Che Guevara

Why did the man stop at the leper colony, what does it teach us. Who are we referring too today. The need to think outside the box. The man takes a another route while on holiday. He sees the people most in need of help, there are few there to help the French doctor who has put his own health on the line. Che, a doctor in the making, doesn’t ignore his calling. Perhaps in the modern world, those who are different are the people he is trying to help. In his time, those who were different, were poor, and in need of help. To feel good about yourself, helping with things, making others feel wanted and with friends. The pal who is lonely in school, no one to talk with, maybe they have lost a parent or someone is sick. In little ways we can do what Love demands, and that’s not hard on the heart, amen.

Years later, down in the club, Solomon is doing the social, meeting and greeting. Ah, a regular appears, a bit of a loud mouth, nothing more, makes stupid comments, then gets a sneer, why does he say that, Jesus would have said, turn the other cheek. Its only a late night comment from someone whose a little intoxicated, nothing more. You don’t expect a confrontation, how often do we hide secrets, amen. Later, there is a call to erect a statue to Che, there are objections. Just some who don’t want reminding of his influence.

Now, they wish they had treated Che kinder, perhaps. His picture is all over the world.

Francis worries over the succession. No need to napalm the doubters, bad stuff, think of Vietnam, if only the civil rights lawyer had stayed at the law. Solomon thought of his little friends, they need a good start, and funds, if in the poor areas. Imagine going on holiday with no spending money, it can cause great hurt. And Happy souls make great workers later. Maybe those that want to control things, use money and access to it., to deny good deeds.

In a nutshell, the good lawyer, who is thinking of ways to improve things. Even though he has a track record of getting it right, those in comfortable surroundings, don’t like the man who can do what they can do, and better, without having their resources, because he shows them up. For years they make life difficult, denying the entire population access to great advice, and we wonder, thanks grass hopper, any ideas, cheers to the health, amen.

The CIA, what. The effort to cause distress, well, usual suspects may apply, amen.


Barney is taking notes. Uncle Benny Dolphin is explaining the foibles of the human race, and what the two legged types are up to, they are trying to help, but are not always helpful. Benny meanwhile is explaining to Barney, the crisis with Ice and water, and ways to ease the problem. Barney, who lives in the sea, wants his world to be happy. His girlfriend, Sophia Cod Dolphin, well, they are forever friends, and Barney, have plans to swim the entire oceans, whenever Benny tells him, there is time off from this great expedition, called saving the seas. Barney a wishful parent to be; they’ll adopt, and a father is a father, and being a father, father wants the living environment to be one that brings great living without all the worries of sort, that the two legged have set in motion. Benny Dolphin, has another reason for telling Barney about the things he can do, to help the situation. If the fish can act responsibly, they might help the human ones, to make more of an effort to find peace among themselves, rather than live, in the various state of conflict, that had been garnishing the world, but is now in retreat. Time spent on restoring the vineyard is time well spent.

Barney finishes taking notes. Benny is dining on sea biscuit cookies, made by their pal Orla the monk. How is he doing asks Orla, who is talking while working the loom of his world famous creations. Benny smiles. He will be one great story teller by the time the exercise is finished. What does that mean asks Orla, who has paused at the wheel of the loom, trying to work out Benny’s reasoning.

Its like this says Benny; The more stories the little children hear, the more ease there is in their anxieties. So many turn to immediate ways to calm their worries about the future, and while this is hard to comprehend given the resources of the world, a little hope is needed. Think of the Stories of Jesus, as living today as when first spoken, if we can build on those foundations, the future can only be rosy.

Orla smiles, that makes sense. Benny is smiling to himself. His Flippers need a good clean up, he has places to visit, and while he is on his break from word discovery as he calls it, it will be up to Barney to do some creative thinking himself, amen.

Raid on raid on, the panic hits, the previous calm sinks. The dangerous substance they are hoping to sell off, will find fewer souls, willing to lose themselves. Instead, they will be reading about the adventures of Barney Dolphin, and how he helped save mankind, amen.

Solomon smiled; Jesus used story to teach the ways to the Holy Kingdom. Children get it much more easily, if instructed gently, amen, without having to absorb the bias’s sown into so many hearts, that most times, are unknowingly passed on to them. As for those with serious doubts, Saint Paul and the apostles, remind us, there have been times when they were made to appear foolish, those that believe. What would they think., of the numerous heavenly signs today; great news, amen.

