On a commission..

On the mission, don’t lose hope, there will be troubles. Solomon gets the call, a night journey of sorts. Half an hour before he was just on the phone. The sudden departure is met with bad weather, well, rain, the roads are slippy, accidents can happen. Slow it down, there is green slush on the road, your tyres won’t be able to grip, you’ll stamp on the breaks and slide across the road, perhaps in the ditch or worse. As happened fairly regularly, when Solomon was having a journey and the weather needed improving, it happened as quickly as this is written, just like that. It was as if, a hand from the skies was telling the clouds, move, or the wind needed slowing, it just happened. A big deal for some, well, lets say, the eternal boss knows your needs, and people are sometimes impatient.

The young girl is having trouble sleeping. Night time visitors, its a frightening event. At first they seem friendly, then it gets out of control, a combination of social media inputs and spirits playing with her. She wants to turn their influence off, she is not wanting to harm, but her life appears to have been taken over. She makes inappropriate comments, and doesn’t know what she is doing. Her mother asks The Most High for advice, Jesus in other words. Say the holy name and make a short prayer, it will be like the eternal judge reminding them, well, don’t completely ignore a chance for redemption.

blues brothers

The young man with the prospects is thinking the future for his children. We will have all this opportunity. The same day he reads at the upheaval in the world, mental well being, are people safe in the company of other people, how can i help this, his children and what about their friends and others, those who live in places, where mental well being is a daily challenge. The neighborhood now reaches to the end of the earth as far as business is concerned, its not shop local, its shop everywhere. Maybe I should run for the public office. How many votes would you need. At that moment, the newspaper is open. Such a rarity, they are nearly passed it as far as the electric folks are concerned. They deserve public money to keep them vibrant he thinks. What if they are lost, and the fingers do the work, well, we have clicked, no, three and your a prospect. Does this sound weird or not. At least the journalist is human.

Later, he reads, this can’t be true. Are they importing foreign ideas for social experimental purposes. Its odd. He has invested time in places, a fox on the hunt of the pursuers, not the pursuers on the hunt for the fox. The mob will be the mob always. Point left, they run left, point right, its right. When they get tired, they try something else. Not one to abandon the hopeless, Jesus thought, and Uriel tells Esdras; when God is with you, nothing is impossible.


The mission ennio morricone

Is this a novel from a brilliant mind. Was there too much or was it enough. What sort of spirits did he make a deal with, this stuff is extra ordinary, do they write stories and then write the cures later. Invisible people roaming the earth trying to steal your identity. of course not, Jesus has arrived and they are seeking any safe space in order to avoid His influence, amen.

Anyway, Benny Dolphin, counsellor supreme, is preparing notes. Well, testing the wine. Ah, nice and chewy, bit of a bite to that, he can hear the taste almost. Barney is off on a gallivant, so he says. Ah, there you are, orla appears out of his cottage. They are having a party at the magic hotel tonight. Benny looks over his style glasses, he wants to appear studious, they give him the professor look. Too much reading to do, and those parties he says, they can be anything. What, says orla. Benny smiles, he will be there later himself, amen.

She is reading the news, hopes to be a mother one day. Many women are put off at the thought of such a fundamental issue. They worry about the future, and how their children will fare. Its a fear that is talked up by social media. And its also a pointer, to the state of the environment. What can I do, asks this media influencer. Is leaving it to others doing enough.

Solomon thinks about the different levels of anxiety many are going through. Its not a bad time or worrying time, if you are preparing for the world eternal. If you think this world is the end of things, there is much to show, this is not the case.

Meanwhile, George thinks to himself. Four years only, a chance to put in place, safety measures, then having all the time in the world to enjoy the life ahead, with family worries at a minimum, and a nations spirit restored, good life’s work.

Meanwhile in Rome, they ask, how will we be recalled, amen.

In the strange worlds of psychic interference, what happens to those who bend the minds of others, and does this do any harm to their well being. What does Jesus say on such things.. Its dark down there, amen.

The day spot saved the sheep…

Solomon looks at the picture. In red, she stands among the political pals. A stern look on her face. What story is she reminding us of. Solomon was airing his opinions to himself, its important to free your thoughts, and well, lets hope there are those who are not nefarious in the vicinity listening, to take advantage of them, or as George Orwell would say, waiting to use them. The AI machine will have to be re programed if that’s the case, amen.

The number of journeys the lady in the red coat made. Not always encouraged, she was undaunted, it reminds Solomon of the warnings of Jesus when directing his thoughts to those in positions of authority. Your talents have a purpose, use them wisely.

