boy meets false prophet

Elvis in the year 2024, well its sort of Elvis, well, don’t sell your talent for the short gain, times and faith will see you through, Tennis protege, talented coach has worked hard and long, the sparkle of success, you can have this, that, the other, wall street style life, and not in years to come but real soon, its aching the temptation, the talent is there, time matures it, a year later he is reading the Gary player book of golf, what are you doing asks his companion, what, he says nought, the greens are tricky like at Augusta, he thinks, I’m glad i stuck to the basics, Mrs Carey had one so called lesson, Mrs Carey you don’t need any lessons, so what are you doing in the bunker, what, its practice time, I want to learn the green slope, what, down on his hunkers, parallel to the ground almost, Gary Player, I’m reading the green, do greens do you for bucks though, hahaha, according to Gary, you have 2 putts per hole, that’s a lot for a round of golf, gold on the green, money in the bank.

That’s a nice driver, the price though, that other stuff, all the benefits, Gary Player again, you must learn how to struggle, even when learning to walk, and if you want to borrow this, why is he offering to help, maybe he just likes the way i golf, what does Mammy think, what, the two cars at the lights, flash and strong, flash has the glitter, Strong has performance, what would you choose, that old putter was a winner, why do I create such doubts, you lose a short foundation, what, the weather is always sunny on the circuit, think aloud, what am I doing this for, its not ambition alone, its inside, its character formation as well, think before you risk it, the way golf teaches you.

Solomon smiled, Mrs Carey, always ahead of the posse in terms of inner preparation, but she had all the housework and stuff done first, family, and if in doubt, what did Jesus answer, amen.

On offensive ways, sometimes it takes awhile to learn the new ways. What, the old society meets the new one, well, its more western, people are more outspoken, its a market driven world, to survive, its hard to be polite, or the games people play, like that scene in Schindler, the boy cleaning the bath, okay, so we have to put up with little insults, what are you shouting at, five minutes later they are sharing a fizzy drink., no harm intended, we survived that way, you would not believe what we have had to endure, patience, look, its the stuff that happens, traffic jams, there are more important issues, besides, the Almighty checks all motives, stop worrying.

Lady Teacher

She has a very kind streak. Has been lost to her friends awhile. She encounters loneliness, and it adds to her woes. Its a time in the year when she is sensitive. Others, grifters we call them, get to see her as an easy mark. She are militaristic in their approach. A young girl has too much adult thought. Her needs become obsessive. Other spirits recognize her plight. A troubled woman has an addiction, others know, and use her to fulfill their own, amen. Jesus, how we treat others, amen.

The day spot saved the sheep…

Solomon looks at the picture. In red, she stands among the political pals. A stern look on her face. What story is she reminding us of. Solomon was airing his opinions to himself, its important to free your thoughts, and well, lets hope there are those who are not nefarious in the vicinity listening, to take advantage of them, or as George Orwell would say, waiting to use them. The AI machine will have to be re programed if that’s the case, amen.

The number of journeys the lady in the red coat made. Not always encouraged, she was undaunted, it reminds Solomon of the warnings of Jesus when directing his thoughts to those in positions of authority. Your talents have a purpose, use them wisely.

The way the children came to her door, the desperately needy at times, how she was always prepared, they never left her without some giving. Same as the record seventeen Christmas cakes. How eaten bread is quickly forgotten, amen.

Che Guevara

Why did the man stop at the leper colony, what does it teach us. Who are we referring too today. The need to think outside the box. The man takes a another route while on holiday. He sees the people most in need of help, there are few there to help the French doctor who has put his own health on the line. Che, a doctor in the making, doesn’t ignore his calling. Perhaps in the modern world, those who are different are the people he is trying to help. In his time, those who were different, were poor, and in need of help. To feel good about yourself, helping with things, making others feel wanted and with friends. The pal who is lonely in school, no one to talk with, maybe they have lost a parent or someone is sick. In little ways we can do what Love demands, and that’s not hard on the heart, amen.