Meanwhile, the lost girl, who has become woman in stature, but is still a child beneath, has started to heal inside. The good stories have renewed her hopes for her future. Its not lost; there are those who see life as a communion with others, who don’t judge, and don’t use the fear of exposure, or use the inside worries of some, in order to take them over or fill them with fear.

It was only noise dear. The roadster is advancing on the Cannes, the film festival is showing a movie, they made between them. A long way from where they started. It begins with a green field, and the greed of some. I heard that again, Solomon smiled, that’s the overdrive kicking in, listen again. He slows down for the gear change, waits a few seconds, flicks the button, the thump of the engine, it didn’t make that sound last time she says. Solomon slows down again, no more of that he thinks, he recalls the day in the fiber glass boat, no life jackets, and a crew of four or five. The shape of the vessel appears to alter to the rhythm of the oars. A nervous thought, what if the frame broke, the lake is dangerous enough. He puts on a smiling face, and rows at a slower pace, in order to get the craft to the safe landing. No need to worry the crew, they make it home, how close was that.

Cannes says the sign, we made it she says. I hope your french has improved he says. The word has meaning to them, Solomon is glad they made it there without having to call the AA, amen.Patience in the peace talks, they work it out, amen.


Wanted, the poster, what was so funny then. Those we rely upon the ones we try to bring down. Too common, always there, seemingly available, always, easy to manipulate, often helped too, others, there for the people, there to help, did we do this to our selves. Now we need them, all of us, divine intervene-rs, those with the Spirit, we have all heard about the other. The loss to others, is this Jesus on the law of the talents. Is this Jesus on responsibility, in short, do we test the patience of the Almighty, we act like children at times, but do we always act that innocently, do we undo ourselves. God hasn’t showed up in awhile they used to say. Now its every day, the story reveals itself. What is it that drives us, what does it matter, we all have to go through the gap.

Treasure Box

Baby!, her labor pains have begun, there is joy on the faces of the women. At last. The new arrival will take all their attention as they should. New leaf on the tree. The women chat easily. Its time, the baby knows it. The prayer picture on the wall, reverence for God. There will be no other thoughts inside today, new life.

Solomon on the new times; Jesus is the go to man for insight on all things today, amen.

Look, there will be space on the next rocket ship, I swear!. What choice do they have, but to believe him. He lied about the others, he, they walk away, what!.

Francis, the number of files would fill a medium sized office. He looks at the monsignor. If we got even 10% into real service again. 10%, even one per cent says the monsignor would do. Francis looks at the monsignor. I think we’ll be needing a coffee machine in here. Done Papa.

Recycle recycle recycle.

New list of Holy Orders issued, amen.

Taking Aim at Older people

its usually against the law in the first instance. The man in charge has aged, every mistake or error, even the minor ones, amplified, the constant pressure on the man, what is he doing, the pressure inside worsens, he needs time, they are after his position, his role, he is facing the faith of his lifetime, I am a believer, he prays for his country, he prays for peace, he is not using the position for self rewarding purposes, knows there is a God, knows the consequence of that, how does he stay going. A counsel for wisdom, from all the right sources, you don’t always have to agree, you have to have the right reasons, in that frame of thinking, you will have the recipe for good decision making. So out of the blue, he declares, if in doubt, we will have a counsel of wisdom to help us all, no one is alone or an Island, lets hold to our faith and believe, see what is going on in other places.

Solomon on the set up, Dear Family, the spaces that were set in motion, the reminders, the need to fall into this group or the other, the advice taken, the presence of those of the various orders, results will tell, the signs, as they knew from the start, real, and the signs each time there was a close passing, what else do you need to know of the signs.

He laughed, the old brotherly friend laughed, don’t get upset, as if its to be expected. Solomon and the old man of spirit, words are badly needed, what words. Solomon points to the gospel of John, by words, through words with words, the answers are all there, we might have forgotten, that’s all, amen.

Less can help….

Problems overseas, the need to be involved, I’m human, I have experience of this, the mike in your face, urging you to say something, and others trying to find a hold on you, you said this, Solomon and the times we live in, was it not always like this with Jesus, the constant seeking of ways to discredit him, had they learned anything, witnessed by the Sky too.