The way the children came to her door, the desperately needy at times, how she was always prepared, they never left her without some giving. Same as the record seventeen Christmas cakes. How eaten bread is quickly forgotten, amen.

Addicted to the Holy Spirit

Jesus all those years ago, would there be any of it left at the return. The response, there are many types of questions you could genuinely ask. Many would not be impressed with the actions of some, particularly, the lack of vision at times, what organization do they work for, imagine the addict in recovery, the Spirit on the ground, seeking the peace inside, some heavenly refrain, while all they get is the murmurings of some, half information, stories of old, when the crisis was sign posted years before. It makes you think. The Spirit of the Almighty, can you think of the places where it could exist peacefully. So Jesus poses the question 2,000 years ago,. enough of a timely warning, to get the heads out of the ground, and all the same stuff that came after them.

Crisis, we hate those, they hate us, the mantra reinforced, re told, stories of tragedy and cruelty, re told, and re told, what sort of lent is this, what sort of advice are they passing out, what does the holy book tell them, have they read them at all some ask, its clear and straightforward, the bias you are supposed to refrain from. Jesus made clear the type of fasting required, and its not throw away advice, its written of, posted in the Holy Books, in case we forget later or someone else adds their impression to the words.

Solomon sighed at the great Sunday loss, and great the loss too, to Him personally, light from the heavens not some plied excuse of some know it all either, confirmed by the old Monk, what was it they were expecting, thanks!. The opportunity to advance the soul inside, what wonder, to put listening hearts into those that are young, well, they don’t suffer the tragedy of bias yet, and as for the next world, they’ll have time to explain, all motives are checked, its in the Holy Book.

So imagine the true spirit, worn out, years of moving on, trying to remain intact, the constant pressure that Jesus alludes to, and the return, what state will it be in, what have we got, who will we try to cheat this time, what will happen as a result of it, the options that were there, the conflicts that never needed to happen, and the outpouring of great lists of excuses, that only confirm the corrupt state of so much, where would you find peace. I only want to get well, I’m not in need of chastisement, the power inside me unspoken, the addict goes from one group to the next, the eternal enemy, watching, they are watching the signs overhead too. They know of the consequences too.

Imagine Jesus, imagine God inside of us, is that why there are those that go the distance and beyond, well, lets say, we were never told, we were fooled, lets pretend something new, I’ll put my name on it, this place may find me the peace I require. Solomon wondered what the angels were doing, well, the pal was of great help, great help, not a chancer, will they leave him in need of therapy too, and say, we didn’t know, when it was written while Holy Signs appeared, or think of the addict, there is a need, human nature has not excelled in the ways it ought to, why should we expect better, the cynical ask. Jesus of course, adds to the matter, keep strong inside, there will be times of great testing, you will suffer for your faith, but don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will be sent, patience.

So imagine God inside of us. The Spirit has to rest, Jesus lived life like humans, as man did, went through temptation, had to deal with His apostles, chastised them for their disbelief in the face of what is divine, and told them, not to complain when others, not of their group, encouraged others towards the Father.

So, what was it that Solomon wanted to remind the world of. Years before, he is in conversation with a very devout man, he tells him of what he encountered, and told Him of the changes to come, and likewise he told another, in order for them to prepare, well, to have such attention brought to you, from sources on-high, there is nowhere to hide as they say, when it’s all true, amen.

Today he deals with delinquents; Thirty odd years ago, this was issue talk. We are short numbers, we need faces. Were they all deaf when we explained, and then the changes, were they all made up, more what you ask. The addict is shuffled from place to places, like the nomad in the desert, life had to be that way in order to survive then, however, we have become more modern, there are safe places again, amen.

And those with the Holy Spirit, sigh inside, our voice is heard, but the actions need to be more, so great signs appear, to confirm, you are not alone. Amen.

Detox Queen

So it’s not what you planned, your interested in other stuff, well that’s new, you are helping others too, what do you mean, well, your reminding others too, your pointing out the problems, your highlighting issues, you argue well, okay if it’s a drama, your the detox queen, of course you will wiggle a little, your after presenting your problems to the world, and in that alone, you are helping others think that way too, your not as lost as you seem, and every day, your pushing the interest, make me sound like a teacher she replies, why not. There are many who speak all the correct words, who are smooth in words, easy to nod agreement, they get over the moment and then they are on to something else, gathering support, while forgetting what they were up to. The One who has had a few divine privileges, many signs too, its the conveyor belt of divine intervention your on, you can’t stand still, you need to rest between the angst inside you, that passes quickly, and your on the path again, and when it comes to taking it in your stride, so you slipped up a few times, normal people do that all the time, its just that they don’t need to share it too often.

