boy meets false prophet

Elvis in the year 2024, well its sort of Elvis, well, don’t sell your talent for the short gain, times and faith will see you through, Tennis protege, talented coach has worked hard and long, the sparkle of success, you can have this, that, the other, wall street style life, and not in years to come but real soon, its aching the temptation, the talent is there, time matures it, a year later he is reading the Gary player book of golf, what are you doing asks his companion, what, he says nought, the greens are tricky like at Augusta, he thinks, I’m glad i stuck to the basics, Mrs Carey had one so called lesson, Mrs Carey you don’t need any lessons, so what are you doing in the bunker, what, its practice time, I want to learn the green slope, what, down on his hunkers, parallel to the ground almost, Gary Player, I’m reading the green, do greens do you for bucks though, hahaha, according to Gary, you have 2 putts per hole, that’s a lot for a round of golf, gold on the green, money in the bank.

That’s a nice driver, the price though, that other stuff, all the benefits, Gary Player again, you must learn how to struggle, even when learning to walk, and if you want to borrow this, why is he offering to help, maybe he just likes the way i golf, what does Mammy think, what, the two cars at the lights, flash and strong, flash has the glitter, Strong has performance, what would you choose, that old putter was a winner, why do I create such doubts, you lose a short foundation, what, the weather is always sunny on the circuit, think aloud, what am I doing this for, its not ambition alone, its inside, its character formation as well, think before you risk it, the way golf teaches you.

Solomon smiled, Mrs Carey, always ahead of the posse in terms of inner preparation, but she had all the housework and stuff done first, family, and if in doubt, what did Jesus answer, amen.

On offensive ways, sometimes it takes awhile to learn the new ways. What, the old society meets the new one, well, its more western, people are more outspoken, its a market driven world, to survive, its hard to be polite, or the games people play, like that scene in Schindler, the boy cleaning the bath, okay, so we have to put up with little insults, what are you shouting at, five minutes later they are sharing a fizzy drink., no harm intended, we survived that way, you would not believe what we have had to endure, patience, look, its the stuff that happens, traffic jams, there are more important issues, besides, the Almighty checks all motives, stop worrying.

Jesus and the Rule Breakers….

What, Jesus, how many times did he remind us, the ways of men and the Eternal, how only God the Father, is good, and how to get over steps that need to be taken and not to fear man, only The Heavenly Father. News times, not the end of the Holy Ways, how to understand them, Children, they mix, there are so many in that middle space, its like being in jail mentally, how to get out of those fears and the hope for a future for all who can turn to the light, and the 11th hour gift of Jesus, the meaning of the parables, how to get over being offended, they even put a cover over him, who hit you now, lets say, Jesus teaches endurance, in short went through all the insults while warning fiercely, about the gift of the Holy Spirit, even James, the brother, telling all, while reminding us of Elijah, and the power of the prophets prayers, what sort of insurance is that, and how when Evil is turned to Goodness, how blessings are made to happen, and its all in the Holy Books, and some wonder about the Power of Jesus, even if there are those who play games with the Holy Reputation, or in short, whom to Fear, Only God, who has dominion of the Soul, even those in hell, or to put it in terms of hope, how your day today, can help the journey of those stuck in such places, has it ever been more clearer, today.

Of course there are those in positions of trust who have their own conscience to deal with, God is merciful and compassionate, and when sinners, turn from their old sneaky habits, how it helps, amen. Accidents are known to have happened to the finest of souls, our dependency on technology can do this, and while there is widespread grief that can be lasting, if we allow it to, there is great hope too, the suffering of nations, or as the angel tells the lady who lost her son, there are others to think of, and not to waste her life waiting for death, when God has other plans for her, amen.

I’m stuck, i am afraid to speak against another friend perhaps, there is a gut feeling, I need to take the advise of another who reminds me, a second opinion is often very helpful, its not a disingenuous action, its wisdom, amen. Ah, what a word, well, so is nefarious, and there are those who can hide another sort of character inside, its called rehab for the soul, we might not know the source but we can curtail the action, why panic, discretion, this nation is on the Holy Radar, not that everyone who comes is holy or close to it, but to have that divine help, who would want to risk it, given the compassion Jesus talks about.