He is walking the path, two birds swoop down, dancing, they slide past, mother nature, the eyes are open, the ears are open, continue what your doing, the ease in the weather, the talk on the radio, there is lots to be joyful for, while the Baptism of Spirit, Holy Spirit flows out, alerting us all, reminding us, mind what you have and take care of yourself, it’s time to get healthy, ask less and you’ll learn even more.

The Spirit works with “Spirit”, Solomon was doing an audit of their ways, it’s meant to be holy, what else is there to say, meaning, divine. Where do you fit in, are you cleaning yourself out, there is new stuff arriving, is this a reminder of those on the road, or your faith will be tested, are you who you are supposed to be; maybe its a question of more practice less worrying.

Francis, they are charged with the task of lifting the spirit not inflicting regulations. After such a long time, it ought to be plain sailing. What you exist to do, brave words, maybe the weekly reminder, how your day can help those gone ahead, the today matters, you can accomplish stuff when in that feeling, and it only causes you to think, more of it, amen.

The old man puts his head on the pillow; A short prayer, give thanks, then a wake in the morning, a new baptism begins, they will come to visit, assuring words, the list of things to do, shorter, another goal is met. The meaning of the experience; You are there to inspire, and they to inspire you. The regular parish minded person has heard of this great challenge since the 1990’s, and the changes, what happens when the words run out, or the ability to communicate is no longer there. People today, working to make a good connection to the outside world. All the appeals and mercy calls, how many more do we need, they cut our communications, it was our access to the outside world, the well being of the “Spirit inside”, what have they being doing, asleep you’d suppose, amen.

When Religion enters Politics

it divides, amen. Jesus was asked, the story of the coin. Now that Heavenly signs have appeared, the eternal landlord might ask some questions about the state of the vineyard and the health of His Holy Workers, amen. Its just a reminder, be alert, you wont know the time of the return of the Master, amen.

Mitigating circumstances, the addiction exists in habits, it takes time to slowly remove it, the heart surgeon takes one hour to fix a broken arm into place, while working on another operation, perhaps the heart, its still called an operation, but the circumstances are so much different. Lost in understanding, the computer arrives at the word, the AI one, reads the word operation, gets reminders of it, makes a judgement, even if the word operation applies to so many things, its not that simple,amen.

There are those who try to banish the past, that’s like having a life without a memory of it. It might be cool to the new ones, but their life is based upon the past, in short, do they want to be forgotten as well!, you ask.

Anyway, your on the way to your eternal resting place, Uriel explains this in Esdras, book 2. it makes great reading. Running to the One Living God, one assumes they were baggage light. And as all motives are checked, don’t be disappointed, there are many stories of restoration of the soul told in lives lived harshly too, also in the Great Book, follow the words in there, you will be comforted too.

Old Amo and the lift….

The Spirit rose, there was no fear, the mind active, a soul still alive, a smile on the face, the dull cheeks turning red, the soul drinking in the holy words. What, how is it possible. The pharisee’s complained when Jesus did some healing on the sabbath. The Blind man, who could see, who did the healing. I told you, Jesus did it.

Fairy tale of New York

What, Amo is eating again, the soup arrives, he eats it all up. The Sun bounces on the day he goes up, same for his spouse. What, they argue among themselves, how is this possible. The Spirit gets the lift from those of the Spirit, who remind them of eternal life, and not the worries of those, who worry about their reputations, amen.

What, its the old story. Jesus complains at the lack of faith of his own people, while commending the roman commander, for the faith his men had in him. How ironic. If only they had such faith, his own followers, who were aware of the miracles too, amen. Believe before you recieve, amen.

Luciani is back

Lucky Luciano, no, Albino Luciani, he speaks, his words were held back, the year is early 1970’s, there is a stir, the conclave is wondering, who is this man, he has simple ways, wants to change the laundry, doesn’t like the direction were going in, is going to make cut backs, wants to take over the bank as well, he’ll reveal our secrets, what will that do to the world, meaning, what will they think of us, he even believes in Jesus, wants us to get back to the basic message, and has heard so many confessions, there is little that he doesn’t know, how did he get elected.

Women too, he appears to like them, they should stay in the kitchen replies another, this is not happening says another, and birth control, he has ideas on that too, isn’t worried about those shameful deeds they carry on with in the bedroom, they will think we have changed says another, look says another, I have an appointment, they look at him, appointment means one thing.