The inside you, that’s what you argue with, many start off from different parts, look at this. The boy is given a status because he is a male, the woman gets the status all the time, because she has the mother’s ability, she’ll recreate only with the help of the man. Many put a spoke in the thought process; so you didn’t have a start like that, so you had difficulty from the start, its only mother nature as the angel might say, reminding us of the times, “mother nature”, she has had to endure a lot of chemical intrusion, and the people have had to absorb it, so, if we as mother nature teaches us, if that makes us weaker, its bound to show in places.

I’m not happy, I want my daughter, my child back. She listens to her friend. Its an emotional argument she can’t win; By herself, she reads the parable, the answer is there. How do you present yourself before God; the demeanor of a child, and children and that feeling; you see a mother on TV struggling, your heart reaches out, you hear of children in trouble, your heart reaches out, your a mother inside, you see children as your children, in short, thinking in that way, believing, you treat children as part of your responsibility, that’s simple to explain, well how can you be of light without being of the light, all that angst doesn’t exist, you have One who can help solve the problem.

She is talking to her friend, she is on a mission, time will sort it out, some times she goes beyond the norm, she visits at other times, its a reminder, this new world your entering, it takes awhile to get used to it, its easy to give up, how she knows this, this is like limbo, can’t go forward can’t go back, that stuck feeling, she reads to her friend, the head finds a little peace, another day passes, the normal feeling, eating and relaxing, no need for the fix, the nerves are settling, well, experience tells you, I’ve been through this part of the experience before, another step up, no one is lecturing you either, your filling up with wisdom, and so the excuse list dries up, why would I do this to myself, then you get the affirmation, the faces that remind you, they think well of me, and so you continue with the walk up the hill. What will it be like, your stronger from not getting it right, it doesn’t make sense, however your feeling it, and your liking this version of yourself, so keep it up, amen.

Our Chipped Minds…

It’s a long way since the old days, he is explaining to her, she is after giving him a menu of her expectations, he is ticking the chart, which she will insert into a card reader, she wants to have the optimum experience, that way, she will regenerate and fill with the human energy again. How long since your last fill up, he sits there, she is transfusing him, taking over his energy, he will feel drained, and will have convinced himself that he has done something good when he has done nothing at all, a new version of the demi mort as the french might have said, but since nothing happened, he is entirely after deluding himself, the same way a dedicated politician re reads and re reads words that he will present to a few people who’ll listen not, with the hope that a news reporter will pick up a sound-byte and link it to the AI computer, upon such an event happening, he will get an inter galactic voucher for some form of space travel in the year xy2300, then even when that date arrives if it ever does, but the fact that there will be no one to verify the event, it won’t be said that anyone was lying, so that makes it good and allowable on the new thought highway, it’s not influencing, amen.

The computer will then chip your brain and link it to the information, so that when you see three red lights in succession you’ll realize its Christmas, and start buying everyone you see a present, and at which point, the card will give up, and you’ll be asking the machine for a refund, when you tell the machine how clever you are, however, the machine will call the police, and have the cash machine taken away, for neglect, it should not have stopped pouring out the cash,.

Are you sure this is the right planet Sydney, earth people were supposed to be with it. The chief programmer is silent, they are out thinking us, meanwhile from a nearby office, there are human sounds, the robot police draw their machines, trying to record it all, what species of these are these, they draw near, the sounds high pitched, a goal, united scored again..

The mind, the inputs, the thoughts, the left turn, the color, another, the long legs another, the jumper, the skirt, the lipstick, the trolley, the stethoscope, detox, a hospital, faces, strange feelings, just want a life, looking dazed, have I permission to think, well, if I say that, nothing, the old ladies advice, the men angry, say nought, they will forget, will i make it home for Christmas, will the legs still work, the lectures were helping, the university is destroyed, the hopes, where will all those thoughts go, the promise, next day the same, the slow descent, is it a depression, is that the overall feeling, you can’t do anything about it, then Jesus and the Gospels ring true, and suddenly, you wake up, its all inside you, you don’t have to put up with it at all. Your a french farmer on strike, you will wait it out, they will see sense, no food on the table, they will get the message, same as the light above, it arrives, its green in shine, and its not made up, real.

Solomon and machine learning, it used to mean assembling a device or an appliance of some kind, now they want to assemble the mind for you as well. We’ll have stressors inside you, and if you start to malfunction, we’ll turn the stressors on for you, and when that doesn’t work, we’ll try to chemicalise the parts of you that are in need, so eventually, we’ll know everything about you, won’t that be so exciting!, and those who know all this stuff or thought it up in the first place, will turn on TV and see golf being played and ask themselves, we could have played golf instead than try to bore the entire planet.