Years later, down in the club, Solomon is doing the social, meeting and greeting. Ah, a regular appears, a bit of a loud mouth, nothing more, makes stupid comments, then gets a sneer, why does he say that, Jesus would have said, turn the other cheek. Its only a late night comment from someone whose a little intoxicated, nothing more. You don’t expect a confrontation, how often do we hide secrets, amen. Later, there is a call to erect a statue to Che, there are objections. Just some who don’t want reminding of his influence.

Now, they wish they had treated Che kinder, perhaps. His picture is all over the world.

Francis worries over the succession. No need to napalm the doubters, bad stuff, think of Vietnam, if only the civil rights lawyer had stayed at the law. Solomon thought of his little friends, they need a good start, and funds, if in the poor areas. Imagine going on holiday with no spending money, it can cause great hurt. And Happy souls make great workers later. Maybe those that want to control things, use money and access to it., to deny good deeds.

In a nutshell, the good lawyer, who is thinking of ways to improve things. Even though he has a track record of getting it right, those in comfortable surroundings, don’t like the man who can do what they can do, and better, without having their resources, because he shows them up. For years they make life difficult, denying the entire population access to great advice, and we wonder, thanks grass hopper, any ideas, cheers to the health, amen.

The CIA, what. The effort to cause distress, well, usual suspects may apply, amen.

Port of Call

Close to the wind, she flies through the water, Captain Gravel at the wheel, are we near a port, the cargo has to be unloaded, who has the timetable of the seas, up and down the coast, who else is using the charts. Solomon sighed, the unaccounted accidents, called accidents, the child of his close relation, strange indeed, now there is hope though, from far off locations, as nations emerge from crisis, they unwind the cable, are these the folks you are looking for, the cast is named, a clarity emerges, so that’s how you do it. just imagine it.

Human needs, yes, the minds so interfered with, are some nations getting help from extreme sources, don’t they know of the power of God. Dear, we have some new relations, ah, the look of them, the little people in green, ah, an Irish welcome, what will we call them, lep with them all, ah, come here you little things.

By the way, there are those who have no care for other human beings, care to help us, amen. The woof woof woof variety are sent in, followed by the birds, how to communicate, there are issues of the cold, we could use assistance, wisdom a prerogative, there are good mixed with the bad, Parable of Jesus, move with caution, they are fenced off from harming others, good neighbors instead, amen.

The Story of the Rock

Appeals are made, decision makers aware, the words are peace minded, from whom is the request from, the papal appeal, nonsense says a journalist, that’s surrender, your calling for peace, (they said the same in Northern Ireland before the peace) anyone reasonable assumes peace is a form of retreat, standing back, asking, not the same head space that conflict brings, so do they heed the warnings, while signs from above, confirm, there is a divine interest looking on. The prophet might add; so you think peace is difficulty for you, put yourself before the eternal judge, you’ll soon think very differently, amen, wishing you had made the space for peace to be spoken of. Anyway, they continue their disagreement; one country says to another, this war you are fighting, without our support where would you be then. Your putting peace elsewhere at risk, encouraging whom. Do you want to receive your tab now, or are you prepared to accept your fate. Whom are you taking with you, they want peace, if they say so, they become lepers in their own country, unpatriotic.

Solomon listened, and listened, why, out of respect for peace efforts. So imagine the following, and its not at all distorted or out of the ball park. Everyone will have to face that moment, some will run to it, some will run from it, if they could choose. This is a one way ticket.

A line is drawn, no more of that, could this be Jesus telling the men and boys who are about to throw rocks at the lady caught in the act, to take notice, I assume your not guilty of this crime yourself. They walk away, Jesus offers the words, well don’t be doing this again.

Anyway, there is a man who wants to put up a marker, or monument, for those who will have their lives shortened, by the actions of those who had the ability to stop the arguing Lets say, the man is ambitious, decides to take on, all the regions of conflict. His plan a very simple one. He decides to add the names of those that fall on account of no peace being found, from a certain date. He adds in the cost of the conflicts buildings and rebuilding, salaries, machines, he is doing the full Monty; so this is how you respect the resources of the world, he adds. Every week he issues a report, this is what was lost here, this is the cost of lives, with names of the innocent, underlined. So peace is hard to reach, they nod their heads. He points to the doors. For peace says one door. Each week, the news is brought to the attention of the war planners. Some are weary and privately want peace; to live with their salaries, they do what they are told.