The history of the man, he is going to be a disaster, has asked for the secret files, he wants access to everything, another says, well he is the boss’s appointed one.

What, the opening is damaged, They don’t want to alarm the woman, its routine business to the skilled man, we’ll see what we can do, it’s, well, lets say, your prayers will be needed on this one, and by the way, sign these, just in case, you know how fresh they have to be, when you pass them on, She looks at the man, practical Mrs Carey signs the forms. In God;’s hands, years later, he writes the words of recovery himself, what a coincidence, the very thing he recovered from, he is doing the same for the ailing church, even when they try to deny otherwise, its’ not unusual, lets hope they don’t try to dilute the truth, or as they say in other times, pretend to be gods themselves.

Your in the heavenly world, your words become instructions, follow the path, they arc of compassion will widen, your appeal to mercy will be genuine, your reaching out, your in the zone of influence that can decide the fate of the soul gone ahead, welcome thoughts, for those who stand the test and persevere, in short, your applying the teaching of Jesus Christ, amen.

Solomon thought of the male female relationship, we are all a bit of both. That nurture we need, that firmness of mind, that keeps us on the path. The women issue, a rather skewed affair, Saint Paul, writes about the women who were so welcome in the preaching of the great news, Jesus and the women who helped him, there are numerous examples in the original texts, multiple examples, multiple examples, multiple examples, is that said three times, or does it need writing on all the bill boards out there, it was men and women from the start, what are these man made rules, what sort of rubbish is this, when the holy words speak it different, even Esther is given special mention for saving the Israelite’s, And those so called conservative voices, they should speak up about those in their flock, that seek out their own, for the thrill of it, while hiding behind man made rules, as if they have some special authority from the Most High God. Solomon sighed, have we gone far enough, hardly. They will all be asked to explain themselves, and that truth alone will shake them up some, amen. Well what did you do to the flock, quick I haven’t time to waste, they’ll only look at each other before the floor opens up and swallows them, amen.

Solomon was thinking of Jesus, giving it straight to the pharisee’s, their constant assault on his inner well being, pushing the patience button of the Most High, there was other works to be done, the message was getting through, while their excuses were fast running out, the ultimate goal, eternal life, who’d want to play games with that, using man made methods, ludicrous, same as Jesus on the pharisee’s and the calming words he used, when explaining to those seeking the path, they will confuse you with how they behave at times, but the Holy Words, that’s what you have to keep in mind, and if they offend you or hurt you, leave it to the eternal One, He’ll sort them out at the time, regardless of their human reputations, amen.

We’ll not give up preaching the truth, do whatever, we know all about divine truth. The task was never easy. The cross’s were lining the roads, men hanging from them, the martyrs look at their fellow believers, it wasn’t easy, but death was of no worries, Jesus and the living spirit, even the widow who gave the two bits is still recalled to this day, what a lucky woman, amen.

They want their children to carry the faith of their grandparents, they make up a cluster of hope, they are there to support, they do all the ground work, they try to provide help, hoping soon, that they will at last be recognized. Its not tokenism, and with the mighty power of the Almighty showing, regularly, they know the choices of the stubborn, and where it has led, its raised the ire of the Eternal God, and as Jesus says, that’s not a good place to find yourself, or if a believer, is not the power of the Most High God not wonderful. He never lets you down, amen, or she never lets you down, him or her, you only worship the Most High in Spirit, learn the meaning of the words before you come to be judged, amen.

Mrs Carey is steadfast this particular morning. Positive, she puts in the mother of all requests, and it works out fine. Later her name is used by usurpers to disrupt the word, imagine the fate, it’s no accident says Martin McGuinness, he is telling a story to a classroom of mixed children, peace has been made, both sides have reached out. If they met to discuss each others fate in previous years, it would have been one of annihilation of each other, now they have come to know each other, they see the benefit to the future generations, people living side by side, getting on, as for troubles in other places today, did the big brother use the little brother, to get other things of national interest for the big brother, through strange times, and then become owned by their own deceptions, amen.

Well we needed their support, they had the network, can you blame them, so they were used by the big brother at times when secrecy was demanded, who else will trust us, considering the sheer force we can provide them with, amen.

Francis opens the archives. Well, a date with the eternal One, what is the point in worrying about your human reputation when your divine soul is at stake, amen.

