boy meets false prophet

Elvis in the year 2024, well its sort of Elvis, well, don’t sell your talent for the short gain, times and faith will see you through, Tennis protege, talented coach has worked hard and long, the sparkle of success, you can have this, that, the other, wall street style life, and not in years to come but real soon, its aching the temptation, the talent is there, time matures it, a year later he is reading the Gary player book of golf, what are you doing asks his companion, what, he says nought, the greens are tricky like at Augusta, he thinks, I’m glad i stuck to the basics, Mrs Carey had one so called lesson, Mrs Carey you don’t need any lessons, so what are you doing in the bunker, what, its practice time, I want to learn the green slope, what, down on his hunkers, parallel to the ground almost, Gary Player, I’m reading the green, do greens do you for bucks though, hahaha, according to Gary, you have 2 putts per hole, that’s a lot for a round of golf, gold on the green, money in the bank.

That’s a nice driver, the price though, that other stuff, all the benefits, Gary Player again, you must learn how to struggle, even when learning to walk, and if you want to borrow this, why is he offering to help, maybe he just likes the way i golf, what does Mammy think, what, the two cars at the lights, flash and strong, flash has the glitter, Strong has performance, what would you choose, that old putter was a winner, why do I create such doubts, you lose a short foundation, what, the weather is always sunny on the circuit, think aloud, what am I doing this for, its not ambition alone, its inside, its character formation as well, think before you risk it, the way golf teaches you.

Solomon smiled, Mrs Carey, always ahead of the posse in terms of inner preparation, but she had all the housework and stuff done first, family, and if in doubt, what did Jesus answer, amen.

On offensive ways, sometimes it takes awhile to learn the new ways. What, the old society meets the new one, well, its more western, people are more outspoken, its a market driven world, to survive, its hard to be polite, or the games people play, like that scene in Schindler, the boy cleaning the bath, okay, so we have to put up with little insults, what are you shouting at, five minutes later they are sharing a fizzy drink., no harm intended, we survived that way, you would not believe what we have had to endure, patience, look, its the stuff that happens, traffic jams, there are more important issues, besides, the Almighty checks all motives, stop worrying.

Transgender in Love

Hurtful well spoken thoughts, how they can cause offence. Explaining them clearly. Its not a case of them or us. Reality and pressure, a dialogue that needs to be explained. In some parts, there are those that experiment on thoughts, and how to access them. Its not a TV program, its a reality, cloning the thought process, whose thoughts though. Jesus will help you explain things. Transgender, it simply means there are those that are lost in the old ways, and seek meaning in their lives. The only conspiracy, those that dabble in that area for nefarious purposes. Certain folks start off life slowly, their gifts not yet ready in themselves. They can be assisted to develop faster, maybe they need active stimuli. Birds can see light the human eye can’t, amen.

To say we are against such people, is a false impression when spouted out with clear reasoning. So a document is issued, its a talking work, it needs to be discussed. The carpet has got so high in what we try to hide, we tend to ignore it. Who wants to discuss what they don’t want to understand. In short, pray for wisdom to come and help you, and as Jesus says, be patient. Its not a magic wand, amen.


You can’t understand the frustrating thoughts inside, think of this, your inner glands, and what is secreted there, everyone has them. When the glands work, your health is naturally good. What is illness, put heat stored in the wrong places. Its why healthy exercise burns off the excess heat inside. Or imagine the workplace where one gender dominates the environment, the angst felt by those who are most sensitive. We know this now, its an awareness that is being dealt with. Or imagine the boy who is shamed when young, the memory that lasts, the errant behavior later.

Solomon was appealing to those who have spiritual influence. Think it out, whom are you appealing to, are you aware of the sensitive nature of so many.