Six months later, peace becomes lasting in places. The old accountant’s sword appears. You could have saved all that, the trauma you caused, this, the hopes of heaven, interfered with potentially, so some will think. If only we had chosen a more peace orientated dialogue, what it would have saved us. Instead, we have all these souls who will be demanding action, at a time when the Holy Spirit rules with authority, what will we do then.

The man goes home, he has said what needs to be said. Its personal, not some far off theory, its quantifiable, more lawyer friendly too.

Francis makes the same appeal. The listening channel is working now. In some places, there has been historic conflicts, that some use to justify further conflict. However, since the signs tally with what’s in the holy writ, thoughts of immortality become widespread, while a techie forgets to pay the electric on the suspended souls corporation, a service that cost a small fortune for a chance at rebirth, the techie however, escaped, leaving an awful stench in the building, amen, instead of that sweet smelling fragrance that’s earthy and sweet to the senses. Should have invested in power stations instead, amen.

To add a climax to the occasion, a big ending say, the man sets a monument in stone, in the seas. AS the toll of the eminently good rises, so does the monument. Think the logistics. Then, with too much time and money to spend, a maritime lover, decides to remake the Titanic, and as scripts go, the monument of rock is unseen, just a tip of it is visible, where is Jack and Gwyneth gone. I will love you for ever… can you play another tune please…

And to reflect; recall the parable told, of Lazarus and Abraham together, enjoying the new life! if only I had known says the man seeking the drop of water. Today we have signs, telling us, amen.

The Pen is Mightier than the sword….

You might get a chance to wield your authority, but what will you be recalled for. Words. The air is dense, the first thing he notices as he steps off the plane, heat, he feels overdressed. I should have thought more, the heat, what does it do to you. The meaning of siesta comes to mind. The Teacher on his first overseas appointment. He has had a dream that has lived inside him for years. The recall always points to a young student, driving her car in Mexico. Follow your dreams, he comes from overseas. White, pale looking, out of place, in a few days he’ll have a tan, that’s if they don’t deport him for having original ideas. Mexico, he was reared on freedom stories and struggles. He walks to the terminal, not even a bus as he expected. They will have a sign with your name on it. Pedro Murphy.

The class is in a private school; he is learning Spanish too. On an exchange, he will be there for three months, before the assignment ends. So the plan goes. Can I do this, he’s arrived anyway, he in the crowded terminal, the entrance, Mr Gonzalez, not him, Ole, not him, Pedro Murphy, in green writing. The taxi takes him through the dense streets, traffic half moving, the taxi goes around the side streets, takes a look back at his anxious passenger. This short cut will save you time, believe me. Pedro Murphy nods. He has heard the stories, the dark stuff is first off the lips when it comes to giving people advice. How long did he last in Mexico.

He met her at the machine, that was all. He keeps his thoughts tight inside, there are those, who, brag about their abilities to fish the minds; its worrisome depending on how susceptible you are to invasions of the mind, which he thinks as current, with all the social media detritus that he has had to deal with back home. Why have they no classified method, to thrash out the mind cheaters, those who steal your time, whatever else.

Galway girl, the tune is playing on the car radio. He feels at home for a moment. Its a Spanish version, still sounds great, he moves his head left and right, listening to the jive. You like smiles the taxi driver, he nods again. Our new singing sensation, she picked it up from radio. Music, the familiar method of communication these days. Listening without prejudice as the great singer used to say, or was it the album title, George Michael. A lot has changed. Its the start of lent, (Ramadan)he is thinking of what to give up, or attempt to give up. God loves a trier. Nothing comes to mind, he is in a new country. The world is a new country since those times. He imagines Jesus in a bar, sinking a few Guinness with some new friends he has made. They could be the aftermath of wedding, or some other family gathering. They are trading stories. Yes, its all true, the group become friends. Perhaps they arrived in the town from another place, and in their privacy from home, they are enjoying some moment. From a window, heads appear and look in, scowling. Its supposed to be fasting, look, there he is, drinking, and that fellow in the corner, we know what he was inside for, and that woman by his side, she’s no better. Solomon sighs, the old story, what is true fasting.

