Out of Help Out of Friends, Help…

She sits listless at the table, an array of medications before her, there are multiple tablets to take, blood pressure to worry, she has the whole damn thing covered, so her doctor said, this will get you through everything, she accepted his advice. Four years later she rues that day, she did what she was told, now she is isolated from her family, and she needs the medicine, more and more, she has a decision to make, she makes it everyday, she could take them all and end it, it’s right before her eyes, all that medication. She is not stupid, just a little unwell, the reason she went to the doc in the first place. She never realized it was all so addictive; what if, she turns her mind to the past.

Solomon was listening the the words of a friend, how perception is so influential his friend said. He could not agree more. When the world became individualized, how everything was itemized, how it only suited those in strict routines with narrow boundaries; the perfect recipe for human obliteration; the machine says this, here is how your supposed to think.

Jane is at the table, she counts the tablets, only seven. A glass of water, she will pop them, them fall into a tiredness, that will force her to sleep. Out of the way, out of trouble, no one will worry about her and her family will lose interest in her.

Solomon sighed; he hoped those who stole the resources of the people realized the harvest they had created, how is dripped down, leaving many without the necessary. he had seen the cloud, and much more, and there were some serious changes going on, that responded to real Love, what’s that you ask, Solomon wasn’t surprised by the question, you don’t hear people talk about it, but being Saint valentines week, they might yet understand.

Steal from the Holy Spirit, oh what a cost?





Love Those We Don’t Like — Jesus is the answer!.. re blog


“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” – Ephesians 5:1-2 The call to imitate God sounds impossible. Yet, just as a small child imperfectly mimics a parent’s actions, disciples of Jesus copy him. […]

via Love Those We Don’t Like — Jesus is the answer!

Jesus and Us

Dreams, it’s spoken about in the old scriptures, The Prophet is sent a dream, it’s a call for action, or a new awareness, it can be anything, it can even be an attempt to send you some place, in a nutshell, how does God communicate with us. You’d suppose, that to have communion with God, to be in communication that is, it’s assumed you are listening to what is going on around you, and if you claim, to be a believer, which is getting more telling by the day, given the changes the world is going through, it’s assumed, that as a Believer, you listen and try to apply the Teachings of Jesus to your life. Your not perfect, so don’t get lost in the mindset of those, who churn out words, of purity and all that, as only God is perfect, the rest of us, are die hard students, so loose the attitude, you start every day, the same way a bird flies from the nest, you do it every day.

Most important of all, as said all those years ago, there is no task more important, than that, which raises the Spirit. Why would Jesus say this, there has to be a great reason. Knowing our human nature, Jesus knew how easily we were impressed by those of wealth and reputation we look up to; Jesus saw it when He walked the roads of the Holy Land, how impressed we were with wealth. It’s written Jesus was tempted with everything you could imagine, but that was simply the material. The Spirit which comes from above and the Spirit that comes from below, are two very different Spirits. As time has shown, our desire for the Spirit below, has lead us, and the entire planet to a very dangerous space.

Believers don’t need to worry …Remember Moses, Abraham…

Easy for you to say, the words that slip from the tongue, are you able to prove it, the first words on most minds, easy for you to say. He is poorly dressed, his shoes leak, his hair is a mess, and there is only the price of a coffee in his pocket, don’t worry he says. Solomon sighed, he saw the Spirit at work, saw the anxious turn to happiness, it was the flip of a switch, come to think about it, so did Moses, but Moses always gave credit to God, he never tried to claim credit himself. Many years later, Jesus repeats the words, all glory to the Father. Those who are jealous of power and envious wondered, how can he do this; their response; he has demons in him they said. Jesus hears their thoughts, understands them better than they could possibly imagine and warns them; Dudes, you can say what you like about me, but if you dare insult the Holy Spirit, you won’t just regret it. Moses returns from the Holy Mountain, got the assurance from the Most High God, is content, this is working out he says to himself, he weeps, his joy immense, to have the approval of the eternal God, mega. Then he he see’s them back to their old ways, worshiping what’s earthly and common, same as those who judge people so quickly; not ambitious enough, you must be unwell; a child decides to serve God, had a career in front of him, what a waste his friends say. Forty years later, they ask their unambitious pal to intercede for them before God; life has a habit of turning around rather quickly. So if you believe, why worry then.