Barney Dolphin wanted water, Benny Dolphin, was refilling the thoughts tank, that is one fine dolphin, and does he want to learn, Orla the monk smiles, more sea biscuits on the way he says, barney smiles, all them all for me, Benny looks at Orla, the kid deserves a little extra help, he is learning the ways to pass on the light, well says Orla, we don’t want him deprived, Barney winks at Benny, is it my birthday he asks. Benny, well lets say, he takes a biscuit first, we share a bit we do a little more lighting, how about that…

Its chicanery at times, slow down, sometimes you need to stop, if its on your mind, don’t be afraid to ask, of course there are those who try to take over your mind, it happens, your team lost so you get a hump for a little bit, its a little thing, don’t make it agony for yourself. and as for horses, well, who doesn’t remember, the Great Arkle, a name like that in a time like this, what a gift, only a simple error, but the number of times the heart was lifted, Ireland in times of great depression, and the brave horse who rose the spirits of the nation, Benny looks at Barney, why are you reading those pages, Benny smiles, sea biscuit dude, Arkle was an Irish version, relax, its not the terrible woes some like to make of it, people deal with their troubles in all sorts of ways, like trying to ban the circus, when it makes known the animal kingdom to children everywhere, amen. Orla tut tuts, still learning Barney, meanwhile Barney pauses, looks at the last biscuit, well, hear he says to Orla, who is not a skinny chef, have this one friend, and thanks for the reminder. Meanwhile Benny sheds a tear, that horse was the steeple chaser of his generation, like united on Saturday in the old days, whose united. Well the Spirit is gathering, its like lost love being found again, I thought |I’d never fall in love again, she is despondent, where’s my love, I’ve worked too, then around the corner she meets a smile that makes her remind herself, I’d a thing for him too, what was i doing, she perks up, next they are sharing coffee, what, you like to sail he asks, what, well, staying off the roads now and again, can help reduce troubles in that arena. What, well, she recalls what that preacher fella said, was it Doctor Benny, we need to slow down, who wants fast love, when the real stuff lasts forever, and Love is not possession of another, well, who does the lasting stuff belong too, ask Jesus, then there is instant relief, and you face begins to shine again, well, with Jesus on your side its divine, the insurance you have, lets put it simply, stuck in sludge city with, what was that scene in Schindler’s list, yuk sauce and gooey stuff and black bottles and muck, who would want that, the smell of it.

Great Genes, what, Mrs Carey, pas it on, relax, those who dare use any threat relating to Mrs Carey, don’t they know the reputation she enjoys, sludge or worse as they say, amen.Solomon read of the power of the prophet Elijah, who would mess with that, in any sneaky way, or try to tie the hands of others, who perhaps have ways to help, lets say, Jesus has words for them, or who can advise the Almighty amen.

Oh the boy, its not a scene from the Godfather, its the boy who helped me, the late arrival, the non communication, well, who put Children first, sometimes in a hurry, or at an especially emotional time, adults need to make exception for children, not always, most of the time, people can be deceived by crisis’s created, stealing the strong mans power. The Spitfire pilot forgot to send his granny a birthday card, he is in the air, two messersmiths, not one, want to send him down, does he have granny on his mind, the foe is faster on a true line, but the spitfire can turn faster, like on a sixpence, and getaway, glad to get home safe, then he writes, while wiping the sweat from his forehead, I hadn’t time to get to you in time, here’s an extra gift voucher instead, enjoy the world cruise, regards, or as the apostles or the holy books say, there was an even better gift waiting, don’t be disappointed, amen. Its in the Holy Books, read it, you will find it, amen.

Solomon sighed, who can get over the great truth revealed by Jesus, amen. Comfort me please, that prayer, ask in the Holy name, what, read the signs, look at the clouds, what, stop, that ambulance was in a hurry, stop, wait at the lights, slow down, what, space, in nature, who put the clothes on those wild flowers, Francis on nature, sometimes the flowers can appear to be flowers but have no smell at all, what, Solomon in the garden amen. Less chemical, we are learning at last, amen. I see signs, Solomon sighs, what a lady and teacher to so many out there, thanks for the words, despite the odds, I promise i will, amen.

