boy meets false prophet

Elvis in the year 2024, well its sort of Elvis, well, don’t sell your talent for the short gain, times and faith will see you through, Tennis protege, talented coach has worked hard and long, the sparkle of success, you can have this, that, the other, wall street style life, and not in years to come but real soon, its aching the temptation, the talent is there, time matures it, a year later he is reading the Gary player book of golf, what are you doing asks his companion, what, he says nought, the greens are tricky like at Augusta, he thinks, I’m glad i stuck to the basics, Mrs Carey had one so called lesson, Mrs Carey you don’t need any lessons, so what are you doing in the bunker, what, its practice time, I want to learn the green slope, what, down on his hunkers, parallel to the ground almost, Gary Player, I’m reading the green, do greens do you for bucks though, hahaha, according to Gary, you have 2 putts per hole, that’s a lot for a round of golf, gold on the green, money in the bank.

That’s a nice driver, the price though, that other stuff, all the benefits, Gary Player again, you must learn how to struggle, even when learning to walk, and if you want to borrow this, why is he offering to help, maybe he just likes the way i golf, what does Mammy think, what, the two cars at the lights, flash and strong, flash has the glitter, Strong has performance, what would you choose, that old putter was a winner, why do I create such doubts, you lose a short foundation, what, the weather is always sunny on the circuit, think aloud, what am I doing this for, its not ambition alone, its inside, its character formation as well, think before you risk it, the way golf teaches you.

Solomon smiled, Mrs Carey, always ahead of the posse in terms of inner preparation, but she had all the housework and stuff done first, family, and if in doubt, what did Jesus answer, amen.

On offensive ways, sometimes it takes awhile to learn the new ways. What, the old society meets the new one, well, its more western, people are more outspoken, its a market driven world, to survive, its hard to be polite, or the games people play, like that scene in Schindler, the boy cleaning the bath, okay, so we have to put up with little insults, what are you shouting at, five minutes later they are sharing a fizzy drink., no harm intended, we survived that way, you would not believe what we have had to endure, patience, look, its the stuff that happens, traffic jams, there are more important issues, besides, the Almighty checks all motives, stop worrying.

Jesus and the Rule Breakers….

What, Jesus, how many times did he remind us, the ways of men and the Eternal, how only God the Father, is good, and how to get over steps that need to be taken and not to fear man, only The Heavenly Father. News times, not the end of the Holy Ways, how to understand them, Children, they mix, there are so many in that middle space, its like being in jail mentally, how to get out of those fears and the hope for a future for all who can turn to the light, and the 11th hour gift of Jesus, the meaning of the parables, how to get over being offended, they even put a cover over him, who hit you now, lets say, Jesus teaches endurance, in short went through all the insults while warning fiercely, about the gift of the Holy Spirit, even James, the brother, telling all, while reminding us of Elijah, and the power of the prophets prayers, what sort of insurance is that, and how when Evil is turned to Goodness, how blessings are made to happen, and its all in the Holy Books, and some wonder about the Power of Jesus, even if there are those who play games with the Holy Reputation, or in short, whom to Fear, Only God, who has dominion of the Soul, even those in hell, or to put it in terms of hope, how your day today, can help the journey of those stuck in such places, has it ever been more clearer, today.

Of course there are those in positions of trust who have their own conscience to deal with, God is merciful and compassionate, and when sinners, turn from their old sneaky habits, how it helps, amen. Accidents are known to have happened to the finest of souls, our dependency on technology can do this, and while there is widespread grief that can be lasting, if we allow it to, there is great hope too, the suffering of nations, or as the angel tells the lady who lost her son, there are others to think of, and not to waste her life waiting for death, when God has other plans for her, amen.

I’m stuck, i am afraid to speak against another friend perhaps, there is a gut feeling, I need to take the advise of another who reminds me, a second opinion is often very helpful, its not a disingenuous action, its wisdom, amen. Ah, what a word, well, so is nefarious, and there are those who can hide another sort of character inside, its called rehab for the soul, we might not know the source but we can curtail the action, why panic, discretion, this nation is on the Holy Radar, not that everyone who comes is holy or close to it, but to have that divine help, who would want to risk it, given the compassion Jesus talks about.