He closes the door, the politician is free. He starts up the stairs. He is a dresser, well, he dresses every day. Is that not a double meaning, or is a cross dresser a dresser who cross’s at the dresser, or a dresser who is just cross, or what does it mean, meanwhile the AI machine has asked for respite, the memory chip about to explode, this is not happening.

Smile, Solomon thought of all the great signs, no complications, verified in the books of old, recalled in time and number, no need for complications, its all real, and its free too, what a wonder, and no one confused, you just have to follow it, amen, thank you Brigid, amen.

You Can leave your…..on the stand…

Coat hangar, heart hangar, the galway hangar, cheers, the doc said you need to keep your head warm, it can get cold you know. Solomon smiled, there are simple ways to explain, and there are confusing types, take the time, the world loves the puzzle, while those who have been waiting, well, did you ever see anyone drag a caravan up a steep road and down again, what would it do for the health, but you will find those who can shape scenes to please the senses, is this the Irish RM, that interesting TV show, what a joy to watch.

High Noon

The days lost, the cloud with the man, the book opened, the billboards it was missing from, what would have been, its amazing what a little thought can do. Jesus tells us there is no need to worry about the time, so long as you are prepared, its like the teacher arriving in class, stop, take out a clean sheet, here is the test, forty five minutes, the topic, yourself, tell me all about you, now, just do it. So don’t be a stranger to the Gospel Truth, amen.

Solomon was describing the scene, well, giving a taste of the manner of the time, anytime, what, and why this post, well, in other times Jesus was skpeptical of the pharisee’s, who appeared to know it all while not having a clue about the times. The result then, tells itself, as for the future. Well, Jesus and his followers, lets say, the posses heads in the other direction, amen.

The test in on, the students are numb, they look at each other, he goes out the door, smirk on his face, leaves them five minutes, they look for ideas from each other, then he arrvies back, large box of chocalots in hnad, starts to eat them, them stands up, looks around, starts to laugh, I was only joking he says, here, he passes out the box, a boy says, the test, teacher sighs, one day you will have it just like that, happy christmas, and don’t forget Jesus, amen, class dismissed, amen.

Jesus defeats the world!

This is a song, so don’t worry too much, but the title is a fact, the rest is a song..

There was a man who sought to be just, joined the ranks of freedom went out to fight, there was hurt too much the conflict was reduced, the means of victory only the destruction of friendship, he didn’t feel all right, but he never gave up on freedom, he prayed it would all work out. The pressure came they used the compression of facts, scared the living daylights out of his friends and relatives, hoped to get him to give up, of course he never has, he figured it would be all right. They took the furniture his clothes his ornaments but not his soul, he worked so hard they called him Job, and were left shame faced when they saw what the lord had done. Now they cower in fear at what may happen to them, this power the man was given, now its mercy they are seeking now its there time to be judged….

The fast guitar solo, the rhythm of the words, reminds of Mark Knoffler, that rhythm player, think of all those songs.

She leans back in bed, her body is heavy, the mind under so much worry, she hears the voice on the stairwell her color goes red in the cheeks, power comes to the limbs now that she is feeling all right, they might have drowned her in spirit almost, now she knows without doubt, that the Lord is with Him, what does she have to worry about, only a good night of dreams and happy story telling, the anxiety for the future solved no doubts whatsoever, amen.

Solomon sighed. The Gospel of John, and the other apostles, what they teach you, never give up, amen.

Human Judgement

It gets interesting Senor, let me show you. Che walks across the track, the doctor is leading him to those that are suffering the worst, Che looks, the faces, bodies once full, now a relic of their earlier beauty. How did it happen, is there anyone to help you. The doctor remarks with his hands waving, this is all there is to help, the young rebel decides to stay awhile and assist. He deals with the diseased, tries to imagine, one day he’ll help, social justice matters, fifty odd years later, they still applaud the name, unlike many they so quickly forget about.

They have a plan to fix the issue, well, the freedom that was allowed, directed many to places they would never have journeyed to, it becomes a major blight on society, they decide to set up their own form of leper camp, or so they think. We’ll manage them together, its easier. The human experiment begins, the spirit is not working, it will be easy to control and monitor. Into their company, angels insert themselves, they are on a judgement mission, it is reported back, is this the state of their faith, the secret divine, doesn’t want to appear misinformed, finds out for itself, this is what goes on, amen.