The Future Mother’s Club…

All those identities we have to sort through, are we this, bi that, with that alone, half, with, unsure, forgetful, happy weird, decathalonic, what version of human being am I. This crisis, no one came to point it out, they gave us a form, we filled in the details, your in this row, what, but, well that form said, later, well he is my pal, then later, we are pals, the roots extend out as you grow up, its called space, you find your way over time, and Jesus tells stories to explain all this, you have no worries by being a little surprised, time will work it out. In the mean time a bright spark says, well if we can reproduce, and mother nature tells us, its getting difficult, maybe we should start our own group, that is in the interests of everyone, why not. Taylor Swallow and Barney Dolphin are explaining the idea. Barney, the recent receiver of responsibility, well, the three little dolphenee’s will require the future as their birth right, and rather than hearing about it, Barney intends to do something about it. Knowing that the voice will be heard at night, Barney in times future, does not want to be woken from a happy sleep, hey, look what you did for us, what, then the list of complaints, put anyone off breakfast.

Treasure Box

The Future mother’s club, well, those who want to study the environment from the point of view of a mother, it can only lead to a sounder platform, a float on the ocean, a safe place, rather than fill our heads with the issue of children, we will think of safety first, and occupy our minds, with life giving thoughts, that’s wisdom, amen.

Imagine, the one great journey we all have to overcome, baby time. There you are, looking about, so that’s a light, and those are people, what is for dinner, breathing, ah, it tastes different, the stuff, a little hat on the head, so warm, smiling faces, happy reflections, and the music, i heard that before. We have all this before us, imagines the future mothers club honorary president, Taylor Swallow, all the stuff you need to be aware of, health, support, short term, long, role in the world, high sports or normal, the whole menu, what a world to look forward to, and the hope, well, if social media is too much, at least at the future mothers club, we can discuss the world, clean environments, the eyes, what do we want them to see, how can we survive without thinking of the needs of mother earth, its a continuous effort, like Jesus, we run the race to the end, you don’t give up trying.

AS for stuff that can hurt at times, offer it up, think of the eternal loving heart that absorbs the pain, so some try to imagine themselves in the role, the amount of pain in the world, how do you learn from it, where do you find space from it, the obvious needs, rest, Jesus had to escape from his apostles at times, its in the book. amen. One Good thought….Solomon smiled, it will help sort some identity issues; you’ll figure it out later, like the first car, and how you move up, well, that’s common sense, amen.

Etched in stone..

it could be a memorial, the words are hard written, days before, it was living, now, you look back, what has changed, there are those trying to accommodate all sorts of worthy thoughts, my problems, the noise of the day, the minds that are too young to fully understand, the youth who hasn’t learned patience, those that try to fit in, taking on ideas or causes that seem proper, then betrayed, as they get lost in causes, the energy or their spirit, usurped, the news is hard to digest, while the reminders were writ, you’ll be in stone with your acts and it will take a lot of sandpaper and sweat to remove it, Francis has to deal with the news of now, thinks of Jesus on the stand, what words, few are spoken, but the signs point to the heavens, so your having a difficult day, its just a day. Meanwhile, the news spreads, along with the list of the harmed, could we really have avoided that trouble, is this the form of inheritance we are passing on, making us more aware of our vulnerabilities, where did we agree this, we only wanted for peace to exist. Solomon sighs at the headlines, names are international in nature, the talk is wider, the ability to contain stuff, weakens, others want to give their cause a try, or so they are made to think, your being denied your rights, while those who speak up, well, whom are they speaking for.

The vague notion of identity, you are of this type, this is you, so you are told. We grow up our bearings alter, we think different, your parents habits are better known, you don’t intend to take them all up, your eyes are raised. The etched in stone reminder to all, this is you, and added to the knowing of you, you are part of those that criticized reaching out, peace is made difficult, angst grows, old energies are ignited, you become more militant, you want to do, when doing nothing can help, how you ask, you are directed to read the four gospel accounts of Jesus, what you ask, can this be real, praying for your enemies, or in short, not allowing resentment to find a platform inside you, and as for non violence, what does violence usually do, encourage more of it, adding to those etched in stone, and seriously, do you want your permission added to that.