Barney Dolphin wanted water, Benny Dolphin, was refilling the thoughts tank, that is one fine dolphin, and does he want to learn, Orla the monk smiles, more sea biscuits on the way he says, barney smiles, all them all for me, Benny looks at Orla, the kid deserves a little extra help, he is learning the ways to pass on the light, well says Orla, we don’t want him deprived, Barney winks at Benny, is it my birthday he asks. Benny, well lets say, he takes a biscuit first, we share a bit we do a little more lighting, how about that…

Its chicanery at times, slow down, sometimes you need to stop, if its on your mind, don’t be afraid to ask, of course there are those who try to take over your mind, it happens, your team lost so you get a hump for a little bit, its a little thing, don’t make it agony for yourself. and as for horses, well, who doesn’t remember, the Great Arkle, a name like that in a time like this, what a gift, only a simple error, but the number of times the heart was lifted, Ireland in times of great depression, and the brave horse who rose the spirits of the nation, Benny looks at Barney, why are you reading those pages, Benny smiles, sea biscuit dude, Arkle was an Irish version, relax, its not the terrible woes some like to make of it, people deal with their troubles in all sorts of ways, like trying to ban the circus, when it makes known the animal kingdom to children everywhere, amen. Orla tut tuts, still learning Barney, meanwhile Barney pauses, looks at the last biscuit, well, hear he says to Orla, who is not a skinny chef, have this one friend, and thanks for the reminder. Meanwhile Benny sheds a tear, that horse was the steeple chaser of his generation, like united on Saturday in the old days, whose united. Well the Spirit is gathering, its like lost love being found again, I thought |I’d never fall in love again, she is despondent, where’s my love, I’ve worked too, then around the corner she meets a smile that makes her remind herself, I’d a thing for him too, what was i doing, she perks up, next they are sharing coffee, what, you like to sail he asks, what, well, staying off the roads now and again, can help reduce troubles in that arena. What, well, she recalls what that preacher fella said, was it Doctor Benny, we need to slow down, who wants fast love, when the real stuff lasts forever, and Love is not possession of another, well, who does the lasting stuff belong too, ask Jesus, then there is instant relief, and you face begins to shine again, well, with Jesus on your side its divine, the insurance you have, lets put it simply, stuck in sludge city with, what was that scene in Schindler’s list, yuk sauce and gooey stuff and black bottles and muck, who would want that, the smell of it.

Great Genes, what, Mrs Carey, pas it on, relax, those who dare use any threat relating to Mrs Carey, don’t they know the reputation she enjoys, sludge or worse as they say, amen.Solomon read of the power of the prophet Elijah, who would mess with that, in any sneaky way, or try to tie the hands of others, who perhaps have ways to help, lets say, Jesus has words for them, or who can advise the Almighty amen.

Oh the boy, its not a scene from the Godfather, its the boy who helped me, the late arrival, the non communication, well, who put Children first, sometimes in a hurry, or at an especially emotional time, adults need to make exception for children, not always, most of the time, people can be deceived by crisis’s created, stealing the strong mans power. The Spitfire pilot forgot to send his granny a birthday card, he is in the air, two messersmiths, not one, want to send him down, does he have granny on his mind, the foe is faster on a true line, but the spitfire can turn faster, like on a sixpence, and getaway, glad to get home safe, then he writes, while wiping the sweat from his forehead, I hadn’t time to get to you in time, here’s an extra gift voucher instead, enjoy the world cruise, regards, or as the apostles or the holy books say, there was an even better gift waiting, don’t be disappointed, amen. Its in the Holy Books, read it, you will find it, amen.

Solomon sighed, who can get over the great truth revealed by Jesus, amen. Comfort me please, that prayer, ask in the Holy name, what, read the signs, look at the clouds, what, stop, that ambulance was in a hurry, stop, wait at the lights, slow down, what, space, in nature, who put the clothes on those wild flowers, Francis on nature, sometimes the flowers can appear to be flowers but have no smell at all, what, Solomon in the garden amen. Less chemical, we are learning at last, amen. I see signs, Solomon sighs, what a lady and teacher to so many out there, thanks for the words, despite the odds, I promise i will, amen.