Solomon rubs his leg, that cost a lot of steel to get done, the reference to the book of revelations too, even the receipt in the Holy Place, 323 it said, the tally. Is there such a thing as coincidences, amen.

That missing cat though, that car that was stolen, there were a few little issues that needed clarification, amen.

The Fuel Guage

The car won’t go on much longer, the red line is crossed, how long before a re fill, your in the middle of the night, you’ve had too much of the fantasy thought, when you look, or when your stirred, what thoughts start you up, what is in the memory. Well, the man waiting at the corner was an assasin, then it was a spy the week before, the caller who hung up, was seeing if your in, and the chances of getting robbed, fifty fifty, who wouldn’t be alarmed, all those empty thoughts, fear at every corner, anxiety, have you clean laundry with you, mistakes, what, the worry, and then the figure of light up ahead, relief, sanctuary, a decoy or a real one, there is no one else to trust, you don’t carry a second tank, your not a jaguar, and you can’t speed away. Late at night, you pull over, where are you, they look like vultures, who’d be open this time of night, what would be the purpose, why me you ask.

Indicators, left turn, right turn, the way the safety is set up, to indicate. The Bank statement, that shows the results of transactions, where you were, etc, what, is there a drone out there trying to imitate you, the godly reactions, well, this line of credit is aimed at the Heavens, amen. Yes.

Refill the tank, the ideas that refill the head, new ways of thinking it out. The paralysis, that phase of thought, how the fears of others can be loaded on you, and if they come from different sources, they don’t mean that much, but your left in a state of confusion.

How the fuel makes all the difference, the stuff that keeps you going, the clean stuff. Your energy depends on good inputs, the passenger or the divine spirit, needs a clean lift, have you ever worked with the elderly, its not a case of jumping up. She makes plans for the others, she is their queen, she makes the rules, has an insight, well, she has sacrificed, has earned the right, he sighs, look up, that’s what you need to focus on, the clean space. Those ideas, its harmful at times, minds are weak, they absord, your feeling positive, the thoughts on the highly spiritual, not the anxieties that tire you out, the daily chores, you’ll have them anyway, something like Jesus said all those years ago, about those who worry about the material while forgetting the higher spirit, think of those gone ahead of you, how you can help them today, amen.

What is marriage, and the real question, what was marriage in the beginning. Do people couple up to escape from others, or think that its a union of Love divine, an important thought, given the rate of divorce everywhere. What makes a marriage a relationship with God, what makes it Holy. You would suppose that a lot of couplings are not couplings in the godly sense of the ritual, as the motives that were stated, might not be the true reason for the relationship. Some people feel tethered, in a relationship, that was never working out, but trying to fit a gearbox from an old Morris minor into a Mercedes like. They are both gearboxes, but no matter how hard the effort, it’s a version of Frankenstein your left with, a Morris minor with a hump that is so large up front, it leaves the driver blinded, while the other is a smart looking machine that is going nowhere. The thinking in modern ways would suggest, that many so called relationships never existed in the first place, amen. Listen if you have ears, amen.

There are those trying to work out ways to adopt to the modern way of things, and are perhaps lost, or trapped even, by conservatives, who will use any means at their disposal, to keep to an old regime that has lost its vitality. The young people are not listening, the need us to guide them, what if the guide is blinded by old fears. Solomon sighs, you only have trust God Almighty, the help is sent on a regular basis.

Solomon reflects; Years ago he reads about the planners, who are making plans for future city planning, the needs of the people, what will they be doing, how to cater for them. If they had been listened to, it is made clear, that the form of many relationships is not of the variety that lasts, the sign, a wake up call for those doing the spiritual planning as they say. Creating guilt, anxiety, family shame, what did it achieve, it only pushed people into company, that wasn’t what they needed, but with nowhere to go to be accepted, what were their choices. So, when they say the Spirit hasn’t been sent, they are perhaps, ignoring the signs, that arrive on a daily basis, amen.

Mental health was raised as a super serious issue in places of conflict in the not too distant past, what was it, but a wake up call to act urgently on the issue. With minds weakened, its easy to radicalize them, amen. Solomon was sending the reminder to the eternal helpers, amen.

When we are short of room for the Eternal Spirit to find rest, the heavenly powers tend to act very quickly, amen.