I’m not going to allow this seed of division to gather into a storm, i can halt it now, so you tell yourself. There are those who study your psychological needs, they press your buttons, your now part of a group, you will be asked to take that stand, it’s impossible to remain outside, you have to take an opinion, Muhammad Ali prefers jail than going to fight an illegal war, why should I kill those i have no knowledge or resentment of, it is a stand out moment, the prime of his career, he steps out of the ring, what is it for he asks. Then those who pilfer from the energy of others, those sensitive and not overly knowledgeable, they have that gift, spirit wise, whom they point their talons at, it seems innocent, if only we knew, the later excuse, well, because your sensitive, they will find a way for you to excuse your behavior, the nod of approval for what you no longer approve of.

The lesson of national socialism, the extreme conditions applied to one nation when all the nations profited from the conflict, the depression, I found a new diet moment, and it works, the work put in is having the right affect, people no longer despondent, working and building, this miracle of sorts, the agenda, approved from abroad, some suspicious, those living near, then the wholesale control of the entire nation, those earlier terms, if only we had stood back and not been so puritan in our blame culture, history is history.

Meanwhile Francis is reading the reports, trying to stay in touch, paper loads, more paper, visitors tomorrow and every other day, the heart needs space, the spirit needs a lift, the lows after the high, the plane has to land sometime, how you appear before a large congregation one day, and having got the message across, you need to climb down from the perch, that’s easier said than done, protocol says you do this and that, where you holiday where you don’t, what to say, of course you pray, however what tires you can bring about hasty decisions, your tired that’s all, so you realize, that these protocols only exist on account of a common law approach to things, this is how we do it, not anymore, The late breakfast, rising after ten at the earliest, a nap after lunch, you need to feel refreshed, your head has to be clear, your communing with the Almighty, there should be no tiredness in you.

Resting before a meeting, you don’t have to have full knowledge or be an expert, you are there to listen, so this is what your doing to encourage the kingdom, does it add up, scandal, you don’t do scandals anymore, you will; deal with it, its not another knockout blow, that’s the paper, or the fears of others, and they are not supposed to be wandering about succession, that will happen when it happens, there are millions seeking guidance, Messi has a strained thigh, he can run a bit, but he is not tried out, held back for his leg to recover, the heart and spirit is like that thigh, it needs space to reach its potential, meanwhile, another report arrives, a quick pass to a deputy, you’ll okay what has to be said, even if others write it, it helps the thought process. Another report, who else will this affect apart from the usual victims; what sort of seeds are you sowing, living together in peace and harmony, how hard is that, its also the teaching of Jesus, or those that claim to believe in Him, is that not gospel, believing in olden times, meant you believed before it happened, read into it, Jesus has words on it too, seek the parable and if interested read up on it, your long past milk as food, amen.

And all that wasted resource, suddenly, well, it eventually comes to mind, that doing a bit of gardening is really helpful, your mind is occupied, that plant needs your help, thinking, the ground needs preparation, an hour or two later, your tired honestly, its amazing how it relaxes the mind, tired but enjoying it, getting somewhere, the confidence to make good decisions, your fears are less, or if younger, you help the environment, it could be a clean up, it could be your own health, why is there so much medicine that occupies the lower regions, the fortunes that are spent annually, there has to be some behavior changes that can help, and those freed resources, can be used for something else, amen.

In a nutshell, there is only interest in some forms of spending, while other sorts of spending never get a look in, what would all those experts do, there are a few, did they ever do a spend on lower body health, it affects everyone, amen. An interesting thought, and worthy of investigation. AND IF they need precedence, there is loads of it, Uriel reminds all, mother nature is not as chirpy as she was, a bigger question, what does the two legged do about it amen.

Only on a Sunday…

Francis, its been 2,000 years, they ought to know something by now, and the signs are real, don’t worry, they’ll work you like a tired mother until they replace you with someone else, that’s the form, stop, they are like children waiting for their inheritance, who next, while you have the confidence to speak out, they worry that you might create real work for them, stop, a month in the Sun, no stress, time to prepare for the final ascent, imagine your climbing Everest, your short of oxygen, so rather than act too fast, wait for your inner spirit to strengthen, the Eternal One knows of those who pull at you emotionally, draining your instincts, there is even a parable written that explains this issue, how do you trap a strong man, you distract Him, all those crises, that pain, that the Eternal Loving Heart has to deal with, sucking the energy, their fate, those that pull like hyena’s, hoping to down the lion hearted, fear not, the help is written, the words you need are at your finger tips, meanwhile the rock has etched in it, the names of the righteous souls, who are heard daily, who as Isaiah says, can escape the Lord Most High, even in the grave, don’t they believe, the words of Jesus, who reminds them of the fate of those gone ahead, and if this is their attitude, well, why worry, take a long holiday, and return refreshed, amen.