Later, he sits over a coffee. Spirit well being is so vital to a healthy soul. He recalls the Sunday drive, the monastery gates, the light from above, the light in the Holy Space. Take back the comment, intimate living, how is the space being treated. A mother gives birth, its been six months, the need to recuperate. Is she ready, her body has undergone serious realignment, the baby’s skull is soft on top to help with the removal, she might have had to be cut, maybe in love, a little thought should be given to the matter. Barney Dolphin looks at Benny Dolphin, how come this sort of thought is not common. Benny sighs, why do the oceans heat up and why have we delayed taking action. Barney smiles, is that the job your preparing me for. Benny smiles with delight, his pupil is learning fast. Did I tell you barney about the day the cloud arrived, or the night the stardust fell on me. Barney sighs, Of course Benny Dolphin, who could ignore all that, amen. And don’t forget the Kilmallock rescue either, barney smiles, we are all little miracles, you sure are sighs Benny.

I’ve to get some space, Barney watches the Benny slide off his shower chair, and into the water. The old monk looks on. I’ll have the biscuits ready when you return. Benny takes some thoughts with him into the great outdoors, where he can dwell on thoughts, uninterrupted. We need to think outside the box, amen.

Help your thoughts, story telling, the happy stories we listen to, they are online now, you don’t even need to read. The gingerbread man, the fairy tales, how they help us to understand, and we feel good afterwards, all the bad stuff dealt with, you sleep like a king should. None of that big time stuff, wait until your older, your maturity grows up with you, that’s what Uriel the Holy Angel of God told Ezra, its in the second book. And if you find it difficult sometimes remember what Uriel says, with God’s Help nothing is impossible, and that sort of advice will not lead you into danger, amen.

By The Throat

What, she listens to her friend retell the story. He listens to the jab comment as if he is meant to hear it. And he an important person, with access to many people too, who’d believe her he thought years later. Maybe it was a pointer to those games some people play. Games. Games don’t lead to secret trails, unless its total fear your encouraging, are people not strange. Solomon is lying beside his lovely, its been a time of great relaxation, a fine breakfast, fresh coffee, croissants, home made jam, and some nice eggs, fresh and not farmed, while there is a bacon, but its on the wall. They really have taste around here. Detective Jennie is smiling, when in doubt, her pal Solomon is good at filling in the Gaps.

The thrill isn’t gone she sighs, how do you do that thing, you mean butter the toast, well its always a Kerry spread i use, the great world of lush pastures produces some happy cows, and then its creamy and tasty, yums she says taking a slice from his plate.

So, what can I do for you he asks. I’m working on this case, its a strange one, we’ve come up short, and we know we are there, you ever get that feeling. He watches her as she moves to the bathroom, the movie rear window comes to mind, the lady recluse, he keeps on reading. Every thought is a code to another existence. Some have favorite words, that’s why i have rescue thoughts going on permanent, its like breathing, it becomes you.

Had they marking he asked, or was something missing in all cases?. What. The AI computer could help you here, it does have good functions, unlike all machines, that can take over your life, with proper minds at the controls, think of all the missing clues out there. Don’t they believe their own stuff like pattern thinking, even with timetables etc and codes, even if changed overnight.

My oh my is this my birthday or not. Detective Jennie reappears from the bathroom, in her birthday suit, a cake with thirty three candles on it, all for you. I’ll be on the scales. His eyes pop out at the view, lady, where did they get a model like you.

You mean to say, they pretend to play that game, then at the time, yes she says. What happens then. His ears burn from what she exposes. That’s their thrill, I’ve heard enough, amen.

Water and People…..

melt the ice Bill, they huddle around the camp fire, if Estevan Spielberg wrote the script, it might be shark they were eating, good intentions, we need action on water, hurry up bill, he sighs, like the garage days, melting the ice, the drive snowed over, walls of snow on the sidewalk, now, he thinks, what is it with water, yes, some of us have been trying to preserve the stuff, a little ice melting for the coffee, it reminds him of the times in the hiking routes, this stuff was routine. He tries to listen to some of the stuff, its heard all before but told in a new way, he nods his appreciation, the money, what if we had free medical care for every citizen on the planet, he smiles, whoever this guy is, he looks over his notes, whoever he is, Bill is finding space for some new ideas. Space, I could shout all day, they forget so easily, amen.

Why do we come to places like this, Bill sighs, some good bridge players about, that’s a positive, you check up on the reserves, whose going to follow you, what do they do, well, you know a bunch about them anyway, this is the cream of understanding, how much stuff can you say in fifteen minutes, more Hollywood than anything else.