Transgender in Love

Hurtful well spoken thoughts, how they can cause offence. Explaining them clearly. Its not a case of them or us. Reality and pressure, a dialogue that needs to be explained. In some parts, there are those that experiment on thoughts, and how to access them. Its not a TV program, its a reality, cloning the thought process, whose thoughts though. Jesus will help you explain things. Transgender, it simply means there are those that are lost in the old ways, and seek meaning in their lives. The only conspiracy, those that dabble in that area for nefarious purposes. Certain folks start off life slowly, their gifts not yet ready in themselves. They can be assisted to develop faster, maybe they need active stimuli. Birds can see light the human eye can’t, amen.

To say we are against such people, is a false impression when spouted out with clear reasoning. So a document is issued, its a talking work, it needs to be discussed. The carpet has got so high in what we try to hide, we tend to ignore it. Who wants to discuss what they don’t want to understand. In short, pray for wisdom to come and help you, and as Jesus says, be patient. Its not a magic wand, amen.


You can’t understand the frustrating thoughts inside, think of this, your inner glands, and what is secreted there, everyone has them. When the glands work, your health is naturally good. What is illness, put heat stored in the wrong places. Its why healthy exercise burns off the excess heat inside. Or imagine the workplace where one gender dominates the environment, the angst felt by those who are most sensitive. We know this now, its an awareness that is being dealt with. Or imagine the boy who is shamed when young, the memory that lasts, the errant behavior later.

Solomon was appealing to those who have spiritual influence. Think it out, whom are you appealing to, are you aware of the sensitive nature of so many.

Later, he sits over a coffee. Spirit well being is so vital to a healthy soul. He recalls the Sunday drive, the monastery gates, the light from above, the light in the Holy Space. Take back the comment, intimate living, how is the space being treated. A mother gives birth, its been six months, the need to recuperate. Is she ready, her body has undergone serious realignment, the baby’s skull is soft on top to help with the removal, she might have had to be cut, maybe in love, a little thought should be given to the matter. Barney Dolphin looks at Benny Dolphin, how come this sort of thought is not common. Benny sighs, why do the oceans heat up and why have we delayed taking action. Barney smiles, is that the job your preparing me for. Benny smiles with delight, his pupil is learning fast. Did I tell you barney about the day the cloud arrived, or the night the stardust fell on me. Barney sighs, Of course Benny Dolphin, who could ignore all that, amen. And don’t forget the Kilmallock rescue either, barney smiles, we are all little miracles, you sure are sighs Benny.

I’ve to get some space, Barney watches the Benny slide off his shower chair, and into the water. The old monk looks on. I’ll have the biscuits ready when you return. Benny takes some thoughts with him into the great outdoors, where he can dwell on thoughts, uninterrupted. We need to think outside the box, amen.

Help your thoughts, story telling, the happy stories we listen to, they are online now, you don’t even need to read. The gingerbread man, the fairy tales, how they help us to understand, and we feel good afterwards, all the bad stuff dealt with, you sleep like a king should. None of that big time stuff, wait until your older, your maturity grows up with you, that’s what Uriel the Holy Angel of God told Ezra, its in the second book. And if you find it difficult sometimes remember what Uriel says, with God’s Help nothing is impossible, and that sort of advice will not lead you into danger, amen.

What would Celestine Say…

Just imaginary, Celestine remarks from his eternal place of residence, he is after examining the books of humanity, reads about the great success of education, reads on, gets to the health department spend, what, he looks at the entire body, its disproportionate, the amount of effort devoted to our human ability to reproduce, what habits are causing these, of course Celestine in his appeals were very wide, he appealed to all who were living at the time, issued his appeal, hoping they’d get a good ear, so here he goes again, do we have issues below the belt, what is going on, can’t we be clean in our efforts, that’s all. The budget alone would pay for so much other stuff, apart from., freeing the head.

Francis reads Celestine’s appeal. There is much to agree on. So Francis thinks; should i publish that old appeal, or publish it with modern thinking applied. No one has taken on the subject, however being a male, its still a huge segment of the health budget, it will ask more questions of our individual actions.