The temptations are shouted out in the silent tongue, distracting voices, stop, its the same with the past, and how the so called wonder, has access to the past, they can’t even count the number of fish there are in the sea, chancers, who prey on the doubts of those they presume to be weak, does Jesus not say, that when you are at your weakest in Spirit, that the All Powerful God is strongest in you, remain firm, amen.

Solomon was thinking of the mournful heart, and all the pleas, many that went unheard, how tiring the call of the mother when her children go astray. Jesus of course, reminds us of the hope you must hang onto, and the parables, when explained to those seeking understanding of them, how easy it will bring fellowship to all believers, not all those who cry out lord lord, know God Most High, Jesus makes this statement too, so why panic. Tired, Solomon sighed at the joyful thought, it happened on many occasions, it happens daily, perhaps the worry of the day blind us spiritually, perhaps, its pleasure they are thinking of, perhaps, well, those that are of God are called servants first, amen.The cloud arrived in a timely manner, requested, there was a journey in the making, the same Power, that sends Godly signs. Some of us are blinded by the thought of this life, while the needs of the next, are sidelined, in short, the pressure on the inner spirit, no wonder Jesus posed the question, would there be any Spirit left at the time of the return.

To those who believe and are in doubt, great signs tell us of the time we are living in, and many who lead spiritually, well Jesus made a few statements about them in the old days, so lack of certainty even in the sight of great revelations should not deter, didn’t Peter deny Jesus three times, and he one of the few, who witnessed the great master at work, amen.

The Story of the Rock

Appeals are made, decision makers aware, the words are peace minded, from whom is the request from, the papal appeal, nonsense says a journalist, that’s surrender, your calling for peace, (they said the same in Northern Ireland before the peace) anyone reasonable assumes peace is a form of retreat, standing back, asking, not the same head space that conflict brings, so do they heed the warnings, while signs from above, confirm, there is a divine interest looking on. The prophet might add; so you think peace is difficulty for you, put yourself before the eternal judge, you’ll soon think very differently, amen, wishing you had made the space for peace to be spoken of. Anyway, they continue their disagreement; one country says to another, this war you are fighting, without our support where would you be then. Your putting peace elsewhere at risk, encouraging whom. Do you want to receive your tab now, or are you prepared to accept your fate. Whom are you taking with you, they want peace, if they say so, they become lepers in their own country, unpatriotic.

Solomon listened, and listened, why, out of respect for peace efforts. So imagine the following, and its not at all distorted or out of the ball park. Everyone will have to face that moment, some will run to it, some will run from it, if they could choose. This is a one way ticket.

A line is drawn, no more of that, could this be Jesus telling the men and boys who are about to throw rocks at the lady caught in the act, to take notice, I assume your not guilty of this crime yourself. They walk away, Jesus offers the words, well don’t be doing this again.

Anyway, there is a man who wants to put up a marker, or monument, for those who will have their lives shortened, by the actions of those who had the ability to stop the arguing Lets say, the man is ambitious, decides to take on, all the regions of conflict. His plan a very simple one. He decides to add the names of those that fall on account of no peace being found, from a certain date. He adds in the cost of the conflicts buildings and rebuilding, salaries, machines, he is doing the full Monty; so this is how you respect the resources of the world, he adds. Every week he issues a report, this is what was lost here, this is the cost of lives, with names of the innocent, underlined. So peace is hard to reach, they nod their heads. He points to the doors. For peace says one door. Each week, the news is brought to the attention of the war planners. Some are weary and privately want peace; to live with their salaries, they do what they are told.

Six months later, peace becomes lasting in places. The old accountant’s sword appears. You could have saved all that, the trauma you caused, this, the hopes of heaven, interfered with potentially, so some will think. If only we had chosen a more peace orientated dialogue, what it would have saved us. Instead, we have all these souls who will be demanding action, at a time when the Holy Spirit rules with authority, what will we do then.