Water, Bill has the memory, that night he came home late, the taxi took him home, he has a dry throat in the middle of the night, the mini bar is empty, the water in the taps, well, there is a need for additives in places, he recalls holding his throat, he’d have drank yuk sauce, anything almost.

Water, the phoenix in the desert, we need water, clean clean water, its no longer there, Bill smiles, he paid for a few wells in the past, its something he does, the need to step and step, the water, whose this he asks looking up, oh, a wry smile, we met before look, what they write and then regret, he has the no hard feelings look, yes, the words, that’s interesting, the 5% savings ability of the home, no effort at all, and its going on in many water hit places, experience and imperfection can lead to solutions, then the Parable, Jesus is asked, why was this person born with these so called impairments, who was at fault they are asking, Jesus tells them, well, perhaps its to show the greatness of the Father, words to that affect.

You see the change in reception, the frequency moves tiny, it catches the signal, what is the meaning, your off one trace element, the body falls ill, the blood, you need to check it annually, is this not a good policy, this heightened awareness of life itself, like water, amen.

Paying a little in return, a penny on every can of soft drinks or every can that is produced, a penny, there are lots of cans opened each day, its not the tiered approach, much simpler, amen……

One Body for the protection of water….ask…

Buck-fast Abbey

The monks make up a potion, for the health of the people. Did they imagine a world in the depths of addiction, the following affects, marriage stress, alcoholism, and more, of course not.

The sultan reads into the books, the plague that alcohol causes, the men of war, who drunk on their success, tore apart and ravaged the towns they had taken. Was the sultan extreme in thinking alcohol has to be measured, and that in the heat, it causes an exaggerated response to the system. The body in-bides alcohol, the chemical changes, the DNA later, the families that acquire alcohol dependent syndromes, children born into addiction. The point is obvious, we have to think, and consider the actions, and learn not to ban perhaps, as prohibition proved, but to think in moderate terms. Is this good advice to be taking, would we learn to use alcohol wisely, some can handle it, it’s the mental approach they say in golf that brings about success, it’s the same with the use of alcohol. It’s fire when taken with medication, do we argue what medication is, or is it a rule book of choices.

The early stage of internet development, we have learned as they say, the social media focus, the time those in office spend on this issue, more important than policy, we have to win votes, the immediate thought. is winning at all costs all that matters, is this why the pharisee’s harassed Jesus continuously, and we today, what do we do to that same spirit argue, is he one of ours, he does it different, what does Jesus say to the early apostles, be quite and get on with it, when they complain about others, who lead people to the divine truth, what is this, jealousy, whatever, can we continue to argue over what is 100% true, and as for the people who argue, what is it they argue over, their salaries or the power, their religion brings with it, it has to be said, we need to think wide, the ball is in the center, the midfield is stifled, they break from the plan, they open the defense, the team is all over the place, they starting putting balls in the net.

The ladies Golf tour expands, the complaints stop, they see the value of the competitor, more opportunities for everyone, amen. Ladies day was one day a week in the seventies, and it was lucky, you are allowed to golf, now they play as the men do, the game and the interest in it opens up, while the exercise that we want children to take, all children, is encouraged, amen.

Set the future, we need to be seen to change, the risk to the world, we need action now the local club, say Lahinch decides to give one day a week to the exclusive use of children, what would be the thinking be, abroad, well, what is wisdom if you dont use it, a stale running stream, that tapers off, and is useless, amen. It’s the flow that matters, amen. We say we encourage change abroad, well lets do it as the lady might say, amen.

The Womb

On the run, space, they are on high pursuit, she is tiring, ducks into a shed, holds her breath, no fear, no fear, they can smell that, the hounds pass by, she waits, waits, the space she found, in the womb, Overnight, I’ll over night. The morning, peace calm, she is relaxing, has not had that feeling in ages, a weight off her back, she decides to wait longer, the peace. The day follows into night, more peace, no one seeking from her, finally, finally, I have time to think.

He is in his office, his warden of horror at his side, where is she he demands. He has sold his soul, it seemed like a good idea, he inherited an army of undesirables. The only way he can survive is too keep them busy, pursuing the angels, the divine sentinels. A button is pressed, in walks a clique version of a look alike diva of another age.