America, health costs, the insurance element, the investment in health enormous, the global return, its not as drastic as it looks, perhaps its reminding us, helping the thought process, invest in health. Meanwhile in all the faith groups, the return is forecast, its time to encourage each other, its not them or us, we.

Lost Lost Lost….

Where do I fit in, to this life of confusion and lies, where do I go with my truth, is there anyone listening out there. These could be the entry words to a song, or a heart making an appeal. For density of thought reason’s, recall the two women on the road, talking about the freedom they felt with Jesus, how easy his words were, how he never looked down on you, are made you small, yes, he lifted us up. In short, there is power in the Gospels of Jesus. It happened, and then the imagination, when will it be happening again?.

Lost, a decision maker, lost, the follower. I want instructions, show me. The first feeling, I’ll make no sense of it. The pause, what is it being taught to me, there has to be something. More, is there more, a thought connects, your making sense, a smile, not so lost, I recall that moment, what was it, what was it. Stuck no more, your using the past to help you understand now. At the start, what was it. Now the head is clearer. You ask, is there other stuff I could recall, do I need to take a break, perhaps I’m not the great listener I assumed I was, I’ve learned something.

When Jesus referred to the prophet Isaiah to announce his mission, maybe we ought to refer to the same prophet as well. Surely that’s plain thinking from the most reliable of sources, amen.

How can Heavenly Spirit live in a hate filled heart…

A question, many ask why, they say their prayers are not heard, what are you praying for, and to whom. What is faith. An elderly lady, a grand mother, she encourages herself daily, she makes it her duty, to visit the Holy Place most days, even as she ages. She prays. And without fail, she continues her daily pilgrimage. She hears of new, there are sad days, she weeps for those who are lost, and continues her prayer, she is not going to give up her lofty connection with the Almighty. While troubled at times, and worse even, she has the SPIRIT inside her. And Most days she lives cheerfully, even though her body has aged. Her children visit, and tell of of stuff, what others have done that is wrong, the grief they have caused the, they speak ill of many people. She tries to listen, has been through her own difficulties, looks back on times when life was harsh for her, it still is at times. She believes.

Her heart is not sodden with grief. She offers up her distress to the Almighty Eternal Loving Heart, pain she bares herself when she is able. She reduces the anxiety on the One who loves eternally, by absorbing the pain, or carrying part of the cross with her.

So what happens. The trauma that could engulf her doesn’t. She trusts in God. Why does it work, what is the meaning of absorbing the pain. At the time of the return, when Spirit is not as sprightly as before, its been 2,000 years, and there have been great changes in the meaning of the word, as words change in meaning, and a faster schedule of life, makes short cuts, a normal part of life.

Late at night, the home is quite, she offers her thoughts to God. what ails her, what she wants help with. No, its not the promise of now you say it now you get it, it’s something greater. IN times of great change, when hearts are anxious, patience can be hard to practice, there is the sense of excitement, when is He coming, the signs in the sky, why are we still having to endure certain stuff. All that she is living through, is what Jesus taught. You will find it difficult, most believers have the experience, however, you hold out to the end, you get your eternal reward. She is older, her life style and what she does to enjoy life now, is not what it was like, 20 years before. It’s the jet slowing down as it comes into land. Her certainty of her faith, helps her to persist, and the more thoughtful she is towards others, the easier it is to endure things. Hate, only evil. How can you expect a loving God to live in a hate filled heart at ease. Or, If you damage a part of your body, how the whole body notices, amen.

Captain Aaron and Spitfire Capability

Those sparkling eyes, those days stolen from you, he zones in the radar, enemy flight ahead, carrying a soul destroying load, over the seas, there will be no accidental harm. Enemy spotted, the alarm, Captain Aaron at the controls, that wonderful voice of yours.

Help little brother, help. Do you digest everything your told or do you discern. Surely you understand fake mixed with reality. The trip to visit the university, the call to the friendly home, the boy’s odd reaction, I should have asked him, the boy. What made him comment the way he did, the friend. Solomon wasn’t party or saw a thing, just the reaction in a matter of seconds. The last time he encountered the same, its hard to remember.