The man goes home, he has said what needs to be said. Its personal, not some far off theory, its quantifiable, more lawyer friendly too.

Francis makes the same appeal. The listening channel is working now. In some places, there has been historic conflicts, that some use to justify further conflict. However, since the signs tally with what’s in the holy writ, thoughts of immortality become widespread, while a techie forgets to pay the electric on the suspended souls corporation, a service that cost a small fortune for a chance at rebirth, the techie however, escaped, leaving an awful stench in the building, amen, instead of that sweet smelling fragrance that’s earthy and sweet to the senses. Should have invested in power stations instead, amen.

To add a climax to the occasion, a big ending say, the man sets a monument in stone, in the seas. AS the toll of the eminently good rises, so does the monument. Think the logistics. Then, with too much time and money to spend, a maritime lover, decides to remake the Titanic, and as scripts go, the monument of rock is unseen, just a tip of it is visible, where is Jack and Gwyneth gone. I will love you for ever… can you play another tune please…

And to reflect; recall the parable told, of Lazarus and Abraham together, enjoying the new life! if only I had known says the man seeking the drop of water. Today we have signs, telling us, amen.

Lost Lost Lost….

Where do I fit in, to this life of confusion and lies, where do I go with my truth, is there anyone listening out there. These could be the entry words to a song, or a heart making an appeal. For density of thought reason’s, recall the two women on the road, talking about the freedom they felt with Jesus, how easy his words were, how he never looked down on you, are made you small, yes, he lifted us up. In short, there is power in the Gospels of Jesus. It happened, and then the imagination, when will it be happening again?.

Lost, a decision maker, lost, the follower. I want instructions, show me. The first feeling, I’ll make no sense of it. The pause, what is it being taught to me, there has to be something. More, is there more, a thought connects, your making sense, a smile, not so lost, I recall that moment, what was it, what was it. Stuck no more, your using the past to help you understand now. At the start, what was it. Now the head is clearer. You ask, is there other stuff I could recall, do I need to take a break, perhaps I’m not the great listener I assumed I was, I’ve learned something.

When Jesus referred to the prophet Isaiah to announce his mission, maybe we ought to refer to the same prophet as well. Surely that’s plain thinking from the most reliable of sources, amen.

Spirit on the run…

Its not dead spirit, in short, its not looking back, it’s living, like water from the stream, it runs and runs, dead, hardly, memory, only the affects or the lack of it, Spirit on the run, runs, living, it needs to be nourished, what sort of spiritual food will do, simple questions, what can we do for it, what’s that, Solomon recalled the time; why do you do that, altruism is dead, or so the expression said, was it that bad that no one thought of doing good for ordinary reasons, or was it the pressure on the spirit that brought the words to life, or was it the paranoia they filled the world with, a disease they hoped many would catch.

I need space, my head, the heart is refilling again, is this the miracle, is this my time, the helicopter, we are not afraid, at last, they bring food not despair, and as for story, how do we get across the great divide, bribe someone.

Solomon was at the wheel, the seas were rising and falling, the boat, an old wooden structure, what, trust in God, this is a holy voyage, the monks on deck, taking the Holy Words in the book to a safer place, where they’d exist for the next generation. There were no boards of this or that, no one cared who had children, no one questioned normal human activity, no one could pull you in, no one to send trouble, only those that were intent on destroying good. Did the monks have a pension plan, did they take life cover, were they planning for disaster, was there big brother and others, trying to appear calm, as if they could halt things, smile on.

The way we do things; the public opinion has gone global; lets hope you think about the new garden of influence, or do you prefer the approval of man or God.

When Religion enters Politics

it divides, amen. Jesus was asked, the story of the coin. Now that Heavenly signs have appeared, the eternal landlord might ask some questions about the state of the vineyard and the health of His Holy Workers, amen. Its just a reminder, be alert, you wont know the time of the return of the Master, amen.

Mitigating circumstances, the addiction exists in habits, it takes time to slowly remove it, the heart surgeon takes one hour to fix a broken arm into place, while working on another operation, perhaps the heart, its still called an operation, but the circumstances are so much different. Lost in understanding, the computer arrives at the word, the AI one, reads the word operation, gets reminders of it, makes a judgement, even if the word operation applies to so many things, its not that simple,amen.