The story of Healing, the flow of the blood inside, lower or higher, it matters. Health matters, and when it comes to healing, Spirit matters. What have these who do the experiments, what do they believe in, where do they live with the Spirit, what sort of Spirit do they hold, is it the higher kind, amen.

The fallen angels were not spared according to the Holy Books, amen. Perhaps they didn’t amend when they could. Now with heavenly pointers, its the option to improve on the performance. Or how to explain it, the fear that was spread to many places, is now replaced by one fear, Fear of God, amen, how simple is that. Wisdom. All that negative stuff is replaced, with wholesome life thoughts, that lead you to recovery, amen. Are you patient enough, amen.

Dante’s Sludge Pie

It’s day three of the, your a celebrity, now your in trouble, the new game show, where contestants stand on murky foundations, that cause the body weighing on them, murky foundations, to sink lower into sludge canyon, on account of their murky answers to the suggestions. Its a game of wills, what made you do this and that, what will willed you on. The audience is made up of young hopefuls of the earth, who are seeking to make their own foundations on the planet, so its a real important game show, as every so often, we all have to face the sludge tunnel. The contestants are lined up across the sludge canal, who can get from A to B, without sinking into the sludge.

Solomon sighed, the parable of Abraham and Sarah came to mind. The man with all the privileges who passes, not aware of how damning the future can be, appeals to Abraham, so the story goes, a parable of Jesus is told in the new setting, showing the life there is in His words, amen. The one gone ahead wants to warn those coming after him?

Anyway, its like the fate of the contestants in the sludge finals, the one ahead, the sinking feeling, the weight of matters, think of the parallels, how many options there are, and of course, the various ways of avoiding the sludge altogether, amen.

Sludge could be the woes of others, drowning out your space when you need space to make good ones, amen. And of course, cleaning up the messes you make, rather than trying to hide the dirt, helps, amen.

Dante’s Porridge

Step in here, the contestants enter sludge valley, its a standing game, the more you struggle, the lower you sink, and guess what the sludge contains, goat juice special brew, the contestants struggle, is this celebrities in trouble, the new show on the Mullingar channel, they struggle, the crawlies are around the waist now, breathing, the move, you sink a little lower, the belly, then the chest, your conscience tumbles, more fretting, your up to your neck in trouble, the crawlies are over your face, the lower lip, you start to swallow sludge, until you fill up, then you are at the starting gate again, have you learned anything the host asks, the sludge, I’ll think slowly, no angry thoughts, you hold the position a little longer, others pass you out, what, have they a thirst for goat juice supreme, you make a little laugh, more time, your a sonder commando, your piling up the corpses, how will you escape this, you try not to think, only this, the thought of getting out and making it known, the extent of the deception, mass liquidation of your people.

Now your thinking of others, you rise in the sludge, thinking of the welfare of others, your reaching out, your finding hope in the most hopeless of places, or your Mrs Carey with a twenty footer for a half, she studies the line, the line is taken, have no doubts, she strokes the ball, rolls it, watches it close on the hole, the ball turns slightly, drops into the cup, the other players can’t believe it, she has done it again. On the putting green she was helpful to all, she didn’t choose, she reached out, the game is to be enjoyed, your all equal on the golf course, the lessons games teaches us, when your allowed to play, well, there are those who live in a world of torment, what game is this, they look back, they recall the names of those they lost, so ,many of them, what a drug to have to endure, makes you pliable, same as a hungry child with nothing on the mind but food, will grab the first hand that offers, just eats, how easy it is to cause such a vulnerable mindset, and those who know of this, what chances the child with the open heart, amen.

Francis, Francis, who is offering you the help through third parties, so say, there is too much of a political bias involved, who planted such thoughts, ask, so they corral you with worry, why, what is their goal, so many simple options missed, amen.

In a far and away place, the woman smiles, she prays, she see’s his face, he smiles back, I thought it might be of help to you, you were always kind, and as for those who surround you, don’t worry, the Power of Eternity is here, and those that invade such thoughts, don’t cherry pick, many great insights were lost, as some try to take credit, I said this, I said that, trying to find favor like sycophants at times, and they think, Solomon smiled, the beach scenes, Benny Dolphin is on the sand, Cynthia Coral is lying beside him, they are discussing the oceans, what a mess they leave, and the promises, don’t worry. When Phillip smiled, at the truth of the story of the throne in the Sky, the shared moment of Joy, its great to get the connection, and as he, Phillip says, what a privilege is that, shown to few. Imagine Esdras and Uriel talking the talk, and now, all those years later, amen. The pain is gone, the breathing is fine, a good sleep, a sweet reward, just believe, amen.