Your college education, your golf game, your inheritance, A.M Dooley, your ability to teach, your compassion, Mrs Carey, your constant support, your courage, your friends in those places, education, education, how it frees you from slavery. Solomon laughed, the memory of the drive, his student waving at those walking by, who is this driving the car, years later, who was it that was helping him, in Nivard’s resting home.

They meet to discuss the arrangements. This happens, the talk is business like, cold. The list of some notable attendee’s, parking, catering. They agree the timetable. Hour later they are back in the hospital room. How are you doing, are they feeding you well, comforting. The patient looks from east to west, they see me as an end product, over. Is there any light in there. Another visitor, what brought her here he wonders. Anxious, it is easy to know the real spirit from the made up affair, when at the boarding gates, amen. Ah, a light comes in the door, attention spotted, they all look at the visitor. Did those two have something we didn’t know about, all arrangements for the funeral forgotten, the doctor’s opinion shelved for the moment. That’s the power of the Holy Spirit, thanks.

Its strange how the surest of thoughts can change. Francis thinks of the potential of Vatican green, holy herb for the healing. He has just read Mrs Carey’s testimony.

Cleaning the Container…

You’d hardly put some new stuff into a dirty jar, why would you think different, when the Higher Spirit appears, detox January, the clean up, the work is tough at the start, there is so much to do, a lesson from Jesus, worry, don’t, start a little today, and it builds up, the lesson, it takes awhile to remove the dirt, particularly when it’s ingrained, or has lain there awhile. The school lesson, are the pupils ready to learn, is there anything distracting them, hunger, or what else, do they believe in education, the new policy, study places appear, fun places, space is provided, there is plenty of land out there, and the long term view is based on what your learning, the need for signs of success, Francis is trying to drive through change, he is tired of all the looking back, the old problems, even Jesus says it plainly, there will always be challenges, so if the greatest teacher of all tells us this 2,000 years ago, why not take up the advice, without trying to exploit the situation, amen.

The law is there is remind us, this is what we are doing that’s not right, while the Eternal law, will tells us, that we are doing it all right. Trouble is, as many can attest to, those using the Holy Label, are not as holy at times as we’d like to believe, perhaps the reason there are more than one vineyard story, listen, what does it mean, amen.

Exploit and expand, he reaches the end of the green pasture, finds desert all that’s ahead, needs to know where the water and other stuff is, before going forward, or having to retreat. Retracing the steps, oh, we left a rubbish dump there, wow, that’s close to the water supply, what were we thinking, ah, well lets hide that one, well, then the mountains appear, we don’t go there, and so on, our guardianship of the earth becomes an issue. Those that were over expanding at the risk to others, suddenly have to face the reality, we need to clean up, or at the very least, teach our own, what not to do when going forward. What is insurance for, a business decision, well, we minimise this and that, we buy our way out of trouble, then we find that the currency is not what it used to be, the value of the clean resources soar, and the planners look back, ain’t we glad we invested in education rather than persecution of those who needed it most, and whom are look down upon, questions on the state of the inside locker.

Uriel tells Esdras there are so many blessings there to be poured out. Esdras, a devout sort listens, well, how often does an angel come to give you heavenly advice, or whom would the angel approach, if there was to be, a major effort of a clean up.

Detox January, so it’s ongoing, your making good decisions, the inside you feels better, the emotional you, perhaps a little strained. The so called fear, or the one you used to fear, is not so bothersome, after all, the heavenly signs state clearly where that is going, who worries in such a context, only the old oppressor. Okay, we can get you this, you can have that, we’ll leave you hungry awhile, you’ll soon think like us, all these forms of temptation, be glad you are considered worthy of such threats, it means that Almighty God has them in His eyes, and will deal with them, when ready, but is patient, perhaps hopes there will be a turn around, something worth recycling at the very least, amen.

Solomon sighed, the power of words, and what they mean from the pen of the prophet. There are those who repeat and learn by rote, in order to exploit others who trust the words, take heart, Jesus, tells the same story 2,000 years before. yes, the wonder of the living words, and how God can humble you whenever He/She likes, well, if your considered worthy of attention, there must be good inside you, the farmer is not going to spend too much time on the seeds that fail to sprout, again, the parable of Jesus and the fig tree, give it time says the gardener, in Jesus, there is so much of the living word, amen. And it cross’s all platforms, amen.