To see the wonders of God, amazing.

Friends From Heaven

So many spend their existence climbing the ladder, hoping to mix with those who have, spending their lives gathering what they will have to give away in the end, perhaps praying more as they age, hoping, while holding on to what chains them to the material, recalling their friends who have gone, wondering if they will meet after they pass, wondering who are their friends in Heaven.

Solomon paused, there was talk of change on the talking drums, was it talk, or was their going to be action. To have lived with those who lived fulfilling lives, who are recalled on account of their kindness, recalled cause they were compassionate, recalled because they were not the judging type, recalled because they leave a legacy worth remembering.

The Great truth, in times of old, the certainty of Heaven, and life mirrored that belief in many places; there is a God, you better listen and whatever you do, don’t offend him. Solomon sighed; when you know this truth for certain, and for certain he knew, it was wise to leave a legacy that others would find helpful, in their time too.

Why Should We Fear God? — Just Call Me Pastor… a re blog, all that old stuff is true, and it heals too, just imagine it.


A couple of days ago I found a site on YouTube that arrested my attention. SermonIndex.net contained portions from the sermons of six preachers whose ministry together spanned more than half a century in different locations. Whatever their geographic locations, their sermons had a common theme. With one voice, they contended that there was a […]

via Why Should We Fear God? — Just Call Me Pastor


Getting off your ass, saying goodbye to your friends, then waiting to be shot, on the orders of some despot sitting in a office somewhere, unbelievable, you could not write it, let alone imagine it. He slits the bag of powder, sticks in the tasting tool, tries to figure the potency, then smiles, agrees the price, great shit he says, putting down the small tool in his hand, the money is passed over, everyone is happy, business done, the powder delivered. A crime spree, the addicts can’t pay for it otherwise, it’s not fancy, it’s not a mansion behind closed doors, it’s not cool, but it ought to be legalized in some way, well, they chemical concoctions are unlimited and can’t be legislated for, impossible, the contents of the concoction are not in the legislation, so the lawyers say, the ones who come up with the rules.

Solomon sighed, he wasn’t frigid mentally, didn’t scoff the green, was glad to indulge, liked to get free of the world, so much stuff they go around with in their heads. They all carry baggage even if they don’t admit it, no one can fool the almighty. How simple he sighed, had they even heard of the intention of the law, not what was written, same applied to ancient scripture, a guide to the traveler, not the actual journey. One day, it’s a stream, that is what you are, impossible to believe, well try it first, before you give out.

Zombies rise from the trenches of the first great war, one after another, they walk into the metal barrage and fall dead, on top of each other, whose great plan was that. All these years later, only the arms manufacturing industry, the only industry that got the benefit, worth trillions, it has to start somewhere.

The Wise man and The Fool

I’ll get away with this, his lawyers are working full time, they want permission to demolish the ancient site, it’s such a breathtaking view, perfect place for a Golf Course. Determined to have his way, spoiled since birth, has got used to what he wants, curries favor, never a problem, gets to understand the needs or lacking in the lives that make decisions, how easily they can be swayed, is known to go the ultimate, has done it more than once.

The Holy Place, a space where the holy souls meet, has long been known for it’s healing qualities, but as faith has suffered over the years, and with jobs no longer freely available, many who lived locally have had to move away, leaving the space undefended, as the lobby for the developer knows. After many refusals and a change of Government, the developer gets his way. Press conference later, his lackies and the lawyer, tell the news people of all the jobs they are going to create, the prosperity it will all bring. The old man who fought tooth and nail to stop the move, his heart broken, grows ill and dies. Immediately he gets a full home welcome, is given a choice of places to live in peace and prosperity, anywhere on earth, and so his legend grows and grows.