The different prejudices we acquire, almost by accident, almost unknowing. Alone, we may not think this way; around others these are thoughts we share, it seems a contradiction. Jesus had this issue, everything he did was recorded by others, hoping to find favor with their bosses. Any way you help us undermine him, your reward will be great in Heaven, what some hear. Jesus, too aware of this constant effort to undermine the spirit, decides to tell them his mind. Spirit, what will you do without it, complain all the time. What good will that do you. So you seek the approval of men, should you not aim a little higher.

In short, Jesus reminds us of the type of fasting, or the mindset we should be in, when fasting. The dark thoughts we have about others, what sort of living is this. Think, God, your heavenly Father is aware of all this stuff, you want to have a record of compassion and charity towards others, at the very least. How can you have such dark thoughts and still claim to be children of Abraham. Needless to say, 2,000 years later, we have absorbed, many thoughts. Think of the inside feeling; well it only gets out of me when I’m angry. What, so many out there, hope to cause feelings of anxiety within you, which you pass on to others seamlessly, if your not warned of it. So think about, the bias’s you have, and go to work on them. Amen.

He even drinks with them. Recall, the wedding feast of Cana, the wine jars are empty, the wedding feast is in full flow. To be short, it was a once in a lifetime event in those times, marriage, getting married, it wasn’t introduction alley, whose next if this doesn’t work out. Of course it was simpler back then, the amount of social was limited, populations lived in their own, people were separate, and wars were fought on a regular basis. Different times, as with the four Gospels, that tell of different ways to understand the eternal world.

So what makes us do the things we do. Barney Dolphin was swimming casually along the coastline, when he stops to watch the beach people and their bright colors. He spots a flaying swimmer, some person calling for help. He makes a rescue, and is glad afterwards; that was something to feel good about. The two legged may have been part of the problem he was trying to solve in relation to his living environment, however, he didn’t allow his prejudice to stop him being helpful. So, now, when he swims, he takes note of his surroundings, and when he retells the story, he is also reminding others, to be aware when near or in water. Inadvertently, he is helping to pass on live saving tips, amen. What would happen if he allowed his prejudice to take him over. Even in the Great Film, Lawrence of Arabia, we have Lawrence going to the rescue of one of his servants friends.

Teaching us, lets not worry about what happened thereafter. Betrayal has happened to many. Same could be said, of the horror the Jewish people faced all those years ago. Take your luggage, make the labels clear, put down all your details. Why would they make such a fuss of this, unless they were going to reunite us with our stuff. History tells of a dreadful deception. So in memorial to all the righteous dead, surely we want them to point to our good deeds, amen.

What sort of story is this?. If you were troubled before, you will be a little confused now, hopefully. Confusion, how can that help any situation. Well, elevators go up and down according to their makers design, minds are somewhat different. Sideways, up-ways, good days, happy days, ordinary, there is a lot of thoughts in there, fighting to be listened to, not all are healthy. If she was .. if he was.. that’s nice.. one of those wouldn’t be bad…what was it you were thinking. Ideas, clear the heads first. Dirt in the petrol, the car will eventually let you down. Same way, bias or ill feeling can twist your judgement. Many people are caught in this framing o the mind, thoughts that get reinforced.

He has great heart, and is truthful in his ambitions. Altruism would be his identity with those that actually know him. He deals with the public, they are shorted in what they know about him. Every perceived mistake, a landmine. They hope to undermine him, for no reason at all. This is what they are up to, perpetually. A game to them. Someone more pliable would suit their purpose, amen. The man, while privileged in upbringing, was reared to be responsible.

Solomon sighed, your not children now, there is 2,000 years of existence to draw upon.

Late Night in Sunshine

What did I do to myself, we’ll never meet girls. He looked at his friend. The booze was having no affect. Heat and alcohol does not work when you have chores to do. It makes you anxious. The bar is nearly empty, we won’t get seduced here for sure. Its a learning holiday, I have to take him home with a new attitude. The way that other thing controls him. He needs to have a story of his own. One few can compare with, one few would dare to risk. The beach would have been an option, well, lets say, for what. There was no gap in that front, connected as they say. Its dark, from the side comes a voice, then the person, free drinks, half price tokens, flyer folk, young people who go to holiday places, and earn cash touting for business, for the local restaurant or bar. Everything is seedy late in the evening, that’s a given. (smile).