So you are a success, you begin to relax, stop and remind yourself, where you escaped from, the new you. After a success your at your most vulnerable, it’s me who did all that they tell you, fool, it was with God’s help you were able to manage it, wise person, always keep the eternal power in mind. The couple are united, its been a great together-ness, the talk is free, neither one feels used, no one had to give more than the other, it wasn’t like an addict needing a hit, when will the next urge arrive, you have improved your personal habits, you know how to restrain yourself while you could have taken the advantage, its easy to say the words without having practiced them, your not worried about those around you, who are going to bind you to the words, again its the gospel of Jesus, well, your going to love in a more loving fashion, He returns from therapy, she returns from therapy, will the change last, the thought of others. Jesus and the Holy books, so you are asked to test the spirit, that’s fine, sometimes you’ll have to bite your lip, so you wait in traffic, that’s life, amen. When you find the free road, you can let it out, without the delay’s you’d never understand the feeling, the mothers smile, all mothers smile. look at that, no one asks for permission, the angst of labor forgotten, or those who want to remind you, what i went through, well, there is the gift element you know, amen.

New Research, music is good for you, what new, who said, sing and dance for the Lord, amen.

The Vegas Nerve…

What, its okay, he is gone to have the Vegas nerve done. Vegas where, the casino. The big hitters put down a million at a toss, the money means nothing really, they even fly them in on jets. What. done fifty this month, up fifty next month, some nerve, the Vegas nerve. No silly, what do you mean. pass me the remote, Belmont is on, is that the hospital or the movie, haha, races dear, there is a good one in the fifth, so the boys say. Has any of them found a girl yet!..Don’t give me that look, they like to reduce them lets say. 

Terry Jacks

The Vagus Nerve dear, its the time keeper to your inner health. What do you mean darling. She escapes to the kitchen, and by the time she returns, it looks like bath time. He oops for a moment. The Vagus Nerve, what do you think. Not interested, she walks away. He needs to try some extra weird stuff, his mind can’t handle the normal.


Research topics; From wikipedia…

Research areas

Because the vagus nerve is associated with many different functions and brain regions, clinical research has been done to determine its usefulness in treating many illnesses. These include various anxiety disorders,[80] obesity,[81][82] alcohol addiction,[83] chronic heart failure,[84] prevention of arrhythmias that can cause sudden cardiac death,[85] autoimmune disorders,[86][87] irritable bowel syndrome,[88][89][90] Alzheimer’s disease,[91][92] Parkinson’s disease,[93] hypertension,[94][95] several chronic pain conditions,[96] inflammatory disorders, fibromyalgia and migraines.[97][98]

A 2022 study showed that chronic VNS showed strong antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, and improved memory performance in an Alzheimer’s Disease animal model.[99]

Solomon sighed, we sometimes need to stop and think, amen. Are cures withheld to enhance research and development funding. Are people targeted on account of their ideas, amen.

Letter to Phillip

its not the first. the holy books talk of the apostles and how they wrote letters to followers of Jesus Christ, encouraging at all times. Greetings Phillip, yes its a privilege to be given the access I have been given, and I delight in the many signs that have been sent and continue to be sent, straight from the Heart, the heavenly signs came at vital times, and particularly when needed most, The Lord of All is with us in Spirit, that is all you need to know. And see the affects outdoors too. Let us not take for granted divine interventions at crucial times, amen. Saint Thomas sends his regards too!.

I wanted to make clear to the others, The great signs of encouragement, so its down in words, where here, the truth can’t be disconnected from us anymore. There is no one walking the earth who has not sinned, that’s clear, and in every situation, there is a learning moment. The patience though can be over tested, and while the “books” clearly say it, many are slow to believe it, that is written too, as Jesus says in the parable of Abraham and Lazarus. Those who have ears open, amen.

Jesus comes across a group of people, with dreaded skin conditions, he cures them. Afterwards one of them comes back to give thanks, what about the others. In these times, there are places where more returned to give thanks, lucky them, amen.