The rich fool, continues on his remarkable rise, builds and develops as he pleases, progress he calls it, has the usual suspects working for him, knows they will do as told, uses chemicals to keep him going, five star health service, has plans to develop the entire universe, wants to master it all, is on his way. Wives come and go, he changes them the same way an average person changes his car. Admired for one reason only, does the PR circuit, builds a library or two, good publicity too, everything is on the up. While discussing the next great development, the lawyer drops the daily on the table, interesting news he says, would you believe it, some people still believe in God, the article is about a sighting in the

sky, a picture from the book of revelations. The developer shrugs, probably photo shopped he says, turning away, but his mind is drawn in, could not be true, hears the warning the old man gave him, that fateful day, all those years ago, you know you will have to answer for it, he dismissed it of course, an old Indian legend, who believes in such shit, angry old man, wait and see, next thing you will be telling me, that God really exists, hahaha.

That night, the developer gets a heart attack and dies, his soul transported to the ugliest city on the planet, he is a child born again, living in a slum he created, knows he will be there for the rest of his life and every life thereafter, a reminder of what he has done awaits him. begging by the side of the street, a tourist passes by on a bus, he recognizes a face, it can’t be, it can’t, the old man he chastised all those years ago. Then he realizes it, the revelation, he is having a Lazarus moment, what a fool he sighs. He will spend the rest of his time sitting in the dust, eternity, and there is nothing he can do, unless…

Solomon sighed, he said goodbye to an very cherished friend, about to set off on a new journey, they both smiled, there was ease in both hearts, no doubts, it was all good, how many of us can say that, Heaven is real, and the Kingdom of God is inside you, it’s how you treat people and respect for God, not too hard to do, just imagine it, amen.

Diary of a Friend

You don’t have to mind your words, you can stand on each others toes, say what is on your mind, and be what you are. In the real time world, where spin is the order of the day, how often to we have full on straight conversations, unsure uncertain do I sound all right, challenged you can’t handle that, then you encounter a friend, not a stranger you will never meet again, I never knew you loved cold potatoes, the stuff you can say, the openness of the heart and the flow, the same as a good tune that rolls across your head, the head bobs the face slides the beat goes on, that’s how real friendship grows.

Solomon sighed, an old friend, not too well, haggard at times and getting to the end of the journey, they meet in a place where the elderly live, there isn’t much life apart from the care, and if you have a working mind it can get very tough, the inability to express yourself fully, the nods and the sighs as you try to be polite and not offend. Well, Solomon caught the manual and threw it out of the window, started shooting from the hip and saw the Spirit in the room light up. In the company of a friend, isn’t that the way it ought to be.

She hears the car in the drive, checks the watch, where was he as this hour, she is going to check for the signs, a fresh perfume, hairs on his collar, the look in his eye, she braces herself. The door opens, he is wearing a big smile, and has a bunch of flowers in his hand, for you dear love he says, have you been crying he says, with deep concern when he see hers…

When trust is gone, it leaves a tragedy behind.

Me Too Hungry….

Me Too, Me Too, what are you saying Liz, your not making sense, Me Too, what’s wrong with you, we are all hungry, give us this me too rubbish. The weathered woman looks up at the overhead satellite, keeping on eye on them, while they starve to death, Me Too, hunger, who isn’t. Her Friend is stirring the mash they call food, a ladle in one hand, a mobile phone in the other, a modern smart one. She is reading about the Me Too revolution going on, she wonders if it’s a game show, many famous people are involved. Me Too she shouts, her friend sitting in the shade turns around, will you give up this Me Too rubbish or we will send you to the asylum. At least they will feed me there she replies, with a laugh.

The old lady gets up, wonders over to her friend, what is this Me Too business. Sitting in the middle of the desert, they are reading all about the new social media thing, what is it about, they don’t understand it. They press the right button, they go to an information section and donations, the younger one reads, she nods, Me Too she says, who hasn’t suffered in this world.

Suffering says the old woman, I haven’t not known it, amen, Me Too.