Any way, the drive to the remote beach would sound exciting in today’s world. The four in the car would be expected to be up to something. No., not voyeur world or whose turn is it next, none of that stuff, more like, what, I never thought it was like this, trying to mind surf late at night, the prudent friend getting into it as well, the eyes opening, knowledge learned, not an empty time.

Years later, an innocent comment with a few bits left out. Years after that, from an infernal source, the same comment is heard again, what, the link to the past. Another user of people, another one who sold others on?

My life is dark, there is nothingness, I’m alone, the noise is the same, emotions, what are they for, I’m a goldfish in a bowl, and no one is cleaning the water. I started out with great hope, I lived on the words spoken to me, I trusted in those close to me, there it is, how did faith manage to live through it all, is the great miracle. That emptiness inside, the space I reserved for love and goodness, an empty barn, always waiting to be filled, my mind can’t deal with this, try some of this. She is after dealing with a lot of lovelessness in her life. Hungry to fill the void, she is young and attractive, he promises her so much, try some of this, will I, she refrains, later, another invitation, later another invitation, eventually she succumbs. Great at the start, success, it looks so easy, then trouble arrives, or was it invented to procure her into a life of slaving for others. How circumstances are arranged.

He has an interest that is in the shadows. Its spoken of crudely. He is young, he begins to dislike others on account of it. He tries to fit in, remains distant, they are not like me, what would he turn into, what we do to get interested.

Solomon on violent love and the harm it causes, and the way its so cheaply spoken of. Ah, that’s nothing. You’d be jailed for trying to starve your child. Now we have nations, who starve the children of other nations, and they call it policy. Who is the good Samaritan!.

Total Bitch

She is a pure bred. What words. Total bitch. He wants his pet to have another generation. How we ask for the mercy of the Almighty. The crossing of the two creatures. What eyes, the color of the coat, temperament, oh she’s a total bitch he says.

Years later, the AI computer is reading the summary. There are so many different meanings to the word bitch. Solomon and lost meaning of words.

Later, on a small farm., where there is a side business in animal reproduction, or puppy farm, the two involved are looking at the Yorkshire terrier. Stolen of course, animals with that confident temperament don’t come cheap. And if you can reproduce them, dollar signs.

Solomon sighed, the teachings of old, and the original gift, when the Arc of the Covenant was with the Israelite’s, the great losses suffered when they turned away from the divine, the great recovery, the arrival of Jesus to simplify things, and the earlier words on the extension of the family, and what was discouraged. To people of this day, they look very harsh in meaning. Looking back, it was all about the preservation of the Spiritual container. Great news for the current generation, amen.


Wanted, the poster, what was so funny then. Those we rely upon the ones we try to bring down. Too common, always there, seemingly available, always, easy to manipulate, often helped too, others, there for the people, there to help, did we do this to our selves. Now we need them, all of us, divine intervene-rs, those with the Spirit, we have all heard about the other. The loss to others, is this Jesus on the law of the talents. Is this Jesus on responsibility, in short, do we test the patience of the Almighty, we act like children at times, but do we always act that innocently, do we undo ourselves. God hasn’t showed up in awhile they used to say. Now its every day, the story reveals itself. What is it that drives us, what does it matter, we all have to go through the gap.

Treasure Box

Baby!, her labor pains have begun, there is joy on the faces of the women. At last. The new arrival will take all their attention as they should. New leaf on the tree. The women chat easily. Its time, the baby knows it. The prayer picture on the wall, reverence for God. There will be no other thoughts inside today, new life.

Solomon on the new times; Jesus is the go to man for insight on all things today, amen.

Look, there will be space on the next rocket ship, I swear!. What choice do they have, but to believe him. He lied about the others, he, they walk away, what!.

Francis, the number of files would fill a medium sized office. He looks at the monsignor. If we got even 10% into real service again. 10%, even one per cent says the monsignor would do. Francis looks at the monsignor. I think we’ll be needing a coffee machine in here. Done Papa.

Recycle recycle recycle.

New list of Holy Orders issued, amen.