Holy Spirit, and the advice. It takes time to get used to it, and the less of the odd, the easier it is on yourself, amen. Clean habits to keep the container prepared as Old Amo would say, prepared being the word, written too, the context being, not when or if, just living in that sort of way, preparedness, not paranoia either, amen.

If your young and you wish to prepare yourself, and have feelings of frustration inside, there is a ready remedy, exercise of the heart and the good thoughts program. What do you mean; well, good neighbors become good neighbors when you reach out and stop fearing them. Fear is already there, the DNA that wasn’t cleaned up, ignorance of your past, you might not even know, why you sometimes need to understand where your instincts came from, detours are possible in relation to your habits. Yes, its a constant effort as the Holy Ones say, and you continue with this thought of alertness, and with practice it becomes you. Well you can only worship the Almighty in Spirit, or in terms of walking in the steps of Jesus say, you live the words and don’t worry about the person, amen.

To those that try to limit the thoughts of others, Jesus and the Parables explains it all, amen.

So don’t allow your past to frame you, or those who are aware of the past failings of others, consider the meaning of the signs, amen.

is there money in this chuck!

father is dragged in by the police,

abusive behavior report filed,

children involved you serious,

what’s going on charlie,

let’s call in the newspapers,

there’s a runner here i tell you,

and some cash for us afterwards!

human nature got to love it,

there’s a buck there’s a dinner.IMG_5757

Syrian Skies

refugees rushing the border,

the Iranians pushing wildly,

pope visiting congress,

Russians appearing happy,

Saudi going it alone,

mothers children weeping,

in the name of what,

whose fooling who!,

few good Samaritans,

confusion owns me.

Image from above,

one with blog,

it’s very real,

reform says He,


Sandy Hook Again

IMG_3677.JPG10-16 Lessons Learned In LifeIMG_5755

another day of slaughter

your sons and daughters,

medication everywhere,

minds as before,

waiting in expectation,

of Sandy Hook all over,

the warnings ignored,

them guns them guns,

used for simple,

Oregon slaughter,


The Access Code

The heart that loved was the access code, there was no other means, it was that simple, just as said 2,000 years earlier, and it was where Holy Spirit dwell ed, in the invisible soul, as invisible as soul, unless you were aware of how it manifested itself. The movement of nature, who could control love, it was very similar. We imitated life around us, our spirits, some had it strong, and more didn’t, most of it greedy, amen. It all started in the heart, and the prejudice.

There are no divisions, just man made regulations, as spoken, 2,000 years ago, amen.IMG_5757


I’m For The Birds

Baby bird sits quietly in the tree,

waiting patiently the way a baby bird be’s,

starts to smile when he see mammy in the sky,

coming home with dinner just for little old me,

wont be long before he fills his little tummy,

and the next day mammy goes out does it all again,

she don’t get distracted or lose focus,

she’s a mother and that’s her responsibility,

dad bird comes smelling of beer and sweet perfume,

mammy stares over  doesn’t have to wonder where he’s been,

of course that only happens to the human type,

animals birds fish and others of the species don’t have this problem,

next time you are called animal assume it a compliment,

it’s not the birds bees fish or anything of the animal world,

that has been raiding their own environment,

with the view to exploitation and profiting from it,

I’m for the birds,

just a thought on a Monday .Featured Image -- 1110228067Featured Image -- 1110227877patrick the oldest and largest living wombat (2)che2IMG_5757IMG_5222IMG_5507


How to communicate with God is the mother of all issues, and is the point we are aiming at here, and when we wonder about the blessings that God confers on us, how these blessings are passed to us, is what is important, not why.10-16 Lessons Learned In LifeghandhiIMG_5757

empathy for the refugee

Empathy, one track in a spaghetti junction of choice, what route will you take?.

The end of the matter,  woman walks hospital, in her P.J.’s, she’s ill and hopes, the doctors see her most days, they have her on hold, not sure if she’ll recover, but hopeful. The cost of comfort is innocence. The counters on both sides, the division bell, the referee’sof love or hate, chalk her down. The mystery of numbers, the scores close, will it reach a tipping point. Nervous smiles as another load go headlong down the main highway, the easy route, and it end’s nowhere. Fat Gary winks. The game will be over in no time at this rate. Pilgrims progress poor, around the bend, torment.

Heaven’s team is getting nervous.

You promised us a saviour says one

White beard sipping wine, shakes his head, just like the days of old, little faith. Have fear will run, will listen to anyone, it’s a miracle anyone every made it through. There’s a tap on the door.

Peter opens the door. Little boy big smile, two foot tall, peter stoops, he’s wearing a smile.

And where do you come from asks peter talking the boy inside. The child has arrived in heaven, made it through. Another recruit for the army of angels being prepared. I was crossing the water when I fell in, is my mother here he asks, all impish. Peter gives him a re assuring hug, she’s over there he points, with her other relations.

Peter taps into the child’s conscious, and the family left behind. They are hovering in a hospital room, the boy is on a bed. The father is praying. Relations around him, TV camera’s outside waiting, international news, this boy is certainly special, has managed to change many hearts.

What do you think, what are the choices?, do you believe in being born again?.

Boy opens his eyes, renewed with spirit, lives, everyone rejoices, mother is in tears, doctor cant explain, he must be blessed, another day another miracle. She reads the story of the boy on the beach, realises the gift before her eyes, gets to her knees, will be forever in debt, amen. empathy, the power of good example, amen.