There are those who try to banish the past, that’s like having a life without a memory of it. It might be cool to the new ones, but their life is based upon the past, in short, do they want to be forgotten as well!, you ask.

Anyway, your on the way to your eternal resting place, Uriel explains this in Esdras, book 2. it makes great reading. Running to the One Living God, one assumes they were baggage light. And as all motives are checked, don’t be disappointed, there are many stories of restoration of the soul told in lives lived harshly too, also in the Great Book, follow the words in there, you will be comforted too.

Crossing the Jordan

Peace, find peace quickly, there are others getting agitated, do you want to be reminded of this future tragedy while you seek mercy for yourselves, amen. The words of Isaiah, Turn to God who can heal them, and in these times of revelation, we are reminded of our Eternity potential in the best possible way, from the skies themsevles, amen. Why party into the known when the known shows us, our true potential, and how the Almighty uses the circumstances to teach us when we have wisdom in us or to guide us, in short speak, seek wisdom with all your heart, you are seeking the space for Holy Spirit to reside in you.

Solomon walks away from the cafe, he looks back, nice pie and coffee, he pats his stomach to remind himself, angust in whenever, you must meet people, not people, that’s so cold a term, you need to embrace one another, even Jesus has mentioned the way he encourages the brotherly kiss, its written in the Gospels. Eating food, you ignore the angst you have towards others, you comment on the chef, where did you get him, or her, whatever, the world is so politcally correct, are they all running for election, sometimes you wonder, there has to be more to them, of course, and that is worrying too, and a comfort, makes you alert, you enter the cave of the unknown caustiously, in disaster, you rush in, the first responders, trained to take the risk, but not always, you learn to discern, amen.

The King calls out, appeals for peace, lets hope they listen, they might well need help themselves one day, could this truth be so true, considering the great loss of the past. The diplomat climbs the steps, he will have to go through the mercy gap too, well, I was only being paid, well done good employee, what about your Spirit, the other affects, were you thinking or what, the boy points to the emperor, he is sitting in his birthday suit on the throne, the others mill around, they are afraid to laugh, the little boy has no fear, are you going to have a bath, they, the psychophants for want of words, or slaves from fears, or just teasers, they shudder at the comment, they know the King’s power, he….

Stop, a little is fine, yes, we can have strong points, later over dessert you are more calm, you don’t tackle it all, you use one point you might be close on, your communion towards each other grows, we can be friends, you say later, not such a bad person, I never understood it from that angle.

Solomon smiled, the lessons of the fisherman, how they helped everyone so much, and what was it they missed ,he replies what eyes were you using, influencing eyes that is, amen.

From afar, a voice calls out, they have to turn to Jesus, another voice says, the words of Jesus, you have to reach out, (blessoings) are those giving the advice lawyers you ask, politically correct of course, in case they offend their friends, amen. Well at least i didn’t say that, is that your best reply.

Solomon was doing the heaving and lifting, a push hear, a little there, higher up, across the shelf of wonder, how you interpret poetry is for the reader not the critic, lets look at all those movie flops, that got the best movie yet award before the real critic arrived, you. And there are long lists, and its categorical, well, Jane says Ted, what do you make of this classic movie, he holds up the cover, not that again, a smile on his face, we have to watch it together, for the sake of what, the number seven he replies, who can forget the magnificent seven, Jane smiles, they should have added another ten, seventeen laughs ted, hours later all you hear is happy snoring, they lost in a kind sleep, amen.

In the morning, Ted jumps up, I’ve got it, twenty seven, no one has made a movie about the wonderful twenty seven… his antics wake up Jane, who rushed in from her massage workout, Ted are you all right, he smiles again, the head works in mysterioius ways, twenty seven, or was it seven times seven, Jane looks at him, you haven’t had your porridge Ted, Breakfast, another wonder idea comes to mind, your messing my hair, what, they are on the golf course, the wind is up, slow down, it calms, she measures her shot, puts it on the green, mother nature, you have to look after her, amen.

New thoughts, the revelations, they point to the gospels, great, now puit the thought over all other thoughts and see where it will lead you, amen. Your understanding will increase, and your mistakes, or errors of spirit revealed, amen.