In a harsh voice that is belying her looks,

“no signal, no signal, we can’t access her Sir!”

In the womb she is at peace, no harm can touch her, Christ Jesus, thank you, amen. She looks about for a distraction, she is regaining her strength, the mental abilities she needs to defend herself and others, from the thought police, those that insert into heads all sorts of vile thoughts, based on an algorithm, devised by a deranged drug riddled genius of old who is now quarter dead.

This is a sanctuary she says.

Back in the office, his head steaming, the thoughts waiting to plunge into a life, those in his head, he summons the slave.

Well, any signal yet

In other places, the walls are falling. While she is free they have no protection from the One above. It’s now a permanent condition.

Is the space ship ready he asks!

Solomon sighed. The struggle, the thought might have been ironic, but on this day, when the effort was made to eliminate the earth of it’s Jewishness, a day that is down in history, the worst of efforts to machine the human to death, and the dependency now on the machine, who’d believe the savior would come and deliver God’s people, amen.

Working Man

Will you get out of bed, darn, he tightens the duvet, tries to appear asleep, he hears the steps getting nearer,he grabs the duvet, can I hide under the bed, no chance, too many smelly socks, the door opens, he tries to poke an eye out, is that a wooden spoon in her hand, he suddenly throws back the cover, is up immediately,Ma he says, looking at the wooden stick, she is a member of anxiety, no amnesty international, the peace organisation, they don’t do violence, get a job, Ma,you said my job was to think, while all the others are doing, otherwise they’ll lose all sense of direction,that’s what you said last night,his eyes fixed on hers, well ma, you mean you didn’t mean it. And change your under pants, her eyes on his jocks, the state of them she says, any clean shirts he replies, as she descends the stairs.

Later, in town, he has a sour face, a pal walks beside him, they are seeking something to do. They pass the adult sex shop, they don’t look in, they have passed it so often, besides who will pay a fortune for a piece of plastic, just because of the label and the wrapping. Later in a coffee shop, they discuss their choices. A man across from them is reading a newspaper. Did you see that, what says Johnny. Oh that replies the pal, should we buy a copy later. Well, Johnny likes the occasional flutter, and doesn’t want to spend his last dollars on a paper. The headline reads, “Judge concerned with the large number of young porn offenders”.. the word porn, it excites them,action, what, it just does, the same way a sale sign in a window attracts a shopper with cash.

Afterwards, they are walking home, penniless, Johnny lost again. I thought you had inspiration his pal says, Johnny shakes his head, she wasn’t wearing yellow, what, his pal looks at him, are you on drugs, Johnny is pissed off and hungry, when she wears yellow i feel inspired, his pal shakes his head, better get a job, or i will end up like him.

In the door, his shoulders slouched, he tries to avoid the kitchen, as he is half way up the stairs his Ma catches him. I’m going to the bathroom he says. She watches him trail on, what will i don with him she thinks. Later in the kitchen, the two of them are eating their tea, you, she is about to ask him, but the fork of egg and beans makes it to her mouth instead. A tasty bite ma he says. You didn’t look yourself coming in the door, is there something you need to tell me. If her tells her he lost the pocket money again, she won’t be pleased. He has to say something, think, think, think. Why do they have adult sex stores near schools, knowing that small wee children pass them everyday and more than once, shouldn’t they be in other areas. She puts down her fork, a big smile on her face,it’s as if he won first prize in an exam. That’s the first bit of sense that came out of your mouth in twenty years,do you want money, go see a picture if you want. He is amazed,this is new. I knew you’d turn to something good, would you like some cake with your tea, i just bought a new one.

Later he is in front of the TV, a rug around his legs, as if he’s camped. Ma opens the door,a tray before her, and two cups of tea and a plate of cake. Brains do occasionally work. Ma he says, would they allow you drive a car without a permit. She is beside herself in excitement. What makes you think that she says. The boy is finally learning. That wouldn’t be fair she says, you could hurt someone. I suppose they have to do that to the internet too, zones for big people, and ….

Solomon sighed, later generations were not going to be impressed with the attitude of the current lot, given their indulgence with their ego